quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2019


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➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADOR: INSTITUTO QUADRIX - https://www.quadrix.org.br/


01-C, 02-E, 03-C, 04-E, 05-C
06-C, 07-E, 08-E, 09-C, 10-E


Smart TVs – Television and the Internet

More and more television manufacturers are producing Smart TVs. Although they differ in some ways most of them use the same technology. Smart TVs can be connected to the Internet using a setup box, a cable or wireless adapter.

Some decades ago watching television was a completely different experience. If you were lucky you had a few channels you could watch. Depending on your rooftop antenna and the signal you got, reception was sometimes bad and during storms the signal was interrupted.

In the 1970s, cable TV introduced a variety of programs, both local and international. And with the arrival of video recorders, everybody could record their shows and watch them whenever they wanted. Then in the 80s and 90s satellite television gave people access to hundreds of TV channels from around the world. In the last decade, Internet television has grown really rapidly and Smart TVs have become very popular.

Internet: <www.english-online.at> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

01 “Although” in “Although they differ” (line 2) can be correctly replaced by though.

02 Without a wireless adapter, it is not possible to connect a Smart TV to the Internet.

03 “most of them” (lines 2 and 3) and the majority of them are synonymous expressions.

04 A little is considered a correct alternative for “a few” in “a few channels” (lines 7 and 8).

05 Some decades ago, watching TV depended on different factors, including the weather.

06 “bad” in “reception was sometimes bad” (line 9) is not the contrary of better.
➧ ITEM CORRETO porque BAD (= NOT GOOD) é o oposto de GOOD, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] Depending on your rooftop antenna and the signal you got, reception was sometimes bad and during storms the signal was interrupted.
  • Dependendo da antena do seu telhado e do sinal que você recebia, a recepção às vezes era RUIM (não era boa, era de baixa qualidade) e durante as tempestades o sinal era interrompido.
➧ BIZU FEROZ (1): BAD pode ser "not good", "low quality", "not sensible", "not suitable" ou "morally wrong".
➧ BIZU FEROZ (2): BETTER (= comparative of good) pode ser "more useful", "interesting", "satisfactory", "effective" ou "suitable"O oposto de BETTER (melhor) é WORSE (pior).

07 In the 1970s, it was only possible to watch local TV programs.
➧ ITEM ERRADO porque era possível assistir a programas de TV LOCAL e também a programas de TV INTERNACIONAL, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] In the 1970s, cable TV introduced a variety of programs, both local and international.
  • Na década de 1970, a TV a cabo introduziu uma variedade de programas, tanto locais quanto internacionais.
➧ BIZU FEROZ : A estrutura frasal BOTH ... AND é usada 
para enfatizar que cada uma das duas coisas é verdadeira ou que acontece.
  • In the 1970s, cable TV introduced a variety of programs, both local and international..
  • IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: Programa Local e Programa Internacional, AMBOS ERAM APRESENTADOS.
08 “everybody” in “everybody could record” (line 13) and somebody are synonyms.

09 The variety of TV programs was much greater after the 1970s.

10 Smart TVs have been popular for many decades

PHRASAL VERBS - 20 Questões com gabarito - valdenor Sousa.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! 
Welcome back to another post!

Neste post, veremos questões de PHRASAL VERBS com gabarito.

Adquira "100 QUESTÕES COMENTADAS-PHRASAL VERBS" com preço promocional, basta visitar o site:

Based on the cartoon above, judge itens 01 and 02.
  Questão  01   Cespe/UnB–2º Vest 2013 
The humor of the cartoon lies in the fact that lasagna is a kind of woodworking.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
👍 Gabarito  Errada 

  Questão  02   Cespe/UnB–2.º Vest 2013 
"To take up" is a phrasal verb meaning "to start something as a hobby, for example".
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
👍 Gabarito   Correto 

 Questão  03   UNESP 
He took _______ his hat.
(A) off 
(B) out 
(C) in 
(D) into 
(E) on
👍 Gabarito   A 

