sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2024

UFGD–MS–2024–Vestibular–Língua Inglesa–Universidade Federal da Garnde Dourados–Prova com Gabarito.

 05 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.

What is mindful eating?

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, and observing the inputs flooding your senses. At meal time: "Think about how the food looks, how it tastes and smells. What's the texture? What memories does it bring up? How does it make you feel?" Burton Murray asks. By being mindful at meals, you'll slow the eating process, pay more attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and perhaps avoid overeating. "It makes you take a step back and make decisions about what you're eating, rather than just going through the automatic process of see food, take food, eat food," Burton Murray says.

Set yourself up for success in being mindful when you eat by: Removing distractions. Turn off phones, TVs, and computers. Eat in a peaceful, uncluttered space.

Pacing yourself for a 20-minute meal. Chew your food slowly and put your fork down between bites.
Disponible in: Access in: May, 15 2023 (adapted).
Choose the correct alternative.
(A) The words “Notice”, “Observe”, “Feel”, “Taste”, “Enjoy” are verbs that show how people shouldn’t eat, especially if they are on a diet.
(B) The words mindful and mindfulness are adjectives that mean in the text “a way of improving your mental state that involves paying close attention to everything that you are experiencing”.
(C) The verbs notice, observe, feel, taste, enjoy are related to “Think about how the food looks, how it tastes and smells. What's the texture? What memories does it bring up? How does it make you feel?"
(D) The advices: “Removing distractions. Turn off phones, TVs, and computers. Eat in a peaceful, uncluttered space” are impossible to follow in the modern life.
(E) “Chew your food “slowly” and put your fork down between bites”. The adjective “slowly” has an important meaning because it represents how people should eat. 
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Choose the correct alternative.
(A) The words “Notice”, “Observe”, “Feel”, “Taste”, “Enjoy” are verbs that show how people shouldn’t eat, especially if they are on a diet.  As palavras “Note”, “Observe”, “Sinta”, “Prove”, “Aproveite” são verbos que mostram como as pessoas não devem comer, principalmente se estiverem de dieta.
(B) The words mindful and mindfulness are adjectives that mean in the text “a way of improving your mental state that involves paying close attention to everything that you are experiencing”. As palavras mindful e mindfulness são adjetivos que significam no texto “uma forma de melhorar seu estado mental que envolve prestar muita atenção a tudo o que você está vivenciando”.
(C) The verbs notice, observe, feel, taste, enjoy are related to “Think about how the food looks, how it tastes and smells. What's the texture? What memories does it bring up? How does it make you feel?Os verbos notar, observar, sentir, saborear, desfrutar estão relacionados a “Pense na aparência da comida, no gosto e no cheiro dela. Qual é a textura? Que memórias isso traz à tona? Como isso faz você se sentir?"
(D) The advices: “Removing distractions. Turn off phones, TVs, and computers. Eat in a peaceful, uncluttered space” are impossible to follow in the modern life. Os conselhos: “Remova as distrações. Desligue os telefones, TVs e computadores. Coma em um espaço tranquilo e organizado” são impossíveis de seguir na vida moderna.
(E) “Chew your food “slowly” and put your fork down between bites”. The adjective “slowly” has an important meaning because it represents how people should eat. “Mastigue a comida “devagar” e pouse o garfo entre as mordidas”. O adjetivo “devagar” tem um significado importante porque representa como as pessoas devem comer.
What is mindful eating?
O que é alimentação consciente?
Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, and observing the inputs flooding your senses.
Mindfulness é a prática de estar presente no momento e observar as informações que inundam seus sentidos.
Mindfulness(atenção plena, vigilância, consciência plena).
At meal time: "Think about how the food looks, how it tastes and smells.
Na hora da refeição: "Pense na aparência, no sabor e no cheiro da comida.
What's the texture? What memories does it bring up? How does it make you feel?" Burton Murray asks.
Qual é a textura? Que lembranças ela traz à tona? Como você se sente?" Burton Murray pergunta.
to bring up(trazer à tona, exteriorizar-se, aparecer, manifestar-se).
By being mindful at meals, you'll slow the eating process, pay more attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and perhaps avoid overeating.
Ao estar atento às refeições, você retardará o processo de alimentação, prestará mais atenção aos sinais de fome e saciedade do seu corpo e talvez evitará comilança.
overeating(comer demais, comer em excesso, comilança).
fullness(saciedade. plenitude, totalidade).
"It makes you take a step back and make decisions about what you're eating, rather than just going through the automatic process of see food, take food, eat food," Burton Murray says.
“Isso faz você dar um passo para trás e tomar decisões sobre o que está comendo, em vez de apenas passar pelo processo automático de ver a comida, comer, comer”, diz Burton Murray.
make decisions about (tomar decisões sobre).
Set yourself up for success in being mindful when you eat by: Removing distractions.
Prepare-se para ter sucesso em estar atento ao comer: Removendo distrações. 
Turn off phones, TVs, and computers.
Desligue telefones, TVs e computadores.
Eat in a peaceful, uncluttered space.
Coma em um espaço tranquilo e organizado.
►uncluttered (organizado. minimalista)
Pacing yourself for a 20-minute meal.
Prepare-se para uma refeição de 20 minutos.
Chew your food slowly and put your fork down between bites.
Mastigue a comida lentamente e coloque o garfo entre as mordidas.

