quarta-feira, 19 de abril de 2017


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01-E, 02-C, 03-D, 04-B, 05-A, 06-E, 07-B

 TEXT IThe following text refers to questions 01 to 03.

Could This Be The End Of Cancer?
It's a disease that kills millions a year and a slew of hoped-for miracle treatments have gone nowhere. Now scientists say vaccines could hold the key—not just to a cure but to wiping out cancer forever.

______( I )______.
In 2005, more than a year after three doctors dismissed a lump under her arm as a harmless cyst, she was diagnosed with stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, which takes the lives of at least 80 percent of patients within five years; it killed Elizabeth Edwards in 2010. Half of those diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread — in Baker, it had reached her spine — die within 39 months. But the 53-year-old jewelry designer in Scottsdale, Ariz., wasn't ready to die. "I've been a competitive athlete and a body builder, I take care of myself and eat right," she says. "I was going to fight this."
Baker began searching for a clinical trial, and through the International Cancer Advocacy Network (ICAN) found an intriguing possibility: a cancer vaccine. In May 2006, she traveled to the University of Washington. The vaccine was injected into her upper arm; she got five more shots over the next five months. Today, with scans detecting no cancer anywhere, Baker seems to have beaten some extremely stiff odds.
Short of a sci-fi nano-camera to capture what was going on at the cellular level, it’s impossible to know exactly what the vaccine did. But based on studies of lab animals and cells in petri dishes, scientists have a pretty good idea. The vaccine contained fragments of a molecule called her2/neu, which, perched on the surface of tumor cells, fuels the growth and proliferation of some breast cancers. Baker’s immune system treated the flood of injected her2/neu like an invading army and mounted a counterattack. Cells called CD4, acting like biological Paul Reveres, sounded the alarm, rousing white blood cells called T cells. The body's Minutemen, they invaded Baker’s tumor, summoning reinforcements called cytotoxic ("killer") T cells, which destroyed the tumor cells in Baker’s breast as well as her spine. Enough of the other 21 women who received the experimental vaccine against metastatic breast cancer are doing so well that its inventor, immunologist Mary ("Nora") Disis of UW, dares to envision a future in which vaccines "control or even eliminate cancer."

By Sharon Begley


The sentence that properly fills in blank I in the text is

a) By all rights, Shari Baker will have said her final good-byes years ago.
b) By all rights, Shari Baker had said her final good-byes years ago.
c) By all rights, Shari Baker ought to say her final good-byes years ago.
d) By all rights, Shari Baker mustn't had said her final good-byes years ago.
e) By all rights, Shari Baker should have said her final good-byes years ago.


(2) O “PERFEITO MODAL” é usado para ESPECULAR COISAS DO PASSADO, ou seja, fala-se de uma hipótese sobre o passado ou, então, comenta-se de algum arrependimento.
(3) Os verbos modais possíveis: would, could, should, must, can, may, might, ought to.
  • IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: Por direito, Shari Baker deveria ter-se despedido da vida anos atrás.
  • By all rights, Shari Baker should have said her final good-byes years ago.

Which question below CANNOT be answered with information from the text?

a) On average, how long can people infected with metastatic breast cancer live?
b) How many more people took part in the experiment?
c) What kind of camera was used to check the vaccine effectiveness?
d) How harmful was the cancer Shari Baker was diagnosed with?
e) What does Shari Baker do for a living?

👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C 
Qual pergunta abaixo NÃO PODE ser respondida com informações do texto?
*Alternativa (A): Em média, quanto tempo as pessoas infectadas com câncer de mama metastático podem viver?
*Alternativa (B): Quantas pessoas mais participaram do experimento?
*Alternativa (C): Que tipo de câmera foi usada para verificar a eficácia da vacina?
*Alternativa (D): Quão nocivo foi o câncer que Shari Baker foi diagnosticado?
*Alternativa (D): O que Shari Baker faz para viver?
➽ O texto relata que os cientistas NÃO POSSUÍAM CÂMARA, vê no último parágrafo:
"[...] Short of a sci-fi nano-camera to capture what was going on at the cellular level, it's impossible to know exactly what the vaccine did. But based on studies of lab animals and cells in petri dishes, scientists have a pretty good idea."
(À falta de uma nano-câmera de ficção científica para capturar o que estava acontecendo no nível celular, é impossível saber exatamente o que a vacina fez. Mas com base em estudos de animais de laboratório e células em placas de Petri, os cientistas têm uma boa ideia.)

The following text refers to questions 03 and 04.

John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Recorded 11 February 1963

Given away simultaneously to fellow Brian Epstein protégé Billy J.Kramer (for a hit single), and to George Harrinson (for this LP), "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" was a Lennon composition – inspired by a line he remembered from a Disney song that his mother used to sing. "I thought it would be a good vehicle for George because it only had three notes and he wasn't the best singer in the world," Lennon explained ___( I )___  in later years.

The word that properly fills in blank I in the text is

a)  charitable.
b)  chariting.
c)  charitingly.
d)  charitably.
e)  charity.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
A palavra que preenche corretamente em branco eu no texto é
*Alternativa (A): caridoso.
*Alternativa (B): chariting.
*Alternativa (C): deliciosamente.
*Alternativa (D): caridosamente.
*Alternativa (E): caridade.
➽ O vocábulo da lacuna deverá ser um ADVÉRBIO, no caso do contexto em foco, o advérbio "charitably"(caridosamente) seria o adequado, vê:
[...] "I thought it would be a good vehicle for George because it only had three notes and he wasn't the best singer in the world," Lennon explained charitably in later years."
("Eu pensei que seria um bom veículo para George porque ele só tinha três notas e ele não era o melhor cantor do mundo", Lennon explicou caridosamente nos últimos anos.)


