sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012



 29 True False Questions.
 01 Multiple Choice Questions / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | Against Death Penalty | Le dernier jour d’un condamné |
 Text (2) – | FIFA Fair Play | www.fifa.com |
 Text (3) – | Punishment Important in Plant-Pollinator Relationship | www.sciencedaily.com |
 Text (4) – | Cartoon |
Against Death Penalty
Contra a Pena de Morte
Those who judge and condemn, say that capital punishment is necessary.
Aqueles que julgam e condenam dizem que a pena capital é necessária.
Firstly, because it is necessary to remove from the social community a member who has already injured it, and might injure it even more. If that is all, a life sentence would suffice.
Em primeiro lugar, porque é preciso retirar da comunidade social um membro que já a prejudicou, e pode prejudicá-la ainda mais.
If that is all, a life sentence would suffice.
Se isso é tudo, uma sentença de prisão perpétua seria suficiente.
What is the use of bringing death? You may argue that one might escape from jail — keep better watch, then! Let there be no executioner where the jailer suffices.
Qual é a utilidade de trazer a morte? Você pode argumentar que alguém pode escapar da prisão - fique mais atento, então! Que não haja carrasco onde basta o carcereiro.
One might also say society must avenge itself, society must punish.
Pode-se dizer também que a sociedade deve se vingar, a sociedade deve punir.
Neither one nor the other: vengeance is an individual act, and punishment belongs to God.
Nem um nem outro: a vingança é um ato individual e o castigo pertence a Deus.
Society is between the two; punishment is above it, vengeance is beneath it.
A sociedade está entre os dois; o castigo está acima dela, a vingança está abaixo dela.
Nothing so great or so small should be in its sphere.
Nada tão grande ou tão pequeno deve estar em sua esfera.
Society should not punish in order to avenge itself; it should correct, in order to improve!
A sociedade não deve punir para se vingar; deve corrigir, para melhorar!
The third and last reason remains, the theory of examples.
A terceira e última razão permanece, a teoria dos exemplos.
It is imperative to set examples.
É imperativo dar exemplos.
By the sight of the fate inflicted on criminals, we must shock those who might otherwise be tempted to imitate them!
Ao ver o destino infligido aos criminosos, devemos chocar aqueles que, de outra forma, poderiam ser tentados a imitá-los!
Well; above all, we deny the power of the example.
Bem; acima de tudo, negamos o poder do exemplo.
We deny that the spectacle of torment produces the desired effect.
Negamos que o espetáculo do tormento produza o efeito desejado.
Rather than edifying the common people, it demoralizes them and blunts in them all sensibility.
Em vez de edificar as pessoas comuns, desmoraliza-as e embota-lhes toda a sensibilidade.
Victor Hugo. Le dernier jour d’un condamné, Paris,
Eugène Renduel, 1832. pp XXII e XXIII (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the following items.
1 The pronoun “It” in “It is imperative to set examples” (l.17) refers to the phrase “theory of examples” (l.16-17).
2 Historically, capital punishment has been unanimously held as legitimate and effective.
3 The text presents the risk of inmates escaping from prison as a strong argument against the death penalty.
4 The author argues against the 3 main reasons given by supporters of the death penalty.
5 According to the author, society has no right to condemn a criminal to death because punishment is within God’s sphere.
6 The formula which best expresses the author’s position as to the function of human justice is correct, in order to improve (R.15).
7 In “executioner” (l.7) and “jailer” (l.8), both words present the suffix “-er”, which also appears in teacher, and which conveys the idea of someone who performs such an activity or has such an occupation.
8 The word “Those” in the first line of the first paragraph is used as an element of style. If it were to be deleted, accurate grammar would still be preserved.
9 According to the author, the spectacle of public execution is the most efficient method of stopping potential criminals from committing crimes.
👉 Questão-Item  1-Errada :
The pronoun “It” in “It is imperative to set examples” (l.17) refers to the phrase “theory of examples” (l.16-17).
1) No texto:
 The third and last reason remains, the theory of examples. It is imperative to set examples.
• A terceira e última razão permanece, a teoria dos exemplos. - Ela(a teoria dos exemplos) é imperativo dar exemplos.
2) O pronome "it" refere-se à frase "teoria dos exemplos".
👉 Questão-Item  2-Errada :
Historically, capital punishment has been unanimously held as legitimate and effective.
