sábado, 19 de novembro de 2022


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Critical questions that must be answered are that one undisputed need for this revolution is a constant supply of electricity, without which we cannot have satellite communication to keep smart devices working, fibre connectivity and so on. Many countries will then be left out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Oscar Van Heerden. The rise of the machines: Are we ready to participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
In: Daily Maverick News. Internet: (adapted).


Judge the following items, concerning the vocabulary used in text.

(  ) The word "undisputed" may be replaced by unquestioned, without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Resposta :  Errado

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:



  • [...] Critical questions that must be answered are that one undisputed need for this revolution is a constant supply of electricity, without which we cannot have satellite communication to keep smart devices working, fibre connectivity and so on. Many countries will then be left out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. - Questões críticas que devem ser respondidas são que uma necessidade indiscutível para esta revolução é um fornecimento constante de eletricidade, sem o qual não podemos ter comunicação via satélite para manter os dispositivos inteligentes funcionando, conectividade de fibra e assim por diante. Muitos países ficarão de fora da Quarta Revolução Industrial.
  •  UNDISPUTED e UNQUESTIONED significam a mesma coisa, ou seja, transmitem IDEIAS SEMELHANTES.


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When reflecting on the Fourth Industrial Revolution I cannot help but think I'm in one of Isaac Asimov’s novels. In his Foundation series he starts off with a mathematician who develops a branch of mathematics that can predict the future, but only on a large scale. He foresees the imminent fall of the Galactic Empire, which will result in untold suffering and human misery, which could be averted.

Oscar Van Heerden. The rise of the machines: Are we ready to participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
In: Daily Maverick News. Internet: (adapted).


Judge the following items, concerning the vocabulary used in text.

(  ). The phrase unprecedented suffering conveys the same idea as "untold suffering" (R.6).

Resposta :  Errado

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ UNPRECEDENTED SUFFERING significa sofrimento sem precedentes (nunca visto).

➦ UNTOLD SUFFERING significa sofrimento incalculável (enorme, imenso, que não se conta).

  • [...] He foresees the imminent fall of the Galactic Empire, which will result in untold suffering and human misery, which could be averted. - Ele prevê a queda iminente do Império Galáctico, que resultará em sofrimento incalculável e miséria humana, que poderia ser evitada.
  • UNPRECEDENTED SUFFERING e UNTOLD SUFFERING não significam a mesma coisa, ou seja, transmitem IDEIAS DIFERENTES.


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There is a plenitude of researchers focusing on the (institutional) emergence of UNESCO's intangible heritage concept (2003) that resulted from international negotiation. This new key concept within the basket of global heritage conventions is, however, pre-structured by different patrimonial forerunners. If we want to understand the complex nature of today’s heritage, we have to take into account that the cultural life of heritage bureaucracies is shaped by national traditions devoted to the interpretation of history in general. One of these national traditions is the protection of historical monuments that also shaped the semantic field of heritage.


M. Tauschek. The bureaucratic texture of national patrimonial policies. OpenEdition Books, Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2013 (adapted).


Judge the following items, concerning the vocabulary used in text.

(  ) The expression “resulted from” (ℓ.3) could be replaced by arose out of, without changing the meaning of the text.

Resposta :  Correto

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ TO ARISE OUT OF something tem os seguintes significados:

1) TO GET UP OF something ou TO STAND UP FROM something - levantar-se de algo, como por exemplo:

  • My teenage son doesn't arise out of his bed until one in the afternoon. - Meu filho adolescente só se levanta da cama à uma da tarde. [The Free Dictionary]

2) TO EMERGE FROM a bleak situation - Sair de uma situação desoladora., como por exemplo:

  • Thanks to scholarships, I was able to arise out of poverty and go to a top college. - Graças às bolsas de estudo, consegui sair da pobreza e ir para uma faculdade de primeira linha[The Free Dictionary]

3) TO RESULT FROM something - Resultar de algo, como por exemplo:

  • Many issues arose out of the passing of that bill. - Muitos problemas resultaram da aprovação desse projeto de lei. [The Free Dictionary]


  • [...] There is a plenitude of researchers focusing on the (institutional) emergence of UNESCO's intangible heritage concept (2003) that resulted from international negotiation. - Há uma plenitude de pesquisadores que se debruçam sobre a emergência (institucional) do conceito de patrimônio imaterial da UNESCO (2003) que resultou da negociação internacional.
  • Contextualmente, RESULTED FROM pode ser substituída por AROSE OUT OF, sem alterar o sentido do texto.
  • TO ARISE OUT OF (arise out of / arose out of / arisen out of).
  • TO RESULT FROM (result from / resulted from / resulted from).

