segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2021

ESPM – 2011/2 – VESTIBULAR – LÍNGUA INGLESA – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – GABARITO E TEXTOS TRADUZIDOS.

 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1)  – | Corruption in India - A rotten state Graft is becoming a bigger problem—and the government should tackle it | |
➭ Text (2)  – | Solar Energy | |
➭ Text (3)  – | Tirinha | Calvin and Hobbes |

Corruption in India – A rotten state
Corrupção na Índia – Um estado podre
Graft is becoming a bigger problem – and the government should tackle it
A corrupção está se tornando um problema maior – e o governo deveria enfrentá-la

INDIANS’ anger over rising corruption has reached feverish levels.
A raiva dos INDIANOS relativamente ao aumento da corrupção atingiu níveis febris.

What people are calling a “season of scams”includes the alleged theft of billions by officials behind last year’s Common wealth games in Delhi;
Aquilo que as pessoas chamam de “temporada de fraudes” inclui o alegado roubo de milhares de milhões por parte dos funcionários responsáveis pelos jogos da riqueza comum do ano passado em Deli;

$40 billion in revenues lost from the crooked sale of 2G telecoms licences;and over $40 billion stolen in Uttar Pradesh alone from schemes subsidising food and fuel for the poor.
40 bilhões de dólares em receitas perdidas com a venda fraudulenta de licenças de telecomunicações 2G; e mais de 40 bilhões de dólares roubados, só em Uttar Pradesh, de esquemas que subsidiam alimentos e combustível para os pobres.

Foreign businessmen, who have slashed investment over the past year, rank graft as their biggest headache behind appalling infrastructure.
Os empresários estrangeiros, que reduziram o investimento ao longo do ano passado, classificam a corrupção como a maior dor de cabeça por detrás das terríveis infra-estruturas.

Now India’s anti-corruption chief has been forced out over,  well, corruption.
Agora, o chefe anti-corrupção da Índia foi forçado a sair por causa de, bem, corrupção.

Graft is hardly new in India: the Bofors scandal brought down the government in 1989.
A corrupção não é novidade na Índia: o escândalo Bofors derrubou o governo em 1989.

But there seems to be more ofit about than ever, if only because India is getting richer fast, and the faster the economy grows, the more chances arise for mind-boggling theft.
Mas parece haver mais disto do que nunca, até porque a Índia está ficando mais rica rapidamente, e quanto mais rápido a economia cresce, mais oportunidades surgem para roubos alucinantes.

The government says that in the next five-year plan period, which starts next year, $1trillion will be spent on roads, railways, ports and so on, with billions more on re-equipping the armed forces and welfare.
O governo diz que no próximo período do plano de cinco anos, que começa no próximo ano, 1 bilião de dólares será gasto em estradas, caminhos-de-ferro, portos e assim por diante, com mais milhares de milhões no reequipamento das forças armadas e na assistência social.

Add in an insatiable appetite for scarce land, water and minerals and a monsoon of bribes is forecast.
Acrescente-se um apetite insaciável pela escassa terra, água e minerais e prevê-se uma monção de subornos.

Some are inclined to shrug their shoulders.
Alguns tendem a encolher os ombros.

After all, corruption does not seem to be stopping India from growing.
Afinal, a corrupção não parece estar a impedir o crescimento da Índia.

Yet imagine how much better the country would be doing without it.
No entanto, imagine como o país estaria muito melhor sem ele.

Corruption raises costs not just to Indians, but also to the foreigners whose capital India needs.
A corrupção aumenta os custos não apenas para os indianos, mas também para os estrangeiros cujo capital a Índia necessita.

Thanks in part to those scandals, India’s stock market was the worst-performing outside the Muslim world over the past year.
Graças, em parte, a esses escândalos, o mercado de ações da Índia teve o pior desempenho fora do mundo muçulmano durante o ano passado.

To its credit, the government has begun to take actiona gainst powerful individuals.
Para seu crédito, o governo começou a agir contra indivíduos poderosos.

Maharashtra state’s chief minister was forced out over a property scandal.
O ministro-chefe do estado de Maharashtra foi forçado a demitir-se devido a um escândalo imobiliário.

Police have quizzed Suresh Kalmadi, the politician who ran the Common wealth games.
A polícia interrogou Suresh Kalmadi, o político que dirigia os jogos da riqueza comum.

Most strikingly, And imuthu Raja, the cabinet minister who over saw the 2G telecom licences, was arrested.
O mais surpreendente é que And imuthu Raja, o ministro que supervisionou as licenças de telecomunicações 2G, foi preso.
(Mar 10th 2011 |
41 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the main idea expressed by the text, it is correctto state that:
(a) people are willing to tackle the corruption issue.
(b) mighty individuals are being cracked down by local authorities.
(c) graft is widespread in India and bothers both the population and the business world.
(d) there are crooked transactions in India’s energy private sector.
(e) India’s rogue state has been seriously hitting the poor.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
According to the main idea expressed by the text, it is correctto state that:
 The alternative (A) suggests that : people are willing to tackle the corruption issue.(as pessoas estão dispostas a enfrentar o problema da corrupção.)
 The alternative (B) suggests that : mighty individuals are being cracked down by local authorities.(indivíduos poderosos estão sendo reprimidos pelas autoridades locais.)
 The alternative (C) suggests that : graft is widespread in India and bothers both the population and the business world.(A corrupção é generalizada na Índia e incomoda tanto a população quanto o mundo dos negócios.)
 That's right. Corruption raises costs not just to Indians, but also to the foreigners whose capital India needs.
 The alternative (D) suggests that : there are crooked transactions in India’s energy private sector.(existem transações tortuosas no setor privado de energia da Índia.)
 The alternative (E) suggests that : India’s rogue state has been seriously hitting the poor.(O estado desonesto da Índia tem atingido seriamente os pobres.)

42 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text:
(a) dishonesty was rated as the biggest hurdle in the corporative scenario.
(b) authorities were laid off because they attempted to fight corruption.
(c) the wealthier India becomes, the likelier it is to get rid of monkey businesses.
(d) the police is also involved in rotten schemes.
(e) India’s prime minister was sent to jail due to a telecom scandal.
 👍   Gabarito    A  
According to the text:
 The alternative (A) suggests that : dishonesty was rated as the biggest hurdle in the corporative scenario.(a desonestidade foi apontada como o maior obstáculo no cenário corporativo.)
 The alternative (B) suggests that : authorities were laid off because they attempted to fight corruption.(autoridades foram demitidas porque tentaram combater a corrupção.)
 The alternative (C) suggests that : the wealthier India becomes, the likelier it is to get rid of monkey businesses.(quanto mais rica a Índia se torna, mais provável é se livrar dos negócios ruins.)
 The alternative (D) suggests that : the police is also involved in rotten schemes.(a polícia também está envolvida em esquemas podres.)
 The alternative (E) suggests that : India’s prime minister was sent to jail due to a telecom scandal.(O primeiro-ministro da Índia foi enviado para a prisão devido a um escândalo de telecomunicações.)

43 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
A synonym for “yet”, underlined in the text in the third paragraph, in “Yet imagine how much better the country would be doing without it.” would be:
(a) therefore
(b) despite that
(c) due to
(d) instead of
(e) furthermore"
 👍   Gabarito    B  
◼ (a) therefore
 (b) despite that
◼ (c) due to
◼ (d) instead of
◼ (e) furthermore
[...] Despite that imagine how much better the country would be doing without it."(Apesar disso, imagine como o país estaria muito melhor sem ele.)

