sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2019

FGV-2016-ADMINISTRAÇÃO-VESTIBULAR-2º SEMESTRE-Fundação Getúlio Vargas/SP - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e Questões Comentadas -

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LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 15 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).
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➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
New year, new fear
By James Surowiecki
As the New Year’s fireworks went up in German cities, a brief panic seized Munich, which had information about planned terrorist attacks at two railway stations. Those never occurred. But, much less noticed at first, a different sort of crime was occurring in Cologne and, to a lesser extent, in Hamburg and Stuttgart.
While partiers [foliões] gathered on the square between Cologne’s cathedral and railway station, a large group of young men, later described by the police as “looking North African or Arabic”, also massed there. Some threw fireworks into the crowd to cause panic. Then the men formed rings around individual women, so that police and onlookers could not see inside each huddle. According to over 100 women who subsequently filed complaints, the men groped the women sexually, while others stole their mobile phones, wallets or purses. One woman was raped.
Oddly, the Cologne police reported the following day that the festivities had been relaxed and peaceful. Only after scores of women came forward did the country react with rage. The interior and justice ministers promised to employ the full force of the law—even as the police had to admit that they as yet had no information to make individual arrests. Angela Merkel, the chancellor, called the assaults “disgusting” and demanded justice “without regard to origin or background”.
The assaults tapped into deep fears at a tense time, as Germany struggles with record numbers of refugees—more than 1 million in 2015, largely from Arab countries. Populist politicians were quick to infer a connection. Frauke Petry, boss of the xenophobic Alternative for Germany, blamed the outrage on the “terrible consequences of a catastrophic asylum and migration policy”.
There is no evidence yet that any of the criminals were refugees, as Cologne’s mayor, Henriette Reker, emphasised. Ms Reker personifies the conflicts straining German society. She ran for office as a nonpartisan candidate with a liberal and welcoming attitude toward migrants. For that, a neo-Nazi extremist stabbed her at a campaign event in October. (She was elected the next day, while still in a coma.) If it is confirmed that some of the muggers, molesters and rapists were asylum-seekers, the damage to what is left of Germany’s “Welcome Culture” could be severe.
Adapted from The Economist, January 9, 2016
👉 Questão  31 :
With respect to the events on New Year’s Eve, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) Terrorists in several German cities tried to launch attacks under the cover of exploding fireworks.
b) German police prevented terrorist attacks that had been planned to occur in Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart.
c) A large group of young German men in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart assaulted North African and Arabic women refugees.
d) Some people in Munich momentarily confused exploding fireworks with a terrorist attack.
e) Elements of the German Army successfully protected railway stations in important German cities against planned terrorist attacks.

R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  32 :
The information in the article supports all of the following except
a) the Cologne police reacted slowly to the assaults because they believed the men and their female victims were all North African or Arabic.
b) the young men made a point of assaulting individual women rather than groups of women.
c) some of the young men attempted to create a climate of fear before they assaulted the women.
d) the Cologne police suspected that the young men who committed the assaults may not have been native Germans.
e) the young men committing the assaults were careful to avoid calling attention to their criminal activities.

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉 Questão  33 :
According to the information in the article, which of the following is a strange aspect of what happened in Cologne on New Year’s Eve?
a) The Cologne police at first declared that the North African and Arabic men had not committed any crimes.
b) Apparently, the Cologne police had no idea that so many men had assaulted so many women.
c) The German people at first refused to believe that the assaults had in fact occurred.
d) Though apparently sexually motivated, the men were in fact more interested in taking money, cell phones, wallets, and purses from their women victims.
e) The men who committed the assaults made a point of choosing only older women as their victims.

R E S P O S T A :   B

👉 Questão  34 :
As mentioned in paragraph 3, although “The interior and justice ministers promised to employ the full force of the law…,” they
a) in fact had no information about the nature of the crimes committed or who had committed them.
b) were unsure of how to apply the law in the case of refugees who had been legally granted asylum in Germany.
c) were worried about the juridical problems they would have to face if anyone was actually arrested.
d) were at first unable to turn that promise into action.
e) soon angered the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, by not acting with sufficient vigor and competence.

