domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016


 10 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | |
 Text (2) – | Quotation | Groucho Marx |

The widespread destruction of tropical rainforest ecosystems and the consequent extinction of numerous plant and animal species is happening before we know even the most basic facts about what we are losing.
Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species. The abundant botanical resources of tropical forests have already provided substantial medical advances; yet only 1 percent of the known plant and animal species have been carefully examined for their medicinal potentials. Meanwhile, 2 percent of the world's rainforests are irreparably damaged each year. Scientists estimate that, at the accelerating rate at which rainforests are now being destroyed, as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct.
Approximately 7,000 medical compounds prescribed by Western doctors are obtained from plants. These drugs had an estimated retail value of US$ 43 billion some years ago. Seventy percent of the 3,000 plants identified by the United States National Cancer Institute as having potential anti-cancer properties are characteristic of the rainforest. Tropical forest species serve Western surgery and internal medicine in three ways. First, extracts from organisms can be used directly as drugs. For maladies ranging from persistent headaches to lethal contagions such as malaria, rainforest medicines have provided modern society with a variety of cures and pain relievers.
Secondly, chemical structures of forest organisms sometimes serve as models from which scientists and researchers can chemically synthesize drug compounds. For example, the blueprint for aspirin comes from extracts of willow trees found in the rainforest. Neostigmine, a chemical obtained from the Calabar bean and used to treat glaucoma in West Africa, also provides the blueprint for synthetic insecticides. However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs are very complex, and simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis. Ninety percent of the prescription drugs that are based on higher plants include direct extractions from plants.
Finally, rainforest plants provide aids for research. 
Certain plant compounds enable scientists to understand 
how cancer cells grow, while others serve as testing 
agents for potentially harmful food and drug products.Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men. The exponential growth of world population clearly demonstrates the need for more reliable and effective birth control methods. Worldwide, approximately 4,000 plant species have been shown to offer contraceptive possibilities. The rainforest also holds secrets for safer pesticides for farmers. Two species of potatoes have leaves that produce a sticky substance that traps and kills predatory insects. This natural self-defense mechanism could potentially reduce the need for using pesticides on potatoes. Who knows what other tricks the rainforest might have up its leaves?
1995-2003Rainforest Action Network

Mark the only correct statement about the structure of Text 1. 

(A) Paragraph 1 affirms that the world's population is powerless against deforestation. 
(B) Paragraph 2 warns about the destruction of rainforests and its valuable resources. 
(C) Paragraph 3 aims to inform the exact number of all plants identified in tropical forests. 
(D) Paragraph 4 explains in detail how insecticides can be obtained from plants. 
(E) Paragraph 5 lists the unhealthy or poisonous plants found in the rainforest.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 
Marque a única afirmação correta sobre a estrutura do Texto 1. 
(A) Paragraph 1 affirms that the world's population is powerless against deforestation.
• O parágrafo 1 afirma que a população mundial é impotente contra o desmatamento. 
(B) Paragraph 2 warns about the destruction of rainforests and its valuable resources.
• O parágrafo 2 alerta sobre a destruição das florestas tropicais e seus valiosos recursos.
(C) Paragraph 3 aims to inform the exact number of all plants identified in tropical forests.
• O parágrafo 3 visa informar o número exato de todas as plantas identificadas nas florestas tropicais.
(D) Paragraph 4 explains in detail how insecticides can be obtained from plants.
• O parágrafo 4 explica em detalhes como os inseticidas podem ser obtidos das plantas.
(E) Paragraph 5 lists the unhealthy or poisonous plants found in the rainforest.
• O parágrafo 5 lista as plantas insalubres ou venenosas encontradas na floresta tropical.