44 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
In “Some are inclined to shrug their shoulders.”, the expression, underlined in the text, in the third paragraph, “to shrug their shoulders” means:
(a) to discredit the government’s initiatives in curbingcorruption.
(b) to support the people’s discontent regarding a rogue state.
(c) to have faith in India’s development despite its scandals.
(d) to agree with India’s policy-making against graft.
(e) to overlook the illegal practices taking place in India.
 👍   Gabarito      

Solar Energy
Energia solar
From magnifying glasses to steam engines, scientists through the centuries have found innovative ways to harness the power of the sun.
Desde lupas a motores a vapor, os cientistas ao longo dos séculos encontraram formas inovadoras de aproveitar a energia do sol.

Converting more solar power into electricity is high on the political agenda in many countries,amid the push to find domestic energy sources that are less polluting than fossil fuels.
A conversão de mais energia solar em electricidade está no topo da agenda política em muitos países, no meio do esforço para encontrar fontes de energia nacionais que sejam menos poluentes do que os combustíveis fósseis.

Despite rapid growth in recent years, solar power accounts for less than 1 percent of United States electricity use.
Apesar do rápido crescimento nos últimos anos, a energia solar representa menos de 1% do consumo de eletricidade nos Estados Unidos.

Solar power is more entrenched in European countries such as Spain and Germany, which have promoted its development with strong incentives called feed-in tariffs,which require electric utilities to buy solar power at a high,fixed price.
A energia solar está mais enraizada em países europeus como Espanha e Alemanha, que promoveram o seu desenvolvimento com fortes incentivos chamados tarifas feed-in (TIF - pagamento de energias renováveis), que exigem que as concessionárias de energia comprem energia solar a um preço elevado e fixo.

In the United States, California is by far theleading solar state.
Nos Estados Unidos, a Califórnia é de longe o principal estado solar.

China has emerged as the world’s dominant producer of solar panels in the last two years.
A China emergiu como o produtor dominante mundial de painéis solares nos últimos dois anos.

It accounted for at least half the world’s production in 2010, and its market share is rising rapidly.
Ela foi responsável por pelo menos metade da produção mundial em 2010 e a sua quota de mercado está a aumentar rapidamente.

The United States accounts for $1.6 billion oft he world’s $29 billion market for solar panels; market analyses typically have not broken out military sales separately.
Os Estados Unidos respondem por 1,6 mil milhões de dólares dos 29 mil milhões de dólares do mercado mundial de painéis solares; as análises de mercado normalmente não detalham as vendas militares separadamente.

The perception that Beijing unfairly subsidizes the Chinese solar industry to the detriment of American companies and other foreign competitors has drawn concernin Congress.
A percepção de que Pequim subsidia injustamente a indústria solar chinesa, em detrimento das empresas americanas e de outros concorrentes estrangeiros, suscitou preocupação no Congresso.

The issue of clean-energy subsidies is also atthe heart of a trade investigation under way by the Obama administration, which plans to bring a case against China before the World Trade Organization.
A questão dos subsídios às energias limpas também está no centro de uma investigação comercial em curso pela administração Obama, que planeja levar um caso contra a China à Organização Mundial do Comércio.

And a little noticed Buy American provision, createdmainly by House and Senate conferees during a flurry of activity at the end of the lame-duck session of Congress in December 2010, prevents the Defense Department from buying Chinese-made solar panels — a measure that is likely to dismay Chinese officials.
E uma disposição pouco notada da Buy American, criada principalmente por conferencistas da Câmara e do Senado durante uma enxurrada de atividades no final da sessão manca do Congresso em dezembro de 2010, impede o Departamento de Defesa de comprar painéis solares fabricados na China - uma medida que é provavelmente desanimará as autoridades chinesas.
(Jan. 10, 2011 |
45 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text:
(a) All countries are searching for alternative ways to replace fossil fuels.
(b) Most of the American energy sources come from the sun.
(c) Spain and Germany have both banned solar power.
(d) Man has long been trying to submit sun power to theirwill.
(e) The Spanish and the Germans find it very useful buyingsolar energy.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
According to the text:
(a) All countries are searching for alternative ways to replace fossil fuels. – Todos os países procuram formas alternativas de substituir os combustíveis fósseis.
(b) Most of the American energy sources come from the sun. – A maioria das fontes de energia americanas vem do sol.
(c) Spain and Germany have both banned solar power. – Espanha e Alemanha proibiram a energia solar.
(d) Man has long been trying to submit sun power to their will. – O homem há muito tempo experimenta submeter a energia solar à sua vontade.
(e) The Spanish and the Germans find it very useful buyingsolar energy. – Os espanhóis e os alemães consideram muito útil comprar energia solar.

"[...] From magnifying glasses to steam engines, scientists through the centuries have found innovative ways to harness the power of the sun."
Desde lupas a motores a vapor, os cientistas ao longo dos séculos encontraram formas inovadoras de aproveitar a energia do sol.

46 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text:
(a) The US is leading the solar panels production in the world.
(b) China has been the greatest producer of solar powerl ately.
(c) California is far from topping the rank in solar energy in the US.
(d) China is responsible for up to half the planet’s solar power.
(e) Europe deploys sun power because of their government’s policy.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
According to the text:
De acordo com o texto:
(a) The US is leading the solar panels production in the world. – Os EUA lideram a produção de painéis solares no mundo. (China lidera)
(b) China has been the greatest producer of solar power lately. – A China é o maior produtor de energia solar no mundo ultimamente.
(c) California is far from topping the rank in solar energy in the US. – A Califórnia está longe de liderar o ranking em energia solar nos EUA. (Nos Estados Unidos, a Califórnia é EVIDENTE o principal estado solar.)
(d) China is responsible for up to half the planet’s solar power. – A China é responsável por até metade da energia solar do planeta. (A China lfoi responsável por pelo menos metade da produção mundial em 2010 e a sua quota de mercado está a aumentar rapidamente.)
(e) Europe deploys sun power because of their government’s policy. – A Europa utiliza energia solar devido à política do seu governo. (INFORMAÇÃO EXTRAPOLADA DO TEXTO)

"[...] China has emerged as the world’s dominant producer of solar panels in the last two years."
A China emergiu como o produtor dominante mundial de painéis solares nos últimos dois anos.

47 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
The pronoun “it” in “It accounted for at least half the world’sproduction in 2010, and its market share is rising rapidly.”,underlined in the text, refers to:
(a) China
(b) the world’s dominant producer
(c) solar panels
(d) solar power
(e) the last two years
 👍   Gabarito    A  
- "[...] China has emerged as the world’s dominant producer of solar panels in the last two years. It accounted for at least half the world’s production in 2010, and its market share is rising rapidly."
- A China emergiu como o produtor dominante mundial de painéis solares nos últimos dois anos. Ela (China) é responsável por pelo menos metade da produção mundial em 2010 e a sua quota de mercado está  aumentando rapidamente.

48 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text, we can infer that:
(a) the Chinese are funding foreign energy companies ratherthan their own.
(b) the US is being investigated due to its government’senergy sector policy.
(c) the Chinese are being charged with unfair competition inthe WTO by the Americans.
(d) the American procedure is likely to shake the Chinese up.
(e) the newly-elected American congressmen reacted issuinga protective measure against the Chinese last December.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
According to the text, we can infer that:
De acordo com o texto, podemos inferir que:
(a) the Chinese are funding foreign energy companies ratherthan their own.  – os chineses estão financiando empresas energéticas estrangeiras em vez das suas próprias.
(b) the US is being investigated due to its government’senergy sector policy.  – os EUA estão sendo investigados devido à política do seu governo no setor energético.
(c) the Chinese are being charged with unfair competition inthe WTO by the Americans.  – os chineses estão sendo acusados de concorrência desleal na OMC pelos americanos.
(d) the American procedure is likely to shake the Chinese up.  – o procedimento americano provavelmente abalará os chineses.
(e) the newly-elected American congressmen reacted issuinga protective measure against the Chinese last December.  – os recém-eleitos congressistas americanos reagiram emitindo uma medida protetiva contra os chineses em dezembro passado.

