sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2021


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 06 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).

As questões testam Interpretação de Texto; há pouquíssimas questões que testam tópicos de Gramática. 

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Considere o texto a seguir para a questão 01.


Outbreaks of measles have now been reported in 10 states across the U.S. In Clark County, Washington, officials say there have been 49 confirmed cases, 34 of which were in children aged 10 or under. In Harris County, Texas, three measles cases have been reported, including two boys under 2.

In a study published almost a year ago, scientists identified "anti-vaxx hot spots" — and the areas flagged include those where cases are now being reported.

One of the driving forces behind the current measles outbreak is falling vaccination rates, with parents failing to ensure their children have the two doses of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This group includes “anti-vaxxers,” who erroneously believe vaccines are dangerous to their children, and parents who face barriers in obtaining the shots—in some states, it takes more time, effort and money to vaccinate their children than it does to get a nonmedical exemption. These NMEs, which are available in 18 states, are fairly easy to get. In Oregon, for example, all parents have to do is “watch an online education module and submit a certificate of completion.”


De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que

I. a previsão dos cientistas quanto à epidemia de sarampo se concretizou.

I. a força dos movimentos antivacina nessas regiões é a única responsável pela epidemia de sarampo.

II. a exigência de obtenção de uma certificação para que os pais vacinem seus filhos atrasa a campanha.

III. alguns pais não se certificam de que seus filhos obtenham as duas doses necessárias para a imunização.

IV. os pais podem conseguir isenção médica da vacina ao completarem um curso online.

(A) Somente I e II estão corretas.
(B) Somente a V está incorreta.
(C) III e IV estão corretas.
(D) II e IV estão corretas.
(E) I, IV e V estão corretas.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto abaixo.

New WHO-ITU standard aims to prevent hearing loss among 1.1 billion young people

Nearly 50% of people aged 12-35 years – or 1.1 billion young people – are at risk of hearing loss due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud sounds, including music they listen to through personal audio devices. Ahead of World Hearing Day (3 March), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have issued a new international standard for the manufacture and use of these devices, which include smartphones and audio players, to make them safer for listening.

"Given that we have the technological know-how to prevent hearing loss, it should not be the case that so many young people continue to damage their hearing while listening to music,” says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Direc-tor-General. "They must understand that once they lose their hearing, it won’t come back. This new WHO-ITU standard will do much to better safeguard these young consumers as they go about doing something they enjoy.”

Over 5% of the world’s population – or 466 million people – has disabling hearing loss (432 million adults and 34 million children); impacting on their quality of life. The majority live in low- and middle-income countries. It is estimated that by 2050 over 900 million people – or 1 in every 10 people – will have disabling hearing loss. Hearing loss which is not addressed poses an annual global cost of US$ 750 billion. Overall, it is suggested that half of all cases of hearing loss can be prevented through public health measures.


Qual é o propósito comunicativo deste texto?

(A) Explicitar as formas de combater problemas auditivos na adolescência.
(B) Defender medida de prevenção de perda auditiva entre jovens.
(C) Relatar um caso de campanha bem-sucedida de uso consciente de recursos de áudio.
(D) Denunciar falhas na manufatura de aparelhos de áudio que prejudicam a saúde de nossos jovens.
(E) Analisar dados relativos à perda auditiva entre crianças e adolescentes.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Considere as informações do texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Exercising to relieve stress could do harm in long run without enough recovery time or a balanced lifestyle

Ed Haynes, founder and head trainer of Coastal Fitness Performance Training in North Point, says adding exercise to an already demanding and stressful life can end up doing more harm than good. “Our body can’t differentiate between different types of stresses,” he says. “My body doesn’t know the difference between exciting things like competing in some type of fitness competition or going on stage in front of 500 different people and, say, the fear, anxiety and nerv-ousness of meeting my boss and thinking I’m going to get fired all day.”

A recent study published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal found that people can easily overdo things when it comes to exercise. In a large scale study, they found that the people who got the most benefit physically and mentally from exer-cise only worked out three to five times a week for between 30 and 60 minutes each time. Anything more than that tended to have a negative physical effect.


Qual é o público-alvo desse texto?

(A) Especialistas em exercícios físicos.
(B) Profissionais da área da saúde. Indivíduos que buscam um estilo de vida mais calmo.
(C) Nutricionistas com especialidade em esportes.
(D) Pessoas que possuem um estilo de vida agitado e praticam exercícios.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto e analise as assertivas que seguem.