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022


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Violations may damage treaty

Export of Coltech's microfilm products toTanzania has been suspended pending an investigation into charges that the products do not comply with national export regulations. Five customs officials have been charged accepting bribes to ignore the regulations. While Coltech's managers have denied the claim that they intentionally deceived authorities and buyers, local business people are concerned that the scandal will be perceived by Tanzania as a lack of goodwill on the part of Canadian business in general.

Internet: <www.edusoft.co.il> (adapted)


Judge the following items according to the text.

(   ) goodwill” means a good relationship, as of a business enterprise with its customers or a nation with other nations.

Resposta :  Correto

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ GOODWILL  tem dois significados:

1) FRIENDLY or HELPFUL FELLINGS towards other people or countries - sentimentos amigáveis ou úteis em relação a outras pessoas ou países, como por exemplo:

  • A spirit of goodwill in international relations. - Um espírito de amizade nas relações internacionais. [Oxford Dictionary]
  • The President is on a goodwill visit to Japan. - O presidente está em visita amigável ao Japão. [Oxford Dictionary]

2) THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP between a business and its customers that is calculated as part of its value when it is sold. - O BOM RELACIONAMENTO entre uma empresa e seus clientes que é calculado como parte de seu valor quando é vendido, como por exemplo:

  • The company's assets are worth £200 million, plus goodwill. - Os ativos da empresa valem £ 200 milhões, mais o ágio.


  • [...] While Coltech's managers have denied the claim that they intentionally deceived authorities and buyers, local business people are concerned that the scandal will be perceived by Tanzania as a lack of goodwill on the part of Canadian business in general. - Embora os gerentes da Coltech tenham negado a alegação de que enganaram intencionalmente as autoridades e os compradores, os empresários locais estão preocupados que o escândalo seja percebido pela Tanzânia como uma falta de bom relacionamento por parte das empresas canadenses em geral.
  • “GOODWILL” significa um bom relacionamento, como de uma empresa com seus clientes ou de uma nação com outras nações.


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Mobile risk

Due to the rapid increase and development of mobile communication devices and other items of electronic equipment that emit non-ionizing radiation, there is general public awareness of the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields.

Although various authorities, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), state that no major public health risks have emerged from several decades of research, uncertainties remain. The potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields continue to await scientific clarification.

It may be argued that economic and cultural globalisation has given rise to a collective sensitivity to risk (Jaeger et al., 2001) such that different kinds of claims are admitted to the political agenda. This sensitivity is a generalized awareness of a growing capacity to interfere with nature and an awareness of the fallibility of science, the vulnerability of the human body and the fragility of the biosphere. It is accompanied by a search for epistemological security along with a decrease in public trust in experts, science and technology. Various factors point to this: scientific controversies, for example, are laid bare in the media, those in authority espouse precautionary politics and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles.

Internet: <www.acs.org.aujrpit> (adapted)


Based on the text, judge the item below.

(   ) The word “layperson” in “and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles” can be correctly translated as leigo.

Resposta :  Correto

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ LAYPERSON (= a layman or laywoman) means:

1) someone who IS NOT AN EXPERT IN a particular subject  - alguém que NÃO É ESPECIALISTA em determinado assunto. [Cambridge Dictionary]

2) a person who DOES NOT HAVE EXPERT KNOWLEDGE  of a particular subject. - uma pessoa que NÃO TEM CONHECIMENTO ESPECIALIZADO em determinado assunto. [Oxford Dictionary]

3) A layperson is a person who IS NOT TRAINED, QUALIFIED, or EXPERIENCED in a particular subject or activity. - Um LAYPERSON  é uma pessoa que NÃO É TREINADA, QUALIFICADA ou EXPERIENTE em um determinado assunto ou atividade. [Collins Dictionary]

4) Uma boa tradução de LAYPERSON para o português é LEIGO ou LEIGA.