- "[...] And a little noticed Buy American provision, createdmainly by House and Senate conferees during a flurry of activity at the end of the lame-duck session of Congress in December 2010, prevents the Defense Department from buying Chinese-made solar panels — a measure that is likely to dismay Chinese officials. "
E uma disposição pouco notada da Buy American, criada principalmente por conferencistas da Câmara e do Senado durante uma enxurrada de atividades no final da sessão manca do Congresso em dezembro de 2010, impede o Departamento de Defesa de comprar painéis solares fabricados na China - uma medida que é provavelmente desanimará as autoridades chinesas.

(November 18, 1985 
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson)
➭ What's up today? – O que há hoje?
➭ Nothing so far. – Nada até agora.
➭ So far? – Até agora?
➭ Well... You never know something could happen today. – Bem... Nunca se sabe o que algo pode acontecer atualmente.
➭ And if anything does, by Golly, I'm going to ready for it. – E se alguma coisa acontecer, juro, estarei pronto para isso.
➭ I need a suit like that. – Preciso de um terno assim.

49 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
Turning the third frame of the strip into the third conditional,we would have:
(a) “And if anything had been, by Golly, I would have beenready for it!”
(b) “And if anything happened, by Golly, I’d be ready for it!”
(c) “And if anything did, by Golly, I would be ready for it!”
(d) “And if anything had happened, by Golly, I’d be ready for it!”
(e) “And had anything happened, by Golly, I’d have been ready for it!”
 👍   Gabarito    X  
Turning the third frame of the strip into the third conditional,we would have:
Transformando o terceiro quadro da tira na terceira condicional, teríamos:
(a) “And if anything had been, by Golly, I would have beenready for it!”
(b) “And if anything happened, by Golly, I’d be ready for it!”
(c) “And if anything did, by Golly, I would be ready for it!”
(d) “And if anything had happened, by Golly, I’d be ready for it!”
(e) “And had anything happened, by Golly, I’d have been ready for it!”

➭ Nas orações condicionais tipo 3:
1) A oração condicional "if" utiliza o "past perfect", e a oração principal utiliza o "perfect conditional".
2) Na tirinha, a IF-CLAUSE utiliza o verbo TO HAPPEN a MAIN-CLAUSE utiliza o verbo TO BE. Logo, a mesma sentença agora na 3ª condicional ficaria assim:
- “And if anything had happened, by Golly, I’d have been ready for it!”
➭ NOTAS IMPORTANTES: Segundo a banca, a resposta é a alternativa (E). Entretanto, a questão deve ser anulada por dois motivos:
1) Não deveria ser omitida a conjunção IF na IF-CLAUSE da alternativa (E) dada como correta. 
2) O pronome "anything" não pode ser posicionado entre o verbo auxiliar HAD e o PAST PERFECT na IF-CLAUSE da alternativa (E) dada como correta. .

50 – (ESPM-2011/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the comic strip:
(a) Calvin’s mom is concerned about his safety.
(b) Calvin intends to attend a fancy dress ball.
(c) Calvin’s mom reckoned her son might have a point.
(d) Calvin doesn’t want anything bad happening to his mom.
(e) Calvin’s mom envies her son’s ingenuity.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
According to the comic strip:
De acordo com a história em quadrinhos:
(a) Calvin’s mom is concerned about his safety. – A mãe de Calvin está preocupada com a segurança dele.
(b) Calvin intends to attend a fancy dress ball. –  Calvin pretende comparecer a um baile à fantasia.
(c) Calvin’s mom reckoned her son might have a point. – A mãe de Calvin avaliou que seu filho poderia ter razão.
(d) Calvin doesn’t want anything bad happening to his mom. – Calvin não quer que nada de ruim aconteça com sua mãe. 
(e) Calvin’s mom envies her son’s ingenuity. –  A mãe de Calvin inveja a engenhosidade do filho.

➭ IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: De acordo com a tirinha, a mãe de Calvin ao dizer "I need a suit like that." avaliou que seu filho poderia ter razão. ao reconhecer a necessidade de uma vestimenta como a de seu filho, diante da possibilidade de alguma coisa acontecer

domingo, 30 de maio de 2021

IF-SE-2018/2-VESTIBULAR 2º Semestre do Instituto Federal de Sergipe - Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

 Welcome back to another post!

 Instituto Federal de Sergipe.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
It consists of 05 multiple-choice questions(A,B,C,D).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [ = ]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English and so on):
• [ = ]
[ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
TEXTO I: As questões de 36 a 38 referem-se ao texto abaixo. Leia-o atentamente e responda ao que se pede.
Stephen Hawking
Dies at 76;
His Mind Roamed the Cosmos

A physicist and best-selling author, Dr. Hawking did not allow his physical limitations to hinder his quest to answer “the big question: Where did the universe come from?”
Stephen W. Hawking, the Cambridge University physicist and best-selling author who roamed the cosmos from a wheelchair, pondering the nature of gravity and the origin of the universe and becoming an emblem of human determination and curiosity, died early Wednesday at his home in Cambridge, England. He was 76.
His death was confirmed by a spokesman for Cambridge University.
“Not since Albert Einstein has a scientist so captured the public imagination and endeared himself to tens of millions of people around the world” Michio Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York, said in an interview.
Dr. Hawking did that largely through his book “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes,” published in 1988. It has sold more than 10 million copies and inspired a documentary film by Errol Morris. The 2014 film about his life, “The Theory of Everything” was nominated for several Academy Awards and Eddie Redmayne, who played Dr. Hawking, won the Oscar for best actor.
Scientifically, Dr. Hawking will be best remembered for a discovery so strange that it might be expressed in the form of a Zen koan: When is a black hole not black? When it explodes.
What is equally amazing is that he had a career at all. As a graduate student in 1963, he learned he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neuromuscular wasting disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was given only a few years to live.
The disease reduced his bodily control to the flexing of a finger and voluntary eye movements but left his mental faculties untouched.
He went on to become his generation’s leader in exploring gravity and the properties of black holes, the bottomless gravitational pits so deep and dense that not even light can escape them.
That work led to a turning point in modern physics, playing itself out in the closing months of 1973 on the walls of his brain when Dr. Hawking set out to apply quantum theory, the weird laws that govern subatomic reality, to black holes. In a long and daunting calculation, Dr. Hawking discovered to his befuddlement that black holes — those mythological avatars of cosmic doom — were not really black at all. In fact, he found, they would eventually fizzle, leaking radiation and particles, and finally explode and disappear over the eons.
/2018/03/14/obituaries/stephenhawking-dead.html. Adapted)
36. Marque um X na alternativa CORRETA.
a) Stephen Hawking foi mais importante do que Albert Einstein em suas teorias científicas.
b) Stephen Hawking estudou exclusivamente as propriedades dos buracos negros.
c) Dr. Hawking viveu menos do que a expectativa apresentada pelos médicos.
d) De acordo com Dr. Hawking, um buraco negro não é negro quando ele explode.
37. Leia as proposições abaixo.
Marque a opção que corresponda à sequência de alternativas CORRETAS.
I. Stephen Hawking nasceu por volta de 1942.
II. “Spokesman” pode ser traduzido como “porta-voz”.
III. Hawking foi o único teórico da sua geração a falar da gravidade e das propriedades do buraco negro.
IV. Os buracos negros podem eventualmente vazar radiação, partículas, explodir e por fim desaparecerem.
a) I e II.
b) I e III.
c) I, II e IV.
d) II, III e IV.
38. Na frase ... “who played Dr. Hawking” (4º parágrafo), o pronome relativo “Who” refere-se a:
a) Stephen Hawking.
b) Lou Gehrig.
c) Errol Morris.
d) Eddie Redmayne.
"[...] The 2014 film about his life, “The Theory of Everything” was nominated for several Academy Awards and Eddie Redmayne, who played Dr. Hawking, won the Oscar for best actor."
TEXTO IIAs questões 39 e 40 referem-se ao texto a seguir:
Brazil Protests Execution of Rights Activist Marielle Franco

While the World Social Forum is taking place in Brazil this week, thousands of Brazilians marched to protest the execution of Marielle Franco, a prominent social leader, human rights activist and councilwoman.

