sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016



• PUC/RIO-2009-GRUPO 2-VESTIBULAR-23/10/2008.

 10 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text – | College kids and sleep | www.bbc.com |



Here’s some unfortunate news for teenagers about to head off to college: New research being presented today at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies says that a morning person is apt to get better grades than a late riser. Researchers surveyed 824 college students enrolled in psychology classes about their sleep habits and daily functioning. Result: The better performers were not the ones who stayed up until the wee hours and slept till afternoon.
So what to do if you hate waking up in the morning? Use the summer to develop good sleep habits, and then minimize the damage come fall.
Be consistent. “The most important thing is try to maintain a consistent wake and bedtime in the summer,” suggests Daniel Taylor, assistant professor at the University of North Texas and one of the study’s authors. He’d advise going to bed most nights between 11 p.m. and midnight. If you do start turning in and getting up later once you’re at school, continue to be as regular as possible, says Ana Allen Gomes, a professor at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, who has researched college students’ sleeping patterns.
Become a morning person. At least two to three weeks before the semester starts, start training yourself. “The best way to do it is to wake yourself up successively earlier every few days, and get out in the sunlight,” says Taylor. The sunlight helps reset your internal clock.
Schedule classes with care. “A lot of kids turn into evening types when they go to college,” Taylor says. So don’t pick 8 a.m. classes just because you’re used to waking up early for high school.
Compensate. If you’re just not able to become an early riser, and do end up with early classes, plan some study time in the afternoon, when you’re less likely to be tired, Gomes suggests. And avoid studying all night so that you’re not exhausted in the morning.
By January W. Payne
Posted June 9, 2008 http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/sleep/2008/06/09/




Here’s some unfortunate news for teenagers about to head off to college: New research being presented today at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies says that a morning person is apt to get better grades than a late riser. Researchers surveyed 824 college students enrolled in psychology classes about their sleep habits and daily functioning. Result: The better performers were not the ones who stayed up until the wee hours and slept till afternoon. Aqui estão algumas notícias infelizes para os adolescentes que estão prestes a ir para a faculdade: uma nova pesquisa apresentada hoje na reunião anual da Associated Professional Sleep Societies diz que uma pessoa matutina tem maior probabilidade de obter notas melhores do que uma pessoa que acorda tarde. Os pesquisadores entrevistaram 824 estudantes universitários matriculados em aulas de psicologia sobre seus hábitos de sono e funcionamento diário. Resultado: os melhores desempenhos não foram aqueles que ficaram acordados até altas horas da madrugada e dormiram até a tarde.

So what to do if you hate waking up in the morning? Use the summer to develop good sleep habits, and then minimize the damage come fall. Então, o que fazer se você odeia acordar de manhã? Aproveite o verão para desenvolver bons hábitos de sono e, em seguida, minimize os danos no outono.

Be consistent. “The most important thing is try to maintain a consistent wake and bedtime in the summer,” suggests Daniel Taylor, assistant professor at the University of North Texas and one of the study’s authors. He’d advise going to bed most nights between 11 p.m. and midnight. If you do start turning in and getting up later once you’re at school, continue to be as regular as possible, says Ana Allen Gomes, a professor at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, who has researched college students’ sleeping patterns. Ser consistente. “O mais importante é tentar manter horários consistentes para acordar e dormir no verão”, sugere Daniel Taylor, professor assistente da Universidade do Norte do Texas e um dos autores do estudo. Ele aconselharia ir para a cama quase todas as noites entre 23h e 23h. e meia-noite. Se começar a dormir e a acordar mais tarde quando estiver na escola, continue a ser o mais regular possível, diz Ana Allen Gomes, professora da Universidade de Aveiro, em Portugal, que pesquisou os padrões de sono de estudantes universitários.

