quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015

CESGRANRIO-PETROBRAS-2012-Concurso Público para Eng° de Petróleo Jr da PETROBRAS(Petróleo Brasileiro S.A) - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS-CESGRANRIO-2012 da PETROBRAS(Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.)-Cargo:Nível Superior(vários cargos)-Prova aplicada em 2012.
LEITURA de textos de jornais,revistas, websites, blogs e cartoons a seguir, é um excelente treino para a prova OBJETIVA de inglês com 10 questões.
[a]Banca Organizadora do Concurso Público 
[b] Padrão da PROVA :
➦ 02 Textos.
➦ 10 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada).
➦Compreensão Textual do inglês.
➦Uso do Inglês.
Caso necessário, sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
👉Site : www.rigzone.com
👉Site http://talentegg.ca/incubator/
🔄Texto I  A Day in the Life of the Women of O&G
(Um dia na vida das mulheres de O&G)
Tema: A mulher na indústria de petróleo e gás. 
Nº de questões: 07 
🔄Texto II  How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say
Tema: Dicas relevantes para os interessados em ingressar e construir uma vida profissional de sucesso na Indústria de Petróleo e Gás 
Nº de questões: 03  
Caso necessário, sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[to appeal(âPíôl)(apelar)=resort(ríZôrt)(recorrer)]
[to attract(aTráktch)(atrair)=allure(aLôôr)= seduce(sêDuz)(seduzir)]
[to cater(Kêidôr)=provide(prôVáid)(fornecer)= supply(sôPlái)(fornecer]
[to lose(Lûz)(perder)=perish(Péuréxi)(perecer) =succumb(sêKâm)(sucumbir)=surrender(sôRêndôr)(render-se)]
[to disrupt(dêsRâpt)(interromper)=rupture (RápXôr)(romper)=interrupt(ênnôRâptch)(interromper)]
[to downgrade(desvalorizar)=turn down(abaixar)]
[to draft(Dréfti)(esboçar)=outline(ÁuLáin)(esboçar) =design(diZáin)(desenhar)=draw(drjó)(desenhar)]
[to sponsor(sPãnsôr)(patrocinar)=promote (prôMôut)(promover)]
[to perform(pôrFôrm)=accomplish(âKãmplêxi)(realizar)=satisfy(sárasFái)(satisfazer)]
[to rig(Rêguê)=equip(âKuêp)(equipar)=outfit]
🔄Phrasal Verbs:
[to carry out=(conduzir/levar adiante)]
[to decrease=diminution=go down(diminuir)=to fall=drop]
[to point out(põiRáut)(assinalar)=signalize (SígnôLáiz)(sinalizar)]
[pointed out(pôinéRáut)=assinalou]
[to track down="rastrear","procurar"]
[to turn down=refuse(recusar)=reject(rejeitar)]
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
[all the women felt really committed to solving the ...=todas as mulheres se sentiram realmente comprometidas em resolver o...]
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
[growing up=crescendo]
[was expanding=estava expandindo]
[attracted them(âtráktêDâm)=os atraia]
[considered the(kãSírôrDâ)=considerou que]
[commented that(kãMénrêDâ)=comentou que]
[mentioned that(MênthênDâ)=mencionou que]
[when asked about their choice=(uênnéskéBáutch) =quando questionado sobre sua escolha]
[all the women felt really committed to solving the ...=todas as mulheres se sentiram realmente comprometidas em resolver o...] 
[biofuel(BáiôFíu'ôl) → biocombustível]
[career(kôRíôr)(carreira) → profession(prôFéxén)(profissão)]
[gas(Gués)(gasolina) → gasoline(guéssôLín)]
[goods(Gûds)(bens) → product(Prórâkt)(produtos)]
[hazard(RRázôrd) → danger(Dêndjôr)(perigo)=risk(Rêsk)(risco)]
[internship(ênNôrnXêp)→ estágio]
[oil(Óiôl)(petróleo) → petroleum(pêTrlhóliâm)] 
[peak(Pík)(pico) → summit(Sãmêt)]
[pipeline(PáipLáin→ gasoduto]
[pipe(Páip) → tubo, cano]
[planks(pranchas) → plataformas políticas]
[public domain(Pâblêk-dôMêin)=domínio público]
[recruiter(rêKrúdôr) → recrutador]
[scholarship(sKólôrXêp)=studentship(sTúdênXêp) → bolsa de estudo] 
[sugar cane(XûgôrKêin→ cana-de-açucar]
[interviewee(ênnôrVíu-í) → entrevistado]
[interviewer(ênnôrVíu-ôr) → entrevistador]
[zone(zõn)(zona) → area(Éuria)]
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas:
[rewarding(ríuÔrdén→ compensador(a), lucrativo, rentável]
[blended(Bléndêd) → misturado]
[environmental(enVáirõMéntôl) → ambiental]
*environment(enVáirõMént) → ambiente.
[faultless(Fólêss→ impeccable(ínPékébôl)(impecável), perfect(perfeito)]
[fierce(FíuÊss)(feroz) → violent(Váilên)(violento), furious(FíuriÊss)(furioso)]