The big idea: why we need a new definition of junk food
Ultra-processed products now make up 60% of our diet – and they’re killing us
Strange as it may seem, food has replaced tobacco as the leading cause of early death globally. Each year,more people die in America from illnesses caused by poor diet than were killed fighting in every war in US history combined. In the UK the situation is equally 1. dire. Officially, the health effects of food are entirely due to its nutritional content – the amount of fat, salt, sugar and fibre it contains. The current system leaves it up to you to read the detailed information on the pack and decide how much to eat based on recommended values, and if you have children, you’ll need to know the values for them too. This is nigh-on impossible for most people – but even if you were able to calculate exactly how much fat, salt and sugar you were consuming in each 2. mouthful, you would still be neglecting one vital determinant of health – how the food was processed. You might feel like you’ve heard all this before. People have expressed concern about “processed food” for a long time, but it’s not always been an easy concept to 3. pin down. After all, we have been processing food for hundreds of thousands of years. The human diet was invented by primarily female domestic scientists who modified plants and animals by milling, shaking, pounding and grinding them, or altering them via fermentation and heat, before salting, smoking and drying them for preservation. Food processing has shaped almost every aspect of our bodies: we have the shortest guts of any animal our size because part of their job is outsourced to our kitchens. We are the only animal that must process its food to survive. Processing is fine.

