segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2017



 20 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text – NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates | |
NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates
Navios e helicópteros da OTAN perseguem 7 piratas

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the highspeed chase only ended when warning shots were fired at the piratesl skiff.
NAIROBI, Quénia - Navios de guerra e helicópteros da OTAN perseguiram piratas somalis durante sete horas depois de estes terem atacado um navio-tanque norueguês, disseram porta-vozes da OTAN no domingo, e a perseguição a alta velocidade só terminou quando foram disparados tiros de aviso contra o barco dos piratas.
Seven pirates attempted to attack the Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in England.
Sete piratas tentaram atacar o MV Front Ardenne, de bandeira norueguesa, no final do sábado, mas fugiram depois de a tripulação ter efectuado manobras evasivas e alertado os navios de guerra na zona, disseram o tenente-coronel português Alexandre Santos Fernandes, a bordo de um navio de guerra no Golfo de Aden, e o comandante Chris Davies, do quartel-general marítimo da OTAN na Inglaterra.
"How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker," Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.
"A forma como o ataque foi impedido não é clara, mas parece ter sido a ação do camião-cisterna", disse Davies. Fernandes disse que não foram disparados tiros contra o petroleiro.
Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
Davies disse que os piratas navegaram na direção do navio de guerra canadiano Winnipeg, que escoltava um navio de entrega do Programa Alimentar Mundial no Golfo de Aden. O navio americano USS Halyburton também estava na área e juntou-se à perseguição.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over said. The pirates hurled weapons into Canadian and U.S. warships closed in. NATais anti-piracy mission.
"Houve uma longa perseguição, disse Over. Os piratas atiraram armas contra navios de guerra canadianos e americanos que se aproximavam. Missão anti-pirataria da OTAN.
"The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after several attempts to stop the vessel."
"O barco abandonou o local e tentou fugir para território somali", disse Fernandes. "Dirigia-se para Bossaso, mas conseguimos localizá-la. Foram feitos disparos de aviso após várias tentativas de parar a embarcação."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped most of their weapons overboard.
Ambos os navios enviaram helicópteros e os oficiais da Marinha saudaram os piratas através de altifalantes e finalmente dispararam tiros de aviso para os deter, disse Fernandes, mas não antes de os piratas terem deitado ao mar a maior parte das suas armas.
NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.
As forças da OTAN entraram a bordo do barco, onde encontraram uma granada de foguete, e interrogaram, desarmaram e libertaram os piratas.
The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.
Os piratas não podem ser processados pela lei canadense porque não atacaram cidadãos ou interesses canadenses e o crime não foi cometido em território canadense.
"When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities," Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
“Quando um navio faz parte da OTAN, a detenção de uma pessoa é da competência das autoridades nacionais”, disse Fernandes. "Deixa de ser uma questão da OTAN e passa a ser uma questão nacional."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and witnesses to court.
A libertação dos piratas sublinha as dificuldades que as marinhas têm em combater a pirataria desenfreada ao largo da costa da Somália sem lei. Na maior parte das vezes, as marinhas estrangeiras limitam-se a desarmar e a libertar os piratas que capturam devido a complicações legais e a dificuldades logísticas no transporte dos piratas e das testemunhas para o tribunal.
Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in 2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at least 18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310 crew hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
Só este ano, os piratas atacaram mais de 80 embarcações, quatro vezes mais do que em 2003, segundo o Gabinete Marítimo Internacional, com sede em Kuala Lumpur. Atualmente, mantêm reféns pelo menos 18 navios - incluindo um petroleiro belga apreendido no sábado com 10 tripulantes a bordo - e mais de 310 tripulantes, de acordo com uma contagem da Associated Press.
(Adapted from:, 04/19/09)
👉 Questão  21 

The Canadian Navy is involved in the incident described in the text because:

(A) The pirates accidentally crossed in front of the Canadian warship Winnipeg which was on its way through the Gulf of Aden.
(B) The pirates tried to attack an escorted ship filled with valuable supplies for the World Food Programo
(C) The Norwegian tanker chased the pirates until the Canadian and the North American warships arrived.
(D) NATO ships were already in the area looking for the pirates' skiff.

(E) The USS Halyburton asked their Canadian counterparts for assistance after locating the skiff.

👍  Gabarito  A 

👉 Questão  22 

In the sentence

"There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours", there is a word formed by the suffix "y".

In which option below the word is formed by the same suffix?

(A) lately
(B) mostly
(C) fury
(D) ally
(E) healthy

👍 Gabarito  E 

👉 Questão  23 

According to the text, the crew members of the Somali ships seized CANNOT be held in custody because:

(A) Their guns are hurled into the seas and no of their status as pirates can be found on board af their ships.proof
(B) International Law forbids NATO members to arrest crewmembers of other nationalities.
(C) Somalia is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and therefore its ships are only subjected to that country's national legal persecution.
(D) NATO members cannot make arrests abroad under a number of circumstances, such as when their nationals are not directly affected.