[foreseeable(fôrSSíuBôl) → previsível]
[impending(emPéndén) → "iminente","prestes a acontencer"]
[profitable(Prófêrêbôl) → rewarding]
[renewable(ríNíubôl) →  renovável]
[resource(ríSSôrssi) →  renovável]
[unreachable(ãnRíthibôl) → inacessível"]
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
[hectic(RRék'Têk) → agitated(ÉdjiTêrêd)(agitado)]
[offshore(ófXôr) → no mar]
[overnight(ôvô rNái) → da noite para o dia]
[rather(Rédôr)(preferencialmente) → by preference(de preferência)]
[rightly(Ráitlí)(certamente,com todo direito)=certainly]
[such as(Séthéz)(certamente, com todo direito) → certainly]
[strongly → "fortemente"]
[therefore(dérFôr)(assim sendo)=so= hence (consequentemente)]
🔄Conectores/Marcadores de discurso:
[although=though=even though=EMBORA=sempre vem antes de SUJEITO+VERBO]
[in spite of=despite=APESAR DE=sempre vem antes de SUBSTANTIVO,PRONOME ou VERBO COM ING]
🔄Expressões comuns:
🔄Expressões idiomáticas:
[when it comes=quando se trata de]
[point in time="momento"]
["snap-shot" of looking=fotografia instantânea] 
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos (Petróleo/Gás):
[oil and gas industry → óiÔlên-Guéssêndustrí]
[oil rig → plataforma de petróleo]
[oil spill(óiôsPêl) → derramamento de petróleo]
[oil shale(óiôXél) → Xisto de petróleo]
[oil well(óiô-uél) → poço de petróleo]
[organic waste → "resíduo orgânico"]
[offshore wells → "poços marítimos"]
[plant matter → "matéria vegetal"]
[power dams → "hidrelétricas"]
[renewable resources → fontes de energia"]
[summer internship → estágio de verão]
[fuel supply → Estoque de combustível]
[fossil fuels → "combustíveis fósseis"]
[greenhouse gas → "Gases de efeito estufa"]
[graduate advisor → "tutor de graduação"]
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=indica posse):
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:
[Gasolina=no inglês americano pode ser "gas(gués)" ou "gasoline(Guéssôlín)"].
[Gasolina=no inglês britânico é "petrol(Pétrôl)".
Agora vamos à prova!
Text I
A Day in the Life of the Women of O&G
by  Jaime Kammerzell
From Rigzone Contributor. Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas (O&G) industry compared to men, many women find rewarding careers in the industry. Five women were asked the same questions regarding their career choices in the oil and gas industry.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Question 1: Why did you choose the oil and gas industry?
Woman 1: Cool technology, applying science and money.
Woman 2: It seemed interesting and the pay was good.
Woman 3: They offered me a job! I couldn’t turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans.
Woman 4: I did not really choose the oil and gas industry as much as it chose me.
Woman 5: I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our country’s energy solution.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Question 2: How did you get your start in the oil and gas industry?
Woman 1: I went to a university that all major oil companies recruit. I received a summer internship with Texaco before my last year of my Master’s degree.
Woman 2: I was recruited at a Texas Tech Engineering Job Fair.
Woman 3: At the time, campus recruiters came to the geosciences department of my university annually and they sponsored scholarships for graduate students to help complete their research. Even though my Master’s thesis was more geared toward environmental studies, as a recipient of one of these scholarships, my graduate advisor strongly encouraged me to participate when the time came for O&G Industry interviews.
Woman 4: I was working for a company in another state where oil and gas was not its primary business. When the company sold its division in the state where I was working, they offered me a position at the company’s headquarters in Houston managing the aftermarket sales for the company’s largest region. Aftermarket sales supported the on-highway, construction, industrial, agricultural and the oil and gas markets. After one year, the company asked me to take the position of managing their marine and offshore power products division. I held that position for three years. I left that company to join a new startup company where I hold the position of president.