Become a morning person. At least two to three weeks before the semester starts, start training yourself. “The best way to do it is to wake yourself up successively earlier every few days, and get out in the sunlight,” says Taylor. The sunlight helps reset your internal clock. Torne-se uma pessoa matinal. Pelo menos duas a três semanas antes do início do semestre, comece a treinar sozinho. “A melhor maneira de fazer isso é acordar sucessivamente mais cedo, a cada poucos dias, e sair ao sol”, diz Taylor. A luz solar ajuda a acertar o relógio interno.

Schedule classes with care. “A lot of kids turn into evening types when they go to college,” Taylor says. So don’t pick 8 a.m. classes just because you’re used to waking up early for high school. Agende as aulas com cuidado. “Muitas crianças se transformam em tipos noturnos quando vão para a faculdade”, diz Taylor. Portanto, não escolha aulas às 8h só porque você está acostumado a acordar cedo para o ensino médio.

Compensate. If you’re just not able to become an early riser, and do end up with early classes, plan some study time in the afternoon, when you’re less likely to be tired, Gomes suggests. And avoid studying all night so that you’re not exhausted in the morning. Compensar. Se você simplesmente não consegue acordar cedo e acaba tendo aulas cedo, planeje algum horário de estudo à tarde, quando é menos provável que você esteja cansado, sugere Gomes. E evite estudar a noite toda para não ficar exausto pela manhã.


The main purpose of Text 1 is to:

(A) explain why undergraduate students must avoid studying all night.
(B) alert high school students to the dangers associated with college life.
(C) criticize immature students who cannot adapt to rigid college routines.
(D) examine in detail college problems that may affect students’ performance and health.
(E) report on the results of a study that investigated students’ sleeping habits and academic performance.
• O principal objetivo do Texto 1 é:
(A) explain why undergraduate students must avoid studying all night.
• explicar por que os alunos de graduação devem evitar estudar a noite toda.
(B) alert high school students to the dangers associated with college life.
• alertar os alunos do ensino médio sobre os perigos associados à vida universitária.
(C) criticize immature students who cannot adapt to rigid college routines.
• criticar alunos imaturos que não conseguem se adaptar às rígidas rotinas universitárias.
(D) examine in detail college problems that may affect students’ performance and health.
• examinar em detalhes os problemas da faculdade que podem afetar o desempenho e a saúde dos alunos.
(E) report on the results of a study that investigated students’ sleeping habits and academic performance.
• relatar os resultados de um estudo que investigou os hábitos de sono e o desempenho acadêmico dos alunos.


The fragment “Here’s some unfortunate news for teenagers about to head off to college” (line 1-2) introduces:

(A) fair news for teenagers who are ready to quit college.
(B) sad news for students about to go away from college.
(C) unfavorable news for youngsters preparing to leave college.
(D) regrettable news for teens who are ready to set out for college.
(E) unexpected news for students who intend to drop out of college.
• O fragmento "Aqui está uma notícia infeliz para adolescentes prestes a ir para a faculdade" apresenta:
(A) fair news for teenagers who are ready to quit college.
 uma notícia boa para os adolescentes que estão prontos para sair da faculdade.
• "fair news"(notícia boa) e "unfortunate news"(notícia infeliz) expressam ideias opostas.
• "are ready to quit college"(estão prontos para sair da faculdade) e "about to head off to college"(prestes a ir para a faculdade) expressam ideias diferentes.
(B) sad news for students about to go away from college.
• uma notícia triste para os alunos que estão prestes a deixar a faculdade.
• "sad news"(notícia triste) e "unfortunate news"(notícia infeliz) são equivalentes.
• "about to go away from college"(estão prestes a deixar a faculdade) e "about to head off to college"(prestes a ir para a faculdade) expressam ideias diferentes.
(C) unfavorable news for youngsters preparing to leave college.
• notícia desfavorável para os jovens que se preparam para sair da faculdade.
• "unfavorable news"(notícia desfavorável) e "unfortunate news"(notícia infeliz) são equivalentes.
• "preparing to leave college."(que se preparam para sair da faculdade.) e "about to head off to college"(prestes a ir para a faculdade) expressam ideias diferentes.
(D) regrettable news for teens who are ready to set out for college.
• notícia lamentável para os adolescentes que estão prontos para entrar na faculdade.
• "regrettable news" e "unfortunate news" são equivalentes.
• "are ready to set out for college"(estão prontos para entrar na faculdade) e "about to head off to college"(prestes a ir para a faculdade) expressam ideias equivalentes.
(E) unexpected news for students who intend to drop out of college.
• notícia inesperada para alunos que pretendem abandonar a faculdade.
• "unexpected news" e "unfortunate news" não são equivalentes.
• "intend to drop out of college"(que pretendem abandonar a faculdade.) e "about to head off to college"(prestes a ir para a faculdade) expressam ideias diferentes.


