sábado, 19 de outubro de 2019


 28 True False Questions.
➭ 02 Multiple Choice Questions / 4 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1) – Books that changed the worldthe 50 most influential books in human history. |
➭ Text (2) – | The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848 |
➭ Text (3) – | Dare to believe | Poema www.theodysseyonline.com |
➭ Text (4) – | Comics | UNICEF uniting nations: heroes for change | www.developmenteducation.ie |
➭ Text (5) – Women who changed the world www.one.org |
➭ Text (6) – Cartoon Glasbergen | www.weeklystorybook.com |
➭ Text (7) – | Tirinha www.arcticcirclecartoons.com |
How can we ever change the world? Military leaders have certainly managed to change large parts of it; scientists devising cures and vaccines for disease can spread a more benign influence across whole continents; the thoughts of religious leaders or philosophers can sweep through generations like fire. But books?
Reading books is generally a solitary pastime: bookishness is the very antithesis of the man-of-action qualities that seem to shake the world. The pen may boast of being mightier than the sword, but it is generally the sword that wins in the short term. It is that phrase, though, which gives the game away: in the short term, writers can be imprisoned or executed, their work censored, and their books burned, but over history, it is books and the ideas expressed within them that have transformed the world.
But which books can be said to have changed the world? There are few better ways of starting an argument than producing a list, and I have no doubt that not everyone will be happy about the books I included in my list. About some, like the Bible, Shakespeare’s First Folio and Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, there can be little argument - but what about Euclid’s Elements, Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man or A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft? The answer is that any list can only be subjective.
Andrew Taylor. Books that changed the world
the 50 most influential books in human history.
Quercus Editions, 2014 (adapted).
Judge the following items according to the text presented.
1 For the author, history shows that books are effective in changing the world.
2 In the first paragraph, the text states that military actions, scientific development, religious beliefs, and philosophical thoughts have less influence on the world than books.
3 In the second paragraph, the author answers the question "But books?" (ℓ.6) by explaining why books and words change the world.
4 The examples of books mentioned in the third paragraph are limited to religious and political ones.
5 The word "mightier" (ℓ.10) expresses a comparison and could be correctly replaced by more powerful.
6 In lines 7 to 9, the author presents two widely accepted views which are not always true: one regarding the habit of reading books and one about the kind of people who are believed to be able to change the world.
7 The passage "gives the game away"(ℓ.12) can be correctly replaced by reveals the real truth.
👉 Questão-Item  1 
For the author, history shows that books are effective in changing the world.
(Para o autor, a história mostra que os livros são eficazes para mudar o mundo.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
• Item (1) alinhado com o 2º parágrafo:
"[...] It is that phrase, though, which gives the game away: in the short term, writers can be imprisoned or executed, their work censored, and their books burned, but over history, it is books and the ideas expressed within them that have transformed the world."
(É essa frase, no entanto, que revela a verdade real: a curto prazo, os escritores podem ser presos ou executados, seus trabalhos censurados e seus livros queimados, mas, ao longo da história, são os livros e as idéias expressas neles que têm transformado o mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  2 
In the first paragraph, the text states that military actions, scientific development, religious beliefs, and philosophical thoughts have less influence on the world than books.
(No 1º parágrafo, o texto afirma que ações militares, desenvolvimento científico, crenças religiosas e pensamentos filosóficos têm menos influência no mundo do que livros.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• Não há menção à influência dos livros, no 1º parágrafo:
"[...] How can we ever change the world? Military leaders have certainly managed to change large parts of it; scientists devising cures and vaccines for disease can spread a more benign influence across whole continents; the thoughts of religious leaders or philosophers can sweep through generations like fire. But books?"
(Como podemos mudar o mundo? Os líderes militares certamente conseguiram mudar grande parte dele; os cientistas que planejam curas e vacinas para doenças podem espalhar uma influência mais benigna em continentes inteiros; os pensamentos de líderes religiosos ou filósofos podem varrer gerações como o fogo. Mas, os livros?)
👉 Questão-Item  3 
In the second paragraph, the author answers the question "But books?" by explaining why books and words change the world.
(No segundo parágrafo, o autor responde à pergunta "Mas livros?", ao explicar por que livros e palavras mudam o mundo.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• O texto menciona que livros e ideias mudam o mundo e não livros e palavras, veja:
"[...] in the short term, writers can be imprisoned or executed, their work censored, and their books burned, but over history, it is books and the ideas expressed within them that have transformed the world."