Woman 5: My first job in the oil and gas industry was an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans.
I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented geoscientists and engineers.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Question  3: Describe your typical day.
Woman 1: Tough one to describe a typical day. I generally read email, go to a couple of meetings and work with the field’s earth model or look at seismic. Woman 2: I talk with clients, help prepare bids and work on getting projects out the door. My days are never the same, which is what I love about the job I have.
Woman 3: I usually work from 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (although the official day is shorter). We call the field every morning for an update on operations, security, construction, facilities and production engineering activities. I work with my team leads on short-term and long-term projects to enhance production (a lot of emails and Powerpoint). I usually have 2-3 meetings per day to discuss/prioritize/review ongoing or upcoming work (production optimization, simulation modeling, drilling plans, geologic interpretation, workovers, etc.). Beyond our team, I also participate in a number of broader business initiatives and leadership teams.
Woman 4: A typical day is a hectic day for me. My day usually starts well before 8 a.m. with phone calls and emails with our facility in Norway, as well as other business relationships abroad. At the office, I am involved in the daily business operations and also stay closely involved in the projects and the sales efforts. On any given day I am working on budgets and finance, attending project meetings, attending engineering meetings, reviewing drawings and technical specifications, meeting with clients and prospective clients, reviewing sales proposals, evaluating new business opportunities and making a lot of decisions.
Woman 5: On most days I work on my computer to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create maps, research local and regional geology or write documents. I go to project meetings almost every day. I typically work only during business hours, but there are times when I get calls at night or on weekends from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a technical problem.
Adapted from URL: <http://www.rigzone.com/news/article .asp?a_id=11508>. Retrieved on February 14, 2012.
👉  Questão   11 
According to Text I, when asked about their choice of the oil and gas industry,
(A) all the interviewees pointed out the relevance of having a green job.
(B) all the women felt really committed to solving the nation’s energy problems.
(C) all the interviewees mentioned that the challenges of the field attracted them.
(D) just one of the women commented that she was attracted by the location of the job.
(E) no interviewee considered the salary an important factor for accepting the job.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   D 
According to Text I, when asked about their choice of the oil and gas industry,(De acordo com o texto I, quando questionados sobre a escolha da indústria de petróleo e gás)...
(A) all the interviewees pointed out the relevance of having a green job.(todos os entrevistados apontaram a relevância de ter um emprego verde.)
(B) all the women felt really committed to solving the nation’s energy problems.(todas as mulheres se sentiram realmente comprometidas em resolver os problemas de energia do país.)
(C) all the interviewees mentioned that the challenges of the field attracted them.(todos os entrevistados mencionaram que os desafios do campo os atraíram.)
(D) just one of the women commented that she was attracted by the location of the job.(apenas uma das mulheres comentou que estava atraída pela localização do trabalho.)
(E) no interviewee considered the salary an important factor for accepting the job.(nenhum entrevistado considerou o salário um fator importante para aceitar o emprego.)

