quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014

FGV-2010-EAESP-ADMINISTRAÇÃO-VESTIBULAR-1º SEMESTRE-Fundação Getúlio Vargas & Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo- Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e Questões Comentadas - https://valdenorenglish.blogspot.com/

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NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da FGV-2010-VESTIBULAR 1º SEMESTRE, aplicada em 09/12/2009.

LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
• 15 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
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9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
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11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Business English, Finance English, Legal English and so on):
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Vamos à Prova:
• TEXTO 1:
The fog of recession
By Christopher Palmeri and
Jena McGregor With David Henry and
Fred Jespersen in New York,
and Joseph Weber in Chicago
While it may be hard to manage through the current state of uncertainty, economists predict most companies will see improvement in the second half. Over the past 18 months, U.S. businesses have radically cut inventory, payroll, and capital spending. That was both a response to the sinking economy and a major factor in the speed of its decline. The first step in every recovery is to reestablish profits without a rebound in sales, notes James W. Paulsen, chief investment strategist of Wells Capital Management. About 77% of the companies reporting so far have beaten analysts’ earnings estimates, according to Thomson Reuters. As profitability returns, investors feel more confident about getting back into the stock market. “And there’s nothing better to get a CEO to hire somebody or make a capital investment than their stock price going up,” argues Paulsen. The problem now, he explains, is that on Main Street and in the C-suite, panic has merely given way to purgatory.
The biggest unknown is what to expect from consumers. With credit in short supply and unemployment on the rise, they remain reluctant to spend. Supermarket giant Safewaywitnessed that phenomenon in the second quarter. It posted a worse-than-expected sales drop of 6.5% as customers traded down to lower-priced generic products. And Americans areunlikely to open their wallets until they feel certain about their own job security. Says Ed Yardeni of Yardeni Research: “The important thing is for businesses to stop firing.”
As long as the external environment remains in doubt, companies will continue to focus on what they can do internally. Ari Bousbib, president of commercial companies at United Technologies, says, “We can only control our costs…”
👉 Questão  31 :
A According to the information in the article, the economy is at present
a) on its way to a certain recovery.
b) in decline, though it should recover completely by the end of the year.
c) so uncertain that businesses no longer know what course to take.
d) showing signs of hope for a limited number of businesses.
e) hard to understand, though, in general, showing signs of hope.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, a economia está no momento
a) on its way to a certain recovery.
• a caminho de uma certa recuperação.
b) in decline, though it should recover completely by the end of the year.
• em queda, embora deva se recuperar totalmente até o final do ano.
c) so uncertain that businesses no longer know what course to take.
• tão incerto que as empresas não sabem mais o que fazer.
d) showing signs of hope for a limited number of businesses.
• mostrar sinais de esperança para um número limitado de empresas.
e) hard to understand, though, in general, showing signs of hope.
• de difícil compreensão, porém, em geral, com sinais de esperança.
👉 Questão  32 :
Which of the following is a paradox mentioned in the article?
a) Even as the economy improved, sales in most industry segments declined.
b) Even as the economy declined, sales in most industry segments improved.
c) The ways in which U.S. businesses responded to the economic crisis made it happen more quickly.
d) Without job security, Americans are unlikely to increase their spending.
e) Not only have many businesses been hurt by the economic crisis, they have also been careful in their response to it.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• Qual das alternativas a seguir é um paradoxo mencionado no artigo?
a) Even as the economy improved, sales in most industry segments declined.
• Mesmo com a melhora da economia, as vendas na maioria dos segmentos da indústria diminuíram.
b) Even as the economy declined, sales in most industry segments improved.
• Mesmo com o declínio da economia, as vendas na maioria dos segmentos da indústria melhoraram.
c) The ways in which U.S. businesses responded to the economic crisis made it happen more quickly.
• As formas como as empresas americanas responderam à crise econômica a tornaram mais rápida.
d) Without job security, Americans are unlikely to increase their spending.
• Sem segurança no emprego, é improvável que os americanos aumentem seus gastos.
e) Not only have many businesses been hurt by the economic crisis, they have also been careful in their response to it.
• Muitas empresas não foram apenas prejudicadas pela crise econômica, mas também foram cuidadosas em sua resposta a ela.
