domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2016

UECE-2013/1 - Vestibular 2ª Fase(16/12/2012) da UECE - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e comentada.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS - Vestibular UECE-2013/1 - 2ª FASE (20 questões)- 16/12/2012.
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦01 Texto.
➦20 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D)
 Interpretação Textual de temas da atualidade e/ou polêmicos;
 Vocabulary, Collocations, Idioms; Phrasal Verbs and False Frends;
👉  Texto    sem título  
 Temas abordados: A busca dos profissionais para manter suas habilidades valorizadas 
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os 02(dois) excelentes dicionários a seguir:
🔄 Verbs :
🔄Phrasal Verbs :
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas :
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial :
🔄Conectores/Marcadores de discurso :
🔄Expressões comuns :
🔄Expressões idiomáticas(tradução literal não funciona):
🔄Collocations(transmitem boa sonoridade):
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos: HEALYTH ENGLISH(Inglês da área de Saúde/social) :
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos: ÁREA DE EDUCAÇÃO :
[defining relative clause=oração adjetiva restritiva]
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos: TAX ENGLISH(Inglês Tributário) :
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos: ECONOMY ENGLISH(Inglês da área de Economia) :
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=indica posse):
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄False Friends(Falsos cognatos):

The need to constantly adapt is the new reality for many workers, well beyond the information technology business. Car mechanics, librarians, doctors, Hollywood special effects designers — virtually everyone whose job is touched by computing — are being forced to find new, more efficient ways to learn as retooling becomes increasingly important not just to change careers, but simply to stay competitive on their chosen path.

Going back to school for months or years is not realistic for many workers, who are often left to figure out for themselves what new skills will make them more valuable, or just keep them from obsolescence. In their quest to occupy a useful niche, they are turning to bite-size instructional videos, peer-to-peer forums and virtual college courses.

Lynda Gratton, a professor of management practice at the London Business School, has coined a term for this necessity: “serial mastery.”

“You can’t expect that what you’ve become a master in will keep you valuable throughout the whole of your career, and you want to add to that the fact that most people are now going to be working into their 70s,” she said, adding that workers must try to choose specialties that cannot be outsourced or automated. “Being a generalist is, in my view, very unwise. Your major competitor is Wikipedia or Google.”

Businesses have responded by pouring more money into training, even in the current economic doldrums, according to several measures. They have experimented by paying employees to share their expertise in internal social networks, creating video games that teach and, human resources consultants say, enticing employees with tuition help even if they leave the company.

Individuals have also shouldered a lot of responsibility for their own upgrades., which charges $25 a month for access to training videos on topics like the latest version of Photoshop, says its base of individual customers has been growing 42 percent a year since 2008. Online universities like Udacity and Coursera are on pace to double in size in a year, according to Josh Bersin of Bersin & Associates, a consulting firm that specializes in learning and talent management. The number of doctors participating in continuing education programs has more than doubled in the last decade, with the vast majority of the growth stemming from the increased popularity of Internet-based activities, according to the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education in Chicago.

The struggle is not just to keep up, but to anticipate a future of rapid change. When the AshevilleBuncombe Technical Community College in North Carolina wanted to start a program for developing smartphone and tablet apps, the faculty had to consider the name carefully. “We had this title Mobile Applications, and then we realized that it may not be apps in two years, it may be something else,” said Pamela Silvers, the chairwoman of the business computer technologies department. “So we changed it to Mobile Development.”

As the metadata and digital archivist at Emory University, Elizabeth Russey Roke, 35, has had to keep up with evolving standards that help different databases share information, learn how to archive “born digital” materials, and use computers to bring literary and social connections among different collections to life. The bulk of her learning has been on the job, supplemented by the occasional course or videos on

“For me, it’s easier to learn something in the classroom than it is on my own,” she said. “But I can’t exactly afford another three years of library

Rapid change is a challenge for traditional universities; textbooks and even journals often lag too far behind the curve to be of help, said Kunal Mehta, a Ph.D. student in bioengineering at Stanford University. His field is so new, and changing so rapidly, he said, that there is little consensus on established practices or necessary skills. “It’s more difficult to know what we should learn,” he said. “We have advisers that we work with, but a lot of times they don’t know any better than us what’s going to happen in the future.”