  Questão  04   ITA-SP 
The girl got ____ the bus at the corner.
(A) out.
(B) off.
(C) over.
(D) of.
👍 Gabarito   B 
THE MURDEROUS ACTIONS OF THE SERB nationalists in Kosovo against ethnic Albanians pose a threat to all Europe [April 12]. If we do not act, Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania will be the next targets, leaving Europe with the same radical nationalism but on a larger scale.
It is imperative that the West act together to neutralize Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and his nationalist henchmen as quickly as possible. Again and again, we have witnessed the pattern of Milosevic’s talking peace while readying forces for another assault against innocents.
Attempts to negotiate only help the cause of Serb nationalism.
Walter G. Aiello. Durham, N. C
Time, Latin American Edition, May 3, 1999. p. 4.
  Questão  05   UFSM 
O fragmento destacado em "The murderous actions of the Serb nationalists in Kosovo against ethnic Albanians pose a threat to all Europe [April 12]." pode ser substituído por:
(A) set standards for.
(B) bring peace to.
(C) put in danger.
(D) avoid any risk to.
(E) place responsibility on.
👍 Gabarito   C 
From Pride and Prejudice
Mr. Bingley was good looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked like a gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien; and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year. The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud, to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend.
McNamara, M. G. and Burns. C. J. Literature A close study. Australia. Mcmillan. 1995. pp. 54.
  Questão  06   UEPI 
The expression "turned the tide of," means:
(A) he was discovered as being impolite;
(B) his popularity was aroused;
(C) his popularity vanished in the air;
(D) people got to know his real self;
(E) his behavior was distinguishing;
👍 Gabarito  C 

  Questão  07   MACK-1996 
Choose the correct alternative which indicates the meaning of blow over in the following sentence: 
They're hoping that this crisis will BLOW OVER and be forgotten. 
(A) happen suddenly and make you able to accept a pleasant experience.
(B) explode.
(C) succeed in spite of difficulties.
(D) become stronger and cause trouble for other people.
(E) pass without doing harm.
👍 Gabarito   E 

  Questão  08   UDESC-1996 
Find the correct alternative: 
(A) to put on – to remove
(B) to put out – to increase
(C) to put off – to dress
(D) to put on weight – to grow fat
(E) to put together – to keep
👍 Gabarito  D 
  Questão  09   FUVEST-SP 
Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte frase:
"I have run out of vinegar."
(A) Corri para buscar vinagre.
(B) Derramei o vinagre.
(C) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre.
(D) Meu vinagre acabou.
(E) Joguei fora o vinagre.
👍 Gabarito  D 

  Questão  10   MACKENZIE-SP 
Choose the correct alternative.
Indicate the meaning of CATCH ON TO in the following sentence: 
We didn't quite CATCH ON TO what the teacher said. 
(A) reach the same standard or level
(B) hear
(C) confirm
(D) believe
(E) understand
👍 Gabarito Comentado   E 

  Questão  11   UECE  
SPLIT UP in "After getting stores and various other commodities together in Mamfe, John and I decided to split up" means that: 
(A) they decided to separate.
(B) they decided to end their relationship.
(C) they decided to stay together.
(D) they decided to talk over their plans.
(E) they decided to sleep together.
👍 Gabarito   A 

  Questão  12   CESGRANRIO  
The verb TO GO may be followed by many adverbial particles and prepositions that add different meanings to it. 
Match the two columns and then mark the correct alternative: 

I – go up
II – go on
III – go away
IV – go by 

R. continue
S. leave
T. rise
U. move
V. pass 

Mark the correct match. 
(A) I – T; II – U; III – S; IV – R
(B) I – T; II – R; III – S; IV – V
(C) I – T; II – V; III – U; IV – R
(D) I – U; II – R; III – S; IV – V
(E) I – U; II – V; III – S; IV – R
👍 Gabarito  B 

 Questão  13   UDESC 

Choose the CORRECT answer: 
The woman is TAKING CARE of her baby. 
– She is: 
(A) looking back on her baby.
(B) looking for her baby.
(C) looking after her baby.
(D) looking down on her baby.
(E) looking over her baby.
👍 Gabarito   C 

  Questão  14   AFA 
Qual alternativa possui os três verbos na ordem natural de seu uso?
(A) wake up / sleep / get up
(B) sleep / get up / wake up
(C) get up / wake up /sleep
(D) sleep / wake up /get up
👍 Gabarito   D 

  Questão  15   PUC-RIO 
The only option in which MAKE UP has the same meaning as immigrants make up only 12% of today's workforce is:
(A) The committee is made up of representatives from all the university.
(B) You must make up what you owe before the end of the month.
(C) She never goes without making herself up first.
(D) I can make up a bed for you on the floor..
(E) He made up an incredible story about his holiday.
👍 Gabarito   A 