- O item (2) sugere que historicamente, a pena de morte é unanimemente considerada legítima e eficaz.
- O título do texto 'Against Death Penalty' já elimina a afirmativa de que a pena de morte é unanimemente considerada legítima e eficaz.
👉 Questão-Item  3-Errada :
The text presents the risk of inmates escaping from prison as a strong argument against the death penalty.
- O item (3) sugere que o texto apresenta o risco de os presidiários fugirem da prisão como um forte argumento contra a pena de morte.
- O que não condiz com a proposta do texto
- O texto sugere para o risco de os presidiários fugirem da prisão - que se mantenha uma vigilância melhor, então. 
👉 Questão-Item  4-Correta :
The author argues against the 3 main reasons given by supporters of the death penalty.
- O item (4) sugere que o autor argumenta contra as 3 principais razões apresentadas pelos defensores da pena de morte.
- O que está de acordo com o texto. Segundo o autor, a sociedade não tem o direito de condenar um criminoso à morte porque ele pode escapar ou porque o castigo está na esfera de Deus ou porque tem que dar exemplo.
- 'keep better watch, then!'
- 'Society should not punish in order to avenge itself; it should correct, in order to improve!'
- 'Rather than edifying the common people, it demoralizes them and blunts in them all sensibility.'
👉 Questão-Item  5-Correta :
According to the author, society has no right to condemn a criminal to death because punishment is within God’s sphere.
- O item (5) sugere que segundo o autor, a sociedade não tem o direito de condenar um criminoso à morte porque o castigo está na esfera de Deus.
- Verdade, pois segundo o autor 'Society should not punish in order to avenge itself; it should correct, in order to improve!'.
👉 Questão-Item  6-Correta :
The formula which best expresses the author’s position as to the function of human justice is correct, in order to improve (l.15).
O item (6) sugere que a fórmula que melhor expressa a posição do autor quanto à função da justiça humana é a correta, a fim de melhorar.
- Verdade, no final do texto, o autor afirma 'Society should not punish in order to avenge itself; it should correct, in order to improve!'. 
👉 Questão-Item  7-Correta :
In “executioner” (l.7) and “jailer” (l.8), both words present the suffix “-er”, which also appears in teacher, and which conveys the idea of someone who performs such an activity or has such an occupation.
- Em "executioner"(carrasco) e "jailer"(carcereiro), ambas as palavras apresentam o sufixo “-er”, que também aparece em "teacher"(professor).
- O sufixo “-er” transmite a ideia de quem exerce tal atividade ou a possui uma ocupação.
👉 Questão-Item  8-Errada :
The word “Those” in the first line of the first paragraph is used as an element of style. If it were to be deleted, accurate grammar would still be preserved.
- 'THOSE'(aqueles) é um pronome demonstrativo e contextualmente foi utilizado para se referir 'as pessoas'
. Se fosse excluído, a sentença ficaria sem sentido.
This, that, these and those are demonstratives. We use this, that, these and those to point to people and things. This and that are singular. These and those are plural. We use them as determiners and pronouns.(Cambride Dictionary) 
👉 Questão-Item  9-Errada :
According to the author, the spectacle of public execution is the most efficient method of stopping potential criminals from committing crimes.
O item (5) sugere que segundo o autor, o espetáculo da execução pública é o método mais eficiente de impedir que criminosos em potencial cometam crimes.
- O que não condiz com o texto.
- A posição do autor quanto à função da justiça humana é a de corrigir, a fim de melhorar.

FIFA Fair Play
FIFA Fair Play
The generic concept of fair play is a fundamental part of the game of football.
O conceito genérico de fair play é uma parte fundamental do jogo de futebol.
It represents the positive benefits of playing by the rules, using common sense and respecting fellow players, referees, opponents and fans.
Representa os benefícios positivos de jogar de acordo com as regras, usando o bom senso e respeitando os outros jogadores, árbitros, adversários e torcedores.
The Fair Play Campaign was conceived largely as an indirect result of the 1986 FIFA World Cup™ in Mexico, when the handball goal by Diego Maradona stimulated the admirable reaction of the England coach, Sir Bobby Robson.