👉 Questão  33 :
With respect to the information in paragraph 1, James W. Paulsen most likely believes that
a) companies must first increase sales in order to become more profitable.
b) the economic recovery has been stimulated by the drastic cost reductions that many companies have implemented.
c) a company must not count on increased sales as the way to begin a return to profitability.
d) the only way a company can reestablish profits is by investing in marketing and sales.
e) the economy must improve before companies can plan long-term capital investments.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• Com relação às informações do parágrafo 1, James W. Paulsen provavelmente acredita que...
a) companies must first increase sales in order to become more profitable.
• as empresas devem primeiro aumentar as vendas para se tornarem mais lucrativas.
b) the economic recovery has been stimulated by the drastic cost reductions that many companies have implemented.
• a recuperação econômica tem sido estimulada pelas drásticas reduções de custos que muitas empresas vêm implementando.
c) a company must not count on increased sales as the way to begin a return to profitability.
• a empresa não deve contar com o aumento das vendas como forma de iniciar o retorno à lucratividade.
d) the only way a company can reestablish profits is by investing in marketing and sales.
• a única forma de uma empresa restabelecer os lucros é investindo em marketing e vendas.
e) the economy must improve before companies can plan long-term capital investments.
• a economia deve melhorar antes que as empresas possam planejar investimentos de capital de longo prazo.
👉 Questão  34 :
According to the information in the article, of those companies that have reported their results,
a) more than half are still losing money, as analysts had predicted they would.
b) more than two thirds are doing better than analysts thought they would.
c) the great majority have increased sales by as much as 77%.
d) almost 77% are once again registering profits instead of suffering losses.
e) only a little more than 20% are still making a profit.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, das empresas que relataram seus resultados,
a) more than half are still losing money, as analysts had predicted they would.
• mais da metade ainda está perdendo dinheiro, como os analistas previram que aconteceria.
b) more than two thirds are doing better than analysts thought they would.
• mais de dois terços estão se saindo melhor do que os analistas pensavam.
c) the great majority have increased sales by as much as 77%.
• a grande maioria aumentou as vendas em até 77%.
d) almost 77% are once again registering profits instead of suffering losses.
• quase 77% voltam a registrar lucros ao invés de sofrer perdas.
e) only a little more than 20% are still making a profit.
• apenas um pouco mais de 20% ainda tem lucro.  
👉 Questão  35 :
According to James W. Paulsen, a company is most likely to increase its number of employees when
a) the value of its stock is increasing.
b) the economy is once again growing at a healthy rate.
c) its capital investments have placed new products on the market.
d) its stock is considered to be at a fair value.
e) it has first cut expenses as much as possible.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com James W. Paulsen, é mais provável que uma empresa aumente seu número de funcionários quando...
a) the value of its stock is increasing.
• o valor de suas ações está aumentando.
b) the economy is once again growing at a healthy rate.
• a economia voltou a crescer a um ritmo saudável.
c) its capital investments have placed new products on the market.
• seus investimentos de capital colocaram novos produtos no mercado.
d) its stock is considered to be at a fair value.
• seu estoque é considerado a valor justo.
e) it has first cut expenses as much as possible.
• primeiro cortou despesas tanto quanto possível.
👉 Questão  36 :
Which of the following is most likely the major question that a company must deal with at the moment?
a) When will credit start becoming more available?
b) Is now the right time to make capital investments?
c) Should we expand in anticipation of the economic recovery?
d) What do our customers intend to do?
e) At what point should we stop firing employees?
R E S P O S T A :   D
• Qual das alternativas a seguir é provavelmente a principal questão com a qual uma empresa deve lidar no momento?
a) When will credit start becoming more available?
• Quando o crédito começará a ficar mais disponível?
b) Is now the right time to make capital investments?
• Agora é o momento certo para fazer investimentos de capital?
c) Should we expand in anticipation of the economic recovery?
• Devemos expandir em antecipação à recuperação econômica?
d) What do our customers intend to do?
• O que nossos clientes pretendem fazer?
e) At what point should we stop firing employees?
• Em que ponto devemos parar de demitir funcionários?
