sábado, 16 de novembro de 2019

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 15 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).

Digging for truth
An odd couple—Nicaragua’s left-wing government and a Chinese-born telecoms magnate—say that, on December 22nd 2014, they will begin the realisation of a dream that has captivated Nicaraguans for generations: the construction of an inter-oceanic canal to rival Panama’s. According to Manuel Coronel, an octogenarian who runs the canal authority, their intentions are now beyond dispute. “When the bride and groom set a date, you know it’s serious,” he says.
But ask Mr Coronel just where construction will begin and who will pay for it, and he has no answers. Neither does HKND, the Hong Kong-based company run by Wang Jing, which is to build the $50 billion waterway. The project has been shrouded in secrecy since Nicaragua’s National Assembly awarded a 50-year concession to HKND in 2013. No feasibility study, environmental-impact report, business case or financing plan has yet been released. Instead come platitudes from the government of Daniel Ortega about how it will bring a jobs bonanza and end poverty.
So far, it has brought as much fear as hope. Since Chinese-speaking surveyors, backed by Nicaraguan soldiers and police, began assessing land and houses along the canal’s proposed 278km (172-mile) route a few months ago, peasants fearful of their land being expropriated have taken to the streets 16 times. On December 10th several thousand, shouting “We don’t want the Chinese”, protested in Managua, the capital, despite police efforts to keep them in their villages, activists say. Boatmen in Punta Gorda on the Caribbean coast have refused to transport heavy machinery to be used to begin construction, fearing their livelihoods will be harmed.
In November the Nicaraguan Academy of Science convened a panel of experts to demand clarification of the impact of dredging sediment along a 105km stretch of Lake Nicaragua. They said it could damage drinking water, irrigation systems, fishing and biodiversity in one of Latin America’s greatest tropical lakes. Engineers say the proposed canal, which is aimed at enticing bigger ships than those now able to cross between the Atlantic and Pacific, could run massively over budget and provoke further widening of the Panama Canal, which would ruin its business case.
Many still doubt it will ever be built. Carlos Fernando Chamorro, editor of an anti-Ortega publication, Confidencial, says the only groundbreaking on December 22nd will be for an access road to a proposed port near Brito, on the Pacific coast, at what is expected to be one entrance to the canal. Some experts think the port, a proposed airport nearby and a free-trade zone may be as far as the canal gets.
But the case for a canal may not rest only on tolls and jobs. China may see it as a strategic route to the Atlantic, says Evan Ellis of the United States Army War College. If so, it might be built after all.
Adapted from The Economist, December 20, 2014.
👉 Questão  31 :
According to the information in the article, what is the significance of December 22nd 2014? 
A On that day, China’s government will start planning the interoceanic canal that will connect Nicaragua’s Pacific and Caribbean (Atlantic) coasts.
B On that day, Nicaragua’s government and a Hong Kong-based company will formally announce their intention to build an interoceanic canal.
C The Nicaraguan-Chinese partnership currently building the interoceanic canal announced that the first phase of construction would be finished by that date.
D Many generations ago, on that historic date, Nicaragua’s government first announced its intention to build an inter-oceanic canal.
E That was officially declared as the day when HKND would start digging the inter-oceanic canal that will connect Nicaragua’s two coasts.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual é o significado de 22 de dezembro de 2014?
a) On that day, China’s government will start planning the interoceanic canal that will connect Nicaragua’s Pacific and Caribbean (Atlantic) coasts.
• Nesse dia, o governo da China começará a planejar o canal interoceânico que conectará as costas do Pacífico e do Caribe (Atlântico) da Nicarágua.
b) On that day, Nicaragua’s government and a Hong Kong-based company will formally announce their intention to build an interoceanic canal.
• Nesse dia, o governo da Nicarágua e uma empresa com sede em Hong Kong anunciarão formalmente sua intenção de construir um canal interoceânico.
c) The Nicaraguan-Chinese partnership currently building the interoceanic canal announced that the first phase of construction would be finished by that date.
• A parceria nicaraguense-chinesa que atualmente constrói o canal interoceânico anunciou que a primeira fase da construção estaria concluída até essa data.
d) Many generations ago, on that historic date, Nicaragua’s government first announced its intention to build an inter-oceanic canal.
• Muitas gerações atrás, naquela data histórica, o governo da Nicarágua anunciou pela primeira vez sua intenção de construir um canal interoceânico.
e) That was officially declared as the day when HKND would start digging the inter-oceanic canal that will connect Nicaragua’s two coasts.
• Isso foi declarado oficialmente como o dia em que HKND começaria a cavar o canal