(E) Piracy is not a crime NATO countries are allowed to fight or prevent in the national waters of non-NATO countries.

👍  Gabarito  D 

👉 Questão  24 

Which option contains words that replace with accuracy following words that are underlined in the text respectively:


(A) vessel - elusive - avoided - increasing
(B) small boat - dangerous - facilitated - violent
(C) yacht - ambiguous - planned - violent
(D) small boat - elusive - prevented -uncontrolled
(E) vessel - dangerous - spoilt - increasing

👍  Gabarito  D 

👉 Questão  25 

In the fragment

"naval officers hailed the loudspeakers ...",

the word highlighted could replaced with:

(A) alerted
(B) threatened
(C) called
(D) informed
(E) advised

👍 Gabarito  E 

👉 Questão  26 

According to the text, the inability to seize pirates and take them to court ends up:

(A) Encouraging piracy in international waters because Somali authorities are too slow to introduce measures to protect ships in its own territory.
(B) Leading to difficult and lengthy court cases where witnesses and pirates have to be transported to different locations.
(C) Being the result of a number of legal and technical difficulties in Somalia to carry out proper legal action against pirates due to particular international organizations such as NATO.
(D) Underscoring the efforts of foreign navies to disarm and release pirates.
(E) Increasing the attacks of pirates who benefit from the fact that legal persecution will not be sought due to its inherent difficulties.

👍 Gabarito  E 

👉 Questão  27 

The economic downturn has affected many households in the United States. U.S. homeowners have continued investing their money in the stock market though".

The underlined connective expresses the idea of:

(A) conclusion
(B) time
(C) emphasis
(D) contrast
(E) addition

👍 Gabarito  D 

👉 Questão  28 

Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the verb phrases with accuracy, respectively:

I - The ship is bound ____ Africa.
II - We set sail ____ a tour of the Caribbean.
III - The captain was responsible ____ the incident.
IV - Attention has to be given ____ the weather conditions.
V - Crew members are expected 
to comply __ safety regulations.

(A) for / to / for / for / with
(B) in / for / for / to / to
(C) to / for / for / to / with
(D) to / for / to / to / to
(E) for / to / to / for / with

👍 Gabarito  C 

👉 Questão  29 

Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses:

I - Little _____ what problems he creates for others.
II - No sooner _______ the receiver with a great sigh af relief, help arrived.
III - Not for one moment 
_______ his integrity.
IV - Under no circumstances _______ class.

(A) Does he realize - he had put down - would I doubt - should you miss
(B) Does he realize - had he put down - would I doubt - should you miss
(C) He realizes - he had put down - will I doubt - you should miss
(D) He will realize - he puts down - will I doubt - should you miss
(E) He realized - he would put down - would I doubt - you should miss

👍  Gabarito  B 

TÓPICO - INVERSÃO com NEGATIVA ENFÁTICA➜ Oração iniciada com vocábulos ou expressão de valor negativo(-) :
*Alternativa (A): Does he realize - he had put down - would I doubt - should you miss
*Alternativa (B): Does he realize - had he put down - would I doubt - should you miss
*Alternativa (C)He realizes - he had put down - will I doubt - you should miss
*Alternativa (D)He will realize - he puts down - will I doubt - should you miss
*Alternativa (E)He realized - he would put down - would I doubt - you should miss
➦ CASO TÍPICO DE INVERSÃO ENFÁTICA ➜ Oração iniciada com vocábulos ou expressão de valor negativo(-).
➦ Estrutura da inversão: AUX. + SUJ. + VP 
➦ SENTENÇA 1: Oração iniciada com 'Little CASO DE INVERSÃO ENFÁTICA  aux + suj +vp ➜ does he realize.
"Little does he realize what problems he creates for others."
(Mal percebe ele, os problemas que ele cria para os outros.)
➦ SENTENÇA 2: Oração iniciada com 'No sooner CASO DE INVERSÃO ENFÁTICA  aux + suj +vp ➜ had he put down.

"No sooner had he put down the receiver with a great sigh af relief, help arrived."
(Assim que ele desligou o fone com um grande suspiro de alívio, a ajuda chegou.)
➦ SENTENÇA 3: Oração iniciada com 'Little'  CASO DE INVERSÃO ENFÁTICA  aux + suj +vp ➜ would I doubt.
"Not for one moment would I doubt his integrity."
(Nem por um momento duvidaria de sua integridade.)
➦ SENTENÇA 4: Oração iniciada com 'Little'  CASO DE INVERSÃO ENFÁTICA  aux + suj +vp ➜ should you miss.

