sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021




 20 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – Inland cargo ship ran aground, damaged, may break in two, Western Scheldt | |
 Text (2) – First ship tunnel to be constructed in Norway
 | |
 Text (3) – What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea | |
➭ Text (4) – Ever Given crew fear joining ranks of seafarers stranded on ships for years | https://www.the |
 Text (5) – Achemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparkling fears of an environmental disaster | |
 Text (6) – Maersk, the worlds largest shipping company, says the Suez Canal blockage's economic fallout will continue into second half of May |
 Text (7) – IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships | |

 TEXTO: Read the text below and mark the correct option.


Inland cargo ship ran aground, damaged, may break in two, Western Scheldt
Cargueiro fluvial encalhou, ficou danificado e pode partir-se em dois. no Western Scheldt 

Inland cargo ship MVS SOWNENT loaded with soil ran aground at around 1750 UTC April 14 on Western Scheldt near Baalhoek, Netherlands, while sailing downstream. Cargueiro fluvial MVS SOWNENT, carregado de terra, encalhou por volta das 1750 UTC de 14 de abril no Western Scheldt, perto de Baalhoek, nos Países Baixos, enquanto navegava a jusante (rio abaixo).

The ship suffered serious damages, hull is breached, understood to get cracks, but there's no immediate danger of breaking. O navio sofreu danos graves, o casco está violado, parece ter rachaduras, mas não há perigo imediato de ruptura.

She was refloated and taken below grounding site, to be offloaded and after that, towed to Hansweert. Ela (embarcação) reflutuada e levada para baixo do local de encalhe, para ser descarregada e, em seguida, rebocada para Hansweert.
(Adapted from

It is possible to infer from the excerpt that

(A) the coastal freighter MVS SOWNENT was disabled and adrift.
(B) the vessel nearly turned turtle clear of land.
(C) the ship managed to avoid flood damage.
(D) the main frame of the vesselis rifted.
(E) before being discharged, the vessel was hauled to Hansweert.

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
É possível inferir (deduzir, tirar conclusão) do trecho que

(A) the coastal freighter MVS SOWNENT was disabled and adrifto cargueiro costeiro MVS SOWNENT ficou desativado e ficou à deriva.
 "[...] She was refloated and taken below grounding site, to be offloaded and after that, towed to Hansweert.Ela (embarcação) foi reflutuada e levada para baixo do local de encalhe, para ser descarregada e, em seguida, rebocada para Hansweert.

(B) the vessel nearly turned turtle clear of landa embarcação quase virou tartaruga ao afastar-se de terra. (Informação não encontrada no texto)

(C) the ship managed to avoid flood damageo navio conseguiu evitar os danos da inundação.
 "[...] The ship suffered serious damages, hull is breached, understood to get cracks," O navio sofreu danos graves, o casco está violado, parece ter rachaduras.

(D) the main frame of the vesselis rifted. a estrutura principal (a quilha) da embarcação rachou.
 "[...]  hull is breached," o casco está violado.
➭ Quilha – é a peça principal de uma embarcação correndo de proa a popa em sua parte mais inferior. É a “espinha dorsal” da embarcação.

(E) before being discharged, the vessel was hauled to Hansweert. antes de ser descarregado, o navio foi içado para Hansweert.
 "[...] She was refloated and taken below grounding site, to be offloaded and after that, towed to Hansweert.Ela (embarcação) foi reflutuada e levada para baixo do local de encalhe, para ser descarregada e, em seguida, rebocada para Hansweert.
➭ Primeiramente foi reflutuada e levada abaixo do local de aterramento, para ser descarregada e depois disso, rebocada para Hansweert

 TEXTOBased on the text, answer questions 2 and 3.
First ship tunnel to be constructed in Norway
Primeiro túnel para navios a ser construído na Noruega

Norway plans for a pioneering construction project that will facilitate ship transportation. A Noruega planeja um projeto de construção pioneiro que facilitará o transporte de navios.

The plan includes the construction of a tumnel from which ships will pass by in order to avoid the Stad peninsula. O plano inclui a construção de um túnel por onde os navios passarão para evitar a península de Stad.

The endeavor has been underway since 2017 and was approved by Norway”s Ministry of Transport and Communications in late February 2021. O projeto está em curso desde 2017 e foi aprovado pelo Ministério dos Transportes e Comunicações da Noruega no final de fevereiro de 2021.