According to the song review,

a) "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" came from a Disney song sung by George Harrison in his spare time.
b) "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" was written by John Lennon and recorded by George Harrison, who was an ordinary singer in The Beatles.
c) "Do You Want To Know A Secret?” was recorded by both Brian Epstein and George Harrison.
d) Billy J.Kramer turned "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" into a hit single and then gave it away to George Harrison.
e) John Lennon explained how George Harrison inspired him to write that three-note song.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
De acordo com a crítica de músicas...
*Alternativa (A): "Você quer saber um segredo?" veio de uma canção da Disney cantada por George Harrison em seu tempo livre.
*Alternativa (B): "Você quer saber um segredo?" foi escrito por John Lennon e gravado por George Harrison, que era um cantor mediano(comum) nos Beatles.
*Alternativa (C): "Você quer saber um segredo?" foi gravado por Brian Epstein e George Harrison.
*Alternativa (D): Billy J.Kramer virou "Você quer saber um segredo?" em um single de sucesso e depois deu para George Harrison.
*Alternativa (E): John Lennon explicou como George Harrison o inspirou a escrever aquela música de três notas.
➽ VEJA palavras de Lennon no parágrafo:
"[...] "I thought it would be a good vehicle for George because it only had three notes and he wasn't the best singer in the world," Lennon explained charitably  in later years."
(Eu pensei que ela seria um bom veículo para George, porque só tinha três notas e ele não era o melhor cantor do mundo", explicou Lennon com caridade nos últimos anos).

The following text refers to questions 05 to 07.


Recently, I was on a flight from San Francisco to Chicago when I overheard one of the silliest conversations imaginable. It demonstrates a critical yet common mistake that many people seem to make on an ongoing basis. The conversation, ___(I)____, centered around how tired each of these two people were going to be – tomorrow and all week!
It was as if each person was trying to convince the other, and perhaps themselves, how many hours and how hard they were working, how few hours of sleep they were going to get, and, most of all, how tired they were going to be. I wasn’t quite sure if they were bragging or complaining, but one thing was certain, they were appearing more and more tired the longer the conversation continued.
They each said things like, "Boy, am I going to be tired tomorrow,” “I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the rest of the week,” and “I’m only going to get three hours of sleep tonight.” They told stories of late nights, lack of sleep, uncomfortable hotel beds, and early morning meetings. They anticipated feeling exhausted, and I’m sure they were going to be correct in their assumption. Their voices were heavy, as if the lack of sleep they were going to get was already affecting them. I actually felt myself getting tired just listening to part of the conversation!
The problem with anticipating tiredness in this way, or in any way, is that it clearly reinforces tiredness. It rivets your attention to the number of hours you are sleeping and how tired you are going to be. Then, when you wake up, you’re likely to do it again by reminding yourself how few hours it has been since your head hit the pillow. Who knows what really happens, but seems it to me that anticipating tiredness must send a message to your brain reminding you to feel and act tired because that is the way you have programmed yourself to respond.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
By Richard Carlson


The sentence that properly fills in blank I in the text is

a) which must have lasted at least half an hour.
b) that could have lasted at least half an hour.
c) that should have lasted at least half an hour.
d) which should last at least half an hour.
e) which can last at least half an hour.

👍 Gabarito   A 


In the sentence,

"I wasn't quite sure if they were bragging or complaining, ..."

the verb to brag means

a) to ask for help, an opportunity, etc, in a way that shows you want it very much.
b) to ask someone for something in an urgent and sincere way
c) to get help or an advantage from something.
d) to say or think that someone or something is unimportant or not very good.
e) to talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito   E 
Na sentença, "eu não tinha certeza se eles estavam se gabando ou se queixando, ..." o verbo TO BRAG(gabar-se) significa...
*Alternativa (A): pedir ajuda, uma oportunidade, etc., de uma maneira que mostre que você quer muito.
*Alternativa (B): pedir a alguém algo urgente e sincero
*Alternativa (C): para obter ajuda ou uma vantagem de algo.
*Alternativa (D): dizer ou pensar que alguém ou algo não é importante ou não é muito bom.
*Alternativa (E): falar sobre suas realizações ou posses de uma maneira orgulhosa que irrita outras pessoas.


The text states that

a) anticipating tiredness is unimaginable in today’s lifestyle. Being tired on the following day can trigger mixed emotions among teenagers.
b) on the whole, anticipating tiredness is currently an ordinary practice.
c) people have to be reminded to feel tired full time, which ends up requiring more sleeping time throughout the day.
d) the message that must be sent to your brain is that tiredness has to be treated on a psychological level.
e) whether you wake up feeling tired or not is simply a matter of convincing the regular citizen of his/her limitations.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
O texto afirma que
*Alternativa (A): antecipar o cansaço é inimaginável no estilo de vida atual. Estar cansado no dia seguinte pode desencadear emoções misturadas entre os adolescentes.
*Alternativa (B): no geral, antecipar o cansaço é atualmente uma prática comum.
*Alternativa (C): as pessoas precisam ser lembradas de se sentirem cansadas em tempo integral, o que acaba exigindo mais tempo para dormir durante o dia.
*Alternativa (D): a mensagem que deve ser enviada ao seu cérebro é que o cansaço deve ser tratado em um nível psicológico.
*Alternativa (E): se você acorda cansado ou não é simplesmente uma questão de convencer o cidadão comum de suas limitações.

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