But just over a decade ago a team of scientists in Brazil noticed a 4. paradox in the data from their national nutrition surveys. Obesity had gone from being rare, to being the country’s dominant public health problem – even though people were buying less oil and sugar. What theywere eating more of was industrially processed food: biscuits, emulsified breads, confectionary and so on. The team developed a definition that distinguished between traditional food, whole or processed, and these items, which they termed ultra processed foods, or UPFs for short. 
Disponible in: Access in: May, 15 2023 (adapted).
Choose the alternative whose bold words have similar meanings in the sentences.
(A) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(B) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: force someone to be specific and make the intentions clear; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(C) 1. dire: serious; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed.
(D) 1. dire: serious; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(E) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an illness that someone has in the mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
Choose the alternative whose bold words have similar meanings in the sentences.
(A) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(B) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: force someone to be specific and make the intentions clear; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(C) 1. dire: serious; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed.
(D) 1. dire: serious; 2. mouthful: an amount of food that you put into your mouth; 3. pin down: a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
(E) 1. dire: terrible; 2. mouthful: an illness that someone has in the mouth; 3. pin down: to understand, describe; 4. paradox: the statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas.
The big idea: why we need a new definition of junk food
A grande ideia: por que precisamos de uma nova definição de junk food
Ultra-processed products now make up 60% of our diet – and they’re killing us
Os produtos ultraprocessados representam agora 60% da nossa dieta – e estão nos matando
Strange as it may seem, food has replaced tobacco as the leading cause of early death globally.
Por mais estranho que possa parecer, os alimentos substituíram o tabaco como a principal causa de morte precoce em todo o mundo. 
Each year, more people die in America from illnesses caused by poor diet than were killed fighting in every war in US history combined.
Todos os anos, mais pessoas morrem na América devido a doenças causadas por uma alimentação inadequada do que as que morreram lutando em todas as guerras da história dos EUA juntas. 
In the UK the situation is equally 1. dire.
No Reino Unido a situação é igualmente 1. terrível.
Officially, the health effects of food are entirely due to its nutritional content – the amount of fat, salt, sugar and fibre it contains.
Oficialmente, os efeitos dos alimentos na saúde devem-se inteiramente ao seu conteúdo nutricional – a quantidade de gordura, sal, açúcar e fibras que contém.
The current system leaves it up to you to read the detailed information on the pack and decide how much to eat based on recommended values, and if you have children, you’ll need to know the values for them too.
O sistema atual deixa a seu critério a leitura das informações detalhadas da embalagem e a decisão de quanto comer com base nos valores recomendados, e se você tem filhos, também precisará saber os valores para elas. 
This is nigh-on impossible for most people – but even if you were able to calculate exactly how much fat, salt and sugar you were consuming in each 2. mouthful, you would still be neglecting one vital determinant of health – how the food was processed.
Isto é quase impossível para a maioria das pessoas – mas mesmo se você fosse capaz de calcular exatamente quanta gordura, sal e açúcar você consome em cada 2 garfadas, você ainda estaria negligenciando um determinante vital da saúde – como a comida era processado. 
You might feel like you’ve heard all this before.
Talvez você ache que já ouviu tudo isso antes.
People have expressed concern about “processed food” for a long time, but it’s not always been an easy concept to 3. pin down.
As pessoas expressam preocupação com “alimentos processados” há muito tempo, mas nem sempre foi um conceito fácil de 3. definir.
After all, we have been processing food for hundreds of thousands of years.
Afinal, processamos alimentos há centenas de milhares de anos.
►"have been processing" estrutura verbal (Present Perfect Continous) indicativa de uma ação que vem se repetindo e ainda está acontecendo.
The human diet was invented by primarily female domestic scientists who modified plants and animals by milling, shaking, pounding and grinding them, or altering them via fermentation and heat, before salting, smoking and drying them for preservation.
A dieta humana foi inventada principalmente por mulheres cientistas domésticas que modificaram plantas e animais moendo-os, agitando-os, triturando-os e triturando-os, ou alterando-os através de fermentação e calor, antes de os salgarem, fumarem e secarem para preservação.
Food processing has shaped almost every aspect of our bodies: we have the shortest guts of any animal our size because part of their job is outsourced to our kitchens.
O processamento de alimentos moldou quase todos os aspectos do nosso corpo: temos as tripas mais curtas de qualquer animal do nosso tamanho porque parte do seu trabalho é terceirizado para as nossas cozinhas.
We are the only animal that must process its food to survive. Processing is fine.
Somos o único animal que precisa processar sua comida para sobreviver. O processamento está bom.
But just over a decade ago a team of scientists in Brazil noticed a 4. paradox in the data from their national nutrition surveys.
Mas há pouco mais de uma década, uma equipe de cientistas no Brasil notou um 4. paradoxo nos dados das seus pesquisas nacionais sobre nutrição.
Obesity had gone from being rare, to being the country’s dominant public health problem – even though people were buying less oil and sugar.
obesidade deixou de ser rara e passou a ser o problema de saúde pública dominante no país – embora as pessoas comprassem menos petróleo e açúcar. 
What theywere eating more of was industrially processed food: biscuits, emulsified breads, confectionary and so on.
O que comiam mais eram alimentos processados industrialmente: biscoitos, pães emulsionados, confeitos e assim por diante. 
The team developed a definition that distinguished between traditional food, whole or processed, and these items, which they termed ultra processed foods, or UPFs for short.
A equipe desenvolveu uma definição que distinguia entre alimentos tradicionais, integrais ou processados, e esses itens, que eles denominaram alimentos ultraprocessados, ou UPFs, para abreviar