The waters in the Stad peninsula are dangerous since it is an exposed area where navigation is challenging. As águas da península de Stad são perigosas, uma vez que se trata de uma zona exposta onde a navegação é difícil.

Except for the water currents, the underwater topography creates additional issues including unpredictable waves which may persist for a significant amount of time after a storm has passed. Para além das correntes de água, a topografia submarina cria problemas adicionais, incluindo ondas imprevisíveis que podem persistir durante um período de tempo significativo após a passagem de uma tempestade.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration stated that plans for alternatives such as the one currently underway have been suggested for years. A administração costeira norueguesa declarou que há anos que são sugeridos planos para alternativas como a que está atualmente em curso.

Even the Vikings used to drag their ships over the land in order to avoid the dangerous conditions around the peninsula. During World War II, the Germans also made plans to construct a similar project, however, according to Terje Andreassen, head of the Norwegian Coastal Administration, “the war didn”t last long enough to build it”. Até os vikings costumavam arrastar os seus navios por terra para evitar as condições perigosas em torno da península. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os alemães também planearam a construção de um projeto semelhante, mas, segundo Terje Andreassen, chefe da Administração Costeira norueguesa, "a guerra não durou o suficiente para o construir"

The tunnel will create an alternative, faster route for ships around the peninsula. O túnel criará uma rota alternativa e mais rápida para os navios que contornam a península.

It will stretch for 1700 meters and will be 37 and 36 meters in height and width, respectively. Terá uma extensão de 1700 metros e uma altura e largura de 37 e 36 metros, respetivamente.

The construction will begin from the two sides of the tunnel (probably using the drilling and blasting technique). A construção começará a partir dos dois lados do túnel (provavelmente utilizando a técnica de perfuração e detonação).

The tunnel face will be excavated in multiple phases. A face do túnel será escavada em várias fases.

The top of the tunnel will be supported by a layer of shotcrete. Routes from which the excavated material will be transported outside ofthe tunnel will also be established. O topo do túnel será suportado por uma camada de betão projetado. Serão igualmente estabelecidas as rotas a partir das quais o material escavado será transportado para fora do túnel.

The two entrances of the tunnel will feature walls made from the excavated rocks. As duas entradas do túnel terão paredes feitas com as rochas escavadas.

The interior of the facility will have led lights that will function both as an aesthetic and a navigation tool. O interior da instalação terá luzes led que funcionarão tanto como uma ferramenta estética como de navegação.

The design aims at making the tunnel fit with the surrounding nature and not interrupt the natural environment. O projeto tem como objetivo fazer com que o túnel se enquadre na natureza circundante e não interrompa o ambiente natural.

The total cost of the project is expected to reach $325MM with officials mentioning that funding has been secured. Prevê-se que o custo total do projeto atinja os 325 milhões de dólares, tendo os responsáveis mencionado que o financiamento já foi assegurado. 

The construction process is planned to begin in early 2022 after signing a contract in 2021. O processo de construção está planeado para começar no início de 2022, após a assinatura de um contrato em 2021.

Officials suggest that the construction phase will last for 3-4 years, hence, the tunnel will be completed by 2026. As autoridades sugerem que a fase de construção durará 3-4 anos, pelo que o túnel estará concluído em 2026.

Norway is a pioneering country for tunnel engineering and has more than 1,100 facilities. A Noruega é um país pioneiro na construção de túneis e possui mais de 1 100 instalações.

The rough terrain and the rockmass conditions (which are generally good) have favored the establishment of such projects. O terreno acidentado e as condições do maciço rochoso (que são geralmente boas) favoreceram o estabelecimento de tais projetos.

Despite the excitement for the project, not everyone is in favor of it. Apesar do entusiasmo pelo projeto, nem todos são a favor dele.

According to Knut Samset, Professor of project management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the project is not going to be financially prosperous due to its high cost, the fact that it will not always be thefaster route and that modem ships will not be obliged to use it. De acordo com Knut Samset, professor de gestão de projetos na Universidade Norueguesa de Ciência e Tecnologia, o projeto não será financeiramente próspero devido ao seu elevado custo, ao facto de não ser sempre a rota mais rápida e de os navios modem não serem obrigados a utilizá-la.

“It's a very expensive thing. É uma coisa muito cara.

