quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2016



• PUC/RIO-2008-GRUPO 2-VESTIBULAR-28/10/2007.

 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text  – | Ipod’s groovy factor | The New York Times |



With more than 90 million players sold worldwide since its introduction in 2001, the iPod has given rise to a lucrative accessories industry. At least 3,000 types of iPod extras have received Apple’s blessing — mostly no-nonsense options like cases, earbuds and amplified speaker systems, including the $300 SoundDock line made by Bose.
Com mais de 90 milhões de leitores vendidos em todo o mundo desde o seu lançamento em 2001, o iPod deu origem a uma lucrativa indústria de acessórios. Pelo menos 3.000 tipos de extras para iPod receberam a bênção da Apple - na sua maioria opções simples como estojos, fones de ouvido e sistemas de altifalantes amplificados, incluindo a linha SoundDock de 300 dólares fabricada pela Bose.
But another trend is developing, one more playful and not always with Apple’s consent or knowledge. Call it iSilly, a growing number of products in which fun is emphasized over function. All of these items, some costing as little as $10, have been created to plug into an iPod — or, in many cases, any audio source that has a standard 3.5-millimeter headphone jack.
Mas outra tendência está se desenvolvendo, mais lúdica e nem sempre com o consentimento ou conhecimento da Apple. Chame-o de iSilly, um número crescente de produtos nos quais a diversão é enfatizada sobre a função. Todos esses itens, alguns custando apenas US$ 10, foram criados para serem conectados a um iPod - ou, em muitos casos, a qualquer fonte de áudio que tenha um fone de ouvido padrão de 3,5 mm.
Last fall, KNG America released an animated robotic D.J. complete with spinning turntables and stereo speakers that flash with blue L.E.D. lights. Called FUNKit, the device, which costs about $100, is designed specifically for the iPod. When a player is attached, it becomes the head and upper body of the D.J. that rocks to the music, shouting phrases like “drop the beat,” as its right arm scratches a faux record.
No outono passado, a KNG America lançou um D.J. robótico animado. completo com toca-discos giratórios e alto-falantes estéreo que piscam com L.E.D. luzes. Chamado de FUNKit, o aparelho, que custa cerca de US$ 100, foi projetado especificamente para o iPod. Quando um jogador é anexado, ele se torna a cabeça e a parte superior do corpo do D.J. que balança ao som da música, gritando frases como “solte a batida”, enquanto seu braço direito arranha um disco falso.
“People looked and saw the popularity of the iPod and tried to figure out how to capitalize on it, like those scavenger fish that swim under sharks,” said Shelly Hirsch, a toy industry marketing specialist and chief executive of the Beacon Media Group.
“As pessoas olhavam e viam a popularidade do iPod e tentavam descobrir como lucrar com isso, como aqueles peixes necrófagos que nadam sob os tubarões”, disse Shelly Hirsch, especialista em marketing da indústria de brinquedos e diretora-executiva do Beacon Media Group.
Greg Joswiak, vice president of iPod product marketing for Apple, said the growing number of products designed to plug into an iPod helps prove that the iPod has become “a cultural phenomenon.” “If you look at it from the consumers’ standpoint, they have a consumer electronic product that becomes more valuable over time. We’re adding these accessories, adding capabilities”, he said.
Greg Joswiak, vice-presidente de marketing de produtos iPod da Apple, disse que o crescente número de produtos projetados para serem conectados a um iPod ajuda a provar que o iPod se tornou “um fenômeno cultural”. “Se você olhar do ponto de vista dos consumidores, eles têm um produto eletrônico de consumo que se torna mais valioso com o tempo. Estamos adicionando esses acessórios, adicionando recursos”, disse ele.
Any speaker accessory that attaches to the iPod by way of the proprietary 30-pin connector in the player’s base must be licensed by Apple, he noted. Those that do, including the FUNKit, can usually also permit full control of the iPod through the speaker systems and charge iPods’ batteries.
Qualquer acessório de alto-falante conectado ao iPod por meio do conector proprietário de 30 pinos na base do player deve ser licenciado pela Apple, observou ele. Aqueles que o fazem, incluindo o FUNKit, geralmente também podem permitir o controle total do iPod através dos sistemas de alto-falantes e carregar as baterias dos iPods.
Those that do not, and are not counted as official iPod accessories, are “less interesting,” Mr. Joswiak said. That judgment has not dissuaded toymakers like Lee Schneider, president of the Commonwealth Toy & Novelty Company, a major maker of plush animals and dolls.
Os que não o fazem, e que não são considerados acessórios oficiais do iPod, são "menos interessantes", disse Joswiak. Esse julgamento não dissuadiu fabricantes de brinquedos como Lee Schneider, presidente da Commonwealth Toy & Novelty Company, um grande fabricante de animais de pelúcia e bonecas.
“We look at not only the toy business, but what’s happening in the world, and the trends in the marketplace, from a fashion standpoint, from a technological standpoint,” said Mr. Schneider, surrounded by shelves of batterypowered flora and fauna in his company’s Manhattan showroom. “We then take and see how we can interpret these trends into fun trends that children and young adults would love to have.”
"Olhamos não só para o negócio dos brinquedos, mas também para o que está a acontecer no mundo e para as tendências do mercado, do ponto de vista da moda, do ponto de vista tecnológico", disse Lee Schneider, rodeado por prateleiras de flora e fauna alimentadas por pilhas no showroom da sua empresa em Manhattan. "Depois, pegamos e vemos como podemos interpretar estas tendências em tendências divertidas que as crianças e os jovens adultos adorariam ter."
[…] By Michel Marriott
The New York Times, February 2007