A Campanha Fair Play foi concebida em grande parte como um resultado indireto da Copa do Mundo da FIFA™ de 1986 no México, quando o gol de handebol de Diego Maradona estimulou a admirável reação do técnico da Inglaterra, Sir Bobby Robson.
Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of former FIFA President João Havelange and his successor, current President Joseph S. Blatter.
Desde então, a campanha conta com o apoio incondicional do ex-presidente da FIFA João Havelange e de seu sucessor, o atual presidente Joseph S. Blatter.
To give fair play more visibility, FIFA created a programme that turned the generic notion into a simple design and an easy to understand code of conduct that could be recognized and respected by players and fans alike. Fair Play has a fundamental role in sport and there is a need to apply it to all sporting activities, especially children’s. Children need strong values to grow up with, and football, being a team sport, makes them realize how essential discipline, respect, team spirit and fair play are for the game and for life.
Internet: <www.fifa.com> (adapted)
According to the text above, judge the items below.

10 The clause “To give fair play more visibility” (l.12) expresses the cause of what follows it.
11 In “Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of” (l.9-10), the choice of verb tense conveys the idea that the situation was true in the past and still is in the present.
12 If one were to invert the order of the words in “handball goal” (l.7), the meaning of the phrase would remain the same.
13 There is a direct relation between the Fair Play Code and the social code: Playing without causing harm to others.
14 Team sports contribute to children’s social development.
15 Fair Play can be summarized as respect for others and for the rules of the game.
16 Sir Bobby Robson expressed his admiration for Maradona’s handball goal.
17 One can infer from the text that FIFA has had only two presidents from the time the Fair Play campaign was created to when the text was written.
18 Read the following paragraph.
     Do not be afraid to stand up to anybody who you are sure is trying to make others cheat or engage in other unacceptable behavior. It is better to expose them and have them removed before they can do any damage. It is equally dishonest to go along with a wrongful act. Do not just say no. Tell the authorities about those misguided persons who are trying to spoil our sport before they can persuade somebody else to commit an illegal act.
The sentence Denounce those who attempt to discredit our sport is a suitable title for the paragraph above.
👉 Questão-Item  10-Errada :
The clause “To give fair play more visibility” (l.12) expresses the cause of what follows it.
A oração “Para dar mais visibilidade ao fair play” expressa a causa do que a segue.)
"[...] To give fair play more visibility, FIFA created a programme that turned the generic notion into a simple design and an easy to understand code of conduct that could be recognized and respected by players and fans alike."
(Para dar mais visibilidade ao fair play, a FIFA criou um programa que transformou a noção genérica em um design simples e um código de conduta fácil de entender, que poderia ser reconhecido e respeitado por jogadores e fãs.)
👉 Questão-Item  11-Correta :
In “Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of” (l.9-10), the choice of verb tense conveys the idea that the situation was true in the past and still is in the present.
(Em “Desde então, a campanha teve o apoio incondicional de” , a escolha do tempo verbal transmite a ideia de que a situação era verdadeira no passado e ainda é no presente.)
➧FRAGMENTO CONTEXTUAL: O tempo verbal é o PRESENT PERFECT que transmite a ideia de que a situação era verdadeira no passado e ainda é no presente:
"[...] Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of former FIFA President João Havelange and his successor, current President Joseph S. Blatter."
(Desde então, a campanha conta com o apoio incondicional do ex-presidente da FIFA, João Havelange, e de seu sucessor, o atual presidente Joseph S. Blatter.)
👉 Questão-Item  12-Errada :
If one were to invert the order of the words in “handball goal” (l.7), the meaning of the phrase would remain the same.
(Se invertêssemos a ordem das palavras em “handball goal”, o significado da frase permaneceria o mesmo.)
"[...] The Fair Play Campaign was conceived largely as an indirect result of the 1986 FIFA World Cup™ in Mexico, when the handball goal by Diego Maradona stimulated the admirable reaction of the England coach, Sir Bobby Robson."
(A Campanha Fair Play foi concebida em grande parte como resultado indireto da Copa do Mundo da FIFA ™ de 1986 no México, quando o gol de handebol de Diego Maradona estimulou a admirável reação do técnico da Inglaterra, Sir Bobby Robson.)
➧ A expressão “handball goal”(gol de handball indevido num jogo de futebol) transmite ideia diferente de "goal handball".
👉 Questão-Item  13-Correta :
There is a direct relation between the Fair Play Code and the social code: Playing without causing harm to others.