R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  35 :
In paragraph 4, the phrase “deep fears at a tense time” most likely refers to the fact that
a) the violence being caused by Arabic refugees in Germany is apparently out of control.
b) Germans have historically treated non-European foreigners with a mixture of arrogance and suspicion.
c) Germany has found it very hard to deal successfully with so many mostly Arabic refugees.
d) Germany’s conservative politicians have resorted to unscrupulous, violent populism in order to take advantage of the country’s refugee problem.
e) Angela Merkel’s policy of welcoming all North African and Arabic refugees has turned out to be a disaster for Germany.

R E S P O S T A :   C

👉 Questão  36 :
With respect to Henriette Reker, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) She has based her political career on the fight against xenophobic, neo-Nazi movements.
b) A huge number of people in Germany hate her because of her liberal political views.
c) The fact that she was the victim of an assassination attempt by a member of the Alternative for Germany party helped her to win an election.
d) She is one of the few German politicians who still publicly support the country’s liberal refugee policy.
e) She has so far refused to make a public statement condemning any refugee group for perpetrating the New Year’s Eve assaults.

R E S P O S T A :   E

👉 Questão  37 :
Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) It is clear that Germany’s idea of a “Welcome Culture” was badly planned and will be unable to assimilate Arabic refugees.
b) The majority of German people have never enthusiastically supported the idea of Germany’s “Welcome Culture.”
c) A complete and solid investigation of the New Year’s Eve assaults could seriously weaken Germany’s “Welcome Culture.”
d) Germany’s “Welcome Culture” has failed because it was implemented for political reasons rather than for humanitarian reasons.
e) Far-right German politicians have exaggerated the significance of the New Year’s Eve assaults in order to expel refugees and migrants from the country.

R E S P O S T A :   C

Chemical warfare
Adam Hadhazy
Venoms, the debilitating chemical cocktails animals unleash to defend themselves or obtain a meal, are subject to an evolutionary arms race. Those creatures that are targets of toxins eventually develop beneficial mutations, granting them some degree of resistance. In response, animals that emit venoms undergo changes so their poisons remain effective.
This action-reaction narrative of venom evolution is incomplete, however, as evolutionary biologists Kartik Sunagar and Yehu Moran of Hebrew University in Jerusalem have shown in a new study. They realized that many venom studies have focused on snakes and cone snails — comparatively "young" animal groups, evolutionarily speaking, only going back roughly 50 million years. Over these groups’ histories, their venomous arsenals have expanded considerably, bolstering the arms race analogy, also known as positive, or Darwinian, selection.
Sunagar and Moran cast a wider net, looking at over 3,500 gene families for venom production in newer and older animal groups. The ancient animal types included spiders, scorpions, centipedes, octopus, squid, jellyfish, and sea anemones.
The scientists found that these ancient animals exhibited surprisingly low levels of genetic variation in their venoms. Sunagar and Moran reasoned that the venoms of primordial creatures had undergone substan - tial negative, or purifying, selection — evo lu tio nary pressure to keep their potently optimized toxins roughly the same. “Negative selection filters out certain mutations that alter structure or function,” explained Moran. For species in long-established ecological niches, it makes sense to maintain what works.
Evolution does favor more radical experi men - tation, though, when creatures enter new habitats and begin adapting to the novel environment. As they find their place in local food chains, venomous animals’ toxic pharmacopeia should undergo rapid diversi fi - cation — the better to catch strange new prey and withstand the attacks of previously unencountered predators. Yet over time, these adapting species settle into tried-and-true formulae.
The researchers call this model of venom evolution “two-speed,” with the venoms of old species evolving slowly and those of the new species evolving quickly. “Our analysis of numerous toxin families, covering the ample scope of the animal kingdom, has revealed a striking contrast between the evolution of venom in ancient and evolutionarily young animal groups,” said Sunagar.
Adapted from Natural History, February 2016.
👉 Questão  38 :
In paragraph 1, the phrase “Venoms…are subject to an evolutionary arms race” most likely means which of the following?
a) Many of the animal groups that now rely on venoms for survival evolved from species that were not themselves venomous.
b) If animal that are the targets of venom did not develop a venom resistance, they would run the risk of extinction.
c) Like all animals, those that rely on venoms for survival must constantly adapt to new environmental conditions.
d) Animals that produce venoms and animals that are the targets of venoms generally evolve more quickly than do other animal species.
e) When the targets of venoms develop a resistance, venom-producing animals must develop new venoms to counter that resistance.

