sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

UnB-2007/1 - Vestibular 1º Semestre da Universidade de Brasília - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de Inglês com gabarito e Questões Comentadas.

Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da UnB-2007-1, aplicada em 21/01/2007.
 CEBRASPE(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos).
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 30 Questões 
do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula um acerto.
 03 Textos
 01 Chart.
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
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9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
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11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English, Legal English, Tax English, Customs English and so on):
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➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
Text for items from 1 through 8 and 14.
Myths and legends
The concept of myths and legends is not very clear to many people. A myth may refer to:
• a sacred story concerning the origins of the world or how the world and the creatures in it came to have their present form. The active beings in myths are generally gods and heroes. Myths often are said to take place before recorded history begins. In saying that a myth is a sacred narrative, what is meant is that a myth is believed to be true by people who attach religious or spiritual significance to it. Use of the term by scholars does not imply that the narrative is either true or 1 false;
• something that is widely believed but false. This popular use, which is often pejorative, arose from labeling the religious stories and beliefs of other cultures as being incorrect, but it has spread to cover non-religious beliefs as well. Because of this usage, many people take offense when the religious narratives they believe to be true are called myths.
A legend, on the other hand, is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale the appearance of being real. A legend, for its active and passive participants, includes only happenings that are within the limits of possibility, defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.
In conclusion, a legend is a story which is told as if it were a historical event, rather than as an explanation for something or a symbolic narrative. Thus, examples of legends are the stories about Robin Hood, which are set in a definite period, the reign of Richard I of England (1189-99), or about King Arthur. scholars – people who study a particular subject and know a lot about it, 1 especially a subject that is not scientific.
Internet: <> (adapted)
According to the text above,

1 a difference between a myth and a legend is that legends describe only real facts.
2 the origin of myths can be traced back to prehistory.
3 the use of the term myth by scholars is an indication that its narrative is false.
4 historical events serve as background for legends.
5 the stories about Robin Hood may be considered myths or legends.
6 many people might prefer to have religious stories called legends, no myths.
7 stories about miracles cannot be called legends.
8 legends may change over time.
👉 Questão-Item  1-Errada :
a difference between a myth and a legend is that legends describe only real facts.
👉 Questão-Item  2-Correta :
the origin of myths can be traced back to prehistory.
👉 Questão-Item  3-Errada :
the use of the term myth by scholars is an indication that its narrative is false.
👉 Questão-Item  4-Correta :
historical events serve as background for legends.
👉 Questão-Item  5-Errada :
the stories about Robin Hood may be considered myths or legends.
👉 Questão-Item  6-Errada :
many people might prefer to have religious stories called legends, no myths.
👉 Questão-Item  7-Errada :
stories about miracles cannot be called legends.
👉 Questão-Item  8-Correta :
8 legends may change over time.
Text for items from 9 through 25.
Pandora was the first woman, fashioned by Zeus as part of the punishment of mankind for Prometheus’ theft of the secret of fire.
The titan Epimetheus was responsible for giving a positive trait to each and every animal. However, when it was time to give man a positive trait, there was nothing left. Prometheus, his brother, felt that because man was superior to all other animals, man should have a gift no other animal possessed. So Prometheus set forth to steal fire from Zeus and gave it to man.
Zeus was extremely angry and decided to punish both Prometheus and his creation: mankind. To punish Prometheus, Zeus put his feet in unbreakable chains and set an eagle over him to eat his liver each day. To punish mankind, Zeus ordered the other gods to make Pandora as a poisoned gift for man. Pandora was given several traits from the different gods: Aphrodite gave her beauty; Apollo gave her musical talent and a gift for healing; Zeus made her lazy, mischievous , and foolish; Hera gave her curiosity; Hermes 1 gave her cunning, boldness and charm.
The most significant of these gifts, however, was a box, given to Pandora either by Hermes or Zeus. Before he was chained to the rock, Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to take any gifts from the gods. Epimetheus did not listen to his brother, however, and when Pandora arrived, he fell in love with her. Hermes told him that Pandora was a gift to the titan from Zeus, and he warned Epimetheus not to open the box.
Until then, mankind had lived a life in a paradise  without worry. Epimetheus told Pandora never to open the box she had received from Zeus. However, Pandora’s curiosity got the better of her and when she opened the box, all the misfortunes of mankind (plague, sorrow, poverty, crime, despair, greed etc.) quickly came out of it. She immediately closed it in time to keep one thing in it: hope. The world remained extremely unpleasant, hopeless, lacking in warmth or kindliness for an unspecified interval, until Pandora’s curiosity made her open the box again, at which 43 point hope left the box. Thus, mankind always has hope in times of evil. mischievous – somebody who enjoys having fun by causing trouble.
1) cunning – the use of clever methods to get what you want, especially
2) methods that involve tricking or cheating people. 3) boldness – confident and not afraid.
Internet: <> (adapted)
Based on the text, judge the following items.