  Questão  16   EFOMM 
"Is that my new TV in that package?"
"Yes, just __________."
(A) open it up, take it out, plug it in and turn it on.
(B) open it up, take it off, plug it on and turn it on.
(C) take it out, open it on, plug it off and turn it up.
(D) take it in, plug it out, turn  it down and open it up.
(E) open it out, take it up, turn it on and plug it on.
👍 Gabarito   A 

  Questão  17   FUVEST 

Assinale a alternativa que traduz melhor a seguinte sentença: 
"I can't tell one from the other."
(A) Não distingo uma da outra.
(B) Não conto com nenhuma outra.
(C) Não falo com nenhuma outra.
(D) Não posso falar de uma para outra.
(E) Não posso dizer para a outra.
👍 Gabarito   A 

  Questão  18   ITA 
A expressão BREAK OUT em 
"During a poker match, an argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans" significa: 
(A) to make a sudden, quick advance.
(B) to bring or come to an end.
(C) to develop suddenly.
(D) to force or make a way through.
(E) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently.
👍 Gabarito   C 

  Questão  19   EFOMM 
The initials V.I.P. __________ Very Important Person.
(A) means
(B) stand for
(C) are about
(D) describe
(E) accounts for
👍 Gabarito   B 

  Questão  20   JFS 
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below meaningfully:
1. _______ the computer _______ and let's go.
2. Her new boyfriend _____ her _______ on their second date.
3. She _______ the flu after being sick for a week. 
a) 1. Shut … down – 2. stood … up – 3. got over
b) 1. Shut … down – 2. stood … down – 3. got down c) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … over – 3. got over
d) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … down – 3. got down
e) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … up – 3. got on
👍 Gabarito   A 

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2019

Cartoon-0001-Teacher_Valdenor Sousa

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
Neste post, veremos CARTOON (Copyright 2006 by Randy Glasbergen. Site: www.glasbergen.com).
[a]Tradução do Cartoon 
➦"Your mother and I found oud you've been blogging. We don't know what that means, but we'd like you to stop."
➦(Sua mãe e eu descobrimos que você tem acessado blogs. Nós não sabemos o que isso significa, mas gostaríamos que você parasse.)
Dê o somatório das alternativas corretas:
      Questão   01 
(01) O pai diz que ele e a esposa descobriram que o filho tem acessado blogs.
(02) O pai pede ao filho que pare de acessar os blogs, apesar de não saber exatamente o que é isso.
(04) A expressão "blogging" significa "fazer uso de blogs".
(05) O pai sabe exatamente sobre o uso inadequado do filho sobre os blogs.
      Questão   02 
O vocábulo "that" refere-se:
(01) blogging
(02) mother
(04) father
(08) sun
     Questão   03 
O vocábulo "that" poderia ser substituído por:
(01) I
(02) she
(04) we
(08) It
     Questão   04 
What is the meaning of "find out" in english:
(01) to learn by study, observation, or search : DISCOVER.
(02) to discover, learn, or verify something.
(04) to get information about something because you want to know more about it, or to learn a fact or piece of information for the first time.
(08) to obtain knowledge of something, or to obtain knowledge of someone's activities.
(16) If you FIND something OUT, you learn something that you did not already know, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.
(32) to learn the true character or identity of (someone or something).

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2019


Welcome back to another post!

➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.



➧ PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA:  08 (Oito) questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).


01-D,  02-A,  03-B,  04-A
05-C,  06-B,  07-D,  08-A



If all of the children who currently are sedentary started exercising every day, societies could save enormous amounts of money in the coming decades and have healthier citizens as a whole, according to a remarkable new study. In the United States alone, we could expect to save more than $120 billion every year in health care and associated expenses. The study is the first to use sophisticated computer simulations to arrive at a literal and sobering societal price tag for allowing our children to be sedentary.

Inactivity is, of course, widespread among young people today. Recent research shows that in the United States and Europe, physical activity tends to peak at about age 7 for both boys and girls and tail off continually throughout adolescence. More than two-thirds of children in the United States rarely exercise at all.

