sábado, 12 de setembro de 2020




• UnB-2016-PAS (Programa de Avaliação Seriada)-1ªETAPA-04/12/2016.

 09 (Nove) Questões do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula um acerto;
 1 MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) / 4 Options Each Question.

❑ TEXTO 1:

The action of Antigone follows on from the Theban civil war, in which the two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, died fighting each other for the throne of Thebes after Eteocles had refused to give up the crown to his brother as their father Oedipus had prescribed. Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, has declared that Eteocles is to be honoured and Polynices is to be disgraced by leaving his body unburied on the battlefield (a harsh and shameful punishment at the time). As the play begins, Antigone vows to bury her brother Polynices’ body in defiance of Creon’s edict, although her sister Ismene refuses to help her, fearing the death penalty. Creon, with the support of the Chorus of elders, repeats his edict regarding the disposal of Polynices’ body, but a fearful sentry enters to report that Antigone has in fact buried her brother’s body.
Internet: <www.ancient-literature.com> (adapted).
❑ QUESTIONÁRIOAccording to the text, judge the following items.

1 Antigone wished Polynices to be treated as Eteocles was. Antígona desejava que Polinices fosse tratada como Etéocles.(ERRADA)
2 Antigone succeeded in burying her brother. Antígona conseguiu enterrar o irmão dela.(CORRETA) 
3 Eteocles and Polynices became enemies because they both wanted to be Thebes’s king. Etéocles e Polinices tornaram-se inimigos porque ambos queriam ser o rei de Tebas.(CORRETA)
4 Oedipus wanted the throne to be taken by Eteocles. Édipo queria que o trono fosse assumido por Eteocles.(ERRADA)
5 The text reveals a conflict between a personal wish and a governmental decision. O texto revela um conflito entre um desejo pessoal e uma decisão governamental.(CORRETA)

❑ TEXTO 2:
Blindness is Saramago’s most powerful novel. It is a grim story of the barbarity, degeneracy, and overwhelming despair that overtakes a society in which every person but one goes blind, and all are trapped in some extreme political malevolence and transformed into brutish beasts floundering in the horror of that awful darkness of total blindness that visits all humanity held in some totalitarian vice. None of the characters in Blindness is given a name. There is the doctor and the doctor’s wife, the girl with the dark glasses, the old man with the black eyepatch, etc., written just like that, without even the dignity of initial capitals. Saramago pushes his characters to the limits of endurance to suggest that there is no bodily degradation that a person will not submit to in order to survive.
Internet: <www.dalkeyarchive.com> (adapted).
❑ QUESTIONÁRIOBased on the text, judge the following items.
6 Only some characters in Blindness behave as inhuman, as fierce persons. Apenas alguns personagens em Blindness se comportam como desumanos, como pessoas ferozes. (ERRADA)
7 No other Saramago’s novel is as powerful as Blindness. Nenhum outro romance de Saramago é tão poderoso quanto a Blindness.(CORRETA)
8 Blindness is a story where every person becomes unable to see. Blindness é uma história em que cada pessoa se torna incapaz de ver.(ERRADA)
9 Saramago shows in the novel that human survival is above any kind of physical degradation. Saramago mostra no romance que a sobrevivência humana está acima de qualquer tipo de degradação física.(CORRETA)
❑ TEXTO 3:

Internet: <www.memoriaviva.com.br> (adapted).
10 – (UnB-2016-PAS-1ª ETAPA)

Considering the charge on the left, it can be deduced that

(A) the voter trusts the politician whatever he promises him.
(B) the voter has improved his way of living since the first time he voted for this politician.
(C) the politician surely knows what to say to the voter.
(D) the voter claims for details to make up his mind whether to vote for the politician.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) the voter trusts the politician whatever he promises him.
(o eleitor confia no político tudo o que ele lhe promete.)
(B) the voter has improved his way of living since the first time he voted for this politician.
(o eleitor tem melhorado seu modo de vida desde a primeira vez que votou neste político.)
(C) the politician surely knows what to say to the voter.
(o político certamente sabe o que dizer ao eleitor.)
(D) the voter claims for details to make up his mind whether to vote for the politician.
(o eleitor pede detalhes para decidir se vai votar no político.)

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