👉 Questão  37 :
In paragraph 2, “that phenomenon,” in the sentence “Supermarket giant Safeway witnessed that phenomenon in the second quarter,” most likely refers to the
a) inability of Safeway’s regular customers to pay their bills.
b) desire of Safeway’s customers to hold on to their money.
c) lack of credit that forced Safeway to cut planned investments.
d) bad economy that forced Safeway to reduce its number of employees.
e) drop in sales that was 6.5% worse than what Safeway had expected.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• No parágrafo 2, "aquele fenômeno", na frase "A gigante dos supermercados Safeway testemunhou esse fenômeno no segundo trimestre", muito provavelmente se refere ao
a) inability of Safeway’s regular customers to pay their bills.
• incapacidade dos clientes regulares da Safeway de pagar suas contas.
b) desire of Safeway’s customers to hold on to their money.
• desejo dos clientes da Safeway de manter seu dinheiro.
c) lack of credit that forced Safeway to cut planned investments.
• falta de crédito que obrigou a Safeway a cortar os investimentos planejados.
d) bad economy that forced Safeway to reduce its number of employees.
• economia ruim que obrigou a Safeway a reduzir o número de funcionários.
e) drop in sales that was 6.5% worse than what Safeway had expected.
• queda nas vendas 6,5% pior do que o esperado pela Safeway.
👉 Questão  38 :
According to the information in the article, most companies probably believe that
a) an intelligent response to a bad economy is to reduce expenses.
b) a bad economy offers the best opportunity to cut unwanted expenses.
c) the best way to survive a bad economy is through aggressive marketing.
d) companies that don’t make capital investments during a bad economy will be at a disadvantage when the economy recovers.
e) market research and customer satisfaction are the keys to survival during an economic crisis.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, a maioria das empresas provavelmente acredita que
a) an intelligent response to a bad economy is to reduce expenses.
• uma resposta inteligente a uma economia ruim é reduzir despesas.
b) a bad economy offers the best opportunity to cut unwanted expenses.
• uma economia ruim oferece a melhor oportunidade para cortar despesas indesejadas.
c) the best way to survive a bad economy is through aggressive marketing.
• a melhor maneira de sobreviver a uma economia ruim é por meio de um marketing agressivo.
d) companies that don’t make capital investments during a bad economy will be at a disadvantage when the economy recovers.
• as empresas que não fazem investimentos de capital durante uma economia ruim estarão em desvantagem quando a economia se recuperar.
e) market research and customer satisfaction are the keys to survival during an economic crisis.
• pesquisa de mercado e satisfação do cliente são as chaves para a sobrevivência durante uma crise econômica.
By Rana Foroohar
One reason growth forecasts for rich nations are so grim is the common assumption that birth rates are falling. Fewer people will produce less income, and shrinking economies. Only the assumption of aging populations may be wrong, according to a recent report by Goldman Sachs that looks at key demographic trends for the 21st century.
Since bottoming out in 2001, fertility rates in a number of developed economies have actually been on the rise. Among rich economies, the jump is most pronounced in places like the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and the U.S. Larger immigrant populations in these nations have something to do with this, as they tend to have more children. Yet that effect is only short term, as migrants adopt the fertility rates of their new homes within a generation or so.
Goldman’s new analysis shows that another reason for the unexpected jump, and one that will play a bigger role in the future, is that women in rich countries have been having children later and later in life, something that traditional economic models don’t account for. Standard estimates of fertility are still tabulated assuming that most women are having children in their early 20s, rather than late 20s or even 30s and 40s, as has become more common in rich countries with lots of women in the workforce. “In parts of Europe [this method of calculation] has probably understated true fertility by about 15 to 20 percent,” notes Goldman Sachs economist Peter Berezin.
Those are big numbers, with potentially very significant ramifications. For starters, it could be that some of the problems faced by aging nations with shrinking tax bases (like, for example, overblown health-care spending, crumbling infra-structure, and budget shortfalls) may not be quite as bad as once envisioned.