Franco was shot and killed in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday night by unknown gunmen along with her driver Anderson Pedro Gomes, while her advisor was injured.

Being a young Black Brazilian who grew up in a favela, Franco became one of Brazil's prominent defenders of human rights, focusing on the impoverished favelas that are often the target of gang and militias violence.

The day before she was murdered, Marielle complained about the violence in the city in a post on her personal Twitter account. In the post, she questioned the action of the Military Police. "One more homicide of a young man who may be coming in for the PM's account... How many more will have to die for this war to end?"
( 0010.html. Adapted)
39. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
a) Simultaneamente ao Fórum Social Mundial ocorrem protestos contra o assassinato da vereadora Marielle Franco, no Rio de Janeiro.
b) O vocábulo “injured” (2º parágrafo) dá ideia de ofensa, de injustiça.
c) No dia anterior a sua morte, Marielle Franco falou sobre a violência e as ações da Polícia Militar.
d) O termo “grew up” pode ser entendido como “cresceu”.
a) Simultaneamente ao Fórum Social Mundial ocorrem protestos contra o assassinato da vereadora Marielle Franco, no Rio de Janeiro.
b) O vocábulo “injured” (2º parágrafo) dá ideia de ofensa, de injustiça.
c) No dia anterior a sua morte, Marielle Franco falou sobre a violência e as ações da Polícia Militar.
d) O termo “grew up” pode ser entendido como “cresceu”.
40. Os verbos destacados abaixo estão conjugados no passado simples. Observe as alternativas e assinale a opção em que a sequência dos verbos corresponda à sua forma normal.
a) March- grow- become.
b) March- grew- become.
c) March- grown-become.
d) Marched- grow-become.
➧ Question that addresses the base form(or normal form) of verbs.
a) March- grow- become.
b) March- grew- become.
c) March- grown-become.
d) Marched- grow-become.
 MARCHED is a form of the regular verb TO MARCH(march, marched, marched) whose base form is MARCH.
 GREW is a form of the irregular verb TO GROW(grow, grew, grown) whose base form is GROW.
 BECAME is a form of the irregular verb TO BECOME(become, became, become) whose base form is BECOME.

sábado, 29 de maio de 2021

UECE-2018-SEDUC/CE-PROFESSOR LÍNGUA INGLESA - CONCURSO PÚBLICO Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará - Prova com gabarito.

 Welcome back to another post!


➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORUniversidade Estadual do Ceará - Comissão Executiva do Vestibular -

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 50 questões do tipo múltipla escolha (A,B,C,D,E).


01-D, 02-A, 03-C, 04-A, 05-B
06-C, 07-D, 08-A, 09-B, 10-C
11-B, 12-A, 13-D, 14-C, 15-B
16-A, 17-B, 18-A, 19-D, 20-C
21-A, 22-D, 23-B, 24-A, 25-C
26-D, 27-A, 28-B, 29-D, 30-A
31-D, 32-C, 33-A, 34-C, 35-A
36-B, 37-D, 38-C, 39-B, 40-A
41-D, 42-C, 43-B, 44-D, 45-A
46-C, 47-B, 48-D, 49-A, 50-C


Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers

Teaching English is no easy feat. With a variety of different skill levels in every classroom, teachers must employ effective strategies that allow each student to learn the material. Whether the class focuses on literature, grammar, or language skills, these teaching strategies will come in handy for many English teachers.

Vocabulary building.

This is an important component of any English class. This strategy focuses a portion of each classroom session on building a better vocabulary. Teachers can ask students to point out unfamiliar words and go over the meanings in class or use interactive vocabulary-building exercises which relate to the class’s reading material.

Writer’s Workshop.

Have students participate in a writer’s workshop several times each year. The writing workshop model created by Lucy Calkins, founder of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, allows students to learn about and participate in all aspects of the writing process: drafting, revision, editing and publishing.

Peer Response and editing.

This can be a very valuable teaching strategy for both the teacher and the student, and there are many peer response strategies to try in class. Students get a chance to think critically about others’ writing and see the results their classmates got from a writing assignment. In addition, teachers can observe how different students learn and what strategies might work better in the future.

Cooperative Learning.

This learning strategy is useful for English teachers who incorporate literature into their classroom. Cooperative learning requires students to discuss a piece of literature in small groups. By allowing the students to engage in meaningful discussion, they begin to learn to analyze literature and participate in an educational process that they will find more interesting than a general lecture on a chapter in a book.

Student-chosen texts.

Depending __(31)__  the grade level __(32)__  and the type of material assigned based __(33)__  the curriculum plan, English teachers will have to try one or more of the __(34)__  strategies to make __(35)__ classroom work. The same __(36)__  may not work from year to year, and teachers __(37)__  find that while one strategy works for one teacher, it does not work in their classroom. English teachers who __(38)__ flexible and willing to experiment __(39)__ teaching strategies __(40)__ sure to find a winning formula.
Extracted from:

QUESTIONS (01-10): Mark the option that correctly completes the numbered blanks (01–10) in Text I.


A) in
B) of
C) at
D) on

* The alternative (A) suggests that "Depending IN the grade level".
* The alternative (B) suggests that "Depending OF the grade level".
* The alternative (C) suggests that "Depending AT the grade level".
* The alternative (D) suggests that "Depending ON the grade level"(Dependendo do nível de graduação escolar).
➧ DEPEND ON(depender de, contar com) is a phrasal verb and it means be determined by(ser determinado por), it means to trust someone or something(confiar em alguém ou algo, contar com alguém ou algo).
- depending on the product.(dependendo do produto);
- depending on the weather(dependendo do tempo);
- depending on the vessel(dependendo da embarcação).
- depending on the circumstances(dependendo das circunstâncias).
- depending on many factors(dependendo de muitos fatores).
- depending on customer(dependendo do cliente).
- depending on your needs(dependendo de suas necessidades.).
depending on the type of rented vehicle(dependendo do tipo de veículo alugado.).
- Never depend on anyone but yourself.(Nunca dependa de ninguém exceto de você mesmo!) 


A) taught
B) teaches
C) teach
D) will teach

* The alternative (A) suggests that "Depending on the grade level TAUGHT".(Dependendo do nível de graduação ENSINADO)
* The alternative (B) suggests that "Depending on the grade level TEACHES".
* The alternative (C) suggests that "Depending on the grade level TEACH".
* The alternative (D) suggests that "Depending on the grade level WILL TEACH".
➧ Question that addresses the PAST PARTICIPLE used as a verb.
➧ In this case, the verb is TO TEACH(teach, taught, taught) and the past participle is TAUGHT.


