terça-feira, 21 de março de 2023



 18 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1)  – | No Longer at Ease | London: Everyman’s Library |
➭ Text (2)  – | The academy announces a misguided newcategory | www.economist.com |
➭ Text (3)  – | The academy announces a misguided newcategory |  www.economist.com |

01-A, 02-B, 03-D, 04-E, 05-C, 06-E
07-X, 08-C, 09-E, 10-A, 11-B, 12-E
13-D, 14-B, 15-A, 16-D, 17-C, 18-B



Assinale a alternativa que apresenta termos que, conforme empregados no texto, operam como membros de uma mesma classe de palavras.

(A) away (l. 01) – sometimes (l. 02) – years (l. 04)
(B) on (l. 22) – but (l. 23) – Besides (l. 32)
(C) neighbouring (l. 27) – admiring (l. 38) – walking (l. 40)
(D) leave (l. 19) – electric (l. 39) – wonderment (l. 44)
(E) pleasure (l. 42) – digression (l. 44) – mould (l. 47)


Associe as palavras da coluna da esquerda aos seus respectivos sinônimos, na coluna da direita, de acordo com o sentido com que são empregadas no texto.

(  ) longing (l. 05)
(  ) sharpness (l. 06)
(  ) digression (l. 44)

1. yearning
2. intensity
3. lengthening
4. diversion
5. delay
6. excuse

A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é

(A) 1 – 2 – 4.
(B) 1 – 3 – 4.
(C) 2 – 1 – 6.
(D) 5 – 2 – 4.
(E) 5 – 3 – 6.


Considere as seguintes afirmações acerca do texto.

I - O segmento took on (l. 06) poderia ser substituído por assumed.

II - A expressão ne’er-do-wells (l. 23) confere um sentido enaltecedor aos soldados.

III- A palavra wonderment (l. 44) enfatiza a dúvida por parte das pessoas que ouviam o soldado.

Quais estão corretas?

(A) Apenas I.
(B) Apenas II.
(C) Apenas III.
(D) Apenas I e III.
(E) I, II e III.


Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmações abaixo, acerca da estrutura do texto.

(  ) A palavra But (l. 10) poderia ser substituída por However, seguida por vírgula, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto.

(  ) O trecho the Nigeria he returned to (l. 10) poderia ser susbstituído por the Nigeria to which he returned, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto.

(  ) A palavra Besides (l. 32) poderia ser substituída por Notwithstanding, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto.

(  ) O trecho a pleasure car stops for you (l. 42-43) poderia ser substituído por a pleasure car will stop for you, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto.

A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é

(A) F – V – F – V.
(B) F – F – V – V.
(C) V – V – F – V.
(D) V – V – V – F.
(E) V – F – F – F.


Assinale a alternativa que apresenta reescrita adequada, em discurso indireto, para a frase

Then by way of digression he said: 'If you see a white man, take off your hat for him' (l. 44-46).

(A) Then by way of digression he warned one to take off one’s hat if one had seen a white man.
(B) Then by way of digression he said that if we saw a white man, we should take off our hats for him.
(C) Then by way of digression he advised us to see a white man and take off our hats for him.
(D) Then by way of digression he told us that if we saw a white man, we should take off his hat for him.
(E) Then by way of digression he told that when we saw a white man, we must take off our hats for him.


Select the alternative that adequately fills in the gaps in lines 07, 11 and 18.

(A) as long as – For – but
(B) if – Once – yet
(C) provided – Therefore – however
(D) whereas – Because – but
(E) so – Since – despite


According to the text,

(A) it is impossible to say what Art is because many times what artists call “art” is at odds with what people assume art to be.
(B) artists are often crushed by criticism because, at the end of the day, for an artwork to be acknowledged as such it must please the public.
(C) Art is an abstraction, and people often respond to it based on very subjective criteria, which may lead to prejudiced critical evaluations.
(D) a person who does not find beauty in an artwork does so out of prejudiced views based on irrelevant memories.
(E) the quality of an artwork lies on the beauty of its subject-matter, but some people are unable to perceive this due to prejudiced views. 


Mark the statements below with T (true) or F (false), according to the text.

(  ) The indefinition of what Art is allows different interpretations of what is beautiful or not.

(  ) The author believes that liking an artwork needs no justification, but disliking it does.

(  ) Representations of beautiful things are easily perceived as good art.

(  ) An artist can make a great picture out of a repugnant subject-matter.

The correct sequence of filling in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is 

(A) T – T – T – T.
(B) T – T – F – F.
(C) F – F – F – T.
(D) F – T – T – T.
(E) F – F – F – F.


Consider the segment you may crush an artist by telling him that what he has just done may be quite good (l. 13-15).

If the word artist were replaced by its plural form, how many additional alterations would have to be made to keep the segment grammatically correct?

(A) 3.
(B) 4.
(C) 5.
(D) 6.
(E) 7.


Select the alternative that offers adequate synonyms to the words crush (l. 13), magnificent (l. 31) and rebuffed (l. 42) as used in the text.

(A) crash – terrific – criticized
(B) defeat – dreadful – praised
(C) hurt – outstanding – censured
(D) crumble – awesome – despised
(E) overwhelm – appalling – loathed


Consider the following statements.

I - The pronoun its (l. 15) refers to what he has just done (l. 14).

II - The pronoun it (l. 23) refers to Someone (l. 21).

III- The pronoun It (l. 29) refers to when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced (l. 29-30).

Which ones are correct?

(A) Only I.
(B) Only II.
(C) Only III.
(D) Only II and III.
(E) I, II and III.


Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the sentence All of us, when we see a painting, are bound to be reminded of a hundred-and-one things which influence our likes and dislikes (l. 24-27).

I - When we see a painting, all of us are bound to be reminded of a hundred-and-one things which influence our likes and dislikes.

II - All of us are bound to be reminded of a hundred-and-one things which influence our likes and dislikes when we see a painting.

III- A hundred-and-one things which influence our likes and dislikes are bound to be reminded by all of us when we see a painting.

If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?

(A) Only I.
(B) Only II.
(C) Only III.
(D) Only I and II.
(E) I, II and III.


Select the alternative that could replace the segment are bound to (l. 25) without changing the literal meaning of the sentence.

(A) are restricted to
(B) are likely to
(C) are obliged to
(D) are willing to
(E) are beholden to


Consider the following sentence.

It is only when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced that we should search our mind for the reason for the aversion.

Select the alternative with the proposition that best rephrases it.

(A) Only when does some irrelevant memory make us prejudiced is it that we should search our mind for the reason for the aversion.
(B) Only when does some irrelevant memory make us prejudiced should we search our mind for the reason for the aversion.
(C) Only when does some irrelevant memory make us prejudiced we should search our mind for the reason for the aversion.
(D) Only when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced we search our mind for the reason for aversion.
(E) Only when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced should we search our mind for the reason for aversion.

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