(a curto prazo, os escritores podem ser presos ou executados, seus trabalhos censurados e seus livros queimados, mas, ao longo da história, são os livros e as idéias expressas dentro deles que transformaram o mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  4 
The examples of books mentioned in the third paragraph are limited to religious and political ones.
(Os exemplos de livros mencionados no terceiro parágrafo são limitados aos religiosos e políticos.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• Além de livros políticos e religiosos, há a citação de Shakespeare e Darwin.
👉 Questão-Item  5 
The word "mightier" expresses a comparison and could be correctly replaced by more powerful.
(A palavra MIGHTIER(mais poderoso) expressa uma comparação e pode ser substituída corretamente por mais poderosa.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
TÓPICO - ADJECTIVE: Comparativo de superioridade.:
• mightier → more powerful.
"[...] The pen may boast of being mightier than the sword, but it is generally the sword that wins in the short term."
(A caneta pode se orgulhar de ser mais poderosa que a espada, mas geralmente é a espada que vence no curto prazo.)
👉 Questão-Item  6 
In lines 7 to 9, the author presents two widely accepted views which are not always true: one regarding the habit of reading books and one about the kind of people who are believed to be able to change the world.
(Nas linhas 7 a 9, o autor apresenta duas visões amplamente aceitas, que nem sempre são verdadeiras: uma sobre o hábito de ler livros e outra sobre o tipo de pessoa que se acredita capaz de mudar o mundo.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• Nas linhas 7 a 9 não há menção de visões amplamente (widely) aceitas.
• Outro detalhe, o verbo TO SEEM(parecer) não expressa a ideia enfática do TO BELIEVE(acreditar) utilizado no item.
"[...] Reading books is generally a solitary pastime: bookishness is the very antithesis of the man-of-action qualities that seem to shake the world."
(A leitura de livros geralmente é um passatempo solitário: a livresidade é a própria antítese das qualidades do homem de ação que parecem abalar o mundo.) 
👉 Questão-Item  7 
The passage "gives the game away" can be correctly replaced by reveals the real truth.
(A passagem "gives the game away"(denunciar o jogo, revelar a verdade) pode ser corretamente substituída por 'revela a verdade real'.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
TÓPICO - IDIOM: give the game away → revelar a verdade :
• A expressão idiomática GIVE THE GAME AWAY transmite a ideia de "revelar uma verdade real", "revelar uma informação que é sigilosa".
• Em português , temos uma expressão semelhante bem própria nossa que é "Bater com a língua nos dentes". No entanto, no idioma inglês a expressão 'to give the game away' pode ser substituída por outra com significado semelhante, como por exemplo 'let the cat out of the bag'.
 No texto:
"[...] It is that phrase, though, which gives the game away: in the short term, writers can be imprisoned or executed, their work censored, and their books burned, but over history, it is books and the ideas expressed within them that have transformed the world."
(É essa frase, no entanto, que revela a verdade real: a curto prazo, os escritores podem ser presos ou executados, seus trabalhos censurados e seus livros queimados, mas, ao longo da história, são os livros e as idéias expressas neles que têm transformado o mundo.)

If the economy of the nineteenth-century world was formed mainly under the influence of the British Industrial Revolution,  its politics and ideology were formed mainly by the French. Britain provided the model for  its railways and factories, the economic explosive which cracked open the traditional economic and social structures of the non-European world; but France made its revolutions and gave them their ideas, to the point where a tricolour flag of some kind became the emblem of virtually every emerging nation, and European (or indeed world) politics between 1789 and 1917 were largely the struggle for and against the principles of 1789.

France provided the vocabulary and the issues of liberal and radical-democratic politics for most of the world. France provided the first great example, the concept and the vocabulary of nationalism. France provided the codes of law, the model of scientific and technical organization, the metric system of measurement for most countries. The ideology of the modern world first penetrated the ancient civilizations which had until then resisted European ideas through French influence. This was the work of the French Revolution.
(HOBSBAWM, Eric. The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848. London: Abacus, 2007, pp. 73-74, adapted.)
Judge the following items based on the text presented above.