👉  Questão   12 
In Text I, using the interviewees' experience, it can be said that getting a job in the O&G industry can result from all the following situations, EXCEPT
(A) participating in a job fair.
(B) taking part in O&G Industry interviews.
(C) applying to specific job ads via internet sites.

(D) attending a university where major oil companies look for prospective employees.
(E) getting previous experience in an internship program with an O&G organization.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   C 
No Texto I, usando a experiência dos entrevistados, pode-se dizer que conseguir um emprego na indústria de O & G pode resultar de todas as situações a seguir, EXCETO
*Alternativa (A): participar de uma feira de emprego.
*Alternativa (B): participar das entrevistas do setor de O & G.
*Alternativa (C): aplicando-se a anúncios de emprego específicos através de sites da internet.
*Alternativa (D): freqüentar uma universidade onde grandes companhias petrolíferas buscam possíveis empregados.
*Alternativa (E): obter experiência anterior em um programa de estágio com uma organização de O & G.
👉  Questão   13 
In Text I, according to the answers to the third question in the interview,
(A) Woman 1 implies that  every day is the same for her, since she performs exactly the same tasks routinely.
(B) Woman 2 complains against her very boring schedule at the office, dealing with strictly technical issues.
(C) Woman 3 always works off hours and does not get involved with the operations in the field.
(D) Woman 4 has negotiations with the international branches and gets involved in commercial and technical issues.

(E) Woman 5 does not need to worry about preparing written materials nor deciding on last-minute technical issues at nights or on weekends.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   D 
No texto I, de acordo com as respostas à terceira questão da entrevista,
*Alternativa (A): A mulher 1 implica que cada dia é o mesmo para ela, já que ela realiza exatamente as mesmas tarefas rotineiramente.
*Alternativa (B): Mulher 2 se queixa de sua agenda muito chata no escritório, lidando com questões estritamente técnicas.
*Alternativa (C): A mulher 3 sempre trabalha fora de horas e não se envolve com as operações no campo.
*Alternativa (D): A mulher 4 tem negociações com as filiais internacionais e se envolve em questões comerciais e técnicas.
*Alternativa (E): A mulher 5 não precisa se preocupar em preparar materiais escritos nem decidir sobre questões técnicas de última hora à noite ou nos finais de semana
👉  Questão   14 
Based on the meanings of the words in Text I,
(A) major (line 22) and main express opposite ideas.
(B) headquarters (line 40) could be substituted by main office.
(C) smart (line 51) and intelligent are antonyms.

(D) enhance (line 66) and reduce express similar ideas.
(E) prospective (line  84) and former are synonyms.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   B 
Com base nos significados das palavras no Texto I...
*Alternativa (A): principais e principais expressar idéias opostas.
*Alternativa (B): sede poderia ser substituído pelo escritório principal.
*Alternativa (C): inteligente e inteligente são antônimos.
*Alternativa (D): melhorar e reduzir expressam idéias semelhantes.
*Alternativa (E): prospectivo e anterior são sinônimos.
👉  Questão   15 
The sentence, in Text I, in which the boldfaced expression introduces an idea of addition is
(A) "Although far fewer women work in the oil and gas (O&G) industry compared to men, many women find rewarding careers in the industry." (lines 1-3)
(B) "I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects," (lines 17-18)
(C) "Even though my Master's thesis was more geared toward environmental studies," (lines 31-32) (D) "as well as other business relationships abroad." (lines 76-77)
(E) "but there are times when I get calls at night or on weekends from a rig or other geologists for assistance with a technical problem." (lines 91-94)

👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   D 
A sentença, no Texto I, em que a expressão em negrito introduz uma IDEIA DE ADIÇÃO é
*Alternativa (A): "EMBORA(ideia de contraste) muito menos mulheres trabalhem na indústria de petróleo e gás (O & G) em comparação com os homens, muitas mulheres encontram carreiras recompensadoras na indústria.".
*Alternativa (B): "Eu escolhi a indústria de petróleo e gás POR CAUSA DOS(ideia de causa) projetos desafiadores".
*Alternativa (C): "EMBORA(ideia de contraste) que minha dissertação de mestrado fosse mais voltada para estudos ambientais".
*Alternativa (D): "ASSIM COMO(ideia de adição) como outras relações comerciais no exterior".
*Alternativa (E): "MAS(ideia de contraste) há momentos em que recebo chamadas à noite ou nos finais de semana de uma sonda ou outros geólogos para assistência em caso de problemas técnicos". 
👉  Questão   16 
In Text I, the expression "turn down" in "I couldn't turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans" (lines 12-14) could be replaced, without change in meaning, by
(A) refuse
(B) take
(C) accept
(D) request
(E) understand
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   A 
TÓPICO - Questão 16 sobre PHRASAL VERB - TURN DOWN(diminuir/recusar) :
No Texto I, a expressão TURN DOWN em:
"I couldn't turn down the great starting salary and a chance to live in New Orleans"
(Eu não CONSEGUIRIA(dá ideia de hipótese ao verbo principal) recusar o grande salário inicial e a chance de morar em Nova Orleans")
poderia ser substituída, sem mudança de significado, por
*Alternativa (A): recusar
*Alternativa (B): tomar
*Alternativa (C): aceitar
*Alternativa (D): requisitar
*Alternativa (E): entender
Detalhe de gramática:
O verbo modal "could" na negativa "couldn't" expressa IDEIA DE HIPÓTESE no contexto.
👉  Questão   17 
The only fragment from Text I that presents a series of actions exclusively performed in the past is
(A) "I chose the oil and gas industry because of the challenging projects, and I want to be part of our country's energy solution." (lines 17-19)
(B) "I held that position for three years. I left that company to join a new startup company where I hold the position of president." (lines 46-48)
(C) "My first job in the oil and gas industry was an internship with Mobil Oil Corp., in New Orleans. I worked with a lot of smart, focused and talented geoscientists and engineers." (lines 49-52)
(D) "At the office, I am involved in the daily business operations and also stay closely involved in the projects and the sales efforts." (lines 77-80)
(E) "On most days I work on my computer to complete my projects. I interpret logs, create maps, research local and regional geology or write documents." (lines 87-90)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   C 
TÓPICO - Questão gramatical sobre TEMPOS VERBAIS - SIMPLE PAST(ações realizadas exclusivamente no passado) :
O único fragmento do Texto I que apresenta uma série de ações realizadas exclusivamente no passado é...
*Alternativa (A): "Eu ESCOLHI-CHOSE(simple past) a indústria de petróleo e gás por causa dos projetos desafiadores, e eu QUERO-WANT(simple present) -SER-BE(infinitivo) parte da solução energética do nosso país."
*Alternativa (B): "Eu MANTIVE-HELD(simple past) essa posição por três anos. Eu DEIXEI(simple past) a empresa PARA JUNTAR-SE-TO JOIN(infinitivo) a uma nova empresa de startups onde eu MANTENHO(simple present) o cargo de presidente."
*Alternativa (C): "Meu primeiro emprego na indústria de petróleo e gás, FOI-WENT(simple past) um estágio na Mobil Oil Corp., em Nova Orleans. TRABALHEI-WORKED(simple past) com muitos geocientistas e engenheiros inteligentes, focados e talentosos."
*Alternativa (D): "No escritório, ESTOU-AM(simple present) envolvido nas operações diárias do negócio e também PERMANEÇO-STAY(simple present) intimamente envolvido nos projetos e nos esforços de vendas." 
*Alternativa (E): "Na maioria dos dias eu TRABALHO-WORK(simple present) no meu computador para completar meus projetos. Eu INTERPRETO-INTERPRET(simple present) logs, CRIO-CREAT(simple present) mapas, PESQUISO-RESEARCH-(simple present) geologia local e regional ou ESCREVO-WRITE-(simple present) documentos."
Text II  

How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say

By Katie Weir From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus Talisman Energy

How to start your career, step by step
Fix up your resumé – take it to your career centre at your university and they’ll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to your best qualities – save the pretentious language for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend their events – if you feel uncomfortable attending alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job to do, it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees, and an easy way to start up a conversation the next time you see them.