The immediate health consequences for inactive children and their families are worrisome. Childhood obesity, which is linked to lack of exercise, is common, as is the incidence of Type 2 diabetes and other health problems related to being overweight among children as young as 6.

But the long-term financial costs of inactivity in the young, both for them and society as a whole, have never been quantified. So for the new study, which was published this week in Health Affairs, researchers with the Global Obesity Prevention Center at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and other institutions decided to create a bogglingly complex computer model of what the future could look like if we do or do not get more of our children moving.

The researchers began by gathering as much public data as is currently available about the health, weight and physical activity patterns of all 31.7 million American children now aged 8 to 11, using large-scale databases from the Census Bureau, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other groups.

The researchers fed this information into a computerized modeling program that created an electronic avatar for every American child today. In line with reality, two-thirds of these children were programmed to rarely exercise and many were overweight or obese.

The scientists then had the simulated children grow up. Using estimations about how calorie intake and activity patterns affect body weight, the program changed each virtual child’s body day-by-day and year-by-year into adulthood. Most became increasingly overweight.

As the simulated children became adults, the scientists then modeled each one’s health, based on obesity-associated risks for heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer, and also the probable financial price of dealing with those diseases (adjusted for future inflation), both in terms of direct expenses for hospitalizations, drugs and so on, and lost productivity because of someone’s being ill.

The results were staggering. According to the computer model, the costs of today’s 8- to 11-year-olds being inactive and consequently overweight would be almost $3 trillion in medical expenses and lost productivity every year once the children reached adulthood and for decades until their deaths.

But when the researchers tweaked children’s activity levels within their model, the numbers began to look quite different. If they presumed that, in an imaginary America, half of all children exercised vigorously for about 25 minutes three times a week, such as during active recess or sports or, more ambitiously, ran around and moved for at least an hour every day, which is the amount of youth exercise recommended by the C.D.C., their virtual lives were transformed.

Most obviously, the incidence of childhood obesity fell by more than 4 percent, a change that resonated throughout the simulated children’s lives and society. There were about half a million fewer cases of adult-onset heart disease, diabetes, cancer and strokes in this simulation, and the society-wide costs associated with these illnesses dropped by about $32 billion every year if the children romped about for 25 minutes three times per week and by almost $37 billion if they moved for an hour every day.

The impacts were even more substantial when the researchers assumed that 100 percent of the children who are now sedentary got regular exercise. In this scenario, the annual total costs during adulthood from obesity-associated medical expenses and lost productivity plummeted by about $62 billion when children were active three times a week and by more than $120 billion every year when all of the virtual children played and moved for at least an hour each day.
From: https://www.nytimes.com May 3, 2017

01 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

As to how physically active American and European children are, recent studies show that 

A) they are usually involved in more physical activities from age 7 on.
B) most of them only become interested in physical exercise in their late adolescence.
C) boys and girls have a significantly different behavior when it comes to physical activities.
D) both boys and girls seem to have the maximum of physical activities around age seven.

Quanto ao quão ativo fisicamente crianças americanas e europeias são, estudos recentes mostram que
Afirmativa (A): eles geralmente estão envolvidos em mais atividades físicas a partir dos 7 anos de idade.
Afirmativa (B): a maioria deles só se interessa pelo exercício físico no final da adolescência.
Afirmativa (C): meninos e meninas têm um comportamento significativamente diferente quando se trata de atividades físicas.
Afirmativa (D): meninos e meninas parecem ter o máximo de atividades físicas por volta dos sete anos.

02 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

According to the text, the lack of exercise in childhood years is associated with very early health problems such as

A) obesity and type 2 diabetes.
B) heart conditions and respiratory diseases.
C) cancer and depression.
D) diabetes and lungs conditions.

De acordo com o texto, a falta de exercício nos anos da infância está associada a problemas de saúde muito precoces, como
Afirmativa (A): obesidade e diabetes tipo 2.
Afirmativa (B): condições cardíacas e doenças respiratórias.
Afirmativa (C): câncer e depressão.
Afirmativa (D): diabetes e condições pulmonares.

03 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

In terms of the future financial costs for individuals and the society as a result of inactivity in young people, it is mentioned that they

A) have been the subject of many studies and public policies.
B) had not been calculated before this new study mentioned in the text.
C) have always been a concern in the academic world.
D) were carefully analyzed by some European countries.