“The better performers” (line 7) refers to the:

(A) “Associated Professional Sleep Societies” (lines 3-4).
(B) “researchers” (line 5).
(C) “college students” (lines 5-6)
(D) “psychology classes” (line 6)
(E) “sleep habits” (lines 6-7)


According to the text, college students should:

(A) avoid afternoon study hours by all means.
(B) refrain from exposing themselves to sunlight.
(C) make an effort to keep regular sleeping hours.
(D) add to their schedules early classes in the morning.
(E) develop new study habits and an evening routine of work.
De acordo com o texto, os estudantes universitários deveriam:
(A) avoid afternoon study hours by all means. evitar o horário de estudo da tarde por todos os meios.
(B) refrain from exposing themselves to sunlight. abster-se de se expor à luz solar.
(C) make an effort to keep regular sleeping hours
esforçar-se para manter horários regulares de sono.
(D) add to their schedules early classes in the morning. acrescentar em seus horários aulas logo pela manhã.
(E) develop new study habits and an evening routine of work. 
desenvolver novos hábitos de estudo e uma rotina noturna de trabalho.


Students are advised not to pick 8 a.m. college classes (line 30) because:

(A) many of them fall into the habit of staying up late while in college.
(B) they will not be able to wake up early after leaving high school.
(C) college schedules are completely different from high school schedules.
(D) undergraduates are never able to follow healthy sleeping habits.
(E) high school kids enjoy waking up early, while college students do not.
Os alunos são aconselhados a não escolher as aulas da faculdade às 8h (linha 30) porque:
(A) many of them fall into the habit of staying up late while in collegemuitos deles adquirem o hábito de ficar acordados até tarde durante a faculdade.
(B) they will not be able to wake up early after leaving high school. eles não conseguirão acordar cedo após terminarem o ensino médio.
(C) college schedules are completely different from high school schedules. os horários da faculdade são completamente diferentes dos horários do ensino médio.
(D) undergraduates are never able to follow healthy sleeping habits. os estudantes de graduação nunca conseguem seguir hábitos saudáveis de sono.
(E) high school kids enjoy waking up early, while college students do not. 
os alunos do ensino médio gostam de acordar cedo, enquanto os universitários não.


The research described in Text 1:

(A) was conducted by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.
(B) was carried out by college professors from different universities.
(C) was requested by college students who wanted to improve their grades.
(D) involved 824 college students who were learning about sleep habits.
(E) surveyed Portuguese undergraduates studying different subjects.
A pesquisa descrita no Texto 1:
(A) was conducted by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. foi conduzida pelas Associated Professional Sleep Societies.
(B) was carried out by college professors from different universitiesfoi realizada por professores universitários de diferentes universidades.
(C) was requested by college students who wanted to improve their grades. foi solicitada por estudantes universitários que queriam melhorar suas notas.
(D) involved 824 college students who were learning about sleep habits. envolveu 824 estudantes universitários que estavam aprendendo sobre hábitos de sono.
(E) surveyed Portuguese undergraduates studying different subjects. 
inquiriu estudantes portugueses de diferentes disciplinas.

