quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2019


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 15 questões do tipo múltipla escolha (A,B,C,D,E).


01-A, 02-E, 03-C, 04-B, 05-A
06-C, 07-D, 08-B, 09-C, 10-D
11-E, 12-B, 13-D, 14-E, 15-A


Impeachment nos EUA

By Ursula Hacket 
President Donald Trump’s business dealings, unhinged [malucos] tweets and conflicts of interest, coupled with lurid sexual allegations and whispers of Russian links have led some to dream that impeachment could be just around the corner. The chatter started even before he took office, and by January’s end half a million people had signed the “Impeach Trump Now” petition. It’s all very wishful thinking.
Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution states: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers… shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” The House of Representatives must vote upon an impeachment resolution and the Judiciary Committee conduct an investigation. If the House then accepts the impeachment charges, the action moves to the Senate, where a trial takes place. To convict an impeached president a full two-thirds of the Senate must find him guilty. The first of these steps (Committee investigation) has taken place three times: in 1868 (President Andrew Johnson), 1974 (Richard Nixon) and 1998 (Bill Clinton). The second (House vote and Senate trial), twice— for Presidents Johnson and Clinton, but not Nixon, who resigned before trial. The third (conviction) has never taken place.
In conscious opposition to the ancient maxim "the king can do no wrong," the Founding Fathers created a presidency that was not shielded from responsibility for wrongdoing. In early Constitutional drafts only treason and bribery were impeachable. One founder – George Mason – suggested adding "maladministration," but James Madison objected that this loose formulation would hand a weapon to politically-motivated enemies of the president. They compromised with "high crimes and misdemeanors." But Madison's fears proved well founded: impeachment has never truly been a legal process, and always a political one. The political battleground? Defining "high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Unlike well-defined treason or bribery, the "high crimes" test is entirely elastic. The President's supporters take a restrictive view, his opponents an expansive one. Presidents may wish things were clearer, and sometimes claim that they are. "You don't have to be a constitutional lawyer to know that the constitution is very precise in defining what is an impeachable offence," whimpered a besieged Nixon in 1974. But he was wrong: the Founders did not specify a list of specific offences, nor even require any actual criminal offence be proved. His successor, Gerald Ford, was closer to the truth when he claimed that "an impeachable offence is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." Impeachable "misdemeanors" could include inaction, chronic ineptitude and abuse of powers, especially when aggregated into a pattern of behaviour. All this makes impeachment a fundamentally political act – defined in terms dictated by partisan actors – and thus, where those actors are sufficiently hostile, a more plausible outcome.
Partisanship and political calculation, then, are all-important – not formal legal standards. For example, both Johnson’s and Clinton’s impeachment votes split along party lines. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd even stated at Clinton’s trial that although he was certain the Democratic president had committed perjury, his vote would be cast “in the best interest of the nation.”
Impeachment efforts have always occurred when rival tribes control the White House and Capitol Hill [site of the U.S. Congress]. And the Republican Trump will not be impeached unless most members of a Republican-dominated House of Representatives and a supermajority of a Republican-dominated Senate judge it to be in their own best interests. 

Adapted from
Prospect, March 2017.


According to the information in the article,

(A) though Donald Trump has been accused of many kinds of objectionable and even scandalous behavior, he probably is not in danger of being impeached.
(B) the political enemies of Donald Trump are currently planning to use his scandalous personal behavior and his criminal business deals with the Russians as the basis for impeachment proceedings.
(C) despite exhibiting objectionable and even criminal behavior before the U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump can be impeached only for crimes he may have committed while serving as president.
(D) the clearly vindictive, political motives of Donald Trump’s opponents will invalidate any attempt to impeach him.
(E) no matter what crimes that he may commit, as long as Donald Trump is able to maintain his high approval ratings, he will never be impeached.


In paragraph 1, the phrase “The chatter started even before he took office…” most likely means which of the following?

(A) People have been discussing Donald Trump’s sexual adventures for years.
(B) Donald Trump began his mandate as a controversial president elected by a minority of American voters.
(C) Even before the presidential election, controversies surrounding Donald Trump had divided the U.S. into two warring factions.
(D) Although many Americans have demanded that Donald Trump be impeached, so far there is not enough concrete evidence against him to make that happen.
(E) Donald Trump was not yet officially exercising his presidential duties when some Americans began discussing the possibility of impeaching him.


Which of the following is most supported in Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution?