  • We want to make statistics easier for the layperson to grasp. - Queremos tornar as estatísticas mais fáceis de entender para o leigo. [Oxford Dictionary] 
  • How would you explain to the layperson how gene therapy works? – Como você explicaria para o leigo como funciona a terapia gênica? [Macmillan Dictionary]
  • Intended for the layperson, this book uses straightforward language to aid in identifying more than 500 medicinal plants. - Destinado ao leigo, este livro usa linguagem direta para auxiliar na identificação de mais de 500 plantas medicinais. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary] 
  • [...] Various factors point to this: scientific controversies, for example, are laid bare in the media, those in authority espouse precautionary politics and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles. - Vários fatores apontam para isso: as controvérsias científicas, por exemplo, são desnudadas na mídia, as autoridades defendem políticas de precaução e a interpretação do LEIGO sobre os riscos em relação à justiça moral leva a embates políticos e judiciais.
  • Contextualmente, a palavra LAYPERSON pode ser traduzida corretamente como LEIGO.


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People need to be active to be healthy. Our modern lifestyle and all the conveniences we've become used to have made us sedentary — and that's dangerous for our health. Sitting around in front of the TV or the computer, riding in the car for even a short trip to the store and using elevators instead of stairs or ramps all contribute to our inactivity. Physical inactivity is as dangerous to our health as smoking!

Add up your activities during the day in periods of at least minutes each. Start slowly... and build up. If you're already doing some light activities move up to more moderate ones. A little is good, but more is better if you want to achieve health benefits.

Scientists say accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health. Time needed depends on effort — as you progress to moderate activities, you can cut down to thirty minutes, four days a week.


Based on the text, judge the item below.

(   ) “every day” can be rewritten as everyday.

Resposta :  Errado


➦ EVERYDAY is an adjective and means “ORDINARY” or “TYPICAL”, como por exemplo:

  • Change is a part of everyday life in business. - A mudança faz parte do dia a dia nos negócios. 
  • The everyday lives of ordinary Russian citizens.. – A vida cotidiana dos cidadãos russos comuns. [Cambridge Dictionary]
➦ EVERY DAY is a phrase that simply means “EACH DAY”, como por exemplo:
  • I go to the gym every day. - Eu vou para a academia todos os dias. [Oxford Dictionary]
  • He runs five miles every day. - Ele corre cinco milhas todos os dias[Cambridge Dictionary]
  • [...] Scientists say accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health. - Os cientistas dizem acumular 60 minutos de atividade física todos os dias para se manter saudável ou melhorar sua saúde.
  • EVERY DAY e EVERYDAY não significam a mesma coisa. Na fala, no entanto, eles soam iguais. Não é de admirar que seja tão fácil confundi-los.
  • Portanto, na escrita, não podemos substituir EVERY DAY por EVERYDAY.

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2022


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Although the basic concepts of cryptography predate the Greeks, the present word cryptography, used to describe the art of secret communication, comes from the Greek meaning “secret writing”. From its rather simple beginnings, cryptography has grown in tandem with technology and its importance has also similarly grown. Just as in its early days, good cryptographic prowess still wins wars.

Joseph Migga Kiza. Cryptography. In: Computer network
security. Chattanooga: Springer, 2005, p. 257-8 (adapted).


It can be said from text 8A5AAA that cryptography and technology have

(A) been created by Greeks.
(B) developed together.
(C) grown in irrelevance.
(D) been used to win wars.
(E) had simple beginnings.

Resposta :  B


• IN TANDEM (= at the same time) - ao mesmo tempo, em conjunto, funcionando  juntos ou acontecendo ao mesmo tempo.