Instead, Mr. Mehta, 26, spends a lot of time comparing notes with others in his field, just as many professionals turn to their peers to help them stay current. The International Automotive Technicians Network, where mechanics pay $15 a month to trade tips on repairs, has more than 75,000 active users today, up from 48,000 in 2006, said Scott Brown, the president.

In an economy where new, specialized knowledge is worth so much, it may seem anticompetitive to share expertise. But many professionals say they don’t see it that way.

“We’re scattered all over the country, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., so it never really bothered us that we were sharing the secrets of what we do,” said Bill Moss, whose repair shop in Warrenton, Va., specializes in European cars, and who is a frequent user of peer-to-peer forums.

Mr. Moss, 55, said technological advances and proprietary diagnostic tools had forced many garages to specialize. Ten years ago, if his business had hit a slow patch, he said, he would have been quicker to broaden his repertory. “I might have looked at other brands and said, ‘These cars aren’t so bad.’ That’s much harder to do now, based on technology and equipment requirements.” His training budget is about $4,000 a year for each repair technician.

Learning curves are not always driven by technology. Managers have to deal with different cultures, different time zones and different generations as well as changing attitudes. As medical director of the Reproductive Science Center of New England, Dr. Samuel C. Pang has used patient focus groups and sensitivity training to help the staff adjust to treating lesbian couples, gay male couples, and transgendered couples who want to have children. This has given the clinic a competitive advantage.

“We have had several male couples and lesbian couples come to our program from our competitors’ program because they said they didn’t feel comfortable there,” Dr. Pang said.

