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➭ Text  – World's largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they weren't all Scandinavian – SCIENCE DAILY –
 7 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ 3 Written Questions.

World's largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they weren't all Scandinavian

01 The six-year research project, published in Nature today (16 September 2020),

02 debunks the modern image of Vikings and was led by Professor Eske Willerslev, a

03 Fellow of St John's College, University of Cambridge, and director of The Lundbeck

04 Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, University of Copenhagen.

05 He said: "We have this image of well-connected Vikings mixing with each other,

06 trading and going on raiding parties to fight Kings across Europe because this is what

07 we see on television and read in books – but genetically we have shown for the first

08 time that it wasn't that kind of world. This study changes the perception of who a Viking

09 actually was – no one could have predicted these significant gene flows into

10 Scandinavia from Southern Europe and Asia happened before and during the Viking

11 Age."

12 The word Viking comes from the Scandinavian term 'vikingr' meaning 'pirate'. The

13 Viking Age generally refers to the period from A.D. 800, a few years after the earliest

14 recorded raid, until the 1050s, a few years before the Norman Conquest of England in

15 1066. The Vikings changed the political and genetic course of Europe and beyond:

16 Cnut the Great became the King of England, Leif Eriksson is believed to have been the

17 first European to reach North America -- 500 years before Christopher Columbus -- and

18 Olaf Tryggvason is credited with taking Christianity to Norway. Many expeditions

19 involved raiding monasteries and cities along the coastal settlements of Europe but the

20 goal of trading goods like fur, tusks and seal fat were often the more pragmatic aim.

21 Professor Willerslev added: "We didn't know genetically what they actually looked

22 like until now. We found genetic differences between different Viking populations within

23 Scandinavia which shows Viking groups in the region were far more isolated than

24 previously believed. Our research even debunks the modern image of Vikings with

25 blonde hair as many had brown hair and were influenced by genetic influx from the

26 outside of Scandinavia."

27 The team of international academics sequenced the whole genomes of 442

28 mostly Viking Age men, women, children and babies from their teeth and petrous

29 bones found in Viking cemeteries. They analysed the DNA from the remains from a

30 boat burial in Estonia and discovered four Viking brothers died the same day. The

31 scientists have also revealed male skeletons from a Viking burial site in Orkney,

32 Scotland, were not actually genetically Vikings despite being buried with swords and

33 other Viking memorabilia.

34 There wasn't a word for Scandinavia during the Viking Age -- that came later. But

35 the research study shows that the Vikings from what is now Norway travelled to

36 Ireland, Scotland,Iceland and Greenland. The Vikings from what is now Denmark

37 travelled to England. And Vikings from what is now Sweden went to the Baltic countries

38 on their all male 'raiding parties'. Dr Ashot Margaryan, Assistant Professor at the

39 Section for Evolutionary Genomics, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen and first author

40 of the paper, said: "We carried out the largest ever DNA analysis of Viking

41 remains to explore how they fit into the genetic picture of Ancient Europeans before the

42 Viking Age. The results were startling and some answer long-standing historical

43 questions and confirm previous assumptions that lacked evidence. […]

44 The Viking Age altered the political, cultural and demographic map of Europe in

45 ways that are still evident today in place names, surnames and modern genetics.[…]

46  Assistant Professor Fernando Racimo, also a lead author based at the

47 GeoGenetics Centre in the University of Copenhagen, stressed how valuable the

48 dataset is for the study of the complex traits and natural selection in the past. He

49 explained: This is the first time we can take a detailed look at the evolution of variants

50 under natural selection in the last 2,000 years of European history. The Viking

51 genomes allow us to disentangle how selection unfolded before, during and after the

52 Viking movements across Europe, affecting genes associated with important traits like

53 immunity, pigmentation and metabolism. We can also begin to infer the physical

54 appearance of ancient Vikings and compare them to Scandinavians today."

55 The genetic legacy of the Viking Age lives on today with six per cent of people of

56 the UK population predicted to have Viking DNA in their genes compared to 10 per

57 cent in Sweden.

58 Professor Willeslev concluded: "The results change the perception of who a

59 Viking actually was. The history books will need to be updated.”

SCIENCEDAILY. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 25 ago. 2021. (Adaptado)


No primeiro parágrafo, o verbo “debunks” (linha 2) pode ser substituído, sem interferir no sentido utilizado, por

(A) “reveals”.

(B) “proves”.

(C) “upholds”.

(D) “demystifies”.

__Gabarito:  (D)__


A afirmação

“The team of international academics sequenced the whole genomes of 442 mostly Viking Age men, women, children and babies from their teeth and petrous bones found in Viking cemeteries.” (linhas 27-29),

no contexto em que está inserida, expressa:

(A) o resultado constatado pelo grupo de pesquisadores internacionais a respeito dos vikings.

(B) a conclusão apontada no estudo detalhado sobre levantamento genético de povos vikings.

(C) a metodologia utilizada pelo grupo de pesquisadores internacionais no estudo sobre vikings.

(D) o objetivo da pesquisa desenvolvida pelos pesquisadores da Universidade de Copenhagen.

__Gabarito:  (C)__


Segundo o professor assistente Fernando Racimo, é possível afirmar que:

(A) o estudo do genoma Viking pode explicar a seleção natural ocorrida há 2 mil anos.

(B) a pesquisa pode decifrar como ocorreu a seleção natural após a presença dos Vikings.

(C) o levantamento poderá comparar a aparência entre o Viking ancestral e os escandinavos.

(D) os Vikings influenciaram a composição genética e o metabolismo dos Europeus modernos.

__Gabarito:  (C)__


A preposição “despite” (l. 32) tem como função apontar uma relação:

(A) adição

(B) contraste

(C) justificativa

(D) consequência

__Gabarito:  (B)__


Selecione a alternativa que melhor define a pesquisa descrita acima:

(A) “the genetic legacy of the Viking Age” (l. 55).

(B) “the largest ever DNA analysis of Viking” (l. 40).

(C) “the genetic picture of Ancient Europeans” (l. 41).

(D) “the study of the complex traits and natural selection” (l. 48).

__Gabarito:  (B)__


Na frase: “There wasn't a word for Scandinavia during the Viking Age -- that came later” (l. 34), o pronome “that” refere-se a:

(A) “word” 

(B) “study”

(C) “Viking Age”

(D) “Scandinavia”

__Gabarito:  (A)__


Descreva o objetivo do artigo a respeito da pesquisa coordenada pelo Professor Eske Willerslev.


Visa informar sobre os resultados encontrados pela equipe do Professor Eske a respeito do projeto de pesquisa referente ao mapeamento genético de fósseis Vikings.


De acordo com o texto, resuma a principal contribuição do estudo para a área da genética.


A principal contribuição do estudo foi tornar possível a investigação da evolução de variáveis relativas à seleção natural nos últimos 2000 anos de história da Europa.


Explique a opinião do Professor Eske Willerslev ao concluir o estudo, conforme a seguinte declaração: “The results change the perception of who a Viking actually was. The history books will need to be updated” (l. 58-59).


Os resultados do estudo do mapeamento genético de fósseis Vikings alteram a percepção de quem foi, de fato, um viking. Sendo assim, os livros de história terão de ser atualizados.


Identifique o contraponto entre a imagem moderna sobre os Vikings difundida em filmes e livros e os resultados levantados pela pesquisa.


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