(A) Any high-ranking U.S. government official who commits a serious crime will be impeached.
(B) A presidential impeachment is a two-step process in which first the House of Representatives votes and then the Senate votes.
(C) In the constitutional process to impeach a president, the House of Representatives may fulfill its official role regardless of the Senate, but the Senate may not fulfill its official role regardless of the House of Representatives.
(D) Although many U.S. government officials may be impeached, the Senate decides guilt or innocence only in the case of a presidential impeachment.
(E) When a majority of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are opposed to a president, they will find a way to remove him from office.


Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

(A) Except when dealing with either “treason” or “bribery,” impeachment proceedings in the U.S. have never been conducted in a fair and honest way.
(B) Even if Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution had not specifically mentioned “treason” and “bribery,” they could still be considered impeachable offenses.
(C) Because “treason” and “bribery” are unique criminal offenses, Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution did not include them in the category of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
(D) The political animosity between George Mason and James Madison resulted in a dangerously vague definition of what may constitute “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
(E) By insisting that the term “high crimes and misdemeanors” be included in Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, James Madison seriously compromised the efficiency of impeachment proceedings.


With respect to President Richard Nixon, the article most supports which of the following?

(A) The Senate in fact never determined in an impeachment proceeding whether or not he had committed a serious crime.
(B) He is the only U.S. public official to have resigned in order to avoid impeachment.
(C) If he had not resigned, he would have been convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors.
(D) He probably was guilty of inaction, chronic ineptitude, and abuse of powers.
(E) Many U.S. presidents have done the same things that he did but, unlike him, were never impeached.


With respect to Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which of the following is not supported by the information in the article?

(A) It has never been used successfully to remove a president from office.
(B) James Madison supported a modification that he hoped would be sufficiently ample, without being dangerously vague.
(C) Using it is the only way to remove a U.S. president from office.
(D) Members of the House of Representatives are allowed great flexibility in interpreting certain parts of it.
(E) It can be used to remove a U.S. president from office even if there is no concrete proof that he or she actually committed a crime.


In paragraph 5, the article most likely highlights Democratic Senator Robert Byrd in order to show that

(A) in impeachment proceedings in the U.S., politicians may stand up against public opinion.
(B) even in U.S. impeachment proceedings, politicians try to protect each other.
(C) in general, the real motives for a presidential impeachment in the U.S. have nothing to do with concepts of fairness and justice.
(D) a politician taking part in U.S. presidential impeachment proceedings may put party loyalty ahead of personal beliefs.
(E) the question of whether or not President Bill Clinton actually did commit a criminal offense was never an important factor in the impeachment proceedings.


Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

(A) If Donald Trump were a more popular president, he would never be threatened with impeachment.
(B) In a sense, impeachment in the U.S. may be considered a form of political persecution.
(C) Because he is vulnerable to impeachment, Donald Trump needs to follow the dictates of powerful Republican Party members.
(D) Inadequate for the modern political scenario, the U.S. Constitution’s impeachment provisions are in serious need of reform.
(E) The relatively large number of U.S. presidents who have been threatened with impeachment in recent decades is indicative of the deteriorating quality of U.S. politics.



By Niki Wilson
In the rugged terrain of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State, biologist William Brown of Skidmore College has spent 36 years getting to know a local population of timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus). He has traveled through gnarly forests and up rubble-filled slopes to find these snakes near the same dens [tocas] year after year, sometimes curled up in the leaf litter, other times basking [tomando sol] on stony outcroppings near shelter rocks.
Timber rattlesnakes are members of the pit viper family, meaning they have temperature-sensitive openings or "pits" on the sides of their heads. Though venomous, they are shy snakes, preferring to crawl away rather than strike. They hibernate in their dens during the colder months, mating in the late summer. The breeding habits of this species have particularly captured Brown's attention, as understanding the rattlesnakes' reproductive behavior is key in determining how to protect them.
Last fall, armed with decades of data, Brown revealed some of his long-term findings. One of the biggest surprises was the average age of first reproduction in females, something not previously confirmed, and an important piece of the lifecycle puzzle.
Whereas females of other rattlesnake species, and even certain southern populations of timber rattlesnakes, begin reproducing around age three, Brown showed that northern female timber rattlesnakes are roughly ten years old before they bear young for the first time. "They seem to have one of the oldest ages of sexual maturity known in rattlesnakes," says Brown, adding that their age of first breeding varies significantly by population and geographic location.
Not only is it a long wait to mate, but many females – about 60% of those studied – will only have the energy to reproduce once in their lifetime. When they do have sufficient reserves to carry a pregnancy, sometimes up to 20% of the litter (which normally totals between four and ten young) will be undeveloped or dead at birth. Pregnancy and birth take an enormous toll on the mother, says Brown. “If she survives, several years may be needed for her to build up the energy stores to do it again, if at all.
Knowing how vulnerable the females are makes the protection of their core habitat critical. For example, Brown has found that timber rattlesnakes require about a two-kilometer radius of undisturbed basking habitat around their dens while pregnant. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is currently in the process of identifying such areas in an effort to develop a formal recovery plan.
The snakes need it. Though currently stable, this population's future is far from secure. It is listed as "threatened" in New York State. In the past, numbers dwindled due to poaching [caça ilegal] and the now-illegal collection for the pet trade. However, according to Brown, "The main threat most recently, at least in New York State, is residential development up against timber rattlesnake range.”
Brown has also discovered new information about the snake's lifespan. One memorable day last year, he re-captured a female snake he had first tagged in 1981. She was roughly fifteen years old back then, meaning that last year, she was around age fifty. ''I'd always assumed they lived until they were about twenty to thirty," he says. "Prior to this study, most herpetologists wouldn't have believed they could live this long.”
It's another surprising and important piece of the lifecycle puzzle, one that can only come from a lifetime of work on a single population.
Adapted from
Natural History, April 2017.


