quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2014




 3 Questions.
 Text – | The new rome meets the new barbarians | The Economist |



The United States is likely to be the world’s top power for many years. This brings challenges that it shouldnot try to face alone, writes Joseph Nye, dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The United States is so dominant that no nation since Rome has loomed so large above the others, but even Rome eventually collapsed. Only a decade ago the conventional wisdom lamented an America in decline. Bestseller lists featured books that described America’s fall. That view was wrong at the time and in 1989, I, like others, predicted the continuing rise of American power. But the new conventional wisdom that America is invincible is equally dangerous if it leads to a foreign policy that combines unilateralism, arrogance and parochialism.

A number of adherents of “realist” theory have also expressed concern about America’s staying-power. Throughout history, coalitions of countries have arisen to balance dominant powers, and the search for traditional shifts in the balance of power and new state challenges is well under way. Some see China as the new enemy; others envisage Russia-China-India coalition as the threat. But even if China maintains high growth rates of 6% while the United States achieves only 2%, it will not equal the United States in income per head until the last half of the century.

Still others see a uniting Europe as a potential federation that will challenge the Unites States for primacy. But his forecast depends on a high degree of European political unity, and a low state of transatlantic relations. Although realists raise an important point about the levelling of power of the international arena, their quest for new cold-war-style challengers is largely barking up the wrong tree. They are ignoring deeper changes in the distribution and nature of power in the contemporary world.

At first glance, the disparity between American power and that of the rest of the world looks overwhelming. In terms of military power, the United States is the only country with both nuclear weapons and conventional forces with global reach. In economic size, America’s 31% share of world product is equal to the next four countries combined (Japan, Germany, Britain and France). In terms of cultural prominence, the United States is far and away the number-one film and television exporter in the world. It also attracts the most foreign students each year to its colleges and universities.

The real challenges to American power are coming on cat’s feet in the night and, ironically, the temptation to unilateralism may ultimately weaken the United States. The contemporary information revolution and the globalisation that goes with it are transforming and shrinking the world. At the beginning of this new century, these two forces have combined to increase the American power. But, with time, technology will spread to other countries and peoples, and America’s relative pre-eminence will diminish.

For example, today the American twentieth of the global population represents more than half the Internet. In a decade or two, Chinese will probably be the dominant language of the Internet. It will not dethrone English as a lingua franca, but at some point in the future the Asian cyber-community and economy will loom larger than the American.

Technology has been diffusing power away from government, and empowering individuals and groups to play roles in world politics – including wreaking massive destruction – which were once reserved to governments. Privatisation has been increasing and terrorism is the privatisation of war. Globalisation is shrinking distance, and events in faraway places, like Afghanistan, can have a great impact on American lives.

The problem for Americans in the 21st century is that more and more things fall outside the control of even the most powerful state. Under the influence of the information revolution and globalisation, world politics is changing in a way that means Americans cannot achieve all their international goals by acting alone. For example, international financial stability is vital to the prosperity of American, but the United States needs the co-operation of others to ensure it. Global climate change too will affect American’s quality of life, but the United States cannot manage the problem alone. And in a world where borders are becoming more porous to everything from drugs to infectious diseases to terrorism, Americans must mobilise international coalitions to address shared threats and challenges.

Some Americans are tempted to believe that the United States could reduce its vulnerability if it withdrew troops, curtailed alliances and followed a more isolationist foreign policy. But isolationism would not remove the vulnerability. Even if the United States had a weaker foreign policy, terrorists would resent the power of the American economy, which would still reach well beyond its shores. American corporations and citizens represent global capitalism, which some see as anathema.

Rome succumbed not to the rise of a new empire, but to internal decay and a death of a thousand cuts from various barbarians groups. While internal decay is always possible, nothing points strongly in that direction at that time. Moreover, to the extent it pays attention, the American public is often realistic about the limits of their country’s power. Nearly two-thirds of those polled oppose, in principle, the United States acting alone overseas without the support of other countries.

On the other hand, it is harder to exclude the barbarians. The dramatically decreased cost of communication, the rise of transnational domains (including the Internet) that cut across borders, and the “democratisation” of technology that puts massive destructive power into the hands of groups and individuals, all suggest dimensions that are historically new.

Since this is so, homeland defence takes on a new importance and a new meaning. If small groups or even individuals to inflict massive damage were to obtain nuclear materials and produce a series of events involving great destruction or great disruption of society, American attitudes might change dramatically, though the direction of the change is difficult to predict. Faced with such a threat, a certain degree of unilateral action is justified if it brings global benefits.