Weather permitting, it's as fast to sail around the cape as it is to sail into the fjord and through the tunnel. Se o tempo permitir, é tão rápido navegar à volta do cabo como entrar no fiorde e atravessar o túnel.

Plus, today”s boats are big enough and safe enough to handle the choppy waters, which makes traveling through the tunnel a moot point.”, Prof. Samset stated. Além disso, os barcos actuais são suficientemente grandes e seguros para aguentar as águas agitadas, o que torna a viagem através do túnel um ponto discutível", afirmou o Prof. Samset.


According to the text, which option is correct?

(A) The new route will be compulsory for contemporary ships.
(B) The project is going to be a little steep.
(C) The groundbreaking project of the tunnel is a real flop.
(D) The placid waters of the peninsula are the main deterrent to safe navigation.
(E) The construction of the tunnel caused a feeling of dispair.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  


It is true about the text that

(A) plying the new waterway is still a bone of contention.
(B) due to its underwater topography, the tunnel will certainly jeopardize future navigation in the peninsula.
(C) the Vikings used to shut their eyes to the menacing situation around the peninsula.
(D) integrating the tunnel with its surrounding nature is beyond the bounds of possibility.
(E) the plans for the first ship tunel came overnight.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  


Which option corresponds to the sentences that are grammatically correct?

(I) Sue kissed them each on the forehead.

(II) My niece has lost nearly each friend she had.

(III) I can write with any hand.

(IV) They each said what they thought.

(V) Paul didn't get on with either parent.

(A) I, III and V
(B) II, IV and V
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I, IV and V
(E) I, II and IV

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  

 TEXTOBased on the text, answer questions5,
6 and 7.

What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea
O que o Ever Given pode-nos dizer sobre a saúde mental no mar
Captain Lee Clarke from Tapiit Live on one of the overlooked aspects stemming from last month's Suez blockage. O capitão Lee Clarke, do Tapiit Live, fala-nos de um dos aspectos menosprezados do bloqueio do Suez no mês passado.

Thirty days ago, a ship named Ever Given was sailing in relative anonymity. Há trinta dias, um navio chamado Ever Given estava navegando num relativo anonimato.

Twenty-nine days ago, that same ship found itself splashed across the front cover of every national newspaper from London to Lima. Há vinte e nove dias, esse mesmo navio apareceu na capa de todos os jornais nacionais, de Londres a Lima.

In a matter of hours, the ship and its 25 strong crew went from highly skilled seafarers to media targets. Numa questão de horas, o navio e a sua tripulação de 25 pessoas passaram de marinheiros altamente qualificados a alvos dos mídia.

In the maelstrom of social media memes, newspaper cover stories and “special reports”, one major thing was forgotten, more likely ignored: the crew”'s mental well-being. No turbilhão de memes das redes sociais, histórias de capa dos jornais e "reportagens especiais", uma coisa importante foi esquecida, mais provavelmente ignorada: o bem-estar mental da tripulação.

In a world of social media, everyone is an expert, and never has that been felt more in the maritime industry than now. Num mundo de redes sociais, todo mundo é especialista, e isso nunca foi tão sentido no setor marítimo como agora.

A frenzy of blame erupted almost instantly with little or no merit or fact-checking, as evidenced by the naming of a female officer as the Ever Given's Captain, regardless of the fact she was over 200 miles away on another vessel. Um frenesim de culpas irrompeu quase instantaneamente, com pouco ou nenhum mérito ou verificação de factos, como evidenciado pela nomeação de uma oficial como capitã do Ever Given, independentemente do facto de ela estar a mais de 200 milhas de distância noutro navio.

Being a seafarer is a stressful job, irrespective of a global incident, especially when you factor in being away from family for extended periods and working contract to contract with little job security. Ser marítimo é um trabalho estressante, independentemente de um incidente global, especialmente quando se tem em conta o facto de se estar longe da família durante longos períodos e de se trabalhar de contrato em contrato com pouca segurança no emprego.

You also have to cope with fatigue, extreme weather conditions and intense time pressure placed upon the crew and its Master by multiple state and global agencies as well as the ship”s own charter. Também se tem de lidar com a fadiga, as condições climatéricas extremas e a intensa pressão de tempo imposta à tripulação e ao seu comandante por múltiplas agências estatais e globais, bem como pela própria carta do navio.