All the passages below mention the medicinal use of tropical plants, EXCEPT: 

(A) Lines 16-17. 
(B) Lines 25-28. 
(C) Lines 39-40. 
(D) Lines 42-44. 
(E) Lines 51-53.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  E 
Todas as passagens abaixo mencionam o uso medicinal de plantas tropicais, EXCETO:
(A) Lines 16-17.
• Approximately 7,000 medical compounds prescribed by Western doctors are obtained from plants. 
• Aproximadamente 7.000 compostos médicos prescritos por médicos ocidentais são obtidos de plantas.
(B) Lines 25-28.
 For maladies ranging from persistent headaches to lethal contagions such as malaria, rainforest medicines have provided modern society with a variety of cures and pain relievers.
• Para doenças que variam de dores de cabeça persistentes a contágios letais como a malária, os medicamentos da floresta tropical proporcionaram à sociedade moderna uma variedade de curas e analgésicos.
(C) Lines 39-40.
• Ninety percent of the prescription drugs that are based on higher plants include direct extractions from plants.
• 90% dos medicamentos prescritos baseados em plantas superiores incluem extrações diretas de plantas. 
(D) Lines 42-44.
• Certain plant compounds enable scientists to understand how cancer cells grow, while others serve as testing agents for potentially harmful food and drug products.
• Certos compostos vegetais permitem que os cientistas entendam como as células cancerosas crescem, enquanto outros servem como agentes de teste para alimentos e medicamentos potencialmente perigosos.
(E) Lines 51-53.
• Two species of potatoes have leaves that produce a sticky substance that traps and kills predatory insects.
• Duas espécies de batata têm folhas que produzem uma substância pegajosa que captura e mata insetos predadores.


Check the only pair of antonyms.
(A) Abundant (line 7) - nonexistent. 
(B) Extinct (line 15) - new. 
(C) Lethal (line 26) - harmless. 
(D) Medicines (line 26) - drugs. 
(E) Reduce (line 54) - create.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) Abundant (line 7) - nonexistent.
 The abundant botanical resources of tropical forests have already provided substantial medical advances;
• Os recursos recursos botânicos abundantes das florestas tropicais já proporcionaram avanços médicos substanciais;
• O adjetivo "abundant"(abundante, farto) é antônimo de scarce(escasso) e não de "nonexistent"*inexistente).
• O adjetivo "nonexistent" significa "inexistente, fictício".
(B) Extinct (line 15) - new.
• as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct.
• cerca de 20 ou 25% das espécies de plantas do mundo estarão extintas em breve.
• O adjetivo "extinct"(extinto, não ativo) é antônimo de active(ativo) e não de "new(novo)". 
(C) Lethal (line 26) - harmless.
• For maladies ranging from persistent headaches to lethal contagions...
• Para doenças que variam de dores de cabeça persistentes a contágios letais...
• O adjetivo "lethal"(letal, fatal) é antônimo de "harmless"(inofensivo, que não faz mal).
(D) Medicines (line 26) - drugs.
• rainforest medicines have provided modern society with a variety of cures and pain relievers.
• os medicamentos da floresta tropical proporcionaram à sociedade moderna uma variedade de curas e analgésicos.
• O substantivo "medicines"(medicamentos) é sinônimo de  "drugs"(drogas). 
(E) Reduce (line 54) - create.
• This natural self-defense mechanism could potentially reduce the need for using pesticides on potatoes.
• Esse mecanismo natural de autodefesa poderia reduzir potencialmente a necessidade do uso de pesticidas nas batatas.
• O verbo "to reduce"(diminuir, abaixar) é antônimo de "to increase"(aumentar) e não de "to create"(criar, gerar). 


In the sentence "yet only 1 percent of the known plant and animal species …" (lines 8-9), the word YET:
(A) adds an example. 
(B) introduces a result. 
(C) makes a comparison. 
(D) expresses a contrast. 
(E) provides a cause.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 
"[...] The abundant botanical resources of tropical forests have already provided substantial medical advances; yet only 1 percent of the known plant and animal species have been carefully examined for their medicinal potentials."
• Os abundantes recursos botânicos das florestas tropicais já proporcionaram avanços médicos substanciais; no entanto, apenas 1 por cento das espécies conhecidas de plantas e animais foram cuidadosamente examinadas quanto aos seus potenciais medicinais.
(A) adds an example.
 adiciona um exemplo.
(B) introduces a result.
 apresenta um resultado.
(C) makes a comparison.
• faz uma comparação.
(D) expresses a contrast.
• expressa um contraste.
• Perceba que a palavra YET(contudo, no entanto) expressa um contraste de ideias.
(E) provides a cause.
• fornece uma causa.


