domingo, 30 de maio de 2021

IF-SE-2018/2-VESTIBULAR 2º Semestre do Instituto Federal de Sergipe - Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

 Welcome back to another post!

 Instituto Federal de Sergipe.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
It consists of 05 multiple-choice questions(A,B,C,D).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
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9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
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11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English and so on):
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➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
TEXTO I: As questões de 36 a 38 referem-se ao texto abaixo. Leia-o atentamente e responda ao que se pede.
Stephen Hawking
Dies at 76;
His Mind Roamed the Cosmos

A physicist and best-selling author, Dr. Hawking did not allow his physical limitations to hinder his quest to answer “the big question: Where did the universe come from?”
Stephen W. Hawking, the Cambridge University physicist and best-selling author who roamed the cosmos from a wheelchair, pondering the nature of gravity and the origin of the universe and becoming an emblem of human determination and curiosity, died early Wednesday at his home in Cambridge, England. He was 76.
His death was confirmed by a spokesman for Cambridge University.
“Not since Albert Einstein has a scientist so captured the public imagination and endeared himself to tens of millions of people around the world” Michio Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York, said in an interview.
Dr. Hawking did that largely through his book “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes,” published in 1988. It has sold more than 10 million copies and inspired a documentary film by Errol Morris. The 2014 film about his life, “The Theory of Everything” was nominated for several Academy Awards and Eddie Redmayne, who played Dr. Hawking, won the Oscar for best actor.
Scientifically, Dr. Hawking will be best remembered for a discovery so strange that it might be expressed in the form of a Zen koan: When is a black hole not black? When it explodes.
What is equally amazing is that he had a career at all. As a graduate student in 1963, he learned he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neuromuscular wasting disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was given only a few years to live.
The disease reduced his bodily control to the flexing of a finger and voluntary eye movements but left his mental faculties untouched.
He went on to become his generation’s leader in exploring gravity and the properties of black holes, the bottomless gravitational pits so deep and dense that not even light can escape them.
That work led to a turning point in modern physics, playing itself out in the closing months of 1973 on the walls of his brain when Dr. Hawking set out to apply quantum theory, the weird laws that govern subatomic reality, to black holes. In a long and daunting calculation, Dr. Hawking discovered to his befuddlement that black holes — those mythological avatars of cosmic doom — were not really black at all. In fact, he found, they would eventually fizzle, leaking radiation and particles, and finally explode and disappear over the eons.
/2018/03/14/obituaries/stephenhawking-dead.html. Adapted)
36. Marque um X na alternativa CORRETA.
a) Stephen Hawking foi mais importante do que Albert Einstein em suas teorias científicas.
b) Stephen Hawking estudou exclusivamente as propriedades dos buracos negros.
c) Dr. Hawking viveu menos do que a expectativa apresentada pelos médicos.
d) De acordo com Dr. Hawking, um buraco negro não é negro quando ele explode.
37. Leia as proposições abaixo.
Marque a opção que corresponda à sequência de alternativas CORRETAS.
I. Stephen Hawking nasceu por volta de 1942.
II. “Spokesman” pode ser traduzido como “porta-voz”.
III. Hawking foi o único teórico da sua geração a falar da gravidade e das propriedades do buraco negro.
IV. Os buracos negros podem eventualmente vazar radiação, partículas, explodir e por fim desaparecerem.
a) I e II.
b) I e III.
c) I, II e IV.
d) II, III e IV.
38. Na frase ... “who played Dr. Hawking” (4º parágrafo), o pronome relativo “Who” refere-se a:
a) Stephen Hawking.
b) Lou Gehrig.
c) Errol Morris.
d) Eddie Redmayne.
"[...] The 2014 film about his life, “The Theory of Everything” was nominated for several Academy Awards and Eddie Redmayne, who played Dr. Hawking, won the Oscar for best actor."
TEXTO IIAs questões 39 e 40 referem-se ao texto a seguir:
Brazil Protests Execution of Rights Activist Marielle Franco

While the World Social Forum is taking place in Brazil this week, thousands of Brazilians marched to protest the execution of Marielle Franco, a prominent social leader, human rights activist and councilwoman.

Franco was shot and killed in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday night by unknown gunmen along with her driver Anderson Pedro Gomes, while her advisor was injured.

Being a young Black Brazilian who grew up in a favela, Franco became one of Brazil's prominent defenders of human rights, focusing on the impoverished favelas that are often the target of gang and militias violence.

The day before she was murdered, Marielle complained about the violence in the city in a post on her personal Twitter account. In the post, she questioned the action of the Military Police. "One more homicide of a young man who may be coming in for the PM's account... How many more will have to die for this war to end?"
( 0010.html. Adapted)
39. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
a) Simultaneamente ao Fórum Social Mundial ocorrem protestos contra o assassinato da vereadora Marielle Franco, no Rio de Janeiro.
b) O vocábulo “injured” (2º parágrafo) dá ideia de ofensa, de injustiça.
c) No dia anterior a sua morte, Marielle Franco falou sobre a violência e as ações da Polícia Militar.
d) O termo “grew up” pode ser entendido como “cresceu”.
a) Simultaneamente ao Fórum Social Mundial ocorrem protestos contra o assassinato da vereadora Marielle Franco, no Rio de Janeiro.
b) O vocábulo “injured” (2º parágrafo) dá ideia de ofensa, de injustiça.
c) No dia anterior a sua morte, Marielle Franco falou sobre a violência e as ações da Polícia Militar.
d) O termo “grew up” pode ser entendido como “cresceu”.
40. Os verbos destacados abaixo estão conjugados no passado simples. Observe as alternativas e assinale a opção em que a sequência dos verbos corresponda à sua forma normal.
a) March- grow- become.
b) March- grew- become.
c) March- grown-become.
d) Marched- grow-become.
➧ Question that addresses the base form(or normal form) of verbs.
a) March- grow- become.
b) March- grew- become.
c) March- grown-become.
d) Marched- grow-become.
 MARCHED is a form of the regular verb TO MARCH(march, marched, marched) whose base form is MARCH.
 GREW is a form of the irregular verb TO GROW(grow, grew, grown) whose base form is GROW.
 BECAME is a form of the irregular verb TO BECOME(become, became, become) whose base form is BECOME.

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