So, add to that taking the “blame” for halting $9.6 billion of trade a day, understandably, stress levels rise astronomically. Se a isso juntarmos o facto de sermos "culpados" pela interrupção de 9,6 mil milhões de dólares de comércio por dia, é compreensível que os níveis de stress subam astronomicamente.

As an industry, mental health appears still to be very much a taboo topic. Como indústria, a saúde mental ainda parece ser um tabu.

Seafarers are more likely to be signed off and dismissed for being deemed “unfit to serve” than they are to receive any form of support. Os marítimos têm maior probabilidade de serem demitidos por serem considerados “inaptos para servir” do que receber qualquer forma de apoio.

Whilst onboard, the mood will feel somewhat supportive with the crew banding together to keep the ship operating, internally, each and every seafarer, from deckhand to Master will be worrying about their reputation and thus, their employability. Enquanto estiver a bordo, o clima parecerá um tanto favorável com a tripulação se unindo para manter o navio operando, internamente, todo e qualquer marítimo, do marinheiro ao comandante, estará se preocupando com sua reputação e, portanto, com sua empregabilidade.

___(I)___ my experience as a Captain, your crew is your first line ___(II)___ defence ___(III)___ any major incident. ___(I)___ a minha experiência como capitão, a tripulação é a primeira linha ___(II)___ de defesa ___(III)___ em qualquer incidente grave.

As soon as something goes awry, they burst ___(IV)___ action, they're trained to do so, it's instinctive. Assim que algo corre mal, eles entram ___(IV)___ em ação, estão treinados para o fazer, é instintivo.

I have no doubt, everyone aboard the Ever Given did everything ___(V)___ their power to protect that ship and avoid a major incident, but some things are ___(VI)___ your control. Não tenho dúvidas de que todos a bordo do Ever Given fizeram tudo ___(V)___ o que estava ao seu alcance para proteger o navio e evitar um incidente grave, mas há coisas ___(VI)___ que não se podem controlar.

In reality, they will never be praised for saving the ship, only criticised for grounding it. Na realidade, nunca serão elogiados por terem salvo o navio, apenas criticados por o terem encalhado.

This crew is acutely aware of the issues the incident has caused and they are reminded of it every time they open their phone or computer to read the news or speak to their families, and I feel for every single one of them. Esta tripulação está perfeitamente consciente dos problemas que o incidente causou e é lembrada disso sempre que abre o telefone ou o computador para ler as notícias ou falar com as suas famílias, e sinto muito por cada um deles.

They're now stuck in an Egyptian lake, further away from their families, without the ability to defend themselves with the threat of civil and criminal charges looming. Estão agora presos num lago egípcio, mais longe das suas famílias, sem poderem defender-se e com a ameaça de iminentes acusações civis e criminais.

This downward spiral will undoubtedly be taking its toll on their mental health and in the past, there hasn't been much of a support system in place to help.
Estão agora presos num lago egípcio, mais longe das suas famílias, sem poderem defender-se e com a ameaça de acusações civis e criminais. Esta espiral descendente estará, sem dúvida, a afetar a sua saúde mental e, no passado, não existia um grande sistema de apoio para os ajudar.

Based on my experience offshore, working for a company that provides mental well-being training, and from all of the feedback, Tapiit has garnered from its live-streamed mental health awareness courses, seafarers want and need this support. Com base na minha experiência no mar, ao trabalhar para uma empresa que dá formação em bem-estar mental, e com base em todas as reações que a Tapiit obteve dos seus cursos de sensibilização para a saúde mental transmitidos em direto, os marítimos querem e precisam deste apoio.

Yet, there's a deep-rooted fear that admitting they're struggling and asking for help will be the end of their careers. No entanto, existe um medo profundamente enraizado de que admitir que estão a passar por dificuldades e pedir ajuda seja o fim das suas carreiras.

Of course, the conversation has advanced significantly, however, it's still not where it should be. É claro que a conversa avançou significativamente, no entanto, ainda não está onde deveria estar.

The harsh reality is, the Ever Given and its crew will be forgotten about in a month or two”s time, but this crew is hurting and will continue to struggle with the mental health issues caused by the incident for years to come. A dura realidade é que o Ever Given e a sua tripulação serão esquecidos dentro de um mês ou dois, mas esta tripulação está a sofrer e continuará a debater-se com os problemas de saúde mental causados pelo incidente durante anos.
(Adapted from>what-the-ev...)