  • The two systems are designed to work in tandem. - Os dois sistemas são projetados para trabalhar em conjunto. [Oxford Dictionary]
  • Stock prices pushed sharply higher this afternoon in tandem with a rise in the dollar. - Os preços das ações subiram acentuadamente esta tarde em conjunto com a alta do dólar. [Oxford Dictionary]
  • She runs the business in tandem with her husband. - Ela administra o negócio em conjunto com o marido. [The Free Dictionary]

  • From its rather simple beginnings, cryptography has grown in tandem with technology and its importance has also similarly grown. - Desde seu início bastante simples, a criptografia cresceu EM CONJUNTO com a tecnologia e sua importância também cresceu de forma semelhante.
  • IDEIA CONTEXTUAL:  A criptografia e a tecnologia  desenvolveram-se em conjunto, ou seja, juntas simultaneamante.
  • Portanto a opção correta aqui da questão é a alternativa (E).
  • Demais opções incorretas.


It can be said from text 8A5AAA that cryptography and technology have

(A) been created by Greeks.
(B) developed together. (= in tandem)
(C) grown in irrelevance.
(D) been used to win wars.
(E) had simple beginnings.

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2022


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➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORFundação Getulio Vargas - https://portal.fgv.br/.

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 06 questões do tipo múltipla escolha (A,B,C,D,E).


01-A, 02-D, 03-B, 04-E, 05-C, 06-A 



How facial recognition technology aids police

Police officers’ ability to recognize and locate individuals with a history of committing crime is vital to their work. In fact, it is so important that officers believe possessing it is fundamental to the craft of effective street policing, crime prevention and investigation. However, with the total police workforce falling by almost 20 percent since 2010 and recorded crime rising, police forces are turning to new technological solutions to help enhance their capability and capacity to monitor and track individuals about whom they have concerns.

One such technology is Automated Facial Recognition (known as AFR). This works by analyzing key facial features, generating a mathematical representation of them, and then comparing them against known faces in a database, to determine possible matches. While a number of UK and international police forces have been enthusiastically exploring the potential of AFR, some groups have spoken about its legal and ethical status. They are concerned that the technology significantly extends the reach and depth of surveillance by the state.

Until now, however, there has been no robust evidence about what AFR systems can and cannot deliver for policing. Although AFR has become increasingly familiar to the public through its use at airports to help manage passport checks, the environment in such settings is quite controlled. Applying similar procedures to street policing is far more complex. Individuals on the street will be moving and may not look directly towards the camera. Levels of lighting change, too, and the system will have to cope with the vagaries of the British weather.


As with all innovative policing technologies there are important legal and ethical concerns and issues that still need to be considered. But in order for these to be meaningfully debated and assessed by citizens, regulators and law-makers, we need a detailed understanding of precisely what the technology can realistically accomplish. Sound evidence, rather than references to science fiction technology --- as seen in films such as Minority Report --- is essential.

With this in mind, one of our conclusions is that in terms of describing how AFR is being applied in policing currently, it is more accurate to think of it as “assisted facial recognition,” as opposed to a fully automated system. Unlike border control functions -- where the facial recognition is more of an automated system -- when supporting street policing, the algorithm is not deciding whether there is a match between a person and what is stored in the database. Rather, the system makes suggestions to a police operator about possible similarities. It is then down to the operator to confirm or refute them.

By Bethan Davies, Andrew Dawson, Martin Innes (Source: https://gcn.com/articles/2018/11/30/facial-recognitionpolicing.aspx, accessed May 30th, 2020)


Based on the information provided by Text I, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) In relation to AFR, ethical and legal implications are being brought up.

( ) There is enough data to prove that AFR is efficient in street policing.

( ) AFR performance may be affected by changes in light and motion. The statements are, respectively,

(A) T – F – T.

(B) F – F – T.

(C) F – T – T.

(D) F – T – F.

(E) T – T – F.


The authors conclude the text by stating that

(A) politicians can be of great help.

(B) technology provides definite results.

(C) the matches obtained are irrefutable.

(D) humans should give the final answer.

(E) high quality cameras are indispensable.


In “Until now, however”,

the word “however” introduces the notion of

(A) cause.

(B) contrast.

(C) emphasis.

(D) agreement.

(E) comparison.


The word that may replace “In fact” in “In fact, it is so important”, without change in meaning, is

(A) Specifically.

(B) Presently.

(C) Currently.

(D) Notably.