With respect to William Brown, the information in the article most supports which of the following?

(A) After 36 years of research he discovered that in order to guarantee the survival of any animal species, environmentalists must first study its reproductive behavior.
(B) After 36 years of research he discovered the only remaining habitat of the northern timber rattlesnake in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
(C) For 36 years he has studied one particular group of northern timber rattlesnakes in one particular area of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
(D) He has spent 36 years studying northern timber rattlesnakes and identifying their different habitats in various regions of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
(E) After devoting 36 years of research to various kinds of snakes, he has become a renowned expert on those animals.


With respect to northern timber rattlesnakes, the information in the article most supports which of the following?

(A) They usually live longer than any other kind of snake.
(B) They use the pits on the sides of their heads to regulate their body temperature.
(C) They spend up to three months a year hibernating.
(D) Even though they are equipped with venom, they generally avoid confronting a potential enemy.
(E) Until scientists discover more about their reproductive behavior, it will be hard to save them from extinction.


According to the information in the article, William Brown’s research most likely revealed which of the following?

(A) Northern female timber rattlesnakes can give birth until they are at least 10 years old.
(B) Some populations of southern timber rattlesnakes exhibit the same reproductive behavior that northern timber rattlesnakes exhibit.
(C) In order to protect northern timber rattlesnakes, it is imperative that their ability to reproduce be increased.
(D) Among all snakes, rattlesnakes have one of the oldest ages of sexual maturity.
(E) Fewer than half of the northern female rattlesnakes studied had enough energy to reproduce more than once in a lifetime.


The information in the article indicates that it is important to

(A) understand why northern timber rattlesnakes spend their entire lives in one restricted geographic location.
(B) make sure that pregnant northern female timber rattlesnakes have a sufficiently large and peaceful area in which to lie in the sun.
(C) decrease the percentage of northern timber rattlesnake babies that die at birth.
(D) discover why northern female timber rattlesnakes are so vulnerable to habitat destruction.
(E) educate the public about the relatively inoffensive behavior of northern timber rattlesnakes.


In paragraph 7, “it” in the sentence “The snakes need it” most likely refers to which of the following?

(A) A larger area of protected habitat in New York State for northern timber rattlesnakes.
(B) Official New York State recognition of the precarious situation of northern timber rattlesnakes.
(C) A New York State zoning regulation that prohibits the destruction of northern timber rattlesnake territory.
(D) An official, well-planned New York State program designed to increase the population of northern timber rattlesnakes.
(E) A stronger New York State environmental law to discourage the killing or capturing of northern timber rattlesnakes.


Before William Brown made his discoveries about northern timber rattlesnakes,

(A) most people believed they were much more dangerous than they really are.
(B) most people had no idea that the species was listed as “threatened.”
(C) most herpetologists believed that the females of that species died after giving birth.
(D) few herpetologists considered it important to compare the reproductive behavior of that species with the reproductive behavior of southern timber rattlesnakes.
(E) few herpetologists had an accurate notion of that species’ longevity.


According to the information in the article, which of the following was essential for William Brown to be successful in his research?

(A) In studying northern timber rattlesnakes, he focused his attention on only one particular group.
(B) He focused his attention exclusively on the reproductive behavior of northern timber rattlesnakes.
(C) He discovered that northern timber rattlesnakes can live at least until age 50.
(D) The New York State department of Environmental Conservation allowed him free access to the northern timber rattlesnake’s habitat in the Adirondack Mountains.
(E) He was able to study one particular northern female timber rattlesnake from her birth to her death.

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