Disponible in: Access in: May, 24 2023.
Which of the following statement best expresses the information presented in the cartoon?
(A) Students are in the classroom using their mobiles and one student shows that he is very nervous because
he doesn’t understand the teacher’s explanation.
(B) The expression “If you can’t beat ‘em” means the teacher is using the mobile in his classroom as methodology
because the students use to be in classroom with their phone and the teacher doesn’t have their attention
if he uses the traditional methodology.
(C) The cartoon critics the teacher’s methodology who is using his phone in class to solve his private problems.
(D) The expression “If you can’t beat ‘em” means you cannot be as successful as other people without doing
what they do”, but in the cartoon the meaning is the opposite.
(E) All the students are very happy because they can use their phone in classroom without being punished.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Which of the following statement best expresses the information presented in the cartoon?
Qual das afirmações a seguir expressa melhor as informações apresentadas no cartoon?
(A) Students are in the classroom using their mobiles and one student shows that he is very nervous because he doesn’t understand the teacher’s explanation. Os alunos estão na sala de aula usando seus celulares e um aluno mostra que está muito nervoso porque ele não entende a explicação do professor.
(B) The expression “If you can’t beat ‘em” means the teacher is using the mobile in his classroom as methodology because the students use to be in classroom with their phone and the teacher doesn’t have their attention if he uses the traditional methodology. A expressão “Se você não consegue vencê-los” significa que o professor está usando o celular em sua sala de aula como metodologia porque os alunos costumam estar na sala de aula com o telefone e o professor não tem a atenção deles se usar a metodologia tradicional.
(C) The cartoon critics the teacher’s methodology who is using his phone in class to solve his private problems. O cartoon critica a metodologia do professor que usa o telefone nas aulas para resolver seus problemas particulares.
(D) The expression “If you can’t beat ‘em” means you cannot be as successful as other people without doing what they do”, but in the cartoon the meaning is the opposite. A expressão “Se você não consegue vencê-los” significa que você não pode ter tanto sucesso quanto as outras pessoas sem fazer o que elas fazem”, mas no cartoon o significado é o oposto.
(E) All the students are very happy because they can use their phone in classroom without being punished. Todos os alunos ficam muito felizes porque podem usar o celular na sala de aula sem serem punidos.

Africa's Greatest Freedom Symbol

Son of a chief, Nelson Mandela studied law and became one of South Africa's first black lawyers. Early in the 1950s he was elected leader of the youth wing of the ANC (African National Congress) liberation movement. When the country's white minority government prohibited the ANC in 1960, Mandela became convinced that armed struggle was inevitable. Inspired by the guerrilla wars in Algeria and Cuba, he organized a military underground movement that engaged in sabotage. In 1962 he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and conspiracy against the state.

From 1964 to 1982 he was confined to the notorious prison island Robben Island, together with several other resistance leaders. He was then moved to prison on the mainland until his release in 1990. During his imprisonment, Mandela became a rallying point for South Africa's oppressed, and the world's most famous political prisoner.

Nelson Mandela shared the Peace Prize with the man who had released him, President Frederik Willem de Klerk, because they had agreed on a peaceful transition to majority rule.
Disponible in: Access in: May, 24 2023 (adapted).
Choose the best translation for the statement.

I - Son of a chief, Nelson Mandela studied law and became one of south Africa’s first black lawyers.
II - In 1962 he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and conspiracy against the state.
III - From 1964 to 1982 he was confined to the notorious prison island Robben Island, together with several other resistance leaders.

(A) A sentença I pode ser traduzida por “filho de um chefe de cozinha renomado, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e se tornou um dos primeiros advogados negros do sul da África”.
(B) A sentença II pode ser traduzida por “em 1962 ele foi preso e sentenciado a viver aprisionado por ter roubado o tesouro do governo e conspirado contra ele”.
(C) A sentença III pode ser traduzida por “de 1964 a 1982 ele ficou em greve de fome na renomada prisão ‘Robben Island’, junto com vários outros líderes da resistência”.
(D) A sentença I pode ser traduzida por “filho de um renomado xerife, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e se tornou um dos primeiros advogados negros do sul da África.
(E) A sentença II pode ser traduzida por “Em 1962 ele foi preso e sentenciado à prisão perpétua por alta traição e conspiração contra o Estado”.
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
(A) A sentença I pode ser traduzida por “filho de um chefe de cozinha renomado, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e se tornou um dos primeiros advogados negros do sul da África”.
(B) A sentença II pode ser traduzida por “em 1962 ele foi preso e sentenciado a viver aprisionado por ter roubado o tesouro do governo e conspirado contra ele”.
(C) A sentença III pode ser traduzida por “de 1964 a 1982 ele ficou em greve de fome na renomada prisão ‘Robben Island’, junto com vários outros líderes da resistência”.
(D) A sentença I pode ser traduzida por “filho de um renomado xerife, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e se tornou um dos primeiros advogados negros do sul da África.
(E) A sentença II pode ser traduzida por “Em 1962 ele foi preso e sentenciado à prisão perpétua por alta traição e conspiração contra o Estado”.
I - Son of a chief, Nelson Mandela studied law and became one of south Africa’s first black lawyers. Filho de um chefe, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e tornou-se um dos primeiros advogados negros da África do Sul.
II - In 1962 he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and conspiracy against the state. Em 1962 foi preso e sentenciado à prisão perpétua por alta traição e conspiração contra o Estado.
►life imprisonment (prisão perpétua).
III - From 1964 to 1982 he was confined to the notorious prison island Robben Island, together with several other resistance leaders. De 1964 a 1982 esteve confinado na famosa ilha-prisão Robben Island, juntamente com vários outros líderes da resistência.
Africa's Greatest Freedom Symbol
O Maior Símbolo de Liberdade da África