Existe uma relação direta entre o Código de Fair Play e o código social: Jogar sem causar danos a terceiros.)
👉 Questão-Item  14-Correta :
Team sports contribute to children’s social development.
Os esportes coletivos contribuem para o desenvolvimento social das crianças.)
👉 Questão-Item  15-Correta :
Fair Play can be summarized as respect for others and for the rules of the game.
(O Fair Play pode ser resumido como respeito pelos outros e pelas regras do jogo.)
👉 Questão-Item  16-Errada :
Sir Bobby Robson expressed his admiration for Maradona’s handball goal.
Sir Bobby Robson expressou sua admiração pelo gol de handebol de Maradona.)
👉 Questão-Item  17-Correta :
One can infer from the text that FIFA has had only two presidents from the time the Fair Play campaign was created to when the text was written.
Pode-se inferir do texto que a FIFA teve apenas dois presidentes desde o momento em que a campanha de Fair Play foi criada até a época em que o texto foi escrito.)
👉 Questão-Item  18-Correta :
Do not be afraid to stand up to anybody who you are sure is trying to make others cheat or engage in other unacceptable behavior. It is better to expose them and have them removed before they can do any damage. It is equally dishonest to go along with a wrongful act. Do not just say no. Tell the authorities about those misguided persons who are trying to spoil our sport before they can persuade somebody else to commit an illegal act.
(Não tenha medo de enfrentar alguém que você tem certeza de que está tentando fazer os outros trapacearem ou se envolver em outro comportamento inaceitável. É melhor expô-los e removê-los antes que possam causar qualquer dano. É igualmente desonesto aceitar um ato ilícito. Não diga simplesmente não. Conte às autoridades sobre essas pessoas equivocadas que estão tentando estragar nosso esporte, antes que possam persuadir outra pessoa a cometer um ato ilegal.)
The sentence Denounce those who attempt to discredit our sport is a suitable title for the paragraph above.
A frase Denuncie aqueles que tentam desacreditar nosso esporte é um título adequado para o parágrafo acima.)
• TEXTO 3:
Punishment Important in Plant-Pollinator Relationship
Figs and the wasps that pollinate them present one of biologists’ favorite examples of a beneficial relationship between two different species. In exchange for the pollination service provided by the wasp, the fig fruit provides room and board for the wasp’s developing young. However, wasps do not always pollinate the fig. Fig trees “punish” these “cheaters” by dropping unpollinated fruit, killing the wasp’s offspring inside, report researchers working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Their results, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, show that sanctions against cheaters  may be critical to maintain the relationship.
“Relationships require give and take. We want to know what forces maintain this 80-million-year-old arrangement between figs and their wasp pollinators.” said lead author, Charlotte Jandér, who conducted the study as a Smithsonian pre-doctoral fellow. “What prevents the wasps from reaping the benefits of the relationship without paying the costs?”
Some wasp species passively carry pollen that sticks to their bodies. Others actively collect pollen in special pouches. Jandér evaluated the ability of six different fig tree-fig wasp species pairs to regulate cheating. She introduced either a single pollen-free wasp, or a wasp carrying pollen, into a mesh bag containing an unpollinated fig. The wasps entered the figs to lay their eggs. Jandér found that trees often dropped unpollinated figs before young wasps could mature.
“This is really about the all-too-human theme of crime and punishment. We found that in actively pollinated fig species — when wasps expend time and energy to collect and deposit pollen — wasps that did not provide the basic service of pollination were sanctioned. However, in passively pollinated species — when the wasps do not need to make an effort to pollinate — sanctions were absent,” said Allen Herre, Smithonian Tropical Research Institute staff scientist. “Although we still need to clearly understand the costs associated with applying sanctions, it seems like they were only present where needed.” 
“Sanctions seem to be a necessary force in keeping this, and other, mutually-beneficial relationships, on track,” said Jandér. “In our study, we saw less cheating when sanctions were stronger. Similar results have 25 been found among human societies and in social insects. It is very appealing to think that the same general principles could help maintain cooperation both within and between species.”
Internet: <www.sciencedaily.com> (adapted).
According to the text, judge the items below.
19 The ecological relation between the wasp and the fig tree which is referred to in the text can be described as mutualism and reduces the genetic variability in fig tree populations.