A) in
B) at
C) on
D) for

* The alternative (A) suggests that "Depending on the grade level taught and the type of material assigned based IN the curriculum plan,"
* The alternative (B) suggests that "Depending on the grade level taught and the type of material assigned based AT the curriculum plan,"
* The alternative (C) suggests that "Depending on the grade level taught and the type of material assigned based ON the curriculum plan,"(Dependendo do nível de ensino ministrado e do tipo de material atribuído com base no plano curricular, ")
* The alternative (D) suggests that "Depending on the grade level taught and the type of material assigned based FOR the curriculum plan,"
➧ Question that addresses the adjective BASED ON(baseado, com base em).
based on current campaigns.(com base nas campanhas atuais);
based on online images.(baseado em imagens online);
based on expert rules.(com base em regras de especialistas);
based on their interests and goals.(com base em seus interesses e objetivos.)
based on previous protocols.(com base em protocolos anteriores.)
- based on customer need.(com base na necessidade do cliente)
based on the information provided.(com base na informação fornecida)


A) above
B) over
C) under
D) beside

* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the ABOVE strategies".
* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the OVER strategies".
* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the UNDER strategies".
* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the BESIDE strategies".
 With the noun STRATEGIES, we can have "over the strategies" or "The strategies over". The structure" the over strategies "is grammatically inadequate and morphologically it does not make sense.
The strategies over the next year.(As estratégias para o próximo ano.)
- The strategies over the long-term.(As estratégias de longo prazo.)
The strategies over the last three years.(As estratégias nos últimos três anos)
 With the noun STRATEGIES, we can have "under the strategies" or "The strategies under". The structure" the under strategies "is grammatically inadequate and morphologically it does not make sense.
- The strategies under the public policies.;(As estratégias no âmbito das políticas públicas.)
The strategies under a model of best business practices.(as estratégias sob um modelo de melhores práticas de negócios.)
 With the noun STRATEGIES, we can have "besides the strategies". The structure" the beside strategies "is grammatically inadequate and morphologically it does not make sense.
Besides the above strategies.(Além das estratégias acima);
- Besides implementing the strategies.(Além de implementar as estratégias);
➧ PAY ATTENTION: beside(ao lado de) x besides(além, além do mais, além disso).


A) his
B) their
C) your
D) her

➧ Question that addresses the use of THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their).
* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the above strategies to make HIS classroom work."
* The alternative (B) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the above strategies to make THEIR classroom work."(Os professores de inglês terão que tentar uma ou mais das estratégias acima para fazer a sala de aula DELES funcionar.)
* The alternative (C) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the above strategies to make YOUR classroom work."
* The alternative (D) suggests that "English teachers will have to try one or more of the above strategies to make HER classroom work."
➧ Remember, the possessive adjectives always form a noun phrase indicating some possession or property, and they grammatically agree with the subject of the sentence.
➧ Option (B) is correct because it suggests the possessive adjective THEIR that grammatically agrees with the plural subject "English teachers".


A) test
B) work
C) strategy
D) example

➧ Question that addresses the contextual use of noun.
* The alternative (A) suggests that "The same TEST may not work from year to year,"
* The alternative (B) suggests that "The same WORK may not work from year to year,"
* The alternative (C) suggests that "The same STRATEGY may not work from year to year,"(A mesma ESTRATÉGIA pode não funcionar de ano para ano,)
* The alternative (D) suggests that "The same EXAMPLE may not work from year to year,"


A) should
B) can
C) must
D) may

➧ Question that addresses the contextual use of modal verbs.
* The alternative (A) suggests that "The same strategy  may not work from year to year, and teachers SHOULD find that while one strategy works for one teacher,"
* The alternative (B) suggests that "The same strategy  may not work from year to year, and teachers CAN find that while one strategy works for one teacher,"
* The alternative (C) suggests that "The same strategy  may not work from year to year, and teachers MUST find that while one strategy works for one teacher,"
* The alternative (D) suggests that "The same strategy  may not work from year to year, and teachers MAY find that while one strategy works for one teacher,"(A mesma estratégia pode não funcionar de ano para ano, e os professores PODEM descobrir que, embora uma estratégia funcione para um professor,)


A) are
B) is
C) will be
D) can be

* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers who ARE flexible and willing to experiment"(Professores de inglês que SÃO flexíveis e dispostos a experimentar)
* The alternative (B) suggests that "English teachers who IS flexible and willing to experiment"
* The alternative (C) suggests that "English teachers who WILL BE flexible and willing to experiment"
* The alternative (D) suggests that "English teachers who CAN BE flexible and willing to experiment"
➧ The contextual time of the sentence is in the PRESENT TENSE.


A) to
B) with
C) over
D) in

* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment TO teaching strategies".
* The alternative (B) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment WITH teaching strategies".(Professores de inglês que são flexíveis e dispostos a experimentar COM estratégias de ensino)
* The alternative (C) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment OVER teaching strategies".
* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment IN teaching strategies".
➧ The contextual time of the sentence is in the PRESENT TENSE.


A) is
B) will be
C) are
D) can be

* The alternative (A) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment with teaching strategies IS sure to find a winning formula."
* The alternative (B) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment with teaching strategies WILL BE sure to find a winning formula."
* The alternative (C) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment with teaching strategies ARE sure to find a winning formula."(Professores de inglês que são flexíveis e dispostos a experimentar estratégias de ensino COM certeza encontram uma fórmula vencedora.)
* The alternative (D) suggests that "English teachers who are flexible and willing to experiment with teaching strategies CAN BE sure to find a winning formula."


After reading the first paragraph, it is correct to say teaching English is

A) a skillful job.
B) a thorny task.
C) an invaluable work.
D) an untrustworthy activity.

➧ After reading the first paragraph, it is correct to say teaching English is...(Depois de ler o primeiro parágrafo, é correto dizer que ensinar inglês é ...)
A) a skillful job.(um trabalho habilidoso.)
B) a thorny task.(uma tarefa espinhosa.)
C) an invaluable work.(um trabalho inestimável.)
D) an untrustworthy activity.(uma atividade não confiável.)


The linking expression “In addition” (lines 31- 32)

can be used as a synonym for

A) besides.
B) mostly.
C) similarly.
D) otherwise.

A) besides.(= in addition, moreover, furthermore)
B) mostly.(= mainly, primarily)
C) similarly.(=in like manner)
D) otherwise.(= contrariwise)


The sentences that compose the missing paragraph Student-chosen texts (See “MISSING PARAGRAPH”.) are all scrambled below.

Number them (1-5) in the correct order. Care for coherence and cohesion.

(  ) Teachers who use this strategy find that it can lead to a classroom that is engaged with literature.
(  ) Students are given a choice of literature from an age- and reading level-appropriate book collection.
(  ) Allowing students to choose their own reading materials is a strategy that literacy specialists recommend as a way to develop lifelong readers.
(  ) After a period of independent reading, students break into groups and discuss what they’ve read, book club-style, followed by journaling.
(  ) When this strategy is successful, students are able to delve deeply into the meaning of the literature, develop critiquing skills, and have a valuable discussion with their classmates about the book that they chose. The correct sequence downwards is

A) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5.
B) 4, 2, 5, 1, 3.
C) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.
D) 5, 2, 1, 3, 4.


The word “might” (line 33) is used to convey the idea of
A) permission.
B) necessity.
C) possibility.
D) ability.


Read the following sentences:

I. “This can be a very valuable teaching strategy for both the teacher and the student, …” (lines 25-27).

II. “In addition, teachers can observe how different students learn and what strategies might work better in the future (lines. 31- 34).

III. “…they will find more interesting than a general lecture on a chapter in a book” (ls. 43-45).

Considering the sentences above, it is correct to say that there are examples of comparative forms of adjectives in

A) I, II and III.
B) II and III.
C) I and II.
D) I and III.



The option in which the relative pronoun can be omitted without causing any change to either the sentence structure or meaning is

A) “… they begin to learn to analyze literature and participate in an educational process that they will find more interesting than a general lecture on a chapter in a book” (lines 41-45).
B) “… or use interactive vocabulary-building exercises which relate to the class’s reading material” (lines 14-16).
C) “This learning strategy is useful for English teachers who incorporate literature into their classroom” (lines 35-37).
D) “…teachers must employ effective strategies that allow each student to learn the material” (lines 3-5).


Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
Jean M. Twenge

More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials, also called iGeners or iGens, are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they are on the brink of a mental-health crisis.