On top of that, he has to master constantly evolving technology. “The amount of information that I learned in medical school is minuscule,” he said, “compared to what is out there now.”
      Questão   01 
According to the text, in order to remain updated with new developments in their field and keep competitiveness, many workers nowadays are
A) heading back to college and going through many years of study again.
B) doing a great amount of study on their own by reading all the specialized books they can get their hands on.
C) using resources such as online courses and discussion forums with people in the same profession/occupation.
D) requiring financial support from their companies in order to pay for specialization courses.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C 
De acordo com o texto, para se manter atualizado com os novos desenvolvimentos em seu campo e manter a competitividade, muitos trabalhadores hoje em dia são
A) voltando para a faculdade e passando por muitos anos de estudo novamente.
B) fazendo uma grande quantidade de estudo por conta própria, lendo todos os livros especializados que eles podem colocar em suas mãos.
C) usando recursos como cursos on-line e fóruns de discussão com pessoas na mesma profissão / ocupação.
D) requerendo apoio financeiro de suas empresas para pagar cursos de especialização.
      Questão   02 
Concerning the reaction of businesses to the constant need of employees' continuing education, the text states that they
A) tend to provide their employees with financial support, even paying fees for courses.
B) consider their role is just to suggest which courses their employees could/should engage in.
C) require employees to enroll in certain courses and automatically deduce the costs from their wages.
D) do not interfere in the process, but normally fire the workers who are not engaged in some specialization effort.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
Em relação à reação das empresas à constante necessidade de educação continuada dos empregados, o texto afirma que
A) tendem a fornecer apoio financeiro aos seus funcionários, mesmo pagando taxas pelos cursos.
B) considerar seu papel apenas para sugerir em quais cursos seus funcionários poderiam / deveriam participar.
C) exigir que os funcionários se inscrevam em determinados cursos e deduzam automaticamente os custos de seus salários.
D) não interferem no processo, mas normalmente demitem os trabalhadores que não estão envolvidos em algum esforço de especialização.
      Questão   03 
In relation to traditional universities in the context of such quick transformations, the text states that one of the problems they have to face is related to the
A) personnel they have to deal with.
B) instruction manuals and other materials.
C) students’ lack of interest in getting the latest developments in their field.
D) management of online courses and activities.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
Em relação às universidades tradicionais no contexto de rápidas transformações, o texto afirma que um dos problemas que eles têm que enfrentar está relacionado
A) pessoal com quem eles têm que lidar.
B) manuais de instruções e outros materiais.
C) falta de interesse dos alunos em obter os mais recentes desenvolvimentos em seu campo.
D) gestão de cursos e atividades online.
      Questão   04 
As to the term "serial mastery", it is mentioned in the text that it
A) is not welcome at the London Business School.
B) was conceived by Lynda Gratton.
C) has been around for quite a time now.
D) might just disappear in a few months.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
Quanto ao termo "domínio serial", é mencionado no texto que
A) não é bem-vinda na London Business School.
B) foi concebido por Lynda Gratton.
C) tem sido em torno de um bom tempo agora.
D) pode simplesmente desaparecer em alguns meses.
      Questão   05 
As stated by Lynda Gratton, one reason that justifies this quest of professionals for keeping their skills valued, is that
A) too many jobs are available to a small group only.
B) Google and Wikipedia might not be there in the future.
C) many people will not be able to face the competition.
D) this generation of workers will be retiring later, in their seventies.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
Como afirma Lynda Gratton, uma razão que justifica essa busca de profissionais para manter suas habilidades valorizadas, é que
A) muitos trabalhos estão disponíveis apenas para um pequeno grupo.
B) Google e Wikipedia podem não estar lá no futuro.
C) muitas pessoas não poderão enfrentar a concorrência.
D) esta geração de trabalhadores vai se aposentar mais tarde, em seus setenta anos.
      Questão   06 
When it comes to the issue of continuing education, according to the text, in the last ten years, twice the number of professionals of aspecific area got involved in courses, mainly through the internet. These professionals are
A) physicians.
B) computer programmers.
C) teachers.
D) photographers.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
Quando se trata da questão da educação continuada, segundo o texto, nos últimos dez anos, o dobro de profissionais de áreas específicas se envolveu em cursos, principalmente pela internet. Esses profissionais são
A) médicos.
B) programadores de computador.
C) professores.
D) fotógrafos.
      Questão   07 
Sharing specialized knowledge in a competitive world is something that
A) is considered very unwise by most experts.
B) might ruin one’s competitiveness.
C) is being done by many professionals.
D) Bill Moss avoids doing in his highly valued job.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C 
Compartilhar conhecimento especializado em um mundo competitivo é algo que...
A) é considerado muito imprudente pela maioria dos especialistas.
B) pode arruinar a competitividade.
C) está sendo feito por muitos profissionais.
D) Bill Moss evita fazer em seu trabalho altamente valorizado.
      Questão   08 
The text adds that the need to learn how to deal with new situations in a profession might involve several aspects other than technology, such as
A) lower levels of instruction of the population.
B) surveys of product consumption and acceptance.
C) the lack of updating of older professionals.
D) diverse age groups and gender issues.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
O texto acrescenta que a necessidade de aprender a lidar com novas situações em uma profissão pode envolver vários aspectos além da tecnologia, como
A) níveis mais baixos de instrução da população.
B) pesquisas de consumo e aceitação de produtos.
C) a falta de atualização dos profissionais mais antigos.
D) diversas faixas etárias e questões de gênero.