20 Even though the fig tree and the wasp belong to different natural kingdoms, they cooperate in each other’s reproductive cycle.
21 The relation between fig trees and wasps bears similarities with that between members of society and its laws.
22 The central theme of the text is the need for each of the parties involved in a given relationship to perform its role.
23 The harshness of the punishment does not interfere in how often the participants follow the rules.
24 Even though the wasps that establish a pollinator relationship with fig trees belong to different species, they utilize the same method of pollination.
25 In the first paragraph, “developing young” (R.3) and “offspring” (R.4) refer basically to the same idea.
26 Jander’s study investigated six species overall.
27 The absence of contractions, such as in “wasps do not always pollinate the fig” (R.3-4), is one of the features which characterize this text as colloquial.
28 There is not much the fig tree can do against wasps if they do not perform their role as pollinators.
29 Among the animals that contribute substantially to the dispersion of the fruit of the fig tree, one can list a bat that can only be found in the Pantanal of south-western Brazil, and a bird that inhabits the plains of Patagonia, in southern Argentina.
👉 Questão-Item  19-Errada :
The ecological relation between the wasp and the fig tree which is referred to in the text can be described as mutualism and reduces the genetic variability in fig tree populations.
A relação ecológica entre a vespa e a figueira, referida no texto, pode ser descrita como mutualismo e reduz a variabilidade genética nas populações de figueira.)
👉 Questão-Item  20-Correta :
Even though the fig tree and the wasp belong to different natural kingdoms, they cooperate in each other’s reproductive cycle.
Mesmo que a figueira e a vespa pertençam a reinos naturais diferentes, elas cooperam no ciclo reprodutivo uma da outra.)
👉 Questão-Item  21-Correta :
The relation between fig trees and wasps bears similarities with that between members of society and its laws.
A relação entre figueiras e vespas tem semelhanças com a que existe entre membros da sociedade e suas leis.)
👉 Questão-Item  22-Correta :
The central theme of the text is the need for each of the parties involved in a given relationship to perform its role.
O tema central do texto é a necessidade de cada uma das partes envolvidas em uma determinada relação cumprir seu papel.)
👉 Questão-Item  23-Errada :
The harshness of the punishment does not interfere in how often the participants follow the rules.
The harshness of the punishment does not interfere in how often the participants follow the rules.)
👉 Questão-Item  24-Errada :
Even though the wasps that establish a pollinator relationship with fig trees belong to different species, they utilize the same method of pollination.
Embora as vespas que estabelecem uma relação polinizadora com as figueiras pertençam a espécies diferentes, elas utilizam o mesmo método de polinização.)
👉 Questão-Item  25-Correta :
In the first paragraph, “developing young” (l.3) and “offspring” (l.4) refer basically to the same idea.
No primeiro parágrafo, “desenvolvimento jovem” e “descendência” referem-se basicamente à mesma ideia..)
👉 Questão-Item  26-Errada :
Jander’s study investigated six species overall.
O estudo de Jander investigou seis espécies no geral.)
👉 Questão-Item  27-Errada :
The absence of contractions, such as in “wasps do not always pollinate the fig” (l.3-4), is one of the features which characterize this text as colloquial.
A ausência de contrações, como em “nem sempre as vespas polinizam o figo”, é um dos traços que caracterizam este texto como coloquial.)
👉 Questão-Item  28-Errada :
There is not much the fig tree can do against wasps if they do not perform their role as pollinators.
Não há muito que a figueira possa fazer contra as vespas se elas não desempenharem seu papel de polinizadores.)
👉 Questão-Item  29-Errada :
Among the animals that contribute substantially to the dispersion of the fruit of the fig tree, one can list a bat that can only be found in the Pantanal of south-western Brazil, and a bird that inhabits the plains of Patagonia, in southern Argentina.
Entre os animais que contribuem substancialmente para a dispersão do fruto da figueira, pode-se citar um morcego que só pode ser encontrado no Pantanal, no sudoeste do Brasil, e uma ave que habita as planícies da Patagônia, no sul da Argentina.)

👉 Questão  30 :
What is the teacher saying to the pupil?
Choose the most appropriate sentence in accordance with the picture.
(A) Think about what you’ve done.
(B) Don’t forget to do your homework.
(C) Go stand outside the classroom.
(D) Any volunteers to go to the board?

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