quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2021


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 06 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read the text.

Insomnia and Anxiety in Older People

Sleeping pills can have serious, or even deadly side effects.

All sedative-hypnotic drugs have special risks for older adults. Seniors are likely to be more sensitive to the drugs’ effects than younger adults. And these drugs may stay in their bodies longer. The drugs can cause confusion and memory problems that:
▪ More than double the risk of falls and hip fractures. These are common causes of hospitalization and death in older people.
▪ Increase the risk of car accidents.
Access August 11, 2019: http://www.choosingwisely.org/patient-resources/treating-insomnia-and-anxiety-in-older-people/

De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que

(A) o uso de remédios para dormir leva os idosos a serem hospitalizados.
(B) o uso de remédios para dormir pode aumentar o risco de quedas em idosos.
(C) o uso de remédios para dormir dobra o risco de um idoso sofrer um acidente de carro.
(D) quedas são comuns na terceira idade e podem não estar associadas ao uso de sedativos.
(E) confusão mental não está relacionada ao uso de sedativos em idosos.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read the text.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high.

It can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness. It can also increase your risk of getting serious problems with your eyes, heart and nerves.
It's a lifelong condition that can affect your everyday life. You may need to change your diet, take medicines and have regular check-ups.

It's caused by problems with a chemical in the body (hormone) called insulin.
It's often linked to being overweight or inactive, or having a family history of type 2 diabetes.
Access August 11,2019


De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que

(A) mudanças na dieta associadas a remédios podem curar o Diabetes Tipo 2.
(B) pacientes com Diabetes tipo 2 desenvolvem problemas no coração.
(C) diabetes Tipo 2 é uma condição permanente que pode afetar a rotina do paciente.
(D) estar acima do peso é parte do histórico familiar do paciente com Diabetes Tipo 2.
(E) problemas de visão são considerados sintomas do Diabetes Tipo 2.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read the text.

Treating Acne Scarring

Treatments for acne scarring are regarded as a type of cosmetic surgery, which is not usually available on the NHS. However, in the past, exceptions have been made when it's been shown that acne scarring has caused serious psychological distress.

See your GP if you're considering having cosmetic surgery. They'll be able to discuss your options with you and advise
you about the likelihood of having the procedure carried out on the NHS.

Many private clinics offer treatment for acne scarring. Prices can vary widely (from £500 to more than £10,000) depending on the type of treatment needed.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons website has more information about private treatment available in your area.

It's important to have realistic expectations about what cosmetic treatment can achieve. While treatment can certainly
improve the appearance of your scars, it cannot get rid of them completely.

Access August 11, 2019: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/acne/complications/


De acordo com o texto,

(A) cirurgia cosmética é um dos benefícios disponíveis a todos no NHS.
(B) cicatrizes da acne são permanentes e o paciente precisa se conformar e buscar apoio psicológico.
(C) o clínico geral é o profissional que vai direcionar o paciente para tratamento em uma clínica particular.
(D) o tratamento cosmético da acne melhora a aparência das cicatrizes, mas não as elimina completamente.
(E) cirurgia cosmética é a melhor opção de tratamento e está disponível em clínicas particulares apenas.


• TEXTO 4: Read the text.

Bad Breath

Bad breath: Bad breath (sometimes called halitosis) is very common. You can usually treat it yourself.

How to treat bad breath yourself: The best way of making sure you do not have bad breath is to keep your teeth, tongue and mouth clean.

Gently brush your teeth and gums at least twice a day for 2 minutes, use a fluoride toothpaste, gently clean your tongue
once a day using a tongue scraper or cleaner, clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss at least once a
day, get regular dental check-ups, keep dentures clean and remove them at night, use sugar-free mints or chewing gum
after having strong-smelling food and drinks and try using an antibacterial mouthwash or toothpaste.

Do not smoke, do not rinse your mouth with water straight after brushing your teeth, do not have lots of sugary foods
and drinks, do not brush so hard your gums or tongue bleed.

Causes of bad breath may include:
Eating or drinking strong-smelling or spicy foods and drinks, problems with your teeth or gums, such as gum disease,
holes in your teeth or an infection, crash dieting, some medical conditions, like tonsillitis or acid reflux and smoking.

Non-urgent advice:See a dentist if you have:
Bad breath that does not go away after treating it yourself for a few weeks, painful, bleeding or swollen gums, toothache
or wobbly adult teeth, problems with your dentures.

Page last reviewed: 10 January 2019
Access August 11, 2019:


Considerando o texto anterior, podemos afirmar CORRETAMENTE que

(A) uma forma de evitar o mau hálito é fazer uma escovação suave nas gengivas e nos dentes, pelo menos duas vezes
ao dia, usar o fio dental e higienizar a língua.
(B) o uso do fio dental deve ser feito antes e depois da escovação.
(C) a higienização da língua deve ser feita semanalmente.
(D) comidas picantes causam mau hálito e devem ser evitadas.
(E) as causas para o mau hálito estão intimamente relacionadas com o metabolismo das pessoas, embora os dentistas insistam em prescrever escovação e fio dental.


• TEXTO 5: Leia o texto a seguir para responder às questões 05 e 06.
Cataract Surgery

Overview: Cataract surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens inside your eye with an artificial one. It's the most common operation performed in the UK, with a high success rate in improving your eyesight.It can take 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover from cataract surgery.

What are cataracts? Cataracts are when the lens of your eye, a small transparent disc, develops cloudy patches. When we're young, our lenses are usually like clear glass, allowing us to see through them. As we get older they start to become frosted, like bathroom glass, and begin to limit our vision. Cataracts most commonly affect adults as a result of ageing. See age-related cataracts.

Do you need surgery? If you have cataracts, it's your decision whether or not to go ahead with cataract surgery. Cataracts usually get slowly worse over time. Surgery to replace the cloudy lens is the only way to improve your eyesight. Surgery is usually offered on the NHS if your cataracts are affecting your eyesight and quality of life. The decision to have surgery should not be based solely on your eye test (visual acuity) results. You may have other personal reasons for deciding to have surgery, such as your daily activities, hobbies and interests. You can choose to put off having surgery for a while and have regular check-ups to monitor the situation. There are no medicines or eye drops that have been proven to improve cataracts or stop them getting worse.
Access August 11, 2019: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cataract-surgery/

Ao considerar as informações do texto anterior podemos afirmar que

(A) o uso adequado de medicamentos pode curar a catarata.
(B) a cirurgia consiste em trocar as lentes oculares naturalmente danificadas por lentes artificiais, mas não há garantia de melhora na visão.
(C) se ao olhar pelo vidro do banheiro, a visão estiver embaçada, a pessoa pode estar com catarata.
(D) o processo de troca das lentes naturais pelas artificiais acontece em duas etapas e pode desencadear miopia.
(E) catarata é quando as lentes oculares desenvolvem uma nebulosidade que limita a visão.



Em relação ao que o texto apresenta, está CORRETO afirmar que

(A) cabe ao médico decidir se a cirurgia deve ser feita.
(B) a decisão de realizar ou não a cirurgia deve ser baseada apenas em um exame de visão.
(C) há colírios que poder ser usados para evitar que a catarata evolua.
(D) a cirurgia é a única forma de melhorar a visão de quem tem catarata.
(E) a pessoa com catarata ficará impossibilitada de ter determinados hobbies mesmo após a cirurgia.


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