segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2020


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 15 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text – Bloomberg Businessweek (15 questions)

01-A,  02-C,  03-D,  04-E,  05-B
06-C,  07-A,  08-D,  09-D,  10-E
11-A,  12-C,  13-B,  14-E,  15-B

 TEXTO: Read the text to answer questions from 01 to 15.

There’s something faintly embarrassing about the 50th anniversary of the first moonwalk. It was just so long ago. It’s no longer “we” who put a man on the moon, it’s “they” who put a man on the moon. So why can’t “we” do it? It’s hard not to feel that for all the technological advances of the last halfcentury, America has lost something — the ability to unite and overcome long odds to achieve greatness.

At one level, this is silly. The U.S. stopped going to the moon because Americans stopped seeing the point of it, not because they stopped being capable of it. Still, the historic Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs do have something to teach us. Months before the moon landing, the journal Science wrote that the space program’s “most valuable spin-off of all will be human rather than technological: better knowledge of how to plan, coordinate and monitor the multitudinous and varied activities of the organizations required to accomplish great social undertakings.” So, here, lessons the Apollo has left behind.

1. ________ President John Kennedy simplified NASA’s job with his 1961 address to Congress committing to “the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.” From then on, any decision was made by whether it would aid or impede the agency in meeting that deadline. Experiments that were too heavy were shelved, however valuable they might have been. Technologies that were superior but not ready for deployment were set aside. Having a North Star to pursue was essential, because skeptics and critics abounded. Amid protests over the Vietnam war and race riots, NASA engineers kept their heads down and their slide rules busy.

2. Harness incongruence. In any large organization there is pressure to suppress dissent. That can be deadly, as it was for NASA in the two space shuttle failures — Challenger and Columbia — each of which killed all seven crew members. Leading up to both tragedies, the fact that engineers grew concerned about a technical problem they did not fully understand, but they could not make a quantitative case; and were consequently ignored. After the bad years of the shuttle disasters, the practice of harnessing incongruence, and learning from mistakes, has staged something of a revival at NASA, which has since successfully sent unmanned craft to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Says Adam Stelzner, a NASA engineer, “Listen to all that the problem has to say, do not make assumptions or commit to a plan of action based on them until the deepest truth presents itself”.

3. Delegate but decide. NASA realized early on that it needed help. About 90% of Apollo’s budget was spent on contractors from the most varied places. NASA itself was, therefore, more of a confederation than a single agency.

With so many players involved, turf wars were unavoidable. NASA Administrator James Webb coined the phrase Space Age Management to describe how he tried to manage conflicts and ensure final decisions were made by headquarters. Unfortunately, Webb’s mastery of the complex network was not as thorough as he believed. The death of three astronauts during a routine test in 1967 was traced to deficiencies Webb had been unaware of. Failure, in this case, was as instructive as success.

4. Effectiveness and elegance. Aesthetically, the Apollo mission was poor. The module that touched down on the moon looked like an oversize version of a kid’s cardboard science project, all right angles and skinny legs. Apollo’s return to Earth was equally unglamorous. The spaceship that left the launch pad was awesome; what was, by plan, to be rescued from the Pacific Ocean was a stubby cone weighing just 0.2% of the majestic original. But what looks clunky and awkward to an outsider may appear elegant to an engineer. Engineering inelegance, by contrast, would be redesigning a machine without fully anticipating the consequences.

Most of the people alive today had not yet arrived on the planet when Armstrong, Aldrin and Commander Michael Collins returned to it after their historic voyage. Never mind, though. The moon landing was a victory for all of the human race, past, present, and future.

(Peter Coy. Bloomberg Businessweek, 22.07.2019. Adapted.)


The title which best summarizes the content of the text is:

(A) “Management messages from moon missions”
(B) “Moonflight stories of success revisited”
(C) “50 years gone by — what about the future of spaceships?”
(D) “Changes in America’s management practices”
(E) “Travelling safely through space”


In the fragment from the first paragraph

“It’s no longer ‘we’ who put a man on the moon, it’s ‘they’ who put a man on the moon”,

the underlined terms refer, respectively, to

(A) the Americans and the Russians, their rivals in the space race at the time.
(B) the American people in general and the scientists working for NASA.
(C) the America of today and the America five decades ago. (D) the U.S. willing to go on with space programs, and the U.S. giving them up.
(E) the Americans who are capable of breaking down barriers, and the Americans who are not.