 POSTS: The posts below were written in response to TEXT 1. Read them and answer the following questions.

Post A
I am not a morning person at all and personally as a student I don’t think just because you’re a morning person you get better grades. I always get the best grades in my classes later in the day compared to my morning classes. I think people learn better depending on the time of day and how awake they are. What is wrong with taking a class in the evening and having the advantage of being more awake?
                                             of NY - Jun 12, 2008 22:14:27 PM
Post B
I am a night person. I work at night and I have all my classes at night. I find the schedule perfect, as it is what I dreamed about since high school, during all those times I woke up late and did not want to go to school. I still believe all my ranting and raving about only crazy people getting up at the crack of dawn. Night owls rejoice! Once you get out of high school, you realize that learning does not need to happen in the day. As for the memory retention, I find that as long as I get my nine hours of sleep during the day, I can be totally focused and remember what I learn in school and at work perfectly fine. I would like to know about other people though.
                                              of NV - Jul 19, 2008 01:11:55 AM
Post C
Night person at school, OK, but what happens once you get a real job?
If you enjoy staying up late and taking afternoon/evening classes, that is perfectly fine, however, once you get a job you will probably find it more difficult to convince your boss/company that you can maintain the same behavior. Depending on your job you will probably have to be at work between 8 or 9 in the morning. Certainly night shifts and flexible hours do exist, but most business is conducted between 8 am and 5 pm. It might be wise to consider an ideal job situation and adjust your morning routine based on what is required.
                                     Joe S. of IL - Jul 31, 2008 07:23:20 AM

Post A  Postagem A
I am not a morning person at all and personally as a student I don’t think just because you’re a morning person you get better grades. I always get the best grades in my classes later in the day compared to my morning classes. I think people learn better depending on the time of day and how awake they are. What is wrong with taking a class in the evening and having the advantage of being more awake? Não sou uma pessoa matutina e, pessoalmente, como estudante, não acho que só porque você é uma pessoa matutina você tira notas melhores. Sempre obtenho as melhores notas nas minhas aulas no final do dia, em comparação com as aulas da manhã. Acho que as pessoas aprendem melhor dependendo da hora do dia e do quão despertas estão. O que há de errado em fazer aula à noite e ter a vantagem de estar mais acordado? de NY - 12 de junho de 2008 22h14min27s                                            of NY - Jun 12, 2008 22:14:27 PM
de NY - 12 de junho de 2008 22h14min27s

Post B  Postagem B
I am a night person. I work at night and I have all my classes at night. I find the schedule perfect, as it is what I dreamed about since high school, during all those times I woke up late and did not want to go to school. I still believe all my ranting and raving about only crazy people getting up at the crack of dawn. Night owls rejoice! Once you get out of high school, you realize that learning does not need to happen in the day. As for the memory retention, I find that as long as I get my nine hours of sleep during the day, I can be totally focused and remember what I learn in school and at work perfectly fine. I would like to know about other people though.
 Eu sou uma pessoa noturna. Eu trabalho à noite e tenho todas as minhas aulas à noite. Acho o horário perfeito, pois é com o que sonhei desde o ensino médio, em todos aqueles momentos em que acordava tarde e não queria ir para a escola. Eu ainda acredito em todos os meus discursos e delírios sobre apenas pessoas malucas que acordam de madrugada. Os noctívagos alegrem-se! Depois de terminar o ensino médio, você percebe que o aprendizado não precisa acontecer durante o dia. Quanto à retenção de memória, acho que, desde que eu durma nove horas durante o dia, posso estar totalmente concentrado e lembrar perfeitamente o que aprendo na escola e no trabalho. Eu gostaria de saber sobre outras pessoas.                                       of NV - Jul 19, 2008 01:11:55 AM
de NV - 19 de julho de 2008 01:11:55
Post C Postagem C
Night person at school, OK, but what happens once you get a real job?
If you enjoy staying up late and taking afternoon/evening classes, that is perfectly fine, however, once you get a job you will probably find it more difficult to convince your boss/company that you can maintain the same behavior. Depending on your job you will probably have to be at work between 8 or 9 in the morning. Certainly night shifts and flexible hours do exist, but most business is conducted between 8 am and 5 pm. It might be wise to consider an ideal job situation and adjust your morning routine based on what is required. Pessoa noturna na escola, ok, mas o que acontece quando você consegue um emprego de verdade?
Se você gosta de ficar acordado até tarde e ter aulas à tarde/noite, tudo bem, porém, depois de conseguir um emprego, provavelmente terá mais dificuldade em convencer seu chefe/empresa de que pode manter o mesmo comportamento. Dependendo do seu trabalho, você provavelmente terá que estar no trabalho entre 8 ou 9 da manhã. Certamente existem turnos noturnos e horários flexíveis, mas a maior parte dos negócios é realizada entre 8h e 17h. Pode ser sensato considerar uma situação de trabalho ideal e ajustar sua rotina matinal com base no que for necessário.


