sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2021



 5 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | World's largest low-carb type 1 diabetes study set to start | |
 Text (2) – | Measles epidemics sweeping Europe as infections triple, EU diseases agency warns | |
 Text (3) – How disgraced anti-vaxxer Andrew Wakefield was embraced by Trump's America |
 Text (4) – | Rare STI could turn into superbug, doctors warn | |
 Text (5) – | Is vitamin D really a cure-all – and how should we get our fix? | |
 Text (6) – | Ebola Explained | |

01-E, 02-C, 03-A, 04-D, 05-B, 06-B

❑ TEXTO 1:
World's largest low-carb type 1 diabetes study set to start

The world's largest study of how a low carbohydrate diet can impact and help control type 1 diabetes is set to start this autumn.

The Dietary Science Foundation in Sweden, which funds scientific studies focused on diet and how it can affect health, has been raising funds to carry out the work.
A number of studies have already shown low carb diets to have a lot of potential towards improving type 1 diabetes health. Last week, research into low carb and type 1 diabetes made the headlines as it showed that a group of mainly children and young adults were able to achieve excellent control on a very low carb diet.

A larger study could more emphatically demonstrate the benefits of eating low carb on the management of type 1 diabetes.

According to the organization, of the 50,000 people in Sweden who have type 1 diabetes, only 25% manage to control their blood sugars at the recommended level with standard care. This leaves a lot of room for improvement and the low carb lifestyle shows significant promise for helping people improve their control.
Retrieved from
news/2018/may/Worlds-largest-low-carb-type-1-diabetes-study-set-to-start-91757776.html Access: 07/20/2018


Qual é o propósito comunicativo do texto?

A) Reportar resultados obtidos com a pesquisa sobre a ingestão de menos carboidratos na Suécia.
B) Destacar a falta de cuidado alimentar que pacientes diabéticos costumam ter.
C) Angariar fundos para desenvolver estudos complementares sobre os benefícios da dieta de baixo carboidrato.
D) Informar sobre o achado da possível cura para diabetes por meio da mudança de hábitos alimentares.
E) Divulgar o início de um estudo significativo sobre o uso da dieta de baixo carboidrato no tratamento de diabetes tipo 1.

❑ TEXTO 2:
Measles epidemics sweeping Europe as infections triple, EU diseases agency warns

Major outbreaks in Romania, Italy, Greece and Germany have taken root in areas with low vaccine uptake and have spread to UK.

Cases of life-threatening measles tripled in Europe last year because of a continent-wide outbreak that has even reached the UK, an EU body has warned.

Data for 2017, released last month by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, shows there were 14,451 cases reported across 30 countries in 2017, compared to 4,600 in the previous 12 months.

Since the beginning of 2016 there have been 50 deaths due to the disease reported in the EU.

In the UK, more than 100 measles cases have been confirmed in six different regions.

Experts say these were brought in by visitors from regions with measles epidemics, primarily Greece (where there were 1,463 cases), Romania (10,623), Italy (4,991) and Germany (926).

New infections continue to mount and spread despite the disease being entirely preventable with vaccines.
Retrieved from Access 07/20/2018.


Analise as seguintes afirmações:

I. Romênia, Itália e Grécia são os locais mais afetados pelo baixo índice de imunizações.

II. O contato com pessoas infectadas é um dos fatores de perpetuação da doença.

III. O contágio por sarampo só ocorre em crianças.

IV. A vacinação é a melhor forma de prevenção da doença.

V. A epidemia ficou restrita a uma região específica do continente europeu.

A) Somente a I é incorreta.
B) Somente III e V estão corretas.
C) Somente II e IV estão corretas.
D) Somente a III é correta.
E) Todas as assertivas estão corretas.

❑ TEXTO 3:
How disgraced anti-vaxxer Andrew Wakefield was embraced by Trump's America

Twenty years after his discredited paper linked autism to the MMR jab, the doctor – who was struck off the medical register in the UK – has become a leading light in the US and frighteningly influential worldwide.

There cannot be many doctors as thoroughly discredited and ostracized as Andrew Wakefield has been in the UK who are subsequently seen smiling at the inauguration ball of a US president and later discovered to be dating the Australian model Elle Macpherson.

But there he is. Wakefield was all but drummed out of Britain. The gastroenterologist lost his job, had his scientific paper linking the MMR vaccine and autism retracted by medical journal the Lancet and, in 2010, was struck off the medical register. He disappeared to the US and it was assumed he had gone to ground, having lost all credibility. He was a spent force, even though his name was often in the air as the anti-MMR views he seeded around the world led to many parents shunning the vaccine and outbreaks of measles wherever anyone had heard Wakefield’s creed.
Retrieved from Access 07/20/2018.


Analise as afirmações abaixo sobre o texto.

I. O autor discorda do posicionamento de Andrew Wakefield e deixa isso claro por meio do uso de diversos adjetivos com conotação pejorativa dirigidos ao cientista e ao seu trabalho.