The main purpose of the text is to:

(A) describe in detail all extra iPod gadgets licensed by Apple.
(B) report on a current and profitable iPod accessories industry.
(C) justify why all animated toys are now designed to plug into iPods.
(D) clarify the reasons why children are fond of plush animals and dolls.
(E) discuss different ways of improving the sales of speaker systems worldwide.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
The main purpose of the text is to:
O principal objetivo do texto é:
(A) describe in detail all extra iPod gadgets licensed by Apple. – descrever em detalhes todos os gadgets extras do iPod licenciados pela Apple.
(B) report on a current and profitable iPod accessories industry. – relatar sobre uma indústria atual e lucrativa de acessórios para iPod.
(C) justify why all animated toys are now designed to plug into iPods. – justificar o facto de todos os brinquedos animados serem agora concebidos para se ligarem aos iPods.
(D) clarify the reasons why children are fond of plush animals and dolls. – esclarecer as razões pelas quais as crianças gostam de animais de peluche e bonecas.
(E) discuss different ways of improving the sales of speaker systems worldwide.
 – discutir diferentes formas de melhorar as vendas de sistemas de altifalantes a nível mundial.


The word "blessing" in "At least 3,000 types of iPod extras have received Apple's blessing…" (lines 3-4), could be correctly replaced by:
(A) approval.
(B) criticism.
(C) investment.
(D) supervision.
(E) compatibility.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    A  
The word "blessing" in "At least 3,000 types of iPod extras have received Apple's blessing…" (lines 3-4), could be correctly replaced by:
A palavra "bênção" em "Pelo menos 3.000 tipos de iPods extras receberam a bênção da Apple...", poderia ser corretamente substituída por:
(A) approval. – aprovação.
(B) criticism. – crítica.
(C) investment. – investimento.
(D) supervision. – supervisão.
(E) compatibility
. – compatibilidade.


"No-nonsense options" (lines 4-5) are:

(A) effective inventions.
(B) cheap accessories.
(C) creative gadgets.
(D) practical items.
(E) irrelevant choices.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    D  
"No-nonsense options" are:
(A) effective inventions. – invenções eficazes.
(B) cheap accessories. – acessórios baratos.
(C) creative gadgets. – dispositivos criativos.
(D) practical items. – itens práticos.
(E) irrelevant choices.
 – escolhas irrelevantes.


Mark the correct option concerning reference.

(A) “One” (line 8) refers to “Apple’s”.
(B) “It” (line 9) refers to “trend”.
(C) “That” (line 13) refers to “headphone jack”.
(D) “Which” (line 18) refers to “L.E.D. lights”.
(E) “Its” (line 21) refers to “record”.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Mark the correct option concerning reference.
Assinale a opção correcta relativamente à referência.
(A) “One” (line 8) refers to “Apple’s”.
(B) “It” (line 9) refers to “trend”.
(C) “That” (line 13) refers to “headphone jack”.
(D) “Which” (line 18) refers to “L.E.D. lights”.
(E) “Its” (line 21) refers to “record”.


