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 5 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text – Water Wars May Lie Ahead www.http://blogs.wsj.com |
Water Wars May Lie Ahead
By Neena Rai
June 29, 2011, 9:20 AM GMT
There is a famous Chinese proverb that warns "not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also."
And with global water shortages on the horizon, climate change supporters say an extreme response will be needed from international governments to stem the potential for conflict it will create around the world.
Professor Patricia Wouters at the IHP-HELP Centre for water law, policy and science at University of Dundee, said the world could face a future of "water wars" as deterioration in climatic patterns and global population growth leave people struggling to stake their claim to the natural resource.
The World Bank in a report said that 1.4 million people could be facing water scarcity by 2025. But the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) forecast is even more gloomy. It estimates that 47% of the world's population could face water stress in the same period – equivalent to more than three billion people.
The issue isn’t restricted to countries that typically see temperatures soar, such as Cyprus, which in 2009 was forced to import water in tankers and ration its use. Northern hemisphere nations like the U.K. are also finding themselves in the midst of a drought in some regions, forcing governments to start to take action. The U.K. government, for instance, plans to issue a Water White Paper this December that will focus on the future challenges facing the water industry and measures to increase protection of river flows during summer months.
Parts of the U.K. are currently marked as having drought status and other areas of the country are deemed to be at risk of drought. The U.K.'s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs held a second drought summit Monday, at which Secretary of State Caroline Spelman warned the prospect of a dry summer and dry winter could have a serious impact on the country’s water reserves.
“We’re going to keep working with farmers, water companies and environmental groups to minimize the impacts of drought, because this year is sign of things to come,” she said. “The climate is changing and these extreme weather events will become more common. How we deal with that problem will be one of the key parts of our Water White Paper, which will be published later this year.”
This may be a far cry from a declaration of war on other more water-abundant nations, but reaching this stage in some countries isn’t beyond the realms of imagination. Egypt and Ethiopia have been battling the issue for the share of the Nile’s water reserves, and Israel – already fighting Palestine for territory that includes precious water reserves – has started to charge the agricultural sector high rates for using the resource.
Even in the U.K., the armed forces are being prepared for potential conflicts over water.
Professor Wouters said that military plans are being prepared on a 30-year horizon, but that the water security topic had somewhat fallen off the table since the financial crisis. Portugal and Spain are facing serious water scarcity issues but the agricultural sector there is having to shout loudly for its voice to be heard above the noise of the countries' current financial woes.
Maybe Israel's entrepreneurial approach to the issue is the way forward. Nevertheless, the fact remains that water scarcity is now firmly on the agenda of the world's governments, and isn't going to vanish overnight.

Available at:<www.http://blogs.wsj.com/source/2011/06/29/
water-wars-may-lie-ahead/>. Retrieved on: March 11, 2012.


The author's main purpose in Text I is to

(A) expose some secret military plans to save water for the future.
(B) alert about the harmful impact of water shortages in the future.
(C) justify the war between Ethiopia and Egypt for a larger share of the Nile.
(D) defend the high charges for use of water in agricultural areas in the Middle East.
(E) complain about the inefficiency of international governments in dealing with water wars.
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
O objetivo principal do autor no Texto I é ...
*Item (A): expor alguns planos secretos militares de economizar água para o futuro.
*Item (B) CORRETOalertar sobre o impacto nocivo da escassez de água no futuro.
*Item (C): justificar a guerra entre a Etiópia e Egito por uma parcela maior do Nilo.
*Item (D): defender os elevados encargos de uso da água em áreas agrícolas no Oriente Médio.
*Item (E): queixar-se da ineficiência dos governos internacionais para lidar com guerras de água.


In Text I, the excerpt,

"the world could face a future of "water wars" "(lines 9-10),

the verb form in bold expresses the idea of

(A) advice
(B) suggestion
(C) necessity
(D) obligation
(E) possibility
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    E  
*No texto I, o trecho "o mundo pode enfrentar um futuro de "guerras da água"' (linhas 7-8), a forma verbal em negrito expressa a ideia...
*Item (A): conselho.
*Item (B): sugestão. 
*Item (C): necessidade. 
*Item (D): obrigação. 
*Item (E) CORRETO: possibilidade/probabilidade.  