Read the sentences and mark the correct option about the text.

I) Captain Lee Clarke reckons that the crew of the Ever Given busted a gut to steer clear of jeopardies.

Il) The crew”s mental well-being was slighted.

III) Seafarers are usually given the sack for being unwary.

IV) The crew of the Ever Given stood out for being clumsy.

V) It was settled that there was a female skipper who rode herd on the Ever Given.

(A) I and II
(B) Il and IV
(C) III and V
(D) I and III
(E) II and V

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  


According to Captain Lee Clarke, the seafarer's occupation is

(A) a piece of cake.
(B) a cushy job.
(C) terrific.
(D) a cinch.
(E) grueling.

      Comentários e Gabarito    E  


Mark the option that completes the blank spaces,in paragraph six, in the text above.

(A) I-In / II-of / IIl-for / IV-im / V-at / VI-under
(B) I-In / Il-for / II-under / IV-into / V-in / Vl-at
(C) I-Under / II-of / III-against / IV-In / V-above / VI-beyond
(D) I-From / I-of / III-from / IV- into / V-over / VI-under
(E) I-From / II-of / III-against / IV-into / V-in / VI-beyond

      Comentários e Gabarito    E  


Ever Given crew fear joining ranks of seafarers stranded on ships for years
A tripulação do Ever Given receia juntar-se às fileiras dos marítimos retidos em navios durante anos

“For two years Mohammad Aisha has been the lone resident of an abandoned container ship marooned off Egypt in Golf of Suez. "Há dois anos que Mohammad Aisha é o único residente de um navio porta-contentores abandonado ao largo do Egipto, no Golfo do Suez.

If he needs to charge his phone, get drinking water or buy food, he has to row to shore, although he can only stay for two hours at most as the area is a restricted military zone. Se precisar carregar o celular, pegar água para beber ou comprar comida, tem que remar até a margem, embora só possa ficar no máximo duas horas, pois a área é uma zona militar restrita.

According to one doctor who examined him, the malnourished sailor has started to exhibit similar symptoms to prisioners held in poor conditions.” Segundo um médico que o examinou, o marinheiro desnutrido começou a apresentar sintomas semelhantes aos de prisioneiros mantidos em condições precárias”.
(Adapted from https://www.the>19)


Mark the correct option about the text.

(A) Mohammad Aisha's having the time of his life on board the ship.
(B) The container ship is keeling over in the vicinity of the port.
(C) Mohammad Aisha's endurance hinges on his attempís.
(D) Mohammad Aisha gets a real kick out of rowing to shore.
(E) Mohammad Aisha is a ravenous convict.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  


Mark the correct option to complete the excerpt below.

(A) I-The / II-the / IlI-a / IV-__  / V-__ / VI-a / VII-the
(B) I-The / Il-the/ III-the / IV-an / V-the / VI - the / VII-the
(C) I-The / Il-__  / III-the / IV-the / V-the / VI-__ / VII-a
(D) I- __ / Il-__ / III-the / IV-__ / V-__ / VI-__ / VII-the
(E) I-__  / II-a / III-a / IV-an / V-the / VI-the / VIIl-a

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Oil spill reported at Golden Ray wreck site

I- Unified Command in charge of

II- disposal of

III- wreck in Golden Ray reported

IV- oil spill which

V- workers were attempting to contain both

VI- water and along

VII- coastline of St. Simons Sound.


Mark the correct option to complete the text below.

(A) I - has been / II- has been put out / III - leaked / IV - to devastate / V - worked / VI - to put out / VII - had prevented
(B) I - has been / - was put out / III - had leaked / IV - devastating / V - have worked / VI- putting out / VII - preventing
(C) I- had been / II- was put out / III- could leak / IV- devastating / V- had worked / VI- to put out / VII- prevent
(D) I - had been / IH - put out / HI- could have leaked / IV- devastating / V- have worked / VI - to put out / VII - to prevent (E) I- was / II - put out / III - were leaking / IV- devastating / V - had worked / VI - to put out / VI - preventing

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  

Achemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparkling fears of an environmental disaster

The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl I on fire for almost two weeks before the blaze TI- this week. Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel tanks WI- into the sea, IV- nearby marine life. The Sri Lankan and Indian navies V- jointly over the past days in an attempt VI- the fire and VI- the ship from breaking and sinking.