If you get up at the “crack of dawn” (Post B, line 18) you are a/an:

(A) night owl.
(B) early riser.
(C) insomniac.
(D) late sleeper.
(E) evening person.
If you get up at the “crack of dawn” (Post B, line 18) you are a/an:
Se você acordar de madrugada (Posto B, linha 18) você é:
(A) night owl. coruja noturna.
(B) early risermadrugador.
(C) insomniac. insone
(D) late sleeper. dorme tarde.
(E) evening person. 
pessoa da noite.


“Once” in lines 18 (Post B) and 31 (Post C) means:

(A) just.
(B) as soon as.
(C) occasionally.
(D) all of a sudden.
(E) in case.
“Once” in lines 18 (Post B) and 31 (Post C) means:
“Uma vez” nas linhas 18 (Post B) e 31 (Post C) significa:
(A) just. apenas.
(B) as soon asassim que.
(C) occasionally. ocasionalmente.
(D) all of a sudden. de repente.
(E) in case. 
no caso.


Check the correct information about the comments posted and their writers.

(A) Post A writer claims that people learn better soon after waking up in the morning.
(B) Post B writer states that you must have a nine-hour sleep to memorize what you study.
(C) Post C writer warns that companies never hire people who cannot function in the morning.
(D) Writers of Posts A and B argue that night persons can have a good academic performance.
(E) Writers of Posts A and C say that they are students.
Verifique as informações corretas sobre os comentários postados e seus redatores.
(A) Post A writer claims that people learn better soon after waking up in the morning. escritor da postagem A afirma que as pessoas aprendem melhor logo depois de acordar pela manhã.
(B) Post B writer states that you must have a nine-hour sleep to memorize what you study. O redator da postagem B afirma que você deve dormir nove horas para memorizar o que estuda.
(C) Post C writer warns that companies never hire people who cannot function in the morning. O redator do Post C alerta que as empresas nunca contratam pessoas que não possam trabalhar pela manhã.
(D) Writers of Posts A and B argue that night persons can have a good academic performance. Os redatores dos Posts A e B defendem que pessoas noturnas podem ter um bom desempenho acadêmico.
(E) Writers of Posts A and C say that they are students. 
Os redatores dos Posts A e C dizem que são estudantes.


Mark the statement that expresses advice.

(A) “Use the summer to develop good sleep habits” (Text 1, line 11).
(B) “The sunlight helps reset your internal clock” (Text 1, line 27).
(C) “I think people learn better depending on the time of day” (Post A, lines 6-7).
(D) “Once you get out of high school, you realize that learning does not need to happen in the day” (Post B, lines 18-20).
(E) “…however, once you get a job you will probably find it more difficult to convince your boss/company that you can maintain the same behavior” (Post C, lines 31-33).

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