According to Shelly Hirsch, chief executive of the Beacon Media Group (lines 23-25):

(A) when people realized that the iPod was fashionable they regretted they could not invest in it.
(B) the iPod is now extremely successful because people were not allowed to capitalize on it.
(C) although the demand for the iPod was great, toymakers failed to take advantage of it.
(D) due to the iPod’s success, many businesses wanted to find ways to profit from it.
(E) people in the toy industry cannot understand what makes the iPod so popular.
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    D  
According to Shelly Hirsch, chief executive of the Beacon Media Group (lines 23-25):
De acordo com Shelly Hirsch, diretora executiva do Beacon Media Group:
(A) when people realized that the iPod was fashionable they regretted they could not invest in it. – quando as pessoas perceberam que o iPod estava na moda, lamentaram não poder investir nele.
(B) the iPod is now extremely successful because people were not allowed to capitalize on it. – o iPod é agora extremamente bem sucedido porque não se permitiu que as pessoas o capitalizassem.
(C) although the demand for the iPod was great, toymakers failed to take advantage of it. – embora a demanda pelo iPod fosse grande, os fabricantes de brinquedos não conseguiram aproveitá-la.
(D) due to the iPod’s success, many businesses wanted to find ways to profit from it. – devido ao sucesso do iPod, muitas empresas queriam encontrar maneiras de lucrar com ele.
(E) people in the toy industry cannot understand what makes the iPod so popular.
 – as pessoas da indústria de brinquedos não conseguem entender o que torna o iPod tão popular.


Where in the passage does the author provide examples of gadgets designed to attach to iPods?

(A) Paragraphs 1 and 7.
(B) Paragraphs 2 and 5.
(C) Paragraphs 1, 3 and 6.
(D) Paragraphs 1, 3 and 7.
(E) Paragraphs 4, 5 and 8.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Where in the passage does the author provide examples of gadgets designed to attach to iPods?
Em que parte do texto o autor dá exemplos de aparelhos concebidos para serem ligados a iPods?
(A) Paragraphs 1 and 7.
(B) Paragraphs 2 and 5.
(C) Paragraphs 1, 3 and 6.
(D) Paragraphs 1, 3 and 7.
(E) Paragraphs 4, 5 and 8.


Check the only correct statement according to the text.

(A) “Worldwide” (line 1) and “locally” have the same meaning.
(B) “Playful” (line 8) and “humorous” are synonyms.
(C) “Device” (line 18) and “equipment” have opposite meanings.
(D) “Growing” (line 29) and “increasing” are antonyms.
(E) “Dissuaded”(line 43) means the same as “renounced”.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Check the only correct statement according to the text.
Marque a única afirmação correta de acordo com o texto.
(A) “Worldwide” (line 1) and “locally” have the same meaning.
(B) “Playful” (line 8) and “humorous” are synonyms.
(C) “Device” (line 18) and “equipment” have opposite meanings.
(D) “Growing” (line 29) and “increasing” are antonyms.
(E) “Dissuaded”(line 43) means the same as “renounced”.


“That judgement” (lines 42-43) refers to the fact that:

(A) electronic devices such as FUNKit are best sellers because they are extremely popular and cheap.
(B) toymakers are just concerned about the toy business and tend to overlook fashionable trends in the marketplace.
(C) plush animals and dolls cannot count as official iPod accessories because they are less interesting than animated robots.
(D) most electronic products have become more valuable over time due to recent technological advances.
(E) gadgets that are not counted as official iPod accessories are not as appealing as licensed ones.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    D  
“That judgement” (lines 42-43) refers to the fact that:
“Esta opinião” refere-se ao fato de que:
(A) electronic devices such as FUNKit are best sellers because they are extremely popular and cheap. – dispositivos eletrônicos como o FUNKit são os mais vendidos porque são extremamente populares e baratos.
(B) toymakers are just concerned about the toy business and tend to overlook fashionable trends in the marketplace. – os fabricantes de brinquedos estão preocupados apenas com o negócio de brinquedos e tendem a ignorar as tendências da moda no mercado.
(C) plush animals and dolls cannot count as official iPod accessories because they are less interesting than animated robots. – animais de pelúcia e bonecos não podem ser considerados acessórios oficiais do iPod porque são menos interessantes do que robôs animados.
(D) most electronic products have become more valuable over time due to recent technological advances. – a maioria dos produtos eletrônicos tornou-se mais valiosa ao longo do tempo devido aos recentes avanços tecnológicos.
(E) gadgets that are not counted as official iPod accessories are not as appealing as licensed ones.
 – gadgets que não são considerados acessórios oficiais do iPod não são tão atraentes quanto os licenciados.