(E) Actually.


The word “while” in “While a number of UK and international police forces have been enthusiastically exploring the potential of AFR” has the same meaning as

(A) whence.

(B) wherein.

(C) whereas.

(D) whereby.

(E) whenever.


In the first paragraph, the pronoun “it” in “officers believe possessing it” refers to the

(A) ability to recognize and locate individuals.

(B) craft of effective street policing.

(C) history of committing crime.

(D) new technological solutions.

(E) total police workforce. 

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2022


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 08 questões do tipo somatória.


Q1-19, Q2-20, Q3-30, Q4-22, Q5-82, Q6-29, Q7-28, Q8-11


1) ACCOLADE - honra (honor), award (prêmio).
* an award for an achievement that people admire. - um prêmio por uma conquista que as pessoas admiram.[Oxford Dictionary]
2) ACHIEVEMENT -  accomplishment (realização), attainment (realização), conquest (conquista), feat (façanha).
3) ALL THE WHILE - o tempo todo.
4) ALONG WITH IT COMES - Junto com ele vem.
5) AS A PROP - Como suporte.
6) AS WITH ANY EXERCISE - Assim como em qualquer exercício.
7) AWARD - premiação, prêmio.
8) COSMOPOLITAN - cosmopolita, Um cosmopolita ou cidadão do mundo é uma pessoa que deseja transcender a divisão geopolítica que é inerente às cidadanias nacionais dos diferentes
9) DECORATION [1 - a thing that makes something look more attractive] - decoração. 
Christmas decorations - decorações de Natal. [Cambridge Dictionary]
* He's good at cake decoration. - Ele é bom em decoração de bolos. [Cambridge Dictionary]
10) DECORATION [2 - an award or medal that is given to somebody as an honour ] - condecoração, medalha.
* His jacket was heavy with military decorations. -  Sua jaqueta estava pesada com condecorações militares.
11) GYM - academia.
12) HITTING THE GYM - dirigir-se a academia para malhar.
* I'm really out of shape. I need to hit the gym soon. - Estou realmente fora de forma. Eu preciso ir para a academia logo.
* Hey Jack you wanna hit gym? - Ei Jack, você quer ir à academia?
13) IT TURNS OUT THAT - Acontece que. 
14) LIFE'S UNFORTUNATES - desafortunadas da vida.
15) LITTER (1 - rubbish, waste) - lixo.
16) LITTER (2 - baby animals) - filhotes.
17) MASTERPIECE - obra-prima, um excelente exemplo de.
* Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity. - Seu trabalho é uma obra-prima de simplicidade. [Oxford Dictionary]
18) NOVEL - um romance, um livro de romance. Não é novela.
19) PLAYWRIGHT - dramaturgo, uma pessoa que escreve peças de teatro.
20) PLASTIC BAGS - sacolas de plástico.
21) PORTMANTEUA - mala, maleta.
22) POUND - é um exercício aeróbico.
23) POVERTY - pobreza.
24) PRECONCEIVED - preconcebido.
* Before I started the job, I had no preconceived notions of what it would be like. - Antes de começar o trabalho, eu não tinha noções preconcebidas de como seria. [Oxford Dictionary]
25) PRETENTIOUS - pretensioso, querer ser mais importante do que realmente é.
* The restaurant is stuffy, pretentious, and ridiculously expensive. - O restaurante é abafado, pretensioso e ridiculamente caro. [Longman Dictionary]
* I found Susie unbearably pretentious. - Achei a Susie insuportavelmente pretensiosa.
26) RECIPIENT OF(1) - recebedor de prêmio, o vencedor de uma premiação.
* the recipient of the 31st Camões Award. - o vencedor do 31º Prêmio Camões.
27) RECIPIENT OF (2) - recebedor de alguma coisa.
* Lund was the first female recipient of an artificial heart.
28) REGARDED AS - considerado como...
29) RELIEVING STRESS - Aliviar o stress.
30) ROCKIN' MUSIC - música dançante.
31) ROUTE - rota, caminho;
32) SICKLY - doentio.
33) SILK HAMMOCK - rede de seda.

