quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2014




• FUVEST-2007-VESTIBULAR-1º FASE-26/11/2006.


 5 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Texto (1) – | Left behind | The Economist |
 Texto (2) – | Fat Factors | www.nytimes.com |

 TEXTO 1: Texto para as questões 76 e 77.

"CHILE, which has South America's most successful economy, elected its first female president this year. But the lot of Chilean women is by many measures worse than that of their sisters elsewhere in the region. A smaller proportion of them work and fewer achieve political power. According to a recent report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, an association of parliaments, 15% of representatives in the lower house of Chile’s Congress are women, less than half the proportion in Costa Rica and Argentina and below the level in eight other countries in the region, including Venezuela and Bolivia. Chilean women hope that Michelle Bachelet's presidency will improve their position but there are worries that she will do more harm than good."
The Economist August 12th 2006


According to the text, Chilean women

a) have better work perspectives than other South American women.
b) lag behind women in other South American countries in terms of political power.
c) work hard but don’t get good salaries despite Chile’s economic development.
d) face many obstacles when they have to move to different regions.
e) are taking different measures to overcome their political problems.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Segundo o texto, as mulheres chilenas
a) have better work perspectives than other South American women.
têm melhores perspectivas de trabalho do que outras mulheres sul-americanas.
b) lag behind women in other South American countries in terms of political power.
ficam atrás das mulheres de outros países sul-americanos em termos de poder político.
c) work hard but don’t get good salaries despite Chile’s economic development.
trabalham arduamente mas não recebem bons salários, apesar do desenvolvimento econômico do Chile.
d) face many obstacles when they have to move to different regions.
enfrentam muitos obstáculos quando têm que se deslocar para diferentes regiões.
e) are taking different measures to overcome their political problems.
estão tomando diferentes medidas para superar seus problemas políticos.
• "[...] According to a recent report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, an association of parliaments, 15% of representatives in the lower house of Chile's Congress are women, less than half the proportion in Costa Rica and Argentina and below the level in eight other countries in the region, including Venezuela and Bolivia."
•  De acordo com um relatório recente da União Interparlamentar, uma associação de parlamentos, 15% dos representantes na câmara baixa do Congresso do Chile são mulheres, menos da metade da proporção na Costa Rica e na Argentina e abaixo do nível em outros oito países em a região, incluindo a Venezuela e a Bolívia.


According to the text, the Chilean president

a) will fight for significant changes in women's political participation in the country.
b) has demonstrated political strength in Chile’s Congress since her election.
c) is seen with caution with respect to improvement in women's position in the country.
d) hopes Chilean women will reach the same level as women in the other South American countries.
e) is worried about the percentage of women’s political participation in Chile.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Segundo o texto, o presidente chileno
a) will fight for significant changes in women's political participation in the country.
lutará por mudanças significativas na participação política das mulheres no país.
b) has demonstrated political strength in Chile’s Congress since her election.
demonstrou força política no Congresso do Chile desde a sua eleição.
c) is seen with caution with respect to improvement in women's position in the country.
é visto com cautela no que diz respeito à melhoria da posição das mulheres no país.
d) hopes Chilean women will reach the same level as women in the other South American countries.
espera que as mulheres chilenas alcancem o mesmo nível que as mulheres dos demais países sul-americanos.
e) is worried about the percentage of women’s political participation in Chile.
está preocupada com a percentagem de participação política das mulheres no Chile.
• "[...] Chilean women hope that Michelle Bachelet's presidency will improve their position but there are worries that she will do more harm than good."
•  As mulheres chilenas esperam que a presidência de Michelle Bachelet melhore sua posição, mas há preocupações de que ela fará mais mal do que bem.

 TEXTO 2: Texto para as questões de 78 a 80.