II. Os americanos aceitaram as ideias de Wakefield por desconhecerem seu histórico na Inglaterra.

III. Wakefield reconhece as limitações de sua pesquisa e se retratou por meio de uma publicação no periódico Lancent.

IV. A menção a aspectos da vida particular de Wakefield descredita o texto publicado.

V. Apesar das consequências sofridas, Wakefield influenciou muitos pais com suas ideias.

A) Somente I e V estão corretas.
B) Somente a III está incorreta.
C) As assertivas I, III e V estão corretas.
D) Somente a assertiva V está incorreta.
E) As assertivas II e IV estão corretas.

❑ TEXTO 4:
Rare STI could turn into superbug, doctors warn

Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) has similar symptoms to chlamydia but is more resistant to treatment and can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women and, ultimately, infertility.

MG, first identified in the 1980s, often has no symptoms but in women it can cause a burning sensation when urinating and pain or bleeding during and after sex. In men symptoms include watery discharge from the penis.

Around one to two per cent of men and women are thought to be infected with the disease, although rates in some STD clinics are as high as 38 per cent.

The British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) has launched new guidelines for the treatment and diagnosis of the disease, which recommend a specific diagnostic test: a nucleic acid amplification test.

The guidelines recommend that MG is treated with a seven-day course of the antibiotic doxycycline, followed by a course of azithromycin. But the disease is often misdiagnosed as chlamydia and treated as such - treatment is similar but the dosage and duration of treatment are different.

Retrieved from Access 07/20/2018


Considere as afirmações que seguem sobre o texto.

I. A doença sexualmente transmissível mencionada é decorrente de uma superbactéria.

II. Há uma nova forma de diagnóstico.

III. Essa doença causa infertilidade nas mulheres.

IV. Trata-se de uma síndrome comum em 38% da população mundial.

V. Um dos agravantes do problema é o diagnóstico inadequado.

A)Somente a V está incorreta.
B) As assertivas I e II estão corretas.
C) As assertivas II, IV e V estão corretas.
D) Somente II e V estão corretas.
E) Somente a assertiva I está correta.

❑ TEXTO 5:
Is vitamin D really a cure-all – and how should we get our fix?

Evidence is growing that the ‘sunshine vitamin’ helps protect against a wide range of conditions including cancers.
Vitamin D is having quite a moment. In the past few months, evidence has been growing that the “sunshine vitamin” not only has an important role in bone and muscle health, but might also help prevent a range of cancers, reduce the chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis, protect against multiple sclerosis and cut the risk of colds and flu.

Vitamin D is not one chemical, but a label that covers a group of substances, including vitamin D2 and D3. The latter is the form made when sunlight hits your skin and is also found in other animals. Non-animal sources such as fungi and yeasts primarily produce the D2 form. Once in the body, these substances are converted into biologically active steroids that circulate in the blood.

Martin Hewison, professor of molecular endocrinology at the University of Birmingham, who carried out the recent study into vitamin D and rheumatoid arthritis, said evidence from cell studies backs up the idea that the vitamin is important.
“In most of the models, vitamin D appears to have quite a positive effect,” he said. “If you are using cancer cell lines or cancer cells, vitamin D has anti-cancer effects, and likewise in cells that have been used for models for infection and immune disorders, vitamin D has quite clear antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.” But when it comes to studies in humans, the picture is far from clear-cut.
Retrieved from Access 07/20/2018
De acordo com a informação contida no texto, qual seria a resposta apropriada para a pergunta do título?
A) A vitamina D só colabora com a saúde dos ossos e músculos.
B) Há evidências de efeitos positivos do uso da vitamina D, mas ainda é necessário realizar mais pesquisas com humanos.
C) A vitamina D não pode ser reproduzida quimicamente.
D) A cura para artrite reumatoide foi encontrada graças à vitamina D.
E) A vitamina D é utilizada no tratamento de pacientes com câncer.

❑ TEXTO 6:
Ebola Explained

Ebola is a highly infectious virus that attacks the internal organs. Symptoms include fever, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding. The disease is spread through contact with bodily fluids of infected animals and humans. Fruit bats are considered the natural host of the virus. Ebola first appeared in the DRC and Sudan in 1976. Outbreaks occur mainly in rural areas in Central and West Africa in the tropical rainforests. The current outbreak is the deadliest and the most widespread. It started in Guinea in March this year and has spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia. More than 930 people have been killed by the deadly virus and that number continues to rise. The fatality rate is as high as 90 percent and there is currently no known cure.


Dentre as alternativas a seguir, indique qual delas aponta o(s) motivo(s) principal(is) para que Ebola seja considerada uma doença perigosa, de acordo com o texto.

A) É transmitida pelo contato com fluidos corporais de animais e humanos infectados.
B) Causa febre, fraqueza, diarreia e hemorragia.
C) Surgiu em 1976 e ainda não se conhece a cura.
D) Para evitá-la basta não ter contato com animais ou seres humanos infectados.
E) É altamente contagiosa, seu índice de fatalidade é de 90% e atualmente não há cura.