According to the text, all the reasons below explain why products designed to plug into an iPod are a new tendency in the market, EXCEPT one.
Mark it.

(A) iPods have become a cultural phenomenon worldwide.
(B) Some of these gadgets are funny and sometimes inexpensive.
(C) The selling of iPods has been very profitable all over the world.
(D) New accessories add new capabilities, making iPods more attractive.
(E) Children and young adults would love to have batterypowered toys.

 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    E  
According to the text, all the reasons below explain why products designed to plug into an iPod are a new tendency in the market, EXCEPT one. Mark it.
De acordo com o texto, todas as razões abaixo explicam por que razão os produtos concebidos para se ligarem a um iPod são uma nova tendência no mercado, EXCETO uma. Assinala-a.
(A) iPods have become a cultural phenomenon worldwide. – Os iPods se tornaram um fenômeno cultural em todo o mundo.
(B) Some of these gadgets are funny and sometimes inexpensive. – Alguns desses gadgets são engraçados e às vezes baratos.
(C) The selling of iPods has been very profitable all over the world. – A venda de iPods tem sido muito lucrativa em todo o mundo.
(D) New accessories add new capabilities, making iPods more attractive. – Novos acessórios adicionam novos recursos, tornando os iPods mais atraentes.
(E) Children and young adults would love to have batterypowered toys.
 –  Crianças e jovens adorariam ter brinquedos movidos a bateria.


The meaning of “battery-powered flora and fauna” (lines 49-50) can be described as “flora and fauna that are powered by batteries”.
Check the option in which a similar phrase is INCORRECTLY explained.

(A) A risk-taking, hard-working marketing specialist = a marketing specialist who takes risks and works hard.
(B) A five-million-dollar ten-floor building = a building with ten floors that is worth five million dollars.
(C) A few financially-troubled government-owned companies = a few companies that have caused financial troubles to the government.
(D) Plush creatures resembling teardrop-shaped extraterrestrials = plush creatures resembling extraterrestrials that have the shape of a teardrop.
(E) Several fan-friendly, media-harassed celebrities = several celebrities who are friendly with fans and harassed by the media.
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    C  
The meaning of “battery-powered flora and fauna” (lines 49-50) can be described as “flora and fauna that are powered by batteries”.
Check the option in which a similar phrase is INCORRECTLY explained.
O significado de “flora e fauna movidas a bateria” pode ser descrito como “flora e fauna que são alimentadas por baterias”.
Marque a opção em que uma frase semelhante é explicada INCORRETAMENTE.
(A) A risk-taking, hard-working marketing specialist = a marketing specialist who takes risks and works hard. – Um especialista em marketing trabalhador e que assume riscos = um especialista em marketing que assume riscos e trabalha duro.
(B) A five-million-dollar ten-floor building = a building with ten floors that is worth five million dollars. – Um prédio de dez andares de cinco milhões de dólares = um prédio de dez andares que vale cinco milhões de dólares.
(C) A few financially-troubled government-owned companies = a few companies that have caused financial troubles to the government. – Algumas empresas estatais com problemas financeiros = algumas empresas que causaram problemas financeiros ao governo.
(D) Plush creatures resembling teardrop-shaped extraterrestrials = plush creatures resembling extraterrestrials that have the shape of a teardrop.
 – Criaturas de pelúcia semelhantes a extraterrestres em forma de lágrima = criaturas de pelúcia semelhantes a extraterrestres que têm a forma de uma lágrima.
(E) Several fan-friendly, media-harassed celebrities = several celebrities who are friendly with fans and harassed by the media. – Várias celebridades amigas dos fãs e assediadas pela mídia = várias celebridades que são amigas dos fãs e assediadas pela mídia.

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