R E S P O S T A :   E

👉 Questão  39 :
According to the information in the article, before Kartik Sunagar and Yehu Moran performed their own venom study, other studies
a) failed to observe the mutually dependent relationship between venom-producing animals and the targets of venoms.
b) focused on snakes and cone snails because those animals are widely available for scientific research.
c) focused on snakes and cones snails because the results of such studies were comparatively easy to test and verify.
d) produced incomplete results because the scientists responsible limited their research to a restricted evolutionary period.
e) produced inadequate results because the scientists responsible focused their research on venomproducing animals whose evolutionary history extended beyond 50 million years.

R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  40 :
In paragraph 3, the phrase “Sunagar and Moran cast a wider net” most likely refers to which of the following?
a) The two scientists included in their venom study a vast collection of animal groups, including those that had generally been ignored in similar studies.
b) The two scientists were the first to discover that certain ancient animal groups can simultaneously produce more than one type of venom.
c) The two scientists were determined to prove that previous venom studies were invalid because they had relied on flawed methodology.
d) The two scientists clearly ascertained the chemical composition and toxicity of venoms produced by both newer and older animal groups.
e) No scientists had ever before performed such extensive, time-consuming research on the evolution of venom-producing animals.

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉 Questão  41 :
With respect to older animal groups, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) Instead of helping to promote changes in their venoms, their evolutionary process tends to block such changes.
b) Their venoms are generally less potent than those of the newer animal groups.
c) Their venoms are generally purer and more concentrated than those of the newer animal groups. d) Of those snake species classified as members of the older animal groups, very few produce venoms.
e) Because of their highly evolved venoms, the older animal groups are more likely to survive environmental changes than are the newer animal groups.

R E S P O S T A :   A

👉 Questão  42 :
With respect to evolutionary pressure, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) The extinction of any venom-producing animal group, young or old, is an example of negative selection.
b) If a venom-producing animal group is undergoing negative selection, then it probably has already undergone positive selection.
c) Because of positive selection, venoms produced by younger animal groups affect a greater number of target animals than do venoms produced by older animal groups.
d) When negative selection begins to influence an animal group’s venom production, rapid evolutionary changes become impossible.
e) After a venom-producing animal group undergoes negative selection, its evolutionary process can be considered complete.

R E S P O S T A :   B

👉 Questão  43 :
According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely to happen when a venomous animal group enters a new habitat?
a) It immediately undergoes evolutionary pressure to maintain its venom at its already established toxicity level.
b) Depending on the new environment, its venom will immediately undergo evolutionary pressure from either positive or negative selection.
c) Its venom will pass through a series of relatively quick modifications in order to achieve a toxicity level effective for the new environment.
d) It will discover that its venom has no effect on most of the new predators that it encounters.
e) Until its venom passes through evolutionary modifications, it will be unable to catch new types of prey.

R E S P O S T A :   C

👉 Questão  44 :
According to the information in the article, Kartik Sunagar and Yehu Moran
a) were the first scientists to concentrate their venom studies exclusively on ancient animal groups rather than on comparatively young animal groups.
b) were the first scientists to observe that venoms produced by ancient animal groups are more potent and complex than those produced by new animal groups.
c) were the first scientists to discover that the venoms of snakes and cone snails evolve through positive selection.
d) have proposed that negative selection is a more powerful and more prevalent evolutionary force than positive selection.
e) have proposed that the evolution of animal venom is better explained through the “two-speed” model than though the arms race analogy.

R E S P O S T A :   E

👉 Questão  45 :
According to the information in the article,
a) contrary to what scientists originally believed, most of the organisms involved in the evolutionary arms race have a simple rather than complex structure.
b) Darwinian selection applies not only to the evolution of certain venom-producing animals but also to the evolution of the targets of that venom.
c) because of negative selection, abrupt changes in longestablished ecological niches can be severely damaging to certain ancient venom-producing animal groups.
d) because their venoms cannot evolve quickly, ancient venom-producing animal groups rarely establish themselves in new habitats.
e) recent studies indicate that the “two-speed” model of venom evolution does not adequately explain how and why animal groups produce new types of venoms.

R E S P O S T A :   B

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