 TEXTORead the text below and answer questions 11, 12,
13 and 14.
Maersk, the worlds largest shipping company, says the Suez Canal blockage's economic fallout will continue into second half of May
A Maersk, a maior empresa de transportes marítimos do mundo, afirma que as consequências económicas do bloqueio do Canal do Suez continuarão na segunda quinzena de maio
Kevin Shalvey
Apr 11, 2021, 9:01 AM
11 de abril de 2021, 9h01
Fallout from the Ever Given's time lodged in the Suez Canal will “ripple” through the economy for the next few weeks or months, according to Maersk, the world's biggest shipping company. As consequências da permanência do Ever Given no Canal do Suez vão "repercutir-se" na economia durante as próximas semanas ou meses, segundo a Maersk, a maior companhia de navegação do mundo.

“We will see ripple effects continuing into the second half of May,” Lars Mikael Jensen, head of Maersk's Global Ocean Network, told The Financial Times. Veremos que os efeitos se farão sentir na segunda quinzena de maio", disse Lars Mikael Jensen, diretor da Global Ocean Network da Maersk, ao The Financial Times.

The Ever Given, which is among the world's largest container ships, was lodged in the canal for six days, effectively closing ons of the world”s most important trade routes. O Ever Given, que é um dos maiores navios porta-contentores do mundo, ficou bloqueado no canal durante seis dias, fechando efetivamente uma das rotas comerciais mais importantes do mundo.

The Ever Given was operated by the Taiwan-based shipping company Evergreen Group. The ship was freed on March 29. O Ever Given era operado pela companhia de navegação Evergreen Group, sediada em Taiwan.

The ship was freed on March 29. O navio foi liberado a 29 de março.

Maersk predicted knock-on effects from the blockage. A Maersk previu efeitos indiretos do bloqueio.

In an updated press advisory posted on Thursday, the company said it was pleased to see that the queue waiting at the canal was rapidly diminishing. Num comunicado de imprensa atualizado publicado na quinta-feira, a empresa afirmou estar satisfeita por ver que a fila de espera no canal estava a diminuir rapidamente.

“For each day that passes we are getting a clearer picture of what this incident means for our customers,” the company said. "A cada dia que passa, estamos tendo uma ideia mais clara, do que este incidente significa para os nossos clientes", afirmou a empresa.

Maersk said about 50 ships had been delayed for about a week because of the blockage. A Maersk disse que cerca de 50 navios tinham sofrido atrasos de cerca de uma semana devido ao bloqueio.

Some of those ships waited on either end of the canal, while others were redirected around the Cape of Good Hope. Alguns desses navios esperaram nas duas extremidades do canal, enquanto outros foram redirecionados para o Cabo da Boa Esperança.

The effects of those delays will be felt in ports around the world, the company said. Os efeitos desses atrasos far-se-ão sentir nos portos de todo o mundo, afirmou a empresa.

Its advisory warned that delays may vary by location. O seu aviso alertava para o facto de os atrasos poderem variar consoante o local.

Busy ports and terminals may not have berths for ships arriving outside their originally scheduled: windows. Os portos e terminais mais movimentados poderão não dispor de cais de acostagem para os navios que cheguem fora do horário inicialmente previsto: janelas.

The company previously said shipping backlog may take months to unravel. A empresa disse anteriormente que os atrasos no transporte marítimo podem levar meses a serem resolvidos.

“Even when the canal gets reopened, the ripple effects on global capacity and equipment are significant and the blockage has already triggered a series of further disruptions and backlog in global shipping that could take weeks, possibly months,to unravel,” Maersk said in a statement back when the Ever Given was still lodged in the canal. "Mesmo quando o canal for reaberto, os efeitos em cascata sobre a capacidade e o equipamento globais são significativos e o bloqueio já desencadeou uma série de outras perturbações e atrasos no transporte marítimo global que poderão levar semanas, possivelmente meses, a resolver", afirmou a Maersk num comunicado na altura em que o Ever Given ainda estava alojado no canal.
(Adapted from maersk-ever-givensuez-canal-blockage-economic-fallout-late-may-2021-4)