Born between 1995 and 2012, members of this generation are growing up with smartphones, have an Instagram account before they start high school, and do not remember a time before the Internet. The Millennials grew up with the web as well, but it wasn’t ever-present in their lives, at hand at all times. iGen’s oldest members were early adolescents when the iPhone was introduced, in 2007, and high-school students when the iPad entered the scene, in 2010. The arrival of the smartphone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers’ lives, from the nature of their social interactions to their mental health. Numerous pieces of evidence suggest that social media has an adverse effect on their users as it is associated with outcomes like depression and loneliness. In fact, the statistics are shruging: in 2011 the suicide rate surpassed the rate of teen homicide for the first time in almost three decades. These changes have affected young people in every corner of the nation and in every type of household. Where there are cell towers, there are teens living their lives on their smartphones.
Compiled from: s-the-smartphone-destroyed-a-generation/534198/and


Text II is mainly about

A) the unexpected twin rise of smartphones and social media.
B) the negative effects constant Internet access has on teenagers’ mental well-being.
C) the iGeners’ scarcity of real-life interactions.
D) Millennials’ mental health crises.

➧ Text II is MAINLY about (Texto II é principalmente sobre)...
A) the unexpected twin rise of smartphones and social media.(o surgimento inesperado de smartphones e mídias sociais.)
B) the negative effects constant Internet access has on teenagers’ mental well-being.(os efeitos negativos que o acesso constante à Internet tem sobre o bem-estar mental dos adolescentes.)
C) the iGeners’ scarcity of real-life interactions.(a escassez de interações na vida real dos iGeners.)
D) Millennials’ mental health crises.(as crises de saúde mental da geração dos milênios.)


Mark the option that is in agreement with Dr. Twenge’s work.

A) I do think that the concerns Twenge raises are valid. I have her same concerns. I constantly hear from parents who are struggling with their own version of these problems: Teens who are too busy online to come out of their room. Young adults who may be remarkably adept in front of a computer, but lack some of the practical life skills they’ll need when they stop away from the keyboard.
B) Twenge reviews only those studies that support her idea and ignores studies that suggest that screen use is not associated with outcomes like depression and loneliness or that suggest that active social media use is actually associated with positive outcomes like resilience.
C) The studies Twenge reviews largely ignore social contexts and how people differ, instead reporting only average effects and correlations. Twenge should have taken into account these sorts of factors to maybe conclude that "moderate use of digital technology is not intrinsically harmful and may be advantageous in a connected world” just as Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein did.
D) There is no plausible reason to think that smartphones and social media may have only negative effects on kids. Kristelle Lavallee, Content Strategist at the Center on Media and Child Health out of Boston Children's Hospital, told me in an interview about many of the beneficial effects of social media on adolescent development.
➧ Mark the option that is in agreement with Dr. Twenge’s work.(Marque a opção que está de acordo com o trabalho do Dr. Twenge.)...
A) I do think that the concerns Twenge raises are valid. I have her same concerns. I constantly hear from parents who are struggling with their own version of these problems: Teens who are too busy online to come out of their room. Young adults who may be remarkably adept in front of a computer, but lack some of the practical life skills they’ll need when they stop away from the keyboard.(Acho que as preocupações levantadas por Twenge são válidas. Eu tenho as mesmas preocupações dela. Sempre ouço os pais que estão lutando com sua própria versão desses problemas: Adolescentes que estão muito ocupados on-line para sair do quarto. Jovens adultos que podem ser notavelmente hábeis na frente de um computador, mas não possuem algumas das habilidades práticas para a vida de que precisam quando param longe do teclado.)
B) Twenge reviews only those studies that support her idea and ignores studies that suggest that screen use is not associated with outcomes like depression and loneliness or that suggest that active social media use is actually associated with positive outcomes like resilience.
C) The studies Twenge reviews largely ignore social contexts and how people differ, instead reporting only average effects and correlations. Twenge should have taken into account these sorts of factors to maybe conclude that "moderate use of digital technology is not intrinsically harmful and may be advantageous in a connected world” just as Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein did.
D) There is no plausible reason to think that smartphones and social media may have only negative effects on kids. Kristelle Lavallee, Content Strategist at the Center on Media and Child Health out of Boston Children's Hospital, told me in an interview about many of the beneficial effects of social media on adolescent development.


After reading the text, it is correct to say Dr. Twenge argues that

A) lack of interaction leads teens to experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness than seen in prior generations.
B) iGeners’ socialization skills and wants for the future have taken a turn towards an atypical, yet safe route.
C) technology is amplifying teens’ intelligence, productivity and ambient awareness of each other’s worlds.
D) smartphones are the most likely cause behind the sudden increases in mental health issues among teens.

A) lack of interaction leads teens to experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness than seen in prior generations.(a falta de interação leva os adolescentes a experimentar níveis mais elevados de ansiedade, depressão e solidão do que os vistos nas gerações anteriores.)
B) iGeners’ socialization skills and wants for the future have taken a turn towards an atypical, yet safe route.(As habilidades de socialização do iGeners e os desejos para o futuro deram uma guinada em direção a um caminho atípico, mas seguro.)
C) technology is amplifying teens’ intelligence, productivity and ambient awareness of each other’s worlds.(a tecnologia está ampliando a inteligência, a produtividade e a consciência ambiental dos outros mundos.)
D) smartphones are the most likely cause behind the sudden increases in mental health issues among teens.(smartphones são a causa mais provável por trás do aumento repentino de problemas de saúde mental entre os adolescentes.)


iGen teens ____________

I. have a digital bond to the Internet.

II. have been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology in their upbringing.

III. belong to the first generation to have always had Internet technology readily available.

According to the text, the sentence above can be correctly completed with the elements in

A) I and II only.
B) II and III only.
C) I, II and III.
D) I and III only.

* The sentence (I) suggests that "iGen teens have a digital bond to the Internet."(Os adolescentes iGen têm um vínculo digital com a Internet.)
* The sentence (II) suggests that "iGen teens have been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology in their upbringing."(Os adolescentes iGen foram expostos a uma quantidade sem precedentes de tecnologia em sua educação.)
* The sentence (III) suggests that "iGen teens belong to the first generation to have always had Internet technology readily available."(Os adolescentes iGen pertencem à primeira geração que sempre teve a tecnologia da Internet disponível.)


iGeners are ______________________.

I. likely to be called ‘technology dependent’

II. familiar with digital systems mostly as adults

III. so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal

According to the text, the sentence above can be correctly completed with the elements in

A) I.
B) II and III.
C) II.
D) I and III.

* The sentence (I) suggests that "iGeners are likely to be called ‘technology dependent’."(Os iGeners são provavelmente chamados de ‘dependentes de tecnologia’.)
* The sentence (II) suggests that "iGeners are familiar with digital systems mostly as adults."(Os iGeners estão familiarizados com sistemas digitais principalmente quando são adultos.)
* The sentence (III) suggests that "iGeners are so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal."(Os iGeners estão tão focados em se conectar pessoalmente que os aspectos sociais do trabalho têm grande apelo.)

QUESTIONS 22-26Mark the options that correctly complete the statements provided in questions 22-26.


“As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners _____________ Millennials”.

A) are less addicted to technology than
B) are better shaped for leadership than
C) feel as much comfortable as
D) are less social individuals than

* The alternative (A) suggests that "As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners are less addicted to technology than Millennials."(Quanto à interação face a face, podemos dizer que os iGeners são menos viciados em tecnologia do que os Millennials.)
* The alternative (B) suggests that "As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners are better shaped for leadership than Millennials."(Quanto à interação face a face, podemos dizer que os iGeners são mais bem formados para a liderança do que os Millennials.)
* The alternative (C) suggests that "As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners are feel as much comfortable as Millennials."(Quanto à interação face a face, podemos dizer que os iGeners se sentem tão confortáveis quanto os Millennials.)
* The alternative (D) suggests that "As to face-to-face interaction, we can say iGeners are less social individuals than Millennials."(Quanto à interação face a face, podemos dizer que os iGeners são indivíduos menos sociais do que os Millennials.)