8 The Industrial Revolution is mentioned to emphasize the relevance of the French Revolution, the text's main topic.
9 The French Revolution was an important element in the dissemination of European ideals around the world.
10 The French Revolution changed not only political structures but also the language used to refer to politics.
11 The text would still be correct and coherent if the second paragraph began like this: Still, France provided.
12 The pronoun "its", in lines 3, 4, and 7, refers to "the British Industrial Revolution" (ℓ. 2 and 3).
13 In line 5, "cracked open" can be correctly replaced by revealed.
14 The expression "the principles of 1789" (ℓ.12) means the principles of the French Revolution.
👉 Questão-Item  8 
The Industrial Revolution is mentioned to emphasize the relevance of the French Revolution, the text's main topic.
(A Revolução Industrial é mencionada para enfatizar a relevância da Revolução Francesa, o principal tópico do texto.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
 No texto:
"[...] Britain provided the model for its railways and factories, the economic explosive which cracked open the traditional economic and social structures of the non-European world; but France made its revolutions and gave them their ideas, to the point where a tricolour flag of some kind became the emblem of virtually every emerging nation, and European (or indeed world) politics between 1789 and 1917 were largely the struggle for and against the principles of 1789."
(A Grã-Bretanha forneceu o modelo para suas ferrovias e fábricas, o explosivo econômico que abriu as estruturas econômicas e sociais tradicionais do mundo não europeu; mas a França fez suas revoluções e deu a elas suas idéias, a ponto de uma espécie de bandeira tricolor se tornar o emblema de praticamente todas as nações emergentes, e as políticas européias (ou mesmo mundiais) entre 1789 e 1917 foram em grande parte a luta a favor e contra o princípios de 1789.)
👉 Questão-Item  9 
The French Revolution was an important element in the dissemination of European ideals around the world.
(A Revolução Francesa foi um elemento importante na disseminação dos ideais europeus em todo o mundo.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
 No texto:
"[...] Britain provided the model for its railways and factories, the economic explosive which cracked open the traditional economic and social structures of the non-European world; but France made its revolutions and gave them their ideas, to the point where a tricolour flag of some kind became the emblem of virtually every emerging nation, and European (or indeed world) politics between 1789 and 1917 were largely the struggle for and against the principles of 1789."
(A Grã-Bretanha forneceu o modelo para suas ferrovias e fábricas, o explosivo econômico que abriu as estruturas econômicas e sociais tradicionais do mundo não europeu; mas a França fez suas revoluções e deu a elas suas idéias, a ponto de uma espécie de bandeira tricolor se tornar o emblema de praticamente todas as nações emergentes, e as políticas européias (ou mesmo mundiais) entre 1789 e 1917 foram em grande parte a luta a favor e contra o princípios de 1789.)
👉 Questão-Item  10 
The French Revolution changed not only political structures but also the language used to refer to politics.
(A Revolução Francesa mudou não apenas estruturas políticas, mas também a linguagem usada para se referir à política.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
 No texto:
"[...] France provided the vocabulary and the issues of liberal and radical-democratic politics for most of the world."
(A França forneceu o vocabulário e as questões da política liberal e democrática radical para a maior parte do mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  11 
The text would still be correct and coherent if the second paragraph began like this: Still, France provided.
(O texto ainda estaria correto e coerente se o segundo parágrafo começasse assim: Ainda assim, a França forneceu.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
TÓPICO - Uso do STILL como conjunção adversativa :
 O vocábulo STILL, presente no item (Still, France Provided), funciona como CONJUNÇÃO ADVERSATIVA, sinônimo de DESPITE, THOUGH que expressam a ideia de contraste e não de adição, como está presente no segundo parágrafo.
"[...] France provided the vocabulary and the issues of liberal and radical-democratic politics for most of the world."
(A França forneceu o vocabulário e as questões da política liberal e democrática radical para a maior parte do mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  12 
The pronoun "its", in lines 3, 4, and 7, refers to "the British Industrial Revolution" (ℓ. 2 and 3).
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• Na linha 3: ITS → "the British Industrial Revolution".
• Na linha 4: ITS → "Britain".
• Na linha 7: ITS → "France".
"[...] If the economy of the nineteenth-century world was formed mainly under the influence of the British Industrial Revolution, its politics and ideology were formed mainly by the French."