Em termos dos custos financeiros futuros para os indivíduos e para a sociedade, como resultado da inatividade nos jovens, é mencionado que eles
Afirmativa (A): tem sido objeto de muitos estudos e políticas públicas.
Afirmativa (B): não havia sido calculado antes deste novo estudo mencionado no texto.
Afirmativa (C): sempre foram uma preocupação no mundo acadêmico.
Afirmativa (D): foram cuidadosamente analisados por alguns países europeus.

04 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

The new study conducted in the US linking the lack of children’s physical activity and the huge expenses in the coming years was carried out with data about children

A) who are in the age group 8 to 11.
B) whose parents are overweight.
C) whose families lead sedentary lives.
D) who never take part in sports.

O novo estudo realizado nos EUA, relacionando a falta de atividade física das crianças e as enormes despesas nos próximos anos, foi realizado com dados sobre crianças
Afirmativa (A): que estão na faixa etária de 8 a 11 anos.
Afirmativa (B): cujos pais estão acima do peso.
Afirmativa (C): cujas famílias levam vidas sedentárias.
Afirmativa (D): que nunca participam de esportes.

05 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

In terms of how the study was conducted, the text mentions that researchers used a computer program that made it possible for every child to be

A) analyzed according to different sets of influential factors.
B) isolated from their family context.
C) represented by an electronic avatar to simulate their growth.
D) grouped according to geographical criteria.

Em termos de como o estudo foi conduzido, o texto menciona que os pesquisadores usaram um programa de computador que tornou possível para cada criança ser
Afirmativa (A): analisados de acordo com diferentes conjuntos de fatores influentes.
Afirmativa (B): isolados do contexto familiar.
Afirmativa (C): representado por um avatar eletrônico para simular seu crescimento.
Afirmativa (D): agrupados segundo critérios geográficos.

06 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

According to the article, the researchers, taking into account the current reality of children in the US, fed the computer program with the information about the lack of exercising and the calorie intaking patterns and made the computer model go through the growing process year by year, thus revealing that these children

A) maintained quite a slow pace of development.
B) grew more and more overweight.
C) became adults who are healthy.
D) grew too fast in relation to other groups.

De acordo com o artigo, os pesquisadores, levando em conta a realidade atual das crianças nos EUA, alimentaram o programa de computador com informações sobre a falta de exercício e os padrões de consumo de calorias e fizeram o modelo computadorizado passar pelo processo de crescimento ano a ano. , revelando assim que essas crianças
Afirmativa (A): mantiveram um ritmo bastante lento de desenvolvimento.
Afirmativa (B): cresceram mais e mais com excesso de peso.
Afirmativa (C): tornaram-se adultos saudáveis.
Afirmativa (D): cresceram muito rápido em relação a outros grupos.

07 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

Still in terms of the electronic avatar research, the text mentions that, when scientists analyzed the grown up models (once the sedentary children), they got to the conclusion that they would

A) manage to lead quite a low profile lifestyle.
B) seldom have the chance to change their lifestyle.
C) probably die too soon.
D) cost some trillions of dollars to society.

Ainda em termos da pesquisa de avatar eletrônico, o texto menciona que, quando os cientistas analisaram os modelos adultos (outrora as crianças sedentárias), chegaram à conclusão de que ELES(modelos adultos)...
Afirmativa (A): conseguem levar um estilo de vida bastante baixo perfil.
Afirmativa (B): raramente têm a chance de mudar seu estilo de vida.
Afirmativa (C): provavelmente morrerá cedo demais.
Afirmativa (D): custaram alguns trilhões de dólares para a sociedade.

08 – (UECE-2017/2-VESTIBULAR-1ª FASE)

According to the findings of the research, another aspect related to the consequences of children’s sedentary lifestyle is the fact that when becoming adults they would also

A) lose productivity yearly until they die.
B) lose their jobs more frequently.
C) influence other relatives to keep inactive.
D) travel less than the once active children.

De acordo com os resultados da pesquisa, outro aspecto relacionado às conseqüências do estilo de vida sedentário das crianças é o fato de que, quando se tornam adultos, elas também
Afirmativa (A): perdem a produtividade anualmente até morrerem.
Afirmativa (B): perdem seus empregos com mais freqüência.
Afirmativa (C): influenciam outros parentes a manterem-se inativos.
Afirmativa (D): viajam menos que as crianças uma vez ativas.