34) SLUM - favela.
35) SONGWRITER - compositor.
36) SPINE - coluna.
37) SQUATING - agachamento.
38) STRENGTH - força.
39) THE CHARACTER - o (a) personagem.
40) TO DEBUT - estrear.
41) TO EMPLOY (1- provide job) - empregar alguém, fornecer emprego.
* How many people does your company employ? - Quantas pessoas sua empresa emprega? [Cambridge Dictionary]
42) TO EMPLOY (2- to use something) - usar algo.
* Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results. - Quantas pessoas sua empresa emprega? [Cambridge Dictionary]
43) TO EMPLOY (3- to spend time) - passar tempo.
* He was busily employed in lacing up his shoes. - Ele estava ocupado amarrando seus sapatos. [Cambridge Dictionary]
44) TO GIVE UP - desistir.
45) TO JUMP - pular.
46) TO PICK UP - coletar, recolher.
* to pick up litter - recolher lixo.
47) TO REAP THE BENEFITS - colher os benefícios.
48) TO TAKE ACCOUNT - levar em consideração.
49) TO WORK OUT - malhar.
50) TV SHOW - é um PROGRAMA DE TELEVISÃO. Não é show.
51) UNLOVED - mal amada.
52) WEEKLY WORKOUT - exercício físico semanal. 

➧ TEXT 1:

The hour of the star

Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector’s last novel is a short, strange, tour de force – a masterpiece of a book. In The hour of the star, Lispector follows the narrator Rodrigo S. M., a pretentious, cosmopolitan writer describing the act of writing. He is writing about his creation, Macabéa, one of “life’s unfortunates”, a woman living in the slums of Rio. She is poor, sickly, and unloved, and yet she lives simply and happily. “Lispector employs her pathetic heroine against her urbane, empty narrator, and working them like a pair of scissors, she cuts away the reader’s preconceived notions about poverty, identity, love, and the art of fiction.”

Reviewed by Pierce Alquist
Source: https://bookriot.com/2018/10/17/clarice-lispector-books. [Adapted].
Accessed on: October 22nd, 2021.

01  (UFSC-2022)

Select the proposition(s) that can be answered according to Text 1 and the accompanying image.

01. Who translated the book?
02. Who is Rodrigo S. M.?
04. Where can the book be bought?
08. When was the book translated?
16. What is the name of one of the characters?

02  (UFSC-2022)
According to Text 1, it is correct to say that:

01. The hour of the star inspired a TV show.
02. Clarice Lispector is the narrator of The hour of the star.
04. one of the characters lives in Rio.
08. the central character is always sad.
16. Pierce Alquist wrote a positive review for The hour of the star.
32. Clarice Lispector’s last book made her famous.

➧ TEXT 2:

Chico Buarque wins Camões Lifetime Achievement Award

This is the biggest accolade in Portuguese-language literature

Published in 22/5/2019 - 16:37
By Gilberto Costa – Brasília

Brazilian singer, songwriter, playwright, and writer Chico Buarque, 74, is the recipient of the 31st Camões Award. The accolade was granted yesterday (May 21st) and took into account the artist’s whole literary work. Along with it comes a prize of 100 thousand euros.

Regarded as the main decoration in Lusophone literature, the Camões Award was created in 1989 by Brazil and Portugal. Every year, an author is named “whose work contributes to the projection and recognition of the language,” according to the Ministry of Culture of Portugal.

Buarque debuted as a fiction writer in 1974 with the novel Fazenda modelo. He is the 13th Brazilian to receive the award, which has been bagged by writers Raduan Nassar (2016), Ferreira Goulart (2010), Lygia Fagundes Telles (2005), and Jorge Amado (1994), among others.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira - Edition: Lílian Beraldo / Augusto Queiroz
Source: http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/en/geral/noticia/2019-05/chico-buarque-wins-camoes-lifetimeachievement-award. [Adapted]. Accessed on: October 20th, 2021.

03  (UFSC-2022)

According to Text 2, select the correct proposition(s).

01. Chico Buarque was the 74th writer to be nominated for the Camões Award.
02. The Camões Award has had 31 editions.
04. The Camões Award prize was awarded on May 21st.
08. A total of 13 Brazilian writers have received the Camões Award.
16. The Camões Award gives money to the writer who wins the prize.
32. Chico Buarque won the award because of a book he wrote in 1974.