"[...] Britain provided the model for its railways
and factories,"
"[...] but France made its revolutions and
gave them their ideas,"
👉 Questão-Item  13 
In line 5, "cracked open" can be correctly replaced by revealed.
(Na linha 5, "cracked open" pode ser substituído corretamente por revelado.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
"[...] Britain provided the model for  its railways and factories, the economic explosive which cracked open the traditional economic and social structures of the non-European world;"
(A Grã-Bretanha forneceu o modelo para suas ferrovias e fábricas, o explosivo econômico que abriu as tradicionais estruturas econômicas e sociais do mundo não europeu;)
👉 Questão-Item  14 
The expression "the principles of 1789" (ℓ.12) means the principles of the French Revolution.
(A expressão "os princípios de 1789" (§12) significa os princípios da Revolução Francesa.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errado 
• IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: A expressão the principles of 1789 refere-se  ➝ aos próprios princípios europeus.
"[...] but France made its revolutions and gave them their ideas, to the point where a tricolour flag of some kind became the emblem of virtually every emerging nation, and European (or indeed world) politics between 1789 and 1917 were largely the struggle for and against the principles of 1789."
(mas a França fez suas revoluções e deu-lhes suas ideias, a ponto de uma bandeira tricolor de algum tipo se tornar o emblema de praticamente todas as nações emergentes, e a política europeia (ou mesmo mundial) entre 1789 e 1917 foi em grande parte a luta a favor e contra os princípios de 1789.)
Dare to believe
the whispers in your ears,
that you might be special,
that you might be meaningful,
that one day
you might change the world.
It’s us you see
the ones who listen
that will change everything.
Atticus. Dare to believe. Internet: <www.theodysseyonline.com> (adapted)
Judge the following items about the poem above.
15 From the text, it is correct to infer that, at least for some people, believing that they are special demands courage.
16 The text would be correct and have the same meaning if the verb "might" were replaced by may or by can in lines 3, 4, and 6.
17 The author admits in the text that he is one of the people who will change things when he writes "It's us you see" (ℓ.7).
18 If the second line of the poem were omitted, the result would be a less poetical but grammatically correct text: Dare to believe that you might be special...
👉 Questão-Item  15 
From the text, it is correct to infer that, at least for some people, believing that they are special demands courage.
(A partir do texto, é correto inferir que, pelo menos para algumas pessoas, acreditar que eles são especiais, exige coragem.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
"[...] Dare to believe the whispers in your ears, that you might be special, that you might be meaningful, that one day you might change the world."
(Ouse acreditar nos sussurros em seus ouvidos, que você pode ser especial, que você pode ser significativo, que um dia você pode mudar o mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  16 
The text would be correct and have the same meaning if the verb "might" were replaced by may or by can in lines 3, 4, and 6.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
• IDEIA CONTEXTUAL de POSSIBILIDADE : can, may ou might.
"[...] Dare to believe the whispers in your ears, that you might be special, that you might be meaningful, that one day you might change the world."
(Ouse acreditar nos sussurros em seus ouvidos, que você pode ser especial, que você pode ser significativo, que um dia você pode mudar o mundo.)
👉 Questão-Item  17 
The author admits in the text that he is one of the people who will change things when he writes "It's us you see".
(O autor admite no texto que ele é uma das pessoas que mudará as coisas quando escreve "Somos nós , entende")
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
"[...] It’s us you see, the ones who listen that will change everything."
(Somos nós, entende, aqueles que ouvem que vão mudar tudo.)
👉 Questão-Item  18 
If the second line of the poem were omitted, the result would be a less poetical but grammatically correct text: Dare to believe that you might be special...
(Se a segunda linha do poema fosse omitida, o resultado seria um texto menos poético, mas gramaticalmente correto: ouse acreditar que você pode ser especial ...)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
UNICEF. Comics uniting nations: heroes for change.
Internet: <www.developmenteducation.ie> (adapted).
Judge the following items about the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text.
19 The text is designed to convince its readers that the world can be changed by force of individual actions of each of its inhabitants.
20 If the first sentence of the text were rewritten as The best thing on the whole planet is the billions of people who inhabit it., the text would still be grammatically correct.
21 According to the text, a hero is someone who can imagine a better world, where people’s human rights are guaranteed.
22 One of the points of the text is to show that there is no problem or challenge that people cannot solve or overcome if they have a plan.