👉 Questão  39 :
Which of the following is most supported by information in the article?
a) Both the economies and the birth rates of rich countries are now in decline.
b) Falling birth rates are the main cause of rich countries’ economic problems.
c) A rising birth rate cannot stimulate the economies of rich countries.
d) Most economists consider birth rate a minor factor in a country’s economic performance.
e) Despite a widespread belief to the contrary, birth rates are actually rising in some developed countries.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• Qual das opções a seguir é mais apoiada pelas informações do artigo?
a) Both the economies and the birth rates of rich countries are now in decline.
• Tanto as economias quanto as taxas de natalidade dos países ricos estão em declínio.
b) Falling birth rates are the main cause of rich countries’ economic problems.
• A queda nas taxas de natalidade é a principal causa dos problemas econômicos dos países ricos.
c) A rising birth rate cannot stimulate the economies of rich countries.
• Uma taxa de natalidade crescente não pode estimular as economias dos países ricos.
d) Most economists consider birth rate a minor factor in a country’s economic performance.
• A maioria dos economistas considera a taxa de natalidade um fator menor no desempenho econômico de um país.
e) Despite a widespread belief to the contrary, birth rates are actually rising in some developed countries.
• Apesar de uma crença generalizada em contrário, as taxas de natalidade estão, na verdade, aumentando em alguns países desenvolvidos.
👉 Questão  40 :
According to the information in the article, what happened in 2001?
a) Goldman Sachs reported important demographic trends for the 21st century.
b) Birth rates in certain developed countries reached their lowest point.
c) Birth rates in certain developed countries stopped rising.
d) The depressive effect of aging populations on mature economies first became noticeable.
e) Economists began noting a generalized drop in world fertility rates.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com as informações da reportagem, o que aconteceu em 2001?
a) Goldman Sachs reported important demographic trends for the 21st century.
• Goldman Sachs relatou tendências demográficas importantes para o século 21.
b) Birth rates in certain developed countries reached their lowest point.
• As taxas de natalidade em alguns países desenvolvidos atingiram seu ponto mais baixo.
c) Birth rates in certain developed countries stopped rising.
• As taxas de natalidade em alguns países desenvolvidos pararam de aumentar.
d) The depressive effect of aging populations on mature economies first became noticeable.
• O efeito depressivo do envelhecimento da população nas economias maduras tornou-se perceptível pela primeira vez.
e) Economists began noting a generalized drop in world fertility rates.
• Os economistas começaram a notar uma queda generalizada nas taxas de fecundidade mundiais.
👉 Questão  41 :
According to the information in the article, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and the U.S.
a) have the highest birth rates in the developed world.
b) have been successful in blending newly arrived immigrant populations with their nativeborn populations.
c) are less concerned about population growth than are other developed countries.
d) have a relatively greater number of immigrants than can be found in other rich countries.
e) have encouraged immigration as one way to compensate for their falling birth rates.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Reino Unido, França, Espanha e EUA
a) have the highest birth rates in the developed world.
• têm as maiores taxas de natalidade do mundo desenvolvido.
b) have been successful in blending newly arrived immigrant populations with their nativeborn populations.
• tiveram sucesso em misturar populações de imigrantes recém-chegados com suas populações nativas.
c) are less concerned about population growth than are other developed countries.
• estão menos preocupados com o crescimento populacional do que outros países desenvolvidos.
d) have a relatively greater number of immigrants than can be found in other rich countries.
• têm um número relativamente maior de imigrantes do que em outros países ricos.
e) have encouraged immigration as one way to compensate for their falling birth rates.
• estimularam a imigração como forma de compensar a queda nas taxas de natalidade.
👉 Questão  42 :
With respect to developed countries’ immigrant populations, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) Their birth rates eventually resemble the birth rates of their new countries.
b) Instead of stimulating economic growth, their high birth rates create big social problems.
c) Within a generation or so, they adopt the customs and religions of their new countries.
d) They are the reason that the economies of some developed countries have grown more than the economies of other developed countries.
e) They contribute very little to the tax bases of their new countries.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• Com relação às populações de imigrantes de países desenvolvidos, qual das opções a seguir é mais apoiada pelas informações do artigo?
• Suas taxas de natalidade eventualmente se assemelham às taxas de natalidade de seus novos países.
b) Instead of stimulating economic growth, their high birth rates create big social problems.