"Researchers and public-health officials have long understood that to maintain a given weight, energy in (calories consumed) must equal energy out (calories expended). But then they learned that genes were important, too, and that for some people this formula was tilted in a direction that led to weight gain. Since the discovery of the first obesity gene in 1994, scientists have found about 50 genes involved in obesity. Some of them determine how individuals lay down fat and metabolize energy stores. Others regulate how much people want to eat in the first place, how they know when they’ve had enough and how likely they are to use up calories through activities ranging from fidgeting to running marathons. People who can get fat on very little fuel may be genetically programmed to survive in harsher environments. When the human species got its start, it was an advantage to be efficient. Today, when food is plentiful, it is a hazard.”


In the text, the central idea is that

a) obesity should be genetically treated.
b) fat people may use different formulae to lose weight.
c) fat regulates our feeling of satiety.
d) genes contribute to obesity.
e) researchers are discussing the consequences of obesity.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    D  
No texto, a ideia central é que
a) obesity should be genetically treated.
a obesidade deve ser tratada geneticamente.
b) fat people may use different formulae to lose weight.
pessoas obesas podem usar fórmulas diferentes para perder peso.
c) fat regulates our feeling of satiety.
a gordura regula a nossa sensação de saciedade.
d) genes contribute to obesity.
os genes contribuem para a obesidade.
e) researchers are discussing the consequences of obesity.
pesquisadores discutem as consequências da obesidade.
• "[...] Researchers and public-health officials have long understood that to maintain a given weight, energy in (calories consumed) must equal energy out (calories expended). But then they learned that genes were important, too, and that for some people this formula was tilted in a direction that led to weight gain."
•  Pesquisadores e funcionários de saúde pública entenda há muito tempo que manter um determinado peso, a energia em (calorias consumidas) deve ser igual à energia (calorias gastas). Mas então eles aprenderam que os genes também eram importantes demais, e que, para algumas pessoas, essa fórmula estava inclinada em uma direção que levava ao ganho de peso.


According to the text,

a) today's obesity may be linked to evolutionary factors.
b) the human species is programmed to eat as much as possible to survive.
c) the ingestion of large quantities of food was an advantage in the past.
d) obese people have some advantages over slim people.
e) very little food is necessary to survive in some environments.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    A  
De acordo com o texto,
a) today's obesity may be linked to evolutionary factors.
a obesidade atual pode estar ligada a fatores evolutivos.
b) the human species is programmed to eat as much as possible to survive.
a espécie humana está programada para comer o máximo possível para sobreviver.
c) the ingestion of large quantities of food was an advantage in the past.
a ingestão de grandes quantidades de alimentos era uma vantagem no passado.
d) obese people have some advantages over slim people.
pessoas obesas apresentam algumas vantagens em relação às pessoas magras.
e) very little food is necessary to survive in some environments.
muito pouca comida é necessária para sobreviver em alguns ambientes.
• "[...] People who can get fat on very little fuel may be genetically programmed to survive in harsher environments. When the human species got its start, it was an advantage to be efficient. Today, when food is plentiful, it is a hazard."
•  As pessoas que podem engordar com muito pouco combustível podem ser geneticamente programadas para sobreviver em ambientes mais severos. Quando as espécies humanas começaram, era uma vantagem ser eficiente. Hoje, quando a comida é abundante, é um perigo.


In the text, the pronoun "Others"(line 14) refers to

a) calories.
b) individuals.
c) energy stores.
d) scientists.
e) genes.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    E  
• No texto, o pronome “Others” refere-se a "genes"
• "[...] Since the discovery of the first obesity gene in 1994, scientists have found about 50 genes involved in obesity. Some of them determine how individuals lay down fat and metabolize energy stores. Others regulate how much people want to eat in the first place,"
•  Desde a descoberta do primeiro gene da obesidade em 1994, cientistas descobriram cerca de 50 genes envolvidos na obesidade. Alguns (=genes) determinam como os indivíduos depositam gorduras e metabolizam os estoques de energia. Outros (genes) regulam o quanto as pessoas querem comer em primeiro lugar.

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