The expression from the first paragraph

overcome long odds” means, in the context,

(A) accept differences.
(B) handle uncertainties.
(C) ignore age-old conflicts.
(D) prevail over adversities.
(E) join efforts.


In the first and second paragraphs

the author expresses his opinion that

(A) the Americans made a wrong decision when they first decided to stop flying to the moon.
(B) no fact of real relevance about space travel has taken place after the first moonwalk.
(C) celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the first moonwalk were, unhappily, unexpectedly disturbing.
(D) it may seem unbelievable but, with comparatively poorer technology than today, U.S. could make moonwalk a reality. (E) America somewhat seems no longer able to come together as a nation in pursuit of a major goal.


In the excerpt from the second paragraph

“The U.S. stopped going to the moon because Americans stopped seeing the point of it, not because they stopped being capable of it. Still, the historic Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs do have something to teach us”,

the underlined word establishes, between the two sentences, a relation of

(A) time.
(B) contrast.
(C) complementation.
(D) cause and effect.
(E) purpose.


In the fragment from the second paragraph

“most valuable spin-off of all will be human rather than technological”,

the underlined expression can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by

(A) in spite of.
(B) in addition to.
(C) instead of.
(D) as much as.
(E) or else.


Choose the alternative proposing the subtitle that would most closely represent the content of item 1 (3rd paragraph).

(A) Have a clear objective.
(B) Fight skepticism and criticism.
(C) Work hard for your purposes.
(D) Decide with authority.
(E) Follow your intuitions.


The expression “that deadline”, in the third paragraph,

refers to

(A) the year of 1961.
(B) a period of over ten years.
(C) the completion of the Apollo program.
(D) the end of the 60’s.
(E) the end of John Kennedy’s presidency.


The fragment from the third paragraph

“however valuable they might have been”

can be rewritten, with no change in meaning, as

(A) even though they were all of great value.
(B) no matter how costly they would have been.
(C) whenever they were considered impracticable.
(D) regardless of possibly being of great relevance.
(E) because they might have been too expensive.


From the reading of subitem 2 “Harness incongruence”, we understand that, if disasters such as those with the Columbia and the Challenger are to be prevented,

(A) workers in highly sophisticated programs should assume responsibility for their own decisions.
(B) leaders in charge of a project must commit to a plan of action and never deviate from it.
(C) people should avoid making assumptions about problems they are not accountable for.
(D) technical problems ought to be fully evaluated and explained in quantitative terms.
(E) problems must not be disregarded or set aside until they are totally figured out.


In the context of the fourth paragraph,

the verb “harness” means

(A) tackle.
(B) ignore.
(C) explain.
(D) repress.
(E) justify.


In the fragment from the sixth paragraph

“NASA itself was, therefore, more of a confederation than a single agency”,

the underlined word means

(A) comparatively.
(B) as never before.
(C) consequently.
(D) nevertheless.
(E) to a certain extent.


In the specific context of subitem 3 “Delegate but decide”, the statement “Failure, in this case, was as instructive as success” (4th paragraph) means that

(A) NASA learned more from what went wrong in its projects than from what worked perfectly well.
(B) an unexpected disaster reaffirmed the need for leaders to exercise more effective governance and oversight.
(C) numerous difficulties arose as NASA delegated too many of their own responsibilities to others.
(D) conflicts at NASA were inevitable and dealing with them was not always a successful task.
(E) the highly complex network NASA turned into could only result in a command breakdown.


In the fragment from the seventh paragraph

“Webb’s mastery of the complex network was not as thorough as he believed”,

the underlined word means

(A) transparent.
(B) productive.
(C) efficient.
(D) clever.
(E) comprehensive.


According to the fourth subitem “Effectiveness and elegance”, as far as spaceships are concerned,

(A) appearances are positively irrelevant.
(B) form follows efficiency.
(C) elegance and effectiveness should come together.
(D) engineering inelegance ought to be inadmissible.
(E) “clunky” and “awkward” are synonymous to “glamour”.

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