Son of a chief, Nelson Mandela studied law and became one of South Africa's first black lawyers.
Filho de um chefe, Nelson Mandela estudou Direito e tornou-se um dos primeiros advogados negros da África do Sul.
Early in the 1950s he was elected leader of the youth wing of the ANC (African National Congress) liberation movement.
No início da década de 1950, foi eleito líder da ala jovem do movimento de libertação do ANC (Congresso Nacional Africano).
When the country's white minority government prohibited the ANC in 1960, Mandela became convinced that armed struggle was inevitable.
Quando o governo da minoria branca do país proibiu o ANC em 1960, Mandela convenceu-se de que a luta armada era inevitável.
Inspired by the guerrilla wars in Algeria and Cuba, he organized a military underground movement that engaged in sabotage.
Inspirado pelas guerras de guerrilha na Argélia e em Cuba, ele organizou um movimento militar clandestino que se envolveu em sabotagem. 
In 1962 he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and conspiracy against the state.
Em 1962 ele foi preso e sentenciado à prisão perpétua por alta traição e conspiração contra o Estado.
From 1964 to 1982 he was confined to the notorious prison island Robben Island, together with several other resistance leaders.
De 1964 a 1982, esteve confinado na famosa ilha-prisão Robben Island, juntamente com vários outros líderes da resistência.
He was then moved to prison on the mainland until his release in 1990.
Foi então transferido para uma prisão no continente até à sua libertação em 1990. 
During his imprisonment, Mandela became a rallying point for South Africa's oppressed, and the world's most famous political prisoner.
Durante a sua prisão, Mandela tornou-se um ponto de encontro para os oprimidos da África do Sul e o prisioneiro político mais famoso do mundo.
Nelson Mandela shared the Peace Prize with the man who had released him, President Frederik Willem de Klerk, because they had agreed on a peaceful transition to majority rule.
Nelson Mandela partilhou o Prémio da Paz com o homem que o libertou, o Presidente Frederik Willem de Klerk, porque tinham concordado numa transição pacífica para um governo maioritário.

Strategy I
In Eating Mindfully, Susan Albers recommends starting with one mealtime: breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Choose a specific location to eat, such as your table or the lunchroom at work. Sit quietly. Don't get up, and don't answer the phone. Have all the food you intend to eat on the table in front of you before starting. To be mindful you must give your full attention to your eating. You must focus on the process of eating and enjoying your meal.

Strategy II
Susan Albers suggests that one way to slow down the process of eating is to challenge the way you have always done it.

For example, try eating using a pair of chopsticks instead of your customary utensils. This will force you to take smaller portions, eat more slowly, and look at your food more closely. Other strategies include eating with your non-dominant hand, chewing your food 30 to 50 times per bite, or trying to make the portion of food you've taken for the meal last 20 minutes.