The only item that contains an adjective used in the superlative form is:
(A) "The widespread destruction (…) is happening before we even know the most basic facts about what we are losing." (lines 1-4) 
(B) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species." (lines 5-6) 
(C) "Scientists estimate that (…) as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct." (lines 12-15) 
(D) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs (…) simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis." (lines 36-38) 
(E) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men." (lines 45-46)

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 
 O único item que contém um adjetivo usado na forma superlativa é:
• LEMBRANDO: Os adjetivos superlativos são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade, ou seja, é usado para dar destaque às coisas (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest).
(A) "The widespread destruction (…) is happening before we even know the most basic facts about what we are losing."
 A destruição generalizada (...) está acontecendo antes mesmo de sabermos os fatos mais básicos sobre o que estamos perdendo.
• A opção (A) apresenta o adjetivo "Bbasic" na forma superlativa (the most basic facts).
1) Adjetivos curtos(uma ou duas sílabas), tudo que você deve fazer é colocar o the e adicionar –est no final.
2) Para adjetivos maiores(mais de duas sílabas), a regrinha muda: deve-se acrescentar the most antes do adjetivo, sem alterá-lo. 
3) Entretanto, como para toda regra há uma exceção, alguns adjetivos(good, bad, basic, far) não se submetem às regras acima:
* Good – the best – o melhor
* Bad – the worst – o pior
* Far – the farthest – o mais longe
* Basic- the most basic - o mais básico.
(B) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species."
• Cobrindo apenas 6% da superfície da Terra, as florestas tropicais úmidas contêm pelo menos metade de todas as espécies.
• A opção (B) não apresenta nenhum adjetivo no grau superlativo.
• O adjetivo 'moist'(úmido) está na forma simples.
(C) "Scientists estimate that (…) as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct."
• Os cientistas estimam que (...) até 20 ou 25 por cento das espécies de plantas do mundo em breve serão extintas.
• A opção (C) apresenta um adjetivo "extinct" na forma simples e um advérbio "much" na forma comparativa de igualdade (as much as)
(D) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs (…) simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis."
 No entanto, as estruturas químicas da maioria dos medicamentos naturais (...) a extração simples costuma ser mais barata do que a síntese.
• A opção (D) apresenta um adjetivo "expensive" na forma comparativa de inferioridade (less expensive than).
(E) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men."
• As florestas tropicais oferecem esperança de anticoncepcionais mais seguros para mulheres e homens.
• A opção (E) apresenta um adjetivo "safe" na forma comparativa de superioridade (safer contraceptives).


Mark the only sentence that CANNOT be correctly completed with the preposition FROM. 

(A) Commercial sales of drugs derived _____ this one plant are about US$160 million a year. 
(B) Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant _____ Africa, provides two important anti-tumor agents. 
(C) Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid extracted _____ the bark of the cinchona tree found in Latin America and Africa. 
(D) _____ 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease sufferers had a chance for survival. 
(E) Until recently, wild yams _____ Mexico and Guatemala provided the world with its entire supply of diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 
 Marque a única frase que NÃO PODE ser completada corretamente com a preposição FROM.
• RELEMBRANDO: FROM indica origem ou procedência de algo (de que foi produzido) ou a procedência de alguém. 
(A) Commercial sales of drugs derived _____ this one plant are about US$160 million a year.
• Commercial sales of drugs derived from this one plant are about US$160 million a year.
• As vendas comerciais de medicamentos derivados dessa planta giram em torno de US $ 160 milhões por ano
(B) Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant _____ Africa, provides two important anti-tumor agents.
• Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant from Africa, provides two important anti-tumor agents.
• Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant from Africa, provides two important anti-tumor agents.
• A mirta rosada de Madagascar, uma planta da África, fornece dois importantes agentes antitumorais. 
(C) Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid extracted _____ the bark of the cinchona tree found in Latin America and Africa.
• Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree found in Latin America and Africa.
 O quinino, um auxiliar na cura da malária, é um alcalóide extraído da casca da árvore cinchona encontrado na América Latina e na África.
(D) _____ 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease sufferers had a chance for survival.
• In 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease sufferers had a chance for survival.
• Em 1960, apenas 19% dos portadores da doença de Hodgkin tinham chance de sobreviver.
(E) Until recently, wild yams _____ Mexico and Guatemala provided the world with its entire supply of diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills.
• Until recently, wild yams from Mexico and Guatemala provided the world with its entire supply of diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills.
• Até recentemente, inhames selvagens do México e da Guatemala forneciam ao mundo todo o seu suprimento de diosgenina, um ingrediente ativo nas pílulas anticoncepcionais.