“According to Dr. Twenge, iGeners were born between 1995 and 2012. If they ___(1), they __(2)__”.

A) had been born after 2000 (1) — would be labeled Millenials (2)
B) had been born between 1981 and 1994 (1) — would have been called Millennials (2)
C) have already been born (1) — would have been named differently (2)
D) were born between 1928 and 1945 (1) — would have witnessed a war but wouldn’t have made use of the Internet (2)

* The alternative (A) suggests that "If they had been born after 2000, they would be labeled Millenials."
* The alternative (B) suggests that "If had been born between 1981 and 1994, they would have been called Millennials."
* The alternative (C) suggests that "If have already been born, they would have been named differently."
* The alternative (D) suggests that "If were born between 1928 and 1945, they would have witnessed a war but wouldn’t have made use of the Internet."


“The text suggests that the whole generation of post-Millennials is at risk of ____________ extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress due to constant Internet access”.

A) exhibiting
B) exhibit
C) to exhibit
D) be exhibiting



“According to Dr. Twenge, much of the teens’ mental health-crisis ____________ to their phones”.

A) are able to be connected
B) should be blamed
C) can be traced
D) will be related

* The alternative (A) suggests that "much of the teens' mental health-crisis are able to be connected to their phones."(grande parte da crise de saúde mental dos adolescentes consegue se conectar a seus telefones.)
* The alternative (B) suggests that "much of the teens' mental health-crisis should be blamed to their phones."(grande parte da crise de saúde mental dos adolescentes deve ser atribuída a seus telefones.)
* The alternative (C) suggests that "much of the teens' mental health-crisis can be traced to their phones."(grande parte da crise de saúde mental dos adolescentes pode ser atribuída a seus telefones.)
* The alternative (D) suggests that "much of the teens' mental health-crisis will be related to their phones."(grande parte da crise de saúde mental dos adolescentes estará relacionada a seus telefones.)


When the __(1)__, ___(2)___.

A) iGeners were born (1) – the internet was finally popularized (2)
B) iPad was released (1) – the 1st-generation iPhone hadn’t been invented yet (2)
C) iPhone was designed, developed and marketed (1) – post-Millennials were being brought to life (2)
D) internet boom happened (1) – Millennials had already been born (2)

* Alternative (A) states that "When the iGeners were born, the internet was finally popularized." (Quando os iGeners nasceram, a internet foi finalmente popularizada.).
Acording to the text, the birth of iGeners had no influence on the popularization of the Internet. So the alternative (A) is discarded.
* Alternative (B) states that "When iPad was released, the 1st-generation iPhone hadn’t been invented yet." (Quando o iPad foi lançado, o iPhone de 1ª geração ainda não tinha sido inventado.).
Acording to the text, the iPad was launched in 2010 and the 1st generation iPhone in 2007. So the option (B) is incorrect because when the iPad was released, the 1st generation iPhone had already been released on the market.
* Alternative (C) states that "When iPhone was designed, developed and marketed, post-Millennials were being brought to life."(Quando o iPhone foi projetado, desenvolvido e comercializado, os pós-Millennials estavam sendo trazidos à vida.)
* Alternative (D) is correct because it states that "When internet boom happened, Millennials had already been born."(Quando o boom da internet aconteceu, os milênios, aqueles nascidos nas décadas 80 e 90, já tinham nascidos.)
➧ Acording to the text, the iPhone was launched in 2007 and the millennium post-generation were born between 1995 and 2012. So option (C) is incorrect because the iPhone only started to be marketed in 2007 and this year the post-millennial has already been born. 


Read the following statements referring to Text II, and insert T (True) or F (False) in the parentheses accordingly.

( ) Don’t expect social outings and gettogethers to be much of a selling point for iGeners.

( ) iGeners are so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal.

( ) The use of social media has become integrated into the daily lives of most iGeners who have access to mobile technology.

( ) The increased use of mobile technology has caused iGeners to spend more time on their smartphones, and social media and has caused online relationship development to become a new generational norm.

The right order downwards is

A) T, F, T, T.
B) T, F, T, F.
C) F, T, F, T.
D) F, T, F, F.

(T) Don’t expect social outings and gettogethers to be much of a selling point for iGeners.(Não espere que passeios sociais e encontros sejam um grande ponto de venda para iGeners.)
(F) iGeners are so focused on connecting in person that the social aspects of work hold high appeal.(Os iGeners estão tão focados em se conectar pessoalmente que os aspectos sociais do trabalho têm grande apelo.)
(T) The use of social media has become integrated into the daily lives of most iGeners who have access to mobile technology.(O uso de mídia social se tornou integrado ao dia a dia da maioria dos iGeners que têm acesso à tecnologia móvel.)
(T) The increased use of mobile technology has caused iGeners to spend more time on their smartphones, and social media and has caused online relationship development to become a new generational norm.(O aumento do uso da tecnologia móvel fez com que os iGeners gastassem mais tempo em seus smartphones e mídias sociais e fez com que o desenvolvimento de relacionamentos online se tornasse uma nova norma geracional.)


Considering Text II, write 1 for “iGeners” or 2 for “Millennials” to complete the following sentences.

(  ) … can be referred to as ‘digital natives’.
(  ) … were born between the early 1980s and 1990s.
(  ) … dominate most social networking groups.
(  ) … had to adapt quickly to a world undergoing rapid technological changes. 

The correct sequence downwards is

A) 1, 2, 1, 1.
B) 1, 2, 1, 2.
C) 2, 1, 2, 2.
D) 2, 1, 2, 1.


The underlined item “shruging” (line 82) is a nonsense word, merely invented for the purposes of this exam. After analyzing the co-text and context, it is correct to conclude that “shruging” means

A) very much unwilling.
B) highly demanding.
C) incredibly terrific.
D) extremely shocking.



Match the lexical items with the corresponding definitions by numbering Column II according to Column I.

Column I

1. brink (line 62)
2. iGen (line 71)
3. outcomes (line 80)
4. rate (line 83)

Column II

( ) The way a thing turns out, a consequence.
( ) Denoting people reaching adulthood in the early 21st century.
( ) A point at which something, typically something unwelcome, is about to happen.
( ) A measure, quantity or frequency, typically one measured against another quantity or measure.

The correct sequence downwards is

A) 3, 1, 2, 4.
B) 4, 2, 1, 3.
C) 1, 2, 3, 4.
D) 2, 3, 4, 1.



A new research has revealed that the number of teenagers reading traditional media for fun is dropping off at an alarming rate. And it’s not because they’re too busy watching TV.

The American Psychological Association (APA) team, led by Professor Dr. Jean M. Twenge, PhD, looked at data mainly taken from a project called The Monitoring the Future.

The Monitoring the Future (MTF) project, widely known for some years as the National High School Senior Survey, is a repeated series of surveys in which the same segments of the population are presented with the same set of questions over a period of years to see how answers change over time. The survey began with senior classes in 1975. In 1991, similar surveys of nationally representative samples of 8th and 10th graders also started to be conducted annually. In all, approximately 50,000 students in about 420 public and private secondary schools are surveyed annually.

To reach their conclusions, these researchers looked at the survey results from 1975 to 2016, which includes responses from more than one million survey participants. They found that less than 20% of US teens now report reading traditional print media daily for pleasure. While 60% of 12th graders said they read a book or magazine almost every day in the late 1970s, just 16% reported daily reading in 2016. And although 33% of 10th graders said they read a newspaper almost every day in the 1990s, by 2016, this number had dropped to just 2%. However, more than 80% of teens reported using social media every day.

In contrast, digital media use has increased substantially in recent years, with 12th graders spending two hours per day on the Internet during their spare time in 2016, compared to one hour per day back in 2006. As of the mid-2010s, the average American 12th grader reported spending about six hours per day using digital media — roughly two hours each texting, surfing the internet and using social media. In comparison, 10th graders reported an average of five hours of use per day, while 8th graders reported an average of four hours per day. "Time on digital media has displaced time once spent enjoying a book or watching TV", said Twenge.