👉 Questão-Item  19 
The text is designed to convince its readers that the world can be changed by force of individual actions of each of its inhabitants.
(O texto foi projetado para convencer seus leitores de que o mundo pode ser mudado pela força de ações individuais de cada um de seus habitantes.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada  
➽IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: O texto objetiva convencer que o mundo pode ser mudado por ações conjuntas.
👉 Questão-Item  20 
If the first sentence of the text were rewritten as The best thing on the whole planet is the billions of people who inhabit it., the text would still be grammatically correct.
(Se a primeira frase do texto fosse reescrita como A melhor coisa em todo o planeta são os bilhões de pessoas que o habitam., O texto ainda estaria gramaticalmente correto.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
👉 Questão-Item  21 
According to the text, a hero is someone who can imagine a better world, where people's human rights are guaranteed.
(Segundo o texto, um herói é alguém que pode imaginar um mundo melhor, onde os direitos humanos das pessoas são garantidos.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
•IDEIA: O item define herói (hero) de modo distinto do texto, que é definido por meio de suas ações, e não de ações imaginárias.
👉 Questão-Item  22 
One of the points of the text is to show that there is no problem or challenge that people cannot solve or overcome if they have a plan.
(Um dos pontos do texto é mostrar que não há problema ou desafio que as pessoas não possam resolver ou superar se elas tiverem um plano.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
Women who changed the world
Text I: Marie Curie
Marie Curie
Born in Warsaw, Marie Curie became the first woman Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne (Paris) in 1906. She had Masters Degrees in both physics and mathematical sciences and was the first woman to obtain a Doctor of Science degree. Madame Curie was also the first person to win two Nobel Prizes. The first was in Physics in 1903, with her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, for their study in spontaneous radiation. The second was in Chemistry in 1911 for her work in radioactivity.
Text II: Rigoberta Menchú Tum
An indigenous Guatemalan woman of the K’iche’ branch of the Mayan culture, Rigoberta Menchú has dedicated her life to promoting the rights of indigenous peoples. She became active in the women’s rights movement as a teenager and later was a prominent workers’ rights advocate. In 1992 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation for indigenous peoples in Guatemala and is the first indigenous person to receive the prize.
Text III: Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani advocate for girls education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. In 2009, when Malala was just eleven she began blogging about life under the Taliban, speaking out directly against their threats to close girls’ schools. The blog on BBC Urdu garnered international attention while also making her the target of death threats. In October 2012, a gunman shot her and two other girls as they were coming home from school. Malala survived the attack, and, in October 2014, she received the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Indian children’s rights activist Kailash Satyart.
Felicity Amos. 12 women who changed the world. Internet: <www.one.org> (adapted).
Judge the following items according to texts I, II and III.
23 The three women described in the texts had a common goal: fighting discrimination against women.
24 Marie Curie won two Nobel prizes due to her autonomous work with radiation.
25 It is correct to infer that Rigoberta Menchú was a woman whose main concern was the welfare of indigenous peoples in her country.
 26 In texts II and III, the word "advocate" indicates that both Rigoberta and Malala were lawyers.
27 In text III, the expression "the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate" means that Malala was the youngest person to win the prize in the ceremony of 2014.
28 Malala's life was threatened because of her opinions and views against the Taliban.
👉 Questão-Item  23 
The three women described in the texts had a common goal: fighting discrimination against women.
(As três mulheres descritas nos textos tinham um objetivo comum: combater a discriminação contra as mulheres.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• O texto I fala que Marie Curies ganhou dois prêmios Nobel e não faz referência à luta contra a discriminação da mulher.
• Os textos II e III sim, fazem referência à luta contra a discriminação da mulher.
👉 Questão-Item  24 
Marie Curie won two Nobel prizes due to her autonomous work with radiation.
(Marie Curie ganhou dois prêmios Nobel por seu trabalho autônomo com radiação.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• O primeiro prêmio Nobel de Marie Curie envolve o marido dela(Pierre Curie) e Henri Becquerel.
👉 Questão-Item  25 
It is correct to infer that Rigoberta Menchú was a woman whose main concern was the welfare of indigenous peoples in her country.