Resposta :  30


According to Text 2, select the correct proposition(s).
[De acordo com o Texto 2, selecione a(s) proposição(ões) correta(s)]

01. Chico Buarque was the 74th writer to be nominated for the Camões Award.
[Chico Buarque foi o 74º escritor indicado ao Prêmio Camões.]
  • Chico Buarque com 74 anos, é o vencedor do 31º Prêmio Camões, conforme o trecho.
  • "[...] Brazilian singer, songwriter, playwright, and writer Chico Buarque, 74, is the recipient of the 31st Camões Award."
02. The Camões Award has had 31 editions.
[O Prémio Camões teve 31 edições.]
  • CORRETO conforme o trecho:
  • "[...]  is the recipient of the 31st Camões Award."
  • é o vencedor do 31º Prémio Camões.
04. The Camões Award prize was awarded on May 21st.
[O Prémio Camões foi entregue no dia 21 de maio.]
  • CORRETO conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The accolade was granted yesterday (May 21st)..."
  • O prêmio foi concedido ontem (21 de maio)...
08. A total of 13 Brazilian writers have received the Camões Award.
[Ao todo, 13 escritores brasileiros receberam o Prêmio Camões.]
  • CORRETO conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] He is the 13th Brazilian to receive the award,"
  • Ele é o 13º brasileiro a receber o prêmio...
16. The Camões Award gives money to the writer who wins the prize.
[O Prémio Camões dá dinheiro ao escritor premiado.]
  • CORRETO conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] Along with it comes a prize of 100 thousand euros."
  • Junto com ele vem um prêmio de 100 mil euros.

32. Chico Buarque won the award because of a book he wrote in 1974.
[Chico Buarque ganhou o prêmio por causa de um livro que escreveu em 1974.]
  • Ele ganhou o prêmio por causa de toda a obra literária do artista, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] antook into account the artist’s whole literary work."
  • e levou em conta toda a obra literária do artista.
04  (UFSC-2022)

Select the proposition(s) that contain(s) an appropriate definition for the underlined words that appear in Text 2.

01. playwright: the act of writing a play
02. achievement: something difficult that you have succeeded in doing
04. accolade: award, honor
08. took into account: saved for future use
16. recognition: the acknowledgment of achievement, service or merit
32. bagged: a container of flexible material

Resposta :  22

 - Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

Select the proposition(s) that contain(s) an appropriate definition for the underlined words that appear in Text 2.

[Selecione a(s) proposição(ões) que contém(m) uma definição apropriada para as palavras sublinhadas que aparecem no Texto 2.]

01. playwright: the act of writing a play
[dramaturgo: o ato de escrever uma peça]
  • PLAYWRIGHT (a person who writes plays) é uma pessoa e não um ato.
02. achievement: something difficult that you have succeeded in doing
[realização: algo difícil que você conseguiu fazer]
  • ACHIEVEMENT means a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill - uma coisa que alguém fez com sucesso, especialmente usando seu próprio esforço e habilidade.
04. accolade: award, honor
[accolade: prêmio, honra]
  • ACCOLADE means praise or an award for an achievement that people admire. - elogio ou um prêmio por uma conquista que as pessoas admiram.
08. took into account: saved for future use
[took into account: salvado para uso futuro]
  • TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT means to consider or remember something when judging a situation. - considerar ou lembrar de algo ao julgar uma situação.
  • A expressão idiomática "TO TAKE something INTO ACCOUNT" significa "LEVAR ALGO EM CONSIDERAÇÃO", por exemplo:
  • The UK's tax system takes no account of children. - O sistema tributário do Reino Unido não leva em consideração as crianças. [Cambridge Dictionary]
16. recognition: the acknowledgment of achievement, service or merit
[recognition: o reconhecimento de realização, serviço ou mérito]
  • RECOGNITION OF means public praise and reward for somebody’s work or actions. - elogio público e recompensa pelo trabalho ou ações de alguém. [Oxford Dictionary]