According to the text, it is possible to infer that

(A) the prolonged marine blockage at Suez Canal could have spiralled into an economic trouble.
(B) the tie-up of shipment caused by the lodged Ever Given would cause customers financial problems.
(C) concerted actions to salvage the ship could have averted serious shortages of supplies.
(D) the Suez trade route closure has undermined confidence in economy position.
(E) success in freeing the Ever Given as soon as possible would significantly boom economy.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  


In The company previously said shipping backlog may take months to unravel”,

the company

(A) had stated about the period of time that might have been taken to carry through the accumulated amount of shipping work.
(B) had assumed that a period of months might have been taken in order to have the shipping activities rearranged.
(C) had commented that it might take months to start again the great amount of shipping work.
(D) had pronounced on the amount of time that might be taken so that all shipping work is brought down.
(E) had said that it might take a long period until the quantity of shipping work gets its volume increased.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  


Which statementis true about the text?

(A) Ever Given vessel operated by Evergreen group is the world's largest ever container ship.
(B) In consequence of a six-day shipping backlog, ports all over the world would be as busy as ever.
(C) The Canal blockage was over after six days and shipping lane has been freed ever since.
(D) According to Maersk, as the six days went by, blockage effects on our customers” business were getting ever more evident.
(E) The fact that Ever Given has run aground for six days would rarely, if ever, affect ships” schedule adversely.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  


According to the text, it is possible to conclude that

(A) authorities had reassessed maritime laws before the time the Suez Canal got reopened.
(B) even when the Suez Canal got opened again, shipping companies remained inactive for months.
(C) when the Suez Canal got no longer obstructed, the Cape of Good Hope had got impassable.
(D) all ships in the long queue had been redirected before the time the Suez Canal became passable.
(E) Ever Given had already been refloated, by the time the Suez Canal got unblocked.

      Comentários e Gabarito    E  

IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships
Plano de ação da OMI para combater o lixo plástico marinho proveniente dos navios

IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2018 adopted the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships, which aims to enhance existing regulations and introduce new supporting measures to reduce marine plastic litter from ships.
Em 2018, o Comité de Proteção do Ambiente Marinho (MEPC) da OMI adoptou o Plano de Ação da Organização Marítima Internacional (OMI) para combater o lixo plástico marinho proveniente dos navios, que visa reforçar a regulamentação existente e introduzir novas medidas de apoio para reduzir o lixo plástico marinho proveniente dos navios.

What is marine litter? O que é o lixo marinho?

Plastic materials in all shapes and sizes are omnipresent in our seas and oceans. They break down extremely slowly in the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years. Marine litter originates from many sources and causes a wide spectrum of environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts. For example, marine litter can cause harm to sea life if ingested or even death if a marine mammal becomes entangled in litter.
Os materiais plásticos de todas as formas e tamanhos são omnipresentes nos nossos mares e oceanos. A sua decomposição no ambiente marinho é extremamente lenta, demorando mais de 400 anos. O lixo marinho tem origem em muitas fontes e causa um vasto espetro de impactos ambientais, econômicos, de segurança, de saúde e culturais. Por exemplo, o lixo marinho pode causar danos à vida marinha se for ingerido ou mesmo a morte se um mamífero marinho ficar enredado no lixo.

Marine litter has been defined by UN Environment (United Nations Environment) as “any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. O lixo marinho foi definido pela ONU Ambiente (Organização das Nações Unidas para o Ambiente) como "qualquer material sólido persistente, manufaturado ou transformado, deitado fora, eliminado ou abandonado no ambiente marinho e costeiro".

Marine litter consists of items that have been made or used by people and deliberately discarded into the sea or rivers or on beaches; brought indirectly to the sea with rivers, sewage, storm water or winds; accidentally lost, including material lost at sea in bad weather (fishing gear, cargo); or deliberately left by people on beaches and shores.” O lixo marinho é constituído por objetos fabricados ou utilizados por pessoas e deliberadamente descartados no mar, nos rios ou nas praias; trazidos indiretamente para o mar pelos rios, esgotos, águas pluviais ou ventos; perdidos acidentalmente, incluindo material perdido no mar devido ao mau tempo (artes de pesca, carga); ou deliberadamente deixados por pessoas nas praias e nas costas".

Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is known to result from land-based sources in massive quantities but can also originate from ships. Debris particles have been observed in coastal areas, in waters far from anthropogenic pollution sources, in surface waters, in the water column of deep water and in ocean sediments, and from the equator to the poles, including trapped in sea ice. Sabe-se que o lixo marinho, incluindo os plásticos e os microplásticos, provém de fontes terrestres em grandes quantidades, mas também pode ter origem em navios. Foram observadas partículas de detritos em zonas costeiras, em águas distantes de fontes de poluição antropogênica, em águas superficiais, na coluna de água de águas profundas e em sedimentos oceânicos, e desde o equador até aos pólos, incluindo retidos no gelo marinho.

UN Environment estimates that 15% of marine litter floats on the sea's surface, 15% remains in the water column and 70% rests on the seabed. As Nações Unidas para o Ambiente estimam que 15% do lixo marinho flutua à superfície do mar, 15% permanece na coluna de água e 70% repousa no fundo do mar.

According to another study, 5.25 million plastic particles, weighing 268,940 tonnes in total, are currently floating in the world”s oceans. De acordo com outro estudo, 5,25 milhões de partículas de plástico, com um peso total de 268 940 toneladas, flutuam atualmente nos oceanos do mundo.

What problems does marine litter cause?
Que problemas o lixo marinho causa?

In addition to the environmental and health problems posed by marine litter, floating garbage and plastics pose a costly as well as dangerous problem for shipping, as they can be anavigational hazard and become entangled in propellers and rudders. Para além dos problemas ambientais e sanitários colocados pelo lixo marinho, o lixo e os plásticos flutuantes representam um problema dispendioso e perigoso para a navegação, uma vez que podem constituir um perigo para a navegação e ficar presos nas hélices e nos lemes.

Another problem requiring urgent remedial action is the massive accumulation of plastics, not only in coastal areas but also in the deep sea. Outro problema que exige uma ação corretiva urgente é a acumulação maciça de plásticos, não só nas zonas costeiras, mas também nas águas profundas.

This litter is harmful to marine life: sea creatures can become trapped inside containers or strangled by nets or ropes, and microplastics can also enter the food chain as they are indigestible when swallowed. Este lixo é prejudicial para a vida marinha: as criaturas marinhas podem ficar presas dentro de contentores ou estranguladas por redes ou cordas, e os microplásticos podem também entrar na cadeia alimentar, uma vez que são indigestos quando ingeridos.
(Adapted from


Mark the correct alternative about the text above.

(A) Litter disposal at sea has been treated as a matter of human lack of attention.
(B) IMO voices its view about sea life being caught in a trap of extensive damage.
(C) UN Environment has called on IMO to issue litter-related death on sea.
(D) Attention has been diverted from land-based litter to debris on open sea.
(E) Plastic is by far the least noticeable substance discarded into marine environment.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  


They break down extremely slowly in the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years.”

The underlined expression means:

(A) as little as possible
(B) further than normally recommended
(C) much less than usually expected
(D) more than a particular amount
(E) slightly greater than normal

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  


Mark the correct option to complete the statements below.

I - Brazilian people ____ responsible for litter discarded.

II - Shipping debris ____ seen in coastal waters too.

III - Cattle ____ as important as marine species.

IV - The police ____ investigating crime against the environment.

V - New statistics on marine litter decrease ____ not reliable.

(A) I-is / II-are / IIl-are / IV-is / V-is
(B) I-are / II-is / IlI-is / IV-are / V-is
(C) I-are / Il-is / IlI-are/ IV-are /V-are
(D) I-are / II-is / IIl-are / IV-is / V-are
(E) I-is / II-is / IIl-is / IV-are / V-are

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  


Which statement is NOT correct?

(A) Three hours' waterway blockage.
(B) Whale and elephant's habitat put at risk.
(C) UN Environment's data is available.
(D) Brazil's and Africa's great coastal areas.
(E) Environmentalist's analysis is optimistic.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  


In which statement is the word well an adjective?

(A) The injured turtle is well now.
(B) The mammal was well treated.
(C) Tears well in eyes when turtles are back to the sea.
(D) Well, I agree that some species are extinct.
(E) Litter affects culture as well as economy.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  


“.. and microplastics can also enter the food chain as they are indigestible when swallowed.”

In the excerpt from the text, the word in bold can be 
substituted by:

(A) provided
(B) although
(C) unless
(D) since
(E) while

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  

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