Lack of sleep? Catch up on the weekend

In this study, researchers looked at a Swedish dataset of almost 40,000 people. Each person had been asked how many hours they slept on a regular weeknight and on the weekend. From this, a number of groups could be formed. There were the lucky folks who had long sleeps on weeknights and the weekend, but at the other end of the scale were people who had short sleeps seven nights a week. Then there were groups marked by some combination of these patterns - for example, those who had short sleeps during the week and longer sleeps on the weekend. Short sleep was considered fewer than five hours, while long sleep was more than nine hours. The study followed these people for 13 years, tracking those who died and recording their cause of death. There were a number of interesting findings the researchers made in this sleep study.

The good news was that for those people who had short sleeps during the week but long weekend lie-ins, there was no increased risk of death. Unsurprisingly - and in line with other studies - having consistently short sleep on both weeknights and weekdays was associated with higher mortality. But the same was true if you went the other way - if you slept overlong you also had a higher risk. Maybe those people aren’t so lucky after all. And it’s important to note that all these results were for people under the age of 65. The researchers couldn’t find any meaningful differences in mortality based on sleep pattern for people older than 65.


Assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA de verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto.

(  ) A expectativa de vida aumenta quanto mais você dorme.

(  ) A regularidade do tipo do sono, seja ele longo ou curto, é o mais importante.

(  ) Compensar as horas de sono perdidas mostrou ser estratégia eficaz.

(  ) Tanto a escassez de horas de sono quanto seu excesso foram considerados maléficos.

(  ) O estudo enfatiza a diferença de necessidade de horas de sono entre jovens e idosos.

(A) F, V, F, F, F.
(B) V, F, V, F, V.
(C) F, V, F, F, V.
(D) F, F, V, V, F.
(E) V, F, F, V, V.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão 05.

Are most patients with fibromyalgia misdiagnosed?

Recent studies have suggested that most people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by physicians may not actually have the condition. A new Arthritis Care & Research study found that overall agreement between clinicians' diagnosis of fibromyalgia and diagnosis by published criteria is only fair.

In an accompanying editorial Dr. Don Goldenberg, of Oregon Health & Science University, noted that to conclude that expert physicians often misdiagnose fibromyalgia implies that published criteria are superior to expert clinical judgement for the diagnosis of individual patients. He stressed that this fails to account for many of the variables present in clinical encounters, including time spent in evaluating and categorizing each patient's multiple symptoms. "The diagnostic gold standard for fibromyalgia will continue to be the rheumatologist's expert opinion, not classification criteria, no matter how well-refined and intentioned," he wrote. "This is the only way to capture the variability and severity of inter-related symptoms as they play out over time."


Analise as alternativas que seguem e assinale abaixo a opção CORRETA.

I - Os reumatologistas são bem-intencionados, contudo incapazes de diagnosticar a fibromialgia.

II - Os critérios utilizados para o diagnóstico de fibromialgia foram considerados antiquados.

III - Uma das possíveis causas para o problema de diagnóstico citado é a obediência aos critérios estabelecidos.

IV - A demora no início do tratamento pode agravar o caso de fibromialgia.

V - A análise clínica dos sintomas oferece melhor panorama sobre a ocorrência da fibromialgia do que os critérios de diagnóstico estabelecidos.

(A) As assertivas III e V estão corretas.
(B) Somente a assertiva II está incorreta.
(C) As assertivas IV e V estão corretas.
(D) Somente a assertiva I está incorreta.
(E) Somente as assertivas III e IV estão corretas.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Considere o texto a seguir para a questão 06.

Fasting ramps up human metabolism, study shows
The study, published January 29, 2019 in Scientific Reports, presents an analysis of whole human blood, plasma, and red blood cells drawn from four fasting individuals. The researchers monitored changing levels of metabolites -- substances formed during the chemical processes that grant organisms energy and allow them to grow. The results revealed 44 metabolites, including 30 that were previously unrecognized, that increased universally among subjects between 1.5- to 60-fold within just 58 hours of fasting.

In previous research, the G0 Cell Unit identified various metabolites whose quantities decline with age, including three known as leucine, isoleucine, and ophthalmic acid. In fasting individuals, these metabolites increase in level, suggesting a mechanism by which fasting could help increase longevity.


Quais são as duas descobertas relativas à prática do jejum que foram evidenciadas no texto?

(A) Diminuição do metabolismo e crescimento de micro-organismos.
(B) Melhora no metabolismo e aceleração do processo de envelhecimento.
(C) Aumento da atividade metabólica e da expectativa de vida.
(D) Ajuste metabólico e diminuição da expectativa de vida.
(E) Dependência metabólica e perda de energia.


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