segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

ESAF-1996-RECEITA FEDERAL-Concurso Público para Auditor Fiscal do Tesouro Nacional (AFTN) - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas -

• Welcome back to another post!
• A pauta aqui é TAX ENGLISH com uma prova na Área Fiscal.
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS do ESAF-1996-RECEITA FEDERAL-AFTN(Auditor Fiscal do Tesouro Nacional), aplicada em 28/07/1996.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
• It consists of 10 multiple-choice questions(A,B,C,D,E).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [to fall(fól) = decrease(diKrís) = cair, diminuir]
• [to spend (TIME) = passar(o tempo)]
* "And I cherish when circumstances give me an excuse to spend my time that way,"(PUC-MG).
• [to spend on/at(MONEY)= gastar(o dinheiro)]
• [to pass the time = passar o tempo (sem especificação do tempo)]
• [to spend on/at = gastar dinheiro com ou em algo]
• [How much did you spend on your vacation? = Quanto você gastou nas suas férias?]
• He spends a lot of money at restaurants. = Ele gasta muito dinheiro em restaurantes.]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [cost = custo, preço]
• [microship(máikrôThêp) = microchip]
• [size = tamanho]
• [cheap(Thíp) = barato, econômico]
• [useless = inútil]
• [worthwile = vantajoso, que vale a pena]
• [ = ]
8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [tiny space = espaço minúsculo]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [ = ]
• [in more and more ways = ]
• [not worthwhile = não vale a pena, não é vantajoso]
• [waste of time = perda de tempo]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Business English, Finance English, Tax English, Customs English):
• [ = ]
• [As the cost = À medida que os custos...]
• [the author's conclusion = a conclusão do autor]
• [RECEITA pode ser = revenue, prescription or recipe]
 [revenue(RévénNhu) = income = receita financeira(o dinheiro que entra)]
• [prescription(prêsKrêpxén) = receita médica(prescrição)]
• [recipe(Réssêpí) = receita(de bolo, de pudim, de torta, etc]
➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
• TEXTO 1:
Physical Fitness

Physical fitness can help you live longer, feel healthier and cope with life's problems. Various activities can help you keep fit: from running marathons to climbing mountains to lifting heavy weights. For the average non-sporting person without much time to spare, activities like these are not very practical and, to be frank, they are a waste of time. It is much better in my view to devote no more than a half an hour every other day to doing exercises. The important thing is to stick to a routine so that you don't say to yourself, "I won't bother today!" or "I'll do it later!". If you haven't got the willpower to establish a routine like this, a sport like tennis or golf might suit you better. Your partner will help you remember to play regularly and you'll be able to get your exercise outdoors, too.  

Taking exercises can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthy makes up for the few minutes a day it takes.  
👉  Questão   21 
According to paragraph 1, physical fitness
(A) is not important 
(B) should not be taken into consideration
(C) may result in an increase in longevity
(D) does not make any difference in terms of health
(E) is irrelevant in our every day routine

R E S P O S T A :   C

👉  Questão   22 
In the author's opinion:
A) We do not need to exercise every day
B) We should devote an hour every day to doing exercises 
C) We should devote thirty minutes every day to physical exercises
D) We need to exercise from Monday to Friday
E) We should exercise at least two hours a day

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉  Questão   23 
According to the author's conclusion, the time you spend exercising is:
A) useless
B) not worthwhile
C) a waste of time
D) worthwile
E) too consuming

R E S P O S T A :   D

• De acordo com a conclusão do autor, o tempo que você passa se exercitando é:
A) useless
• inútil
B) not worthwhile
• não vale a pena
C) a waste of time
• uma perda de tempo
D) worthwile
• que vale a pena
E) too consuming
• demorado demais
👉  Questão   24 
Which of the following sentences does NOT express what is in the text?
A Keeping in shape should be part of our weekly routine
B Physical exercise should be avoided by those who do not enjoy it 
C Physical exercises improve our quality of life
D Exercising can relieve many of our daily tensions
E Regular exercise may be time-consuming

R E S P O S T A :   B

The microchip revolution  

The microship revolution is based on size and cost. Microchips give us cheap computing power in a tiny space. As the cost of microchips continues to fall, it becomes economically worthwile to use them in more and more ways.  