In questions 9 to 17, sentences from the text may have been modified/adapted to fit certain grammatical structures.
      Questão   09 
In the sentences "…it never really bothered us that we were sharing the secrets of our profession." and "…a lot of times they don’t know any better than us what’s going to happen in the future", one finds, respectively, a/an
A) adjective clause and a noun clause.
B) noun clause and a noun clause.
C) adverb clause and an adjective clause.
D) noun clause and an adjective clause.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
TÓPICO - Questão gramatical sobre CLAUSES:
 Sentença 1: A conjunção THAT completa o sentido do verbo "bothered us" → NOUN CLAUSE(oração subordinada substantiva).
"it never really bothered us that we were sharing the secrets of our profession"
(Isso realmente nunca nos incomodou que estivéssemos compartilhando os segredos de nossa profissão)
 Sentença 2: O pronome WHAT completa o sentido do verbo "know" → NOUN CLAUSE(oração subordinada substantiva).
"a lot of times they don’t know any better than us what's going to happen in the future"
(muitas vezes eles não sabem nada melhor do que nós o que vai acontecer no futuro)
      Questão   10 
In the sentences "The amount of information that I learned in medical school is minuscule," and "Bersin & Associates is a consulting firm that specializes in learning and talent management.", the parts in italics are, respectively, a
A) defining relative clause and a defining relative clause.
B) defining relative clause and a non-defining relative clause.
C) non-defining relative clause and a non-defining relative clause.
D) non-defining relative clause and a defining relative clause.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
 Sentença 1: O pronome relativo THAT introduz → DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE(oração adjetiva restritiva) que modifica adjetivamente a expressão substantivada "The amount of information).
"The amount of information that I learned in medical school is minuscule"
(A quantidade de informação que aprendi na faculdade de medicina é minúscula)
 Sentença 2: O pronome relativo THAT introduz → DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE(oração adjetiva restritiva) que modifica adjetivamente a expressão substantivada "a consulting firm")..
"Bersin & Associates is a consulting firm that specializes in learning and talent management."
(A Bersin & Associates é uma empresa de consultoria especializada em aprendizado e gerenciamento de talentos.)
      Questão   11 
The sentences "We have had several male couples and lesbian couples come to our program from our competitors' program because they didn't feel comfortable there," and "what you've become a master in will not keep you valuable throughout the whole of your career" contain, respectively, a/an
A) adverb clause and adverb clause.
B) noun clause and adverb clause.
C) adjective clause and a noun clause.
D) adverb clause and a noun clause.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
TÓPICO - Questão sobre CLAUSES:
 Sentença 1: A conjunção adverbial BECAUSE introduz → ADVERB CLAUSE(oração adverbial).
"We have had several male couples and lesbian couples come to our program from our competitors' program because they didn't feel comfortable there,"
(Tivemos vários casais masculinos e casais de lésbicas vindo do programa de nossos concorrentes porque eles não se sentiam confortáveis lá)
 Sentença 2: O pronome WHAT introduz → NOUN CLAUSE(oração substantiva subjetiva) que funciona como sujeito.
"what you've become a master in will not keep you valuable throughout the whole of your career"
(o que te tem tornado um mestre não irá mantê-lo valioso durante toda a sua carreira)
     Questão   12 
The sentences "In their quest for a useful niche, they are turning to bite-size instructional videos, peer-to-peer forums and virtual college courses." and "The need to constantly adapt is the new reality for many workers, well beyond the information technology business." should be classified, respectively, as
A) simple and compound.
B) compound and simple.
C) simple and simple.
D) compound and compound.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C 
TÓPICO - Questão gramatical sobre CLAUSE:
 Sentença 1: é uma SIMPLE SENTENCE(oração simples) formada apenas por um SUJEITO + um VERBO.
"In their quest for a useful niche, they are turning to bite-size instructional videos, peer-to-peer forums and virtual college courses."
(Em sua busca por um nicho útil, eles estão recorrendo a vídeos didáticos pequenos, fóruns entre colegas e cursos universitários virtuais.)
 Sentença 2: é uma SIMPLE SENTENCE(oração simples) formada apenas por um SUJEITO + um VERBO.
"The need to constantly adapt is the new reality for many workers, well beyond the information technology business."
(A necessidade de se adaptar constantemente é a nova realidade para muitos trabalhadores, muito além do negócio de tecnologia da informação.)       Questão   13 
The sentences "We had this title Mobile Applications, and then we realized that it may not be apps in two years, it may be something else." and "Lynda Gratton, a professor of management practice at the London Business School, has coined a term for this necessity: 'serial mastery'." should be classified, respectively, as