9 Pandora was created to bring hope to humanity.
10 In her creation, Pandora received only good qualities.
11 The box was given to Pandora by both Hermes and Zeus.
12 Even though Epimetheus did not follow his brother’s advice, he did follow Hermes’.
13 The text explains the origin of misfortunes in the world.
14 The story of Pandora can be correctly called a legend according to the text Myths and Legends.
15 Before opening the box for the second time Pandora knew what was left in it.
16 If Pandora had not opened the box, life could have been better.
17 If Prometheus had given Epimetheus the following advice, it would be coherent with what was stated in the fourth paragraph of the text: Under no circumstances should you accept any gifts from the gods.
18 Hope turned out to be an unexpected blessing. In the text,
19 “giving” (l.6) can be correctly replaced by to give.
20 “there was nothing left” (l.9) can be correctly replaced by there wasn’t anything left.
21 “no other animal” (l.12-13) is synonymous with another animal.
22 “Pandora was given several traits from the different gods” (l.20-21) can be correctly rewritten as Different gods gave Pandora several traits.
23 “told” (l.30) can be replaced by had been telling without any change in meaning.
24 “the titan” (l.30-31) refers to Prometheus.
25 “Until then” (l.33) refers to the time before Pandora arrived.
👉 Questão-Item  9-Errada :
Pandora was created to bring hope to humanity.
(Pandora foi criada para trazer esperança à humanidade.)
👉 Questão-Item  10-Errada :
In her creation, Pandora received only good qualities.
(Em sua criação, Pandora recebeu apenas boas qualidades.)
👉 Questão-Item  11-Errada :
The box was given to Pandora by both Hermes and Zeus.
(A caixa foi dada a Pandora por Hermes e Zeus.)
👉 Questão-Item  12-Correta :
Even though Epimetheus did not follow his brother’s advice, he did follow Hermes’.
(Mesmo que Epimeteu não tenha seguido o conselho de seu irmão, ele seguiu Hermes.)
👉 Questão-Item  13-Correta :
The text explains the origin of misfortunes in the world.
(O texto explica a origem dos infortúnios no mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  14-Errada :
The story of Pandora can be correctly called a legend according to the text Myths and Legends.
(A história de Pandora pode ser corretamente chamada de lenda de acordo com o texto Mitos e Lendas.)
👉 Questão-Item  15-Errada :
Before opening the box for the second time Pandora knew what was left in it.
(Antes de abrir a caixa pela segunda vez, Pandora sabia o que restava nela.)
👉 Questão-Item  16-Correta :
If Pandora had not opened the box, life could have been better.
(Se Pandora não tivesse aberto a caixa, a vida poderia ter sido melhor.)
👉 Questão-Item  17-Correta :
If Prometheus had given Epimetheus the following advice, it would be coherent with what was stated in the fourth paragraph of the text: Under no circumstances should you accept any gifts from the gods.
(Se Prometeu tivesse dado a Epimeteu o seguinte conselho, seria coerente com o que foi afirmado no quarto parágrafo do texto: Sob nenhuma circunstância você deve aceitar quaisquer presentes dos deuses.)
👉 Questão-Item  18-Correta :
Hope turned out to be an unexpected blessing.
(A esperança acabou sendo uma bênção inesperada.)
In the text,
👉 Questão-Item  19-Errada :
“giving” (l.6) can be correctly replaced by to give.
👉 Questão-Item  20-Correta :
“there was nothing left” (l.9) can be correctly replaced by there wasn’t anything left.
👉 Questão-Item  21-Errada :
“no other animal” (l.12-13) is synonymous with another animal.
👉 Questão-Item  22-Correta :
“Pandora was given several traits from the different gods” (l.20-21) can be correctly rewritten as Different gods gave Pandora several traits.
👉 Questão-Item  23-Errada :
“told” (l.30) can be replaced by had been telling without any change in meaning.
👉 Questão-Item  24-Errada :
“the titan” (l.30-31) refers to Prometheus.
👉 Questão-Item  25-Correta :
“Until then” (l.33) refers to the time before Pandora arrived.
William Tell
William Tell was a legendary hero of disputed historical authenticity. People say he lived in the state of Uri in Switzerland in the early 14th century.
He was an expert at shooting with the crossbow (similar to a bow and arrow, but held flat). At the time, the Habsburg 1 emperors wanted to dominate Uri. Hermann Gessler, the Austrian president of the town council raised a pole in the central square of the village with his hat on top and demanded that all the local people bow before it. As Tell passed by without bowing, he was arrested. He received the punishment of being forced to shoot an apple off the head of his son, Walter, or else both would be executed.
Tell had been promised freedom if he shot the apple. On November 18, 1307, Tell divided the fruit with only one bolt from his crossbow, without a minor mistake or accident. When Gessler asked him about the purpose of the second arrow in his case, Tell answered that, if he had ended up killing his son in that trial, he would have turned the crossbow on him. Gessler was furious at that comment. He had Tell’s hands and feet tied together and brought him to his ship to be taken to his castle at Küssnacht. In a storm on Lake Lucerne, Tell managed to escape. On land, he went to Küssnacht, and when Gessler arrived, he shot him with a crossbow bolt .
This refusal to obey an order of the Austrian officer started a rebellion, leading to the formation of the Old Swiss Confederacy.
1)bow – noun: a weapon made from a long curved piece of wood, used for shooting arrows.
2)bow – verb: to bend your body forward from the waist, especially to show respect for someone.
3)bolt – a short heavy pointed stick that you shoot from a crossbow.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text, William Tell
26 was arrested for not obeying an order.
27 was sure that he wouldn’t miss the apple and hurt his son.
28 proved to be a man of courage.
29 would have killed himself if he had shot his own son.
30 contributed, in a way, to the formation of the Old Swiss Confederacy.
👉 Questão-Item  26-Correta :
was arrested for not obeying an order.
(foi preso por não obedecer a uma ordem.)
👉 Questão-Item  27-Errada :
was sure that he wouldn’t miss the apple and hurt his son.
(tinha certeza de que ele não sentiria falta da maçã e machucaria seu filho.)
👉 Questão-Item  28-Correta :
proved to be a man of courage.
(provou ser um homem de coragem.)
👉 Questão-Item  29-Errada :
would have killed himself if he had shot his own son.
(teria se matado se ele tivesse atirado no próprio filho.)
👉 Questão-Item  30-Correta :
contributed, in a way, to the formation of the Old Swiss Confederacy.
(contribuiu, de certa forma, para a formação da Antiga Confederação Suíça.)

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