The United States is well placed to remain the leading power in world politics well into the 21st century. This prognosis depends upon assumptions that can be spelled out. It assumes that the American economy and society will remain robust and not decay; that the United States will maintain its military strength, but not become over-militarised; that Americans will not become so unilateral and arrogant in their strength that they squander the nation’s considerable fund of soft power; that there will not be some catastrophic series of events that profoundly transforms American attitudes in an isolationist direction; and that Americans will define their national interest in a broad and far-sighted way that incorporates global interests. Each of these assumptions can be questioned, but they currently seem more plausible than their alternatives.

If the assumptions hold, America will remain number one. But number one “ain’t gonna be what it used to be”. The information revolution, technological change and globalisation will not replace the nation-state but will continue to complicate the actors and issues in the world politics. The paradox of American power in the 21st century is that the largest power since Rome cannot achieve its objectives unilaterally in a global information age.

Adapted from The Economist print edition March 23rd 2002 / WASHINGTON, DC


Porque o autor considera os EUA a nação mais poderosa da História desde Roma Antiga?

O autor observa que o poder americano é tão dominante que à primeira vista pode até parecer esmagador. Em termos de poderio militar, os Estados Unidos são a única nação do mundo que dispõe de armas nucleares e de armas convencionais de alcance mundial; a participação econômica americana, na ordem de 31% do produto mundial, equivale à participação conjunta dos quatro países que o sucedem (Alemanha, França, Grã-Bretanha e Japão). Mesmo se comparada à China, cujo crescimento tem alcançado 6% ao ano, enquanto o crescimento americano tem se mantido em 2% ao ano, a renda per capita americana só deverá ser igualada pela chinesa na segunda metade deste século. Em termos culturais, as instituições de ensino americanas atraem anualmente o maior número de estudantes vindos de outros países, ao mesmo tempo em que o país permanece como o maior exportador da indústria cinematográfica e televisiva. A propósito, estas duas forças combinadas, a difusão da informação e a conseqüente globalização, que tanto concorrem para transformar e reduzir as dimensões do mundo atual, foram fundamentais para o crescimento do poder americano no início deste século, haja vista a participação americana que na Internet representa metade da população virtual, apesar de comparecer com apenas vinte por cento da população mundial.


Segundo o texto, quais os fatores que desafiam e ameaçam o poder americano?

Como qualquer nação dominante ao longo da história, os Estados Unidos enfrentam o desafio e as ameaças de outros países que tentam neutralizar seu poder. Há quem veja a China como o maior inimigo potencial dos Estados Unidos. Outros prevêem a ameaça de uma coalizão da Rússia, China e Índia. Outros ainda prevêem a União Européia como uma federação a desafiar a superioridade americana. Contudo, os maiores desafios a serem enfrentados pelos Estados Unidos podem advir da tentação de adoção de uma política externa baseada em unilateralismo, arrogância e paroquialismo.

Certamente, a língua chinesa não chegará a desbancar o inglês como a língua internacional, mas comunidades virtuais e econômicas asiáticas começam a assomar no horizonte.

A tecnologia e o fácil acesso à comunicação, que tanto contribuíram para o crescimento do poder americano, começam a se difundir por outros países permitindo que o poder de destruição em massa, antes exclusivamente nas mãos de governos, esteja ao alcance de indivíduos e grupos. A privatização da guerra, representada pelo terrorismo internacional, compromete a liderança americana. O autor ressalta ainda que a adoção de uma política isolacionista não reduz a vulnerabilidade da nação americana, cuja economia, aos olhos dos terroristas, continua a representar o capitalismo mundial.

A globalização e a revolução da informação têm influenciado de tal modo a política mundial que os Estados Unidos não têm mais condições, agindo sozinhos, de alcançarem todos seus objetivos internacionais.

As transformações climáticas, o comércio internacional de drogas, o combate a doenças infecciosas e o terrorismo são apenas algumas das questões cujas soluções dependem da disposição americana de mobilizar coalizões internacionais. Neste novo momento histórico é essencial que não sejam ignoradas as mudanças na distribuição e na natureza do poder no mundo contemporâneo.


Segundo o autor, quais são as condições necessárias para que os EUA mantenham sua liderança no cenário mundial?

Para que os Estados Unidos, a maior potência mundial desde Roma Antiga, mantenham sua posição de liderança, Joseph Nye preconiza que sua economia deve permanecer forte e sem quedas; que seu poderio militar deve ser mantido sem que para isso o país se torne um estado excessivamente militarizado; que não deve ser adotada uma posição tão unilateral e arrogante que comprometa seu considerável capital cultural e, por fim, que não haja uma série de eventos catastróficos que transformem tão profundamente o comportamento americano a ponto de isolar o país do resto do mundo.

A informação globalizada e as mudanças tecnológicas continuarão como agentes complicadores da política mundial. Mesmo que os Estados Unidos consigam atender às condições necessárias apontadas pelo autor para manter sua liderança, o poder no século 21 será diferente em sua natureza e distribuição.

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