Do your research – I can’t stress this enough. I want students to apply to Talisman, not because we have open jobs, but because they actually have an interest in what we’re doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble – it’s important to communicate your abilities effectively, but it’s also important to be conscious of the phrase: “sense of entitlement.” This generation entering the workforce has already been branded with the word “entitlement,” so students will need to fight against this bias from the very beginning of any relationship with people in the industry – be aware that you will need to roll up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded in the end.
Retrieved and adapted from URL: <http://talentegg.ca/incubator/ 2010/11/29/how-to-start-a-career-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry -what-employers-say/>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.
👉  Questão   18 
The main purpose of Text II  is to
(A) teach prospective workers how to prepare cover letters to impress employers.
(B) advise the readers about the importance of researching for open jobs in institutional websites.
(C) criticize job candidates who are excessively confident and feel that the world owes them something.
(D) alert the readers to the importance of joining a professional association to have free access to their events.
(E) list relevant hints for those interested in entering the job market and building a successful professional life.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   E 
A proposta principal do Texto II é...
*Alternativa (A): ENSINAR os futuros trabalhadores como preparar cartas de apresentação para impressionar os empregadores.
*Alternativa (B): ACONSELHAR os leitores sobre a importância de pesquisar por empregos abertos em sites institucionais.
*Alternativa (C): CRITICAR candidatos que são excessivamente confiantes e sentem que o mundo lhes deve alguma coisa.
*Alternativa (D): ALERTAR os leitores para a importância de ingressar em uma associação profissional para ter livre acesso aos seus eventos.
*Alternativa (E): LISTAR dicas relevantes para os interessados em ingressar no mercado de trabalho e construir uma vida profissional de sucesso.
👉  Questão   19 
The fragment that closes Text II, "be aware that you will need to roll up your sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and you will be rewarded in the end."(lines 23-25),implies that one must
(A) make an effort to commit totally to one’s job in the initial phase, in order to reach success in the future.
(B) wear formal clothes to work so that, as years go by, a couple of top-rank officers can recognize one’s worth.
(C) accept jobs with severe routines only in order to obtain early promotions.
(D) avoid postponing assigned tasks and wearing inappropriate clothes in the working environment.
(E) show commitment to the working routine and demand the rewards frequently offered to senior employees.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   A 
O fragmento que fecha o Texto II, "esteja ciente de que você precisará arregaçar as mangas e trabalhar duro pelos primeiros dois anos, e você será recompensado no final", implica que é preciso...
*Alternativa (A): ESFORÇAR-SE para comprometer-se totalmente com o trabalho de uma pessoa na fase inicial, a fim de alcançar o sucesso no futuro.
*Alternativa (B): USAR ROUPAS FORMAIS para trabalhar de modo que, com o passar dos anos, um par de oficiais de alto escalão reconheçam o valor de um.
*Alternativa (C): ACEITAR TRABALHOS com rotinas severas apenas para obter promoções antecipadas.
*Alternativa (D): EVITAR ADIAR TAREFAS atribuídas e USAR ROUPAS INAPROPRIADAS no ambiente de trabalho.
*Alternativa (E): DEMONSTRAR COMPROMETIMENTO com a rotina de trabalho e EXIGIR as recompensas oferecidas com frequência aos funcionários seniores.
👉  Questão   20 
Concerning Texts I and II, it is possible to affirm that
(A) neither text points out ways to get rewarding jobs in the O&G industry.
(B) both texts discuss strategies to ask for promotion in the O&G industry.
(C) both texts present ways of starting successful careers in the O&G industry.
(D) only Text I encourages prospective employees of O&G industries to plan their careers in advance.
(E) only Text II provides hints on how to give up highly-paid jobs in the O&G industry.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito :   C 
Com relação aos textos I e II, é possível afirmar que...
*Alternativa (A): nenhum dos textos aponta maneiras de obter empregos recompensadores no setor de O & G.
*Alternativa (B): ambos os textos discutem estratégias para pedir a promoção na indústria de O & G.
*Alternativa (C): ambos os textos apresentam formas de iniciar carreiras de sucesso na indústria de O & G.
*Alternativa (D): apenas o Text I incentiva os possíveis funcionários das indústrias de O & G a planejar suas carreiras com antecedência.
*Alternativa (E): apenas o Texto II fornece dicas sobre como desistir de empregos altamente remunerados na indústria de O & G.

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