"Under no circumstances should you miss class."
(Sob nenhuma circunstância você deve perder aula.)

👉 Questão  30 

"People must be aware of the consequences of their actions. One can do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn't do harm to others. This may not be followed by many people, but it certainly should. If a person has many friends, he must know this already."

The underlined modal verbs express:

(A) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation
(B) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation
(C) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction
(D) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction
(E) deduction / ability / permission / obligation / obligation

👍 Gabarito  C 

👉 Questão  31 

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

I - I am familiar ____ that song.
II - Were you aware ____ 
the regulations against smoking in this area?
III - What John said is contrary _____ common sense.
IV - This winter, Paul will be eligible _____ 
 a three week vacation.
V - How do you account ____ this discrepancy?

(A) with / of / with / to / for
(B) with / of / to / for / for
(C) to / about / to / to / to
(D) with / about / with / to / of
(E) to / of / to / for / to

👍 Gabarito  B 
(A) with / of / with / to / for
(B) with / of / to / for / for
(C) to / about / to / to / to
(D) with / about / with / to / of
(E) to / of / to / for / to

👉 Questão  32 

-"Did you buy a new bike?"
-"Yes, I bought one two weeks ago."

Which phrasal verb can substitute the underlined word?

(A) ran into
(B) let down
(C) picked out
(D) turned out
(E) picked up

👍 Gabarito  E 

👉 Questão  33 

The suffix "ly" forms adverbs of manner from adjectives as, for example, in:

caIm (adjective) caImIy (adverb of manner) 

Which of the adjectives below DOES NOT follow this rule?

(A) quick
(B) fast
(C) fine
(D) quiet
(E) exquisite

👍 Gabarito  B 

👉 Questão  34 

"She has tried to reach them four times on the phone without success. Hence she needs to write them as her last option." 

The underlined connective expresses the idea of:

(A) addition
(B) conclusion
(C) enumeration
(D) contrast
(E) concession

👍 Gabarito  B 

👉 Questão  35 

Choose the correct alternative to complete the statements.

I - They hopeless.
II - Somebodyls got to those high principles.
III - We shouldnlt their arguments so easily.
IV - I'm trying to my own work.
V - What a preposterous idea !  Jane will never it! the search after three hours.

(A) gave up I stand up for I give in I catch up on / get away
(B) carried out I stand up to I give over I catch up on I get ahead
(C) gave up I stand up to I give over I catch up with / get across
(D) gave up I stand up for I give over / catch up with / get along
(E) carried out / stand up to I given in I catch up on / get through

👍 Gabarito  A 

👉 Questão  36 

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

I - A stranger carne into the hall front doar.
II - you begin to look at the problem there is almost nothing you can do about it.
III - extensive inquiries were rnade at the time, no trace was found of any relative.
IV - You cannot be put on probation you are guilty. he opened the

(A) Like / although / despite / as soon as
(B) Since / although / despite / as soon as
(C) Since / even though / although / unless
(D) As / once / although/ unless
(E) As / once / in spite of / even if

👍  Gabarito  D 

👉 Questão  37 

The conditions expressed in the sentences

"If they had known the outcomes, they would have taken different measures"


"you should know people better, if you really want to make more friends"

are, respectively:

(A) unlikely / unlikely
(B) impossible / unlikely
(C) likely / unlikely
(D) impossible / likely
(E) likely / impossible

👍 Gabarito  D 

👉 Questão  38 

"People believe that saving Nevertheless, enjoying life things that make you feel underlined connective could money is the key to happiness. also involves spending money on happy and accomplished."

The be replaced with:

(A) Thus
(B) Moreover
(C) Still
(D) Therefore
(E) Furthermore

👉 Questão  39 

Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the sentences with accuracy, respectively:

I - Stress can make us quite forgetful ______ times.
II - The New York Port Authority operates daily _____ a lot of pressure.
III- After a storm, the fishing boat was lost _____ sea.
V - The remains of the wreckage were found _____ the shore.
V - They were ____ call when the emergency alarm went off.

They were able to act promptly though.

(A) in / under / ln / on / on
(B) at / under / at / on / off
(C) in / in / on / ln / in
(D) at / in / in / at / off
(E) at / on / at / in / on

👍 Gabarito  B 

👉 Questão  40 

Mark the alternative ln which DO and MAKE are all used correctly:

(A) Do a favor/ make repairs/ make amends/ make a bargain
(B) Make a bid/ make a demand/ do ends meet/ make an entry
(C) Make an excuse/ make a face/ make as much as you can/ make business
(D) Do a proposal/ make a scene/ do silly things/ make a review
(E) Do an errand/ make fun of/ make known/ do friends

👍 Gabarito  A 

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