We have to accept the microchip, or face the alternative of opting out of the free world market.  

Accepting the microchip brings benefits and problems. The benefits include greater efficiency in finding and using information; the possibility of higher living standards through increased productivity; greater control over pollution and the use of natural resources; help for the sick and the disabled; and a whole range of "smart" machines to inform, entertain and serve us.  

We can guard against some of the problems. We can, for example, be alive to the danger of the misuse of information held on computer files.  

There is the problem of alienation: people who cannot find a place in the technological world of the future. To guard against this problem, we need education and training schemes, and machines which are easy to use. Finally, there's the problem of people whose skills are made redundant by  machines. Again, there's a need for education and retraining. The wealth needed to pay for schemes like these is more likely to appear if we use the microchip.  
👉  Questão   25 
According to paragraph 1, the economic aspect of the microchip revolution:
A is one of its two main advantages
B is not relevant at all
C shows the constant increase in the cost of microchips
D is a disadvantage in financial terms
E reflects its inconsistency

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉  Questão   26 
According to paragraph 2, those who do NOT accept the microchip revolution will:
A be able to participate in the free world market in a more advantageous way
B certainly guarantee their presence in the free world market
C be naturally excluded from the free world market  D be naturally incorporated into the free world market
E face a wider and more effective participation in the free world market

R E S P O S T A :   C

👉  Questão   27 
According to paragraph 4, we might have to face:
A the lack of consistency in the information stored on computer files
B the periodical updating of data on files
C the incorrect manipulation of microchips
D the improper use of data contained on computer files
E the meticulous manipulation of data held on computer files

R E S P O S T A :   D

Breeding Superbrains  

Edoardo Boncinelli directs the molecular biology of development laboratory at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. He is being interviewed about his latest discovery:  

Interviewer: It's hard to think of intelligence as the direct result of brain mass. What about the role of experience?  

Edoardo Boncinelli: No one knows what intelligence is. In all likelihood, about 50 percent of it will be determined by genetics, and the other portion determined by environment and experience. Genes by themselves cannot determine intelligence. But they can determine stupidity. When certain human genes go bad, it is inevitable that the person will suffer a mental deficiency.  

Interviewer: Wouldn't a man who had a large part of his brain regenerated lose most of his knowledge and memory?  

Edoardo Boncinelli: Memory is distributed throughout the brain. If I destroy a piece of gray matter in a human, he probably won't lose all of his memory. What he loses is a part of the velocity with which he can retrieve his information. Of course he won't reacquire his memories when I put new cells in. But the new implant will assist in the recovery of his memory and in all his other brain functions. What we are really talking about is to be able to reverse brain death. At present, when these cells die, there is no way to replace them. An idea I find even more intriguing is the possibility to regenerate the spinal cord in cases of injury and paralysis.  
👉  Questão   28 
When asked about "what intelligence is", Edoardo Boncinelli states that:
A  genetics probably determines half of it
B  the place where we live does not influence it
C  neither environment nor experience influence it
D  genetics determines it all 
E genetics has absolutely no influence on it

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉  Questão   29 
In his second answer, Edoardo Boncinelli states that memory:
A  can only be found in one specific area of the brain
B  is concentrated in two areas of the brain
C  memory is spread over many areas of the brain
D  has already been found and measured by specialists
E  is located on the left-hand side of the brain

R E S P O S T A :   C

👉  Questão   30 
According to Edoardo Boncinelli, if new cells are inserted in the brain in order to replace damaged ones, the brain's:
(A) previous capacity is immediately recovered
(B) memory is lost  
(C) storage capacity is transformed  
(D) memories will remain the same  
(E) functions will be helped

R E S P O S T A :   E

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