(É correto inferir que Rigoberta Menchú era uma mulher cuja principal preocupação era o bem-estar dos povos indígenas em seu país.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
• Rigoberta Menchú dedicou sua vida a promover os direitos dos povos indígenas.
"[...] Rigoberta Menchú has dedicated her life to promoting the rights of indigenous peoples."
👉 Questão-Item  26 
In texts II and III, the word "advocate" indicates that both Rigoberta and Malala were lawyers.
(Nos textos II e III, a palavra "advogado" indica que Rigoberta e Malala eram advogados.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
• O vocábulo ADVOCATE é usada no sentido de encorajar, apoiar uma causa, e não advogar como profissão.
👉 Questão-Item  27 
In text III, the expression "the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate" means that Malala was the youngest person to win the prize in the ceremony of 2014.
(No texto III, a expressão "o mais jovem laureado com o Prêmio Nobel" significa que Malala foi a pessoa mais jovem a ganhar o prêmio na cerimônia de 2014.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
• Malala Yousafzai é uma defensora paquistanesa da educação de meninas e a mais jovem já ganhadora(premiada) do Prêmio Nobel.
"[...] Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani advocate for girls education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate."
👉 Questão-Item  28 
Malala's life was threatened because of her opinions and views against the Taliban..
(A vida de Malala foi ameaçada por causa de suas opiniões e pontos de vista contra o Talibã.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
• Veja no texto:
"[...] In 2009, when Malala was just eleven she began blogging about life under the Taliban, speaking out directly against their threats to close girls’ schools. The blog on BBC Urdu garnered international attention while also making her the target of death threats. In October 2012, a gunman shot her and two other girls as they were coming home from school. Malala survived the attack, and, in October 2014, she received the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Indian children’s rights activist Kailash Satyart."
(Em 2009, quando Malala tinha apenas onze anos, ela começou a blogar sobre a vida no regime talibã, falando diretamente contra suas ameaças de fechar escolas de meninas. O blog da BBC em Urdu chamou atenção internacional e a tornou alvo de ameaças de morte. Em outubro de 2012, um atirador atirou nela e em duas outras meninas quando voltavam da escola. Malala sobreviveu ao ataque e, em outubro de 2014, recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz, juntamente com a ativista de direitos das crianças indianas Kailash Satyart.)
Randy Glasbergen.
Internet: <www.weeklystorybook.com>
👉 Questão  29 :
In the cartoon above, the woman is complaining because
(A) the man does not like to change his socks.
(B) the man was a different person when they married.
(C) she thinks the man needs new and cleaner socks.
(D) she is happier when the man changes his socks.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
No cartoon acima, a mulher está reclamando porque
*Alternativa (A): o homem não gosta de trocar as meias.
*Alternativa (B): o homem era uma pessoa diferente quando se casaram.
*Alternativa (C): ela acha que o homem precisa de meias novas e mais limpas.
*Alternativa (D): ela fica mais feliz quando o homem troca as meias.
➦Tradução livre:
"25 years ago, you were going to change the world. Now l’m lucky if you change your socks."
(25 anos atrás, você ia mudar o mundo. Agora , sou sortuda se você mudar suas meias.
Alex Hallatt. Arctic circle comics. June 30, 2013.
Internet: <www.arcticcirclecartoons.com> (adapted).
👉 Questão  30 :
The comic strip above is funny because
(A) it shows how global warming is affecting the life in the Arctic.
(B) the two characters don’t agree about what to do about global warming.
(C) the penguins don’t know how to deal with a changing world in a philosophical way.
(D) one of the penguins misunderstands the meaning of the sentence "We won't be here for long".
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
The comic strip above is funny because...
A história em quadrinhos acima é engraçada porque...
*Alternativa (A)
it shows how global warming is affecting the life in the Arctic.
(mostra como o aquecimento global está afetando a vida no Ártico.)
*Alternativa (B)the two characters don’t agree about what to do about global warming.
(os dois personagens não concordam sobre o que fazer com o aquecimento global.)
*Alternativa (C)the penguins don’t know how to deal with a changing world in a philosophical way.
(os pinguins não sabem como lidar com um mundo em mudança de uma maneira filosófica.)
*Alternativa (D)one of the penguins misunderstands the meaning of the sentence "We won't be here for long".)
(um dos pingüins entende mal o significado da frase "Não vamos ficar aqui por muito tempo".

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