However, with the rise of e-books and digital devices, the researchers were surprised to find that reading had dropped so steeply. "It's so convenient to read books and magazines on electronic devices like tablets. There's no more going to the mailbox or the bookstore – you just download the magazine issue or book and start reading. Yet reading has still declined precipitously," said Twenge.

Even time spent watching television and movies has declined, although not as drastically. In the 1990s, 22% of 8th graders reported watching five or more hours of television per day compared to just 13% in 2016. Twenge was also surprised that the number of teens going to the movie theater declined only recently, adding that the rise in streaming sites seems to be the cause.
Compiled from: &,


A correct conclusion for the text above would be the following:

A) For these reasons, the Twenge’s study demands that libraries prioritize reading for pleasure -- if book users are to be both competent and willing readers.
B) Due to the scarcity of researches in this field and to do justice to the complexity of the issue, Twenge found it necessary to examine other issues, such as reading motivation and choice.
C) In conclusion, reading for pleasure has been poorly explored in America but Twenge’s study proves undoubtedly that promoting reading can have a major impact on children and adults and their future. “The imbalance between reading and television, for example, has a significant effect on academic results”, the APA researchers found.
D) These findings give Twenge, as a university faculty member, a new perspective on the next generation as they approach college age. “Think about how difficult it must be to read even five pages of an 800-page college textbook when you've been used to spending most of your time switching between one digital activity and another in a matter of seconds”.


The correct title for Text III is

A) A qualitative study of motivation to read for pleasure.
B) Why students don't read what is assigned in class.
C) Studies show a substantial drop off in how often teens read for fun.
D) Implications in reading for pleasure.


Mark the option that correctly completes the following statement:

The correct place for the __(1)__ clause “published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture” is immediately after the word __(2)__.

A) adverbial (1) — revealed (2) (line 90)
B) adjective (1) — research (2) (line 90)
C) noun (1) — media (2) (line 92)
D) adjective (1) — fun (2) (line 92)
➧ The alternative (A) suggests that "The correct place for the adverbial clause “published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture” is immediately after the word revealed."
➧ The alternative (B) suggests that "The correct place for the adjective clause “published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture” is immediately after the word research."
➧ The alternative (C) suggests that "The correct place for the noun clause “published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture” is immediately after the word media."
➧ The alternative (D) suggests that "The correct place for the adjective clause “published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture” is immediately after the word fun."


The sentence

“[The] new research has revealed that the number of teenagers reading traditional media (…) is dropping off at an alarming rate.” (lines 90-93)

is correctly paraphrased as “The new APA research has revealed an alarming

A) loss of teens’ today’s reading interests on digital media”.
B) raise in the percentage of teens reading traditional media”.
C) decrease in the number of high-schoolers using digital media”.
D) time displacement effect of digital media on traditional options”.



The data considered for the development of the new research was supplied by

A) the Monitoring the Future.
B) the American Psychological Association.
C) Professor Jean M. Twenge.
D) the research team.


The Monitoring the Future project

A) was discontinued between 1975 and 1991.
B) is no longer being conducted.
C) has already been named otherwise.
D) had once been famous.


The text suggests that

A) Dr. Jean M. Twenge was the only Ph.D. in the APA team to design the research.
B) Dr. Twenge’s researches in the field of reading produced questionable results.
C) there was a growing discontent with Dr. Twenge’s supervision.
D) the APA research was developed under Dr. Twenge’s leadership.


Dr. Twenge’s team

A) have developed this specific research for 41 years.
B) has analyzed the MTF results from a 1975 – 2016 database.
C) has analyzed the MTF survey result for more than 30 years. D) have interviewed more than one million MTF survey respondents.


Match the date with the corresponding fact by numbering Column II according to Column I.

Column I

1. Late 1970s
2. 1991
3. Mid-2010s
4. 2016

Column II

( ) About 20% of high school seniors reported reading every day.
( ) The majority of 12th graders declared reading for pleasure almost daily.
( ) 8th- and 10th-grade subjects started to participate in the MTF survey project.
( ) 12th graders reported devoting 1/4 of their daily hours to digital media.

The correct sequence downwards is

A) 4, 1, 2, 3.
B) 3, 2, 1, 4.
C) 1, 4, 3, 2.
D) 2, 3, 4, 1.


Mark the correct statement about Text III.

A) Before 1991 12th graders had never been involved in any survey as such.
B) Public and private secondary schools came out with 420 survey participants each.
C) It took MTF 16 years to broaden the scope of research on non-homework reading.
D) Teens avoid books, newspapers and magazines in favor of social media.


According to the text,

A) 12th graders are yet to be included in the APA research.
B) the survey began in 1975 and only focused on that year’s senior class.
C) every year since 1975 samples of 8th and 10th graders have been surveyed.
D) the MTF project encompasses about 50,000 students from almost 420 schools nationwide.


Before 1991 APA researchers

A) had been investigated by the MTF project.
B) had never been considered members of Dr. Twenge’s team.
C) had not used 8th and 10th graders’ responses.
D) had always expressed their scientific interest in the MTF data.


Read the following statements referring to Text III and insert T (True) or F (False) in the parentheses accordingly.

(  ) Streaming has caused the fall of time spent watching TV.
(  ) In all, APA analyzed around 50.000 responses from students every year.
(  ) 12th graders read about three times more books in the 1970s than in 2016.

The correct sequence downwards is

A) F, T, T.
B) T, F, F.
C) T, T, F.
D) F, F, T.


After reading Text III, one can correctly conclude that it is about

A) the leisure reading process.
B) the drop off of teens’ use of traditional media.
C) the Monitoring the Future project.
D) Dr. Twenge’s revolutionary researches.


The survey of the American Psychological Association (APA) showed the students

A) are spending more time reading more books and newspapers.
B) are spending about five hours on TV, books, and magazines.
C) are spending more and more time on TV.
D) are changing the way they spend their free time.


The only question that can be answered by referring to the text is

A) How long did it take the participants to answer the survey?
B) What are the major changes in the MTF survey design over the years?
C) How many team members did Professor Twenge lead?
D) Why does it matter whether teenagers are reading more or less?


The words/phrases that are semantically related in Text III and can be used interchangeably are

A) “senior classes” (line 108) and “12th graders” (line 122)
B) “research” (line 90) and “Association” (line 95)
C) “segments” (line 104) and “population” (line 104)
D) “dropping off” (line 92) and “rise” (line 147)


The suffixes –AN as in “American” (line 95), –ION as in “Association” (line 95) and –LY as in “nationally” (line 109) are used to form respectively

A) noun, adjective, and adverb.
B) noun, adverb, and verb.
C) adjective, noun, and adverb.
D) adverb, adjective, and pronoun.


Mark the sentence in which the word “yet” has the same function and meaning of the one in the sentence

“‘Yet reading has still declined precipitously,’ said Twenge.” (lines 154-156) 

A) I don’t eat much, yet I am a size 16.
B) No conclusion has yet been made about the survey.
C) There was so much the researchers didn’t know yet.
D) By then governments may have woken up to a yet more radical option.


Mark the sentence in which the word “however” has the same word class, syntactic function and meaning of the one in the sentence

However, with the rise of e-books and digital devices, the researchers were surprised to find that reading had dropped so steeply.” (lines 147-149)

A) Any intermediate to advanced student would benefit from a review of the usage, sentence position, and punctuation of however!
B) However is also a conjunction or adverb, depending on the sentence position, that means in whatever manner or means or no matter how.
C) The survey questionnaire, however long to be answered, was used for many years.
D) We were told we would be discussing the new schedule during the meeting. However, our boss never brought it up once.