In the sentence "Who knows what other tricks the rainforest might have up its leaves?" (lines 55-56), the author means that:
(A) nobody will ever know how to decipher the enigmas of the rainforest. 
(B) there must be a way of learning more about the rainforest puzzles. 
(C) people doubt whether rainforest plants hide other mysteries. 
(D) it is impossible to find out all the applications of tree leaves. 
(E) it is possible that forest plants bring us additional surprises.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  E 
Na sentença "Who knows what other tricks the rainforest might have up its leaves?"(Quem sabe que outros truques a floresta tropical pode ter em suas folhas?), o autor quer dizer que:
(A) nobody will ever know how to decipher the enigmas of the rainforest.
• ninguém jamais saberá decifrar os enigmas da floresta tropical.
"Who knows "(Quem sabe) e "nobody will ever know"(ninguém jamais saberá) transmitem ideias diferentes.
(B) there must be a way of learning more about the rainforest puzzles.
• deve haver uma maneira de aprender mais sobre os quebra-cabeças da floresta tropical
(C) people doubt whether rainforest plants hide other mysteries.
• as pessoas duvidam que as plantas da floresta escondem outros mistérios. 
(D) it is impossible to find out all the applications of tree leaves.
• é impossível descobrir todas as aplicações das folhas das árvores
(E) it is possible that forest plants bring us additional surprises.
• é possível que as plantas florestais nos tragam surpresas adicionais.


Mark the title that best expresses the main idea of Text 1.
(A) Daily Life in the Rainforest. 
(B) How to Protect World Ecosystems. 
(C) Diseases Caused by the Rainforest. 
(D) Rainforests: Pharmacy to the World. 
(E) Paradise Lost: The Devastated Rainforest.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 
 Marque o título que melhor expressa a ideia principal do Texto 1.
(A) Daily Life in the Rainforest.
 Vida diária na floresta tropical.
(B) How to Protect World Ecosystems.
• Como proteger os ecossistemas mundiais.
(C) Diseases Caused by the Rainforest.
• Doenças causadas pela floresta tropical
(D) Rainforests: Pharmacy to the World.
• Florestas tropicais: Farmácia para o mundo.
O tema principal do texto recai sobre as riquezas medicinais da floresta, portanto "Rainforests: Pharmacy to the World." sintetiza bem a ideia contextual.
(E) Paradise Lost: The Devastated Rainforest.
• Paraíso perdido: a floresta devastada.

Groucho Marx (1890-1977)


In the statement above, Groucho Marx sounds: 

(A) hopeful. 
(B) ironical. 
(C) irritating. 
(D) alarmed. 
(E) shocked.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 
 Tradução livre do texto 2:
 I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.
• Acho a televisão muito educativa. Cada vez que alguém liga o aparelho, vou para a outra sala e leio um livro.
• Na afirmação acima, Groucho Marx soa
(A) hopeful.
(B) ironical.
• Perceba, o autor do texto afirma que acha a televisão algo muito educativo, entretanto, toda vez que alguém liga a televisão, o mesmo se sente motivado a retirar-se da sala onde está o aparelho de televisão que foi ligado e dedicar-se à leitura de um livro em outro local. Portanto Groucho Marx soa de forma irônica a situação dada.
(C) irritating.
(D) alarmed.
(E) shocked.
• chocado


Based on the quotation, we may infer that the author finds television educating because: 

(A) it teaches people how to read books as a solitary activity. 
(B) it runs many advertisements of books and other cultural products. 
(C) it makes him want to read a book in order to escape from TV shows. 
(D) some of its programs encourage viewers to develop reading habits. 
(E) there are more programs with instructional content than silly ones.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

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