Observe the sensation of picking up the food and placing it in your mouth.
Disponible in: Access in: May, 24 2023 (adapted).
Choose the correct statement about the text.
(A) Susan Alberts brings the information that nowadays adults, kids and teenagers are distracted by mobile, screens, internet, and they are eating a lot of junk food. Susan Alberts makes some recommendations for parents to help their kids too.
(B) The suggestion made by Susan Alberts is impossible to follow because people who lives in big cities don’t have time to sit quietly and don’t be distracted by phones or other devices.
(C) The words “recommends” and “suggests” found in the strategy I and strategy II show that Susan Alberts advices how eating mindfully. The strategies aren’t an obligation.
(D) The suggestion “try eating using a pair of chopsticks instead of your customary utensils” isn’t the best advice if we consider the lifestyle of the world today.
(E) Others recommendations made by Susan Alberts emphasize the importance to be alone, far from the others members of our family while you are eating.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Choose the correct statement about the text.
(A) Susan Alberts brings the information that nowadays adults, kids and teenagers are distracted by mobile, screens, internet, and they are eating a lot of junk food. Susan Alberts makes some recommendations for parents to help their kids too. Susan Alberts traz a informação de que hoje em dia adultos, crianças e adolescentes se distraem com celulares, telas, internet e comem muita junk food. Susan Alberts faz algumas recomendações para os pais ajudarem também os filhos.
(B) The suggestion made by Susan Alberts is impossible to follow because people who lives in big cities don’t have time to sit quietly and don’t be distracted by phones or other devices. A sugestão feita por Susan Alberts é impossível de seguir porque as pessoas que vivem nas grandes cidades não têm tempo para ficar sentadas quietas e não se distraem com telefones ou outros dispositivos.
(C) The words “recommends” and “suggests” found in the strategy I and strategy II show that Susan Alberts advices how eating mindfully. The strategies aren’t an obligationAs palavras “recomenda” e “sugere” encontradas na estratégia I e na estratégia II mostram que Susan Alberts aconselha como comer com atenção. As estratégias não são uma obrigação.
(D) The suggestion “try eating using a pair of chopsticks instead of your customary utensils” isn’t the best advice if we consider the lifestyle of the world today. A sugestão “experimente comer usando um par de pauzinhos em vez dos utensílios habituais” não é o melhor conselho se considerarmos o estilo de vida do mundo hoje.
(E) Others recommendations made by Susan Alberts emphasize the importance to be alone, far from the others members of our family while you are eating. Outras recomendações feitas por Susan Alberts enfatizam a importância de estar sozinho, longe dos demais membros da família enquanto se come.
Strategy I Estratégia I
In Eating Mindfully, Susan Albers recommends starting with one mealtime: breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Em Eating Mindfulness, Susan Albers recomenda começar com uma refeição: café da manhã, almoço ou jantar.
Choose a specific location to eat, such as your table or the lunchroom at work. Sit quietly.
Escolha um local específico para comer, como a sua mesa ou o refeitório do trabalho. Sente-se silenciosamente.
Don't get up, and don't answer the phone.
Não se levante e não atenda o telefone.
Have all the food you intend to eat on the table in front of you before starting.
Coloque todos os alimentos que pretende comer na mesa à sua frente antes de começar.
To be mindful you must give your full attention to your eating.
Tenha em mente que você deve dar toda a atenção à sua alimentação.
►To be mindful (Tenha em mente que)
You must focus on the process of eating and enjoying your meal.
Você deve se concentrar no processo de comer e saborear sua refeição.

Strategy II Estratégia II
Susan Albers suggests that one way to slow down the process of eating is to challenge the way you have always done it.
Susan Albers sugere que uma maneira de desacelerar o processo de comer é desafiar a maneira como você sempre fez isso.
For example, try eating using a pair of chopsticks instead of your customary utensils.
Por exemplo, experimente comer usando um par de pauzinhos em vez dos utensílios habituais. 
This will force you to take smaller portions, eat more slowly, and look at your food more closely.
Isso forçará você a comer porções menores, comer mais devagar e observar mais de perto a comida.
Other strategies include eating with your non-dominant hand, chewing your food 30 to 50 times per bite, or trying to make the portion of food you've taken for the meal last 20 minutes.
Outras estratégias incluem comer com a mão não dominante, mastigar a comida 30 a 50 vezes por mordida ou tentar fazer com que a porção de comida que você comeu dure 20 minutos.
Observe the sensation of picking up the food and placing it in your mouth.
Observe a sensação de pegar o alimento e colocá-lo na boca.
Disponible in: Access in: May, 24 2023 (adapted).

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