A) simple and compound-complex.
B) compound and complex.
C) complex and complex.
D) compound-complex and simple.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
 Sentença 1: A conjunção AND interliga orações formando período composto por orações coordenadas. A conjunção THAT introduz uma oração substantiva objetiva direta(NOUN CLAUSE). Portanto, temos aqui um PERÍODO COMPLEXO(misto) formado por um PERÍODO COMPOSTO POR COORDENAÇÃO e um PERÍODO COMPOSTO POR SUBORDINAÇÃO. 
"We had this title Mobile Applications, and then we realized that it may not be apps in two years, it may be something else."
(Tivemos este título Mobile Applications e, em seguida, percebemos que talvez não sejam aplicativos em dois anos, pode ser outra coisa.)
 Sentença 2: é uma SIMPLE SENTENCE(oração simples) formada apenas por um SUJEITO + um VERBO. Portanto, trata-se de PERÍODO SÍMPLES. 
"Lynda Gratton, a professor of management practice at the London Business School, has coined a term for this necessity: 'serial mastery'."
(Lynda Gratton, professora de prática administrativa na London Business School, criou um termo para essa necessidade: "domínio serial".)       Questão   14 
The sentences "Car mechanics, librarians, doctors, Hollywood special effects designers are being forced to find new, more efficient ways to learn…" and "Individuals have also shouldered a lot of responsibility for their own upgrades." are, respectively, in the
A) passive voice and active voice.
B) active voice and passive voice.
C) passive voice and passive voice.
D) active voice and active voice.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    
TÓPICO - Questão sobre VOZES VERBAIS:ESTRUTURA DA PASSIVA(auxiliar TO BE + VP no particípio passado):
 Sentença 1: are being forced → PASSIVE VOICE.
"Car mechanics, librarians, doctors, Hollywood special effects designers are being forced to find new, more efficient ways to learn"
(Mecânicos de carros, bibliotecários, médicos, designers de efeitos especiais de Hollywood estão sendo forçados a encontrar maneiras novas e mais eficientes de aprender)
 Sentença 2: have also shouldered → ACTIVE VOICE.
"Individuals have also shouldered a lot of responsibility for their own upgrades."
(As pessoas também têm assumida muita responsabilidade por suas próprias atualizações.)
      Questão   15 
The sentences "This has given the clinic a competitive advantage." and "The base of individual customers has been growing 42 percent a year since 2008." are, respectively, in the
A) past perfect and present perfect.
B) present perfect passive and present perfect.
C) present perfect and present perfect passive.
D) present perfect and present perfect progressive.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
TÓPICO - Questão gramatical sobre VERB TENSES:
 Sentença 1: has given → PRESENT PERFECT.
"This has given the clinic a competitive advantage."
(Isso deu à clínica uma vantagem competitiva.)
 Sentença 2: has been growing → PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE.
"The base of individual customers has been growing 42 percent a year since 2008."
(A base de clientes individuais vem crescendo 42% ao ano desde 2008.)       Questão   16 
In the text, the function of the words retooling, turning, training, consulting, and stemming is respectively
A) verb, verb, adjective, adjective, and verb.
B) noun, verb, noun, adjective, and verb.
C) adjective, noun, verb, verb, and adjective.
D) verb, adjective, verb, noun, and noun.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
TÓPICO - Questão sobre o SUFIXO ING(que podem formar 03 classes de palavras):
 retooling(reequipar) → NOUN, funciona com sujeito do verbo "as retooling becomes..."
 turning(girando) → VERB(to turn).
 training(Treinamento) → NOUN, "".
 retooling(reequipando) → VERB.
 retooling(reequipando) → VERB.
 retooling(reequipando) → VERB.       Questão   17 
The sentences “Textbooks and even journals often lag too far behind the curve...” and “… technological advances and proprietary diagnostic tools had forced many garages to specialize.” are, respectively, in the
A) simple past and simple past.
B) present perfect and past perfect.
C) simple present and past perfect.
D) present continuous and present perfect.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    


In questions 18 to 20, complete the sentences with the appropriate structure.
      Questão   18 
If the company had met the requirements, it ____________ necessary to fire the employees.
A) will not be
B) would not have been
C) must not be
D) shall not been
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    


      Questão   19 
After leaving his job last year, Josh ______ a consulting business that is now very profitable.
A) started
B) will start
C) had been started
D) would have starting
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    


      Questão   20 
The instructional video would have been very efficient  f they _________ more examples.
A) have included
B) are including
C) had included
D) had been included
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    

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