• Em vez de estimular o crescimento econômico, suas altas taxas de natalidade criam grandes problemas sociais.
c) Within a generation or so, they adopt the customs and religions of their new countries.
• Dentro de uma geração ou mais, eles adotam os costumes e religiões de seus novos países.
d) They are the reason that the economies of some developed countries have grown more than the economies of other developed countries.
• São a razão de as economias de alguns países desenvolvidos terem crescido mais do que as economias de outros países desenvolvidos.
d) They contribute very little to the tax bases of their new countries.
• Eles contribuem muito pouco para a base tributária de seus novos países.
👉 Questão  43 :
The “unexpected jump” mentioned in the first sentence of paragraph 3 most likely refers to which of the following?
a) The steadily increasing birth rates of immigrants and their descendants.
b) The better economic conditions that have encouraged women to have more babies.
c) The unforeseen birth rate increase in various developed countries.
d) Flawed economic models that misinterpret the role of women in immigrant populations.
e) The great increase in pregnancies among unmarried working women in developed countries.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• O “salto inesperado” mencionado na primeira frase do parágrafo 3 provavelmente se refere a qual dos seguintes?
a) The steadily increasing birth rates of immigrants and their descendants.
• O aumento constante das taxas de natalidade de imigrantes e seus descendentes.
b) The better economic conditions that have encouraged women to have more babies.
• As melhores condições econômicas que têm incentivado as mulheres a ter mais bebês.
c) The unforeseen birth rate increase in various developed countries.
• O aumento imprevisto da taxa de natalidade em vários países desenvolvidos.
d) Flawed economic models that misinterpret the role of women in immigrant populations.
• Modelos econômicos falhos que interpretam mal o papel das mulheres nas populações de imigrantes.
e) The great increase in pregnancies among unmarried working women in developed countries.
• O grande aumento de gravidez entre mulheres trabalhadoras solteiras nos países desenvolvidos.
👉 Questão  44 :
According to the information in the article, in rich nations
a) women in their early 20s are now having fewer children than are women in their 30s and 40s.
b) women in general have never been so fertile.
c) women with jobs seem to be waiting until they are older to have babies.
d) working women remain fertile longer than do nonworking women.
e) new methods of calculation have overestimated birth rates by 15 to 20 percent.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, nas nações ricas
a) women in their early 20s are now having fewer children than are women in their 30s and 40s.
• mulheres na casa dos 20 anos agora têm menos filhos do que as mulheres na casa dos 30 e 40 anos.
b) women in general have never been so fertile.
• as mulheres em geral nunca foram tão férteis.
c) women with jobs seem to be waiting until they are older to have babies.
• as mulheres com empregos parecem estar esperando até ficarem mais velhas para ter filhos.
d) working women remain fertile longer than do nonworking women.
• as mulheres que trabalham permanecem férteis por mais tempo do que as que não trabalham.
e) new methods of calculation have overestimated birth rates by 15 to 20 percent.
• novos métodos de cálculo superestimaram as taxas de natalidade em 15 a 20 por cento.
👉 Questão  45 :
If what Peter Berezin says at the end of paragraph 3 is true, then
a) Europe’s demographic problems could be much worse than was previously imagined.
b) aging countries might be able to worry less about health-care spending.
c) aging countries might have serious problems with their tax bases in the future.
d) European countries won’t have to worry about budget deficits.
e) working women in certain European countries are in fact less fertile than was previously believed.
R E S P O S T A :   B
 Se o que Peter Berezin diz no final do parágrafo 3 for verdade, então
a) Europe’s demographic problems could be much worse than was previously imagined.
• Os problemas demográficos da Europa podem ser muito piores do que se imaginava.
b) aging countries might be able to worry less about health-care spending.
• os países em envelhecimento podem ser capazes de se preocupar menos com os gastos com saúde.
c) aging countries might have serious problems with their tax bases in the future.
• os países em envelhecimento podem ter sérios problemas com suas bases tributárias no futuro.
d) European countries won’t have to worry about budget deficits.
• Os países europeus não terão que se preocupar com déficits orçamentários.
e) working women in certain European countries are in fact less fertile than was previously believed.
• as mulheres trabalhadoras em alguns países europeus são, de fato, menos férteis do que se acreditava anteriormente.

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