32. bagged: a container of flexible material
[bagged: um recipiente de material flexível]
  • Contextualmente, BAGGED é o particípio passado do verbo TO BAG no sentido de TO GET(conseguir):
  • He is the 13th Brazilian to receive the award, which has been bagged by writers Raduan Nassar (2016), Ferreira Goulart (2010), Lygia Fagundes Telles (2005), and Jorge Amado (1994), among others.
  • Ele é o 13º brasileiro a receber o prêmio, que foi CONSEGUIDO pelos os escritores Raduan Nassar (2016), Ferreira Goulart (2010), Lygia Fagundes Telles (2005), Jorge Amado (1994), entre outros.
 ➧ TEXT 3:

90% of people quit after 3 months of hitting the gym; here’s how to be the exception

One of the main reasons people give up a sport is because it was not a good match for them. If you hate running, you’re not likely to stick to it for long. Take a look below for three novelty workout ideas and be part of the 10%.


Pound is a full-body cardio-based class that mimics playing the drums. Armed with two sticks, you “pound” your way through the hour, slamming your arms to the beat alongside other choreography. No music actually plays from the speakers. Instead, the class makes the music. You’ll jump, you’ll dance, and you’ll play – getting stronger all the while! As with any exercise, Pound classes offer exercisers a new option for relieving stress and keeping a bright outlook. If you enjoy high-energy, group fitness classes with rockin’ music, add Pound to your weekly workout.

Aerial Yoga

This practice looks like a cross between a Cirque du Soleil show and gymnastics. But it turns out you don’t need acrobatic moves to reap the benefits of this type of yoga, also called antigravity yoga. In an aerial yoga class, you perform the same poses you do on a yoga mat, except you use a silk hammock that’s suspended from the ceiling as a prop to support you through the various flows. The purpose of the hammock is to help improve flexibility and build strength, while allowing you to do more challenging poses without added pressure on shoulders, spine, or head.


A new Scandinavian trend encourages people to pick up litter while out running. So, it’s not just good for your health, it’s also good for the environment. It’s called “plogging” – a portmanteau of jogging and the Swedish plocka upp, meaning ‘pick up’. Plogging combines going for a run with intermittent squatting (to collect rubbish), which actually sounds like a pretty satisfying workout. According to Lifesum, a typical user will burn 288 calories in 30 minutes of plogging, which is more or less the same as what’s burned off while jogging. Ploggers take plastic bags along with them so they can store the collected litter they find along their route.

Sources: https://mashable.com/2018/02/13/plogging-fitness-trend;
https://www.prevention.com/fitness/workouts/a26040326/what-is-aerial-yoga. [Adapted].
Accessed on: October 20th, 2021.

05  (UFSC-2022)

Select the correct proposition(s) according to Text 3.

01. Only 10% of people work out.
02. Antigravity yoga is the same as aerial yoga.
04. Pound classes use rock ‘n’ roll soundtrack to motivate people.
08. The three novelty workouts are indoor sports.
16. Practicing pound and aerial yoga improves your strength. 32. Plogging burns less calories than jogging.
64. In one of the activities, some movements are performed in the air.

06  (UFSC-2022)

Select the proposition(s) which contain(s) a correct definition or synonym for the words or expressions in bold as they are used in Text 3.

01. stick to: continue doing
02. outlook: webmail
04. to reap the benefits: to obtain the profits
08. spine: the backbone
16. litter: garbage
32. squatting: jumping

07  (UFSC-2022)

Select the proposition(s) that can be answered according to Text 3.

01. How often should pound be practiced for good results?
02. How many people go to the gym?
04. Where was plogging invented?
08. Which workout improves flexibility? 16. Which workout is good for nature?
32. Which workout is the best?

➧ TEXT 4:

08  (UFSC-2022)

Select the correct proposition(s) according to Text 4.

01. Aerial yoga is offered at two levels of difficulty.
02. Hot yoga is more expensive than aerial yoga.
04. This fitness studio offers only group classes.
08. The last class of the day is for relaxation.
16. Your membership is valid for 30 days.
32. Activities for children are only offered on Fridays.
64. If you leave work at 6pm, you arrive on time for Fitness Pilates.