Based on the meanings in Text I,
the two items are synonymous in
(A) stem (line 5) – stop
(B) gloomy (line 16) – encouraging
(C) soar (line 21) – drop
(D) prospect (line 36) – impossibility
(E) vanish (line 70) – emerge
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    A  
*Com base nos significados em Texto I, os dois itens são sinônimos em...
*Item (A) CORRETO: stem(conter)(linha 4) é sinônimo de "stop"(parar).
*Item (B): gloomy (sombrio)(linha 16) não é sinônimo de "encouraging"(encorajador/animador).
From: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/
*Item (C): soar(subir)(linha 21) é antônimo de "drop"(cair).
*Item (D): prospect(perspectiva)(line 36) não é sinônimo de "impossibility"(impossibilidade).
*Item (E): vanish(sumir)(line 70) não é sinônimo de "emerge"(emergir).

In terms of numerical reference in Text I,
(A) 1.4 million (line 13) refers to the number of people who have been involved in conflicts over water.
(B) 47% (line 17) refers to the percentage of countries in the world already facing water scarcity.
(C) more than three billion people (line 19) refers to the number of people who might suffer from water shortage by 2025.
(D) 2009 (line 22) refers to the only year when Cyprus faced an unparalleled rise in temperature.
(E) 30-year horizon (line 59) refers to the period of time the financial crisis in Europe will last.
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Em termos de referência numérica no Texto I,...
*Item (A) ERRADO: 1.4 milhão (linha 10) refere-se ao número de pessoas que estiveram envolvidas em conflitos pela água.
👦 1.4 milhão → ao nº de pessoas que podem enfrentar a escassez de água, veja no texto:
"[...] The World Bank in a report said that 1.4 million people could be facing water scarcity by 2025."
(O Banco Mundial em um relatório disse que 1,4 milhão de pessoas podem estar enfrentando a escassez de água até 2025.)
*Item (B) ERRADO47% (linha 12) refere-se à porcentagem de países em todo o mundo que já enfrentam escassez de água.
👦 47% → ao % da população do mundo, veja no texto:
"[...] It estimates that 47% of the world’s population could face water stress in the same period – equivalent to more than three billion people."
(Ele estima que 47% da população do mundo poderia enfrentar escassez de água no mesmo período - o equivalente a mais de três bilhões de pessoas.
*Item (C) CORRETOmais de três bilhões de pessoas (linha 14) refere-se ao número de pessoas que podem sofrer com a escassez de água até 2025.
*Item (D) ERRADO2009 (linha 16) se refere ao único ano em que Chipre enfrentou um aumento de temperatura sem precedentes.
👦 2009 → ao ANO em que o Chipre foi forçado a importar água em navios-tanque, veja no texto:
"[...] The issue isn't restricted to countries that typically see temperatures soar, such as Cyprus, which in 2009 was forced to import water in tankers and ration its use.."
(A questão não se restringe a países que normalmente veem as temperaturas subirem, como Chipre, que em 2009 foi forçado a importar água em navios-tanque e racionar seu uso.)
*Item (E) ERRADOhorizonte de 30 anos (linha 43) refere-se ao período de tempo que a crise financeira na Europa vai durar.
👦 horizonte de 30 anos → ao planos militares, veja no texto:
"[...] Professor Wouters said that military plans are being prepared on a 30-year horizon, but that the water security topic had somewhat fallen off the table since the financial crisis."

(Professor Wouters disse que os planos militares estão sendo preparados em um horizonte de 30 anos, mas que o tema segurança da água havia, de certa forma, sido colocado de lado desde a crise financeira.)


According to Professor Wouters, in Text I, paragraph 10 (lines 58-65),

(A) Portugal and Spain are more worried about water
shortage than about political and financial problems.
(B) security issues regarding water problems have been somewhat put aside because of the economic crisis.
(C) the agricultural sector is not really worried about the problems that may come up if the water resources dry up.
(D) in the UK, the army is fully prepared to fight the countries interested in the British hydroenergy sources.
(E) the military forces intend to overlook the serious
challenges to control the oceans and rivers in the next decade.
 👍   Comentários e Gabarito    B  
*De acordo com o professor Wouters, no Texto I, parágrafo 10 (linhas 43-47),...
*Item (A): Portugal e Espanha estão mais preocupados com a falta de água do que com os problemas políticos e financeiros.
*Item (B) CORRETOas questões de segurança em relação a problemas de água têm sido colocados de lado por causa da crise econômica. 
*Item (C): o setor agrícola não está muito preocupado com os problemas que podem surgir se os recursos de água secarem.
*Item (D): no Reino Unido, o exército está totalmente preparado para lutar contra os países interessados em fontes de hidroenergia britânicas.
*Item (E): as forças militares pretendem ignorar os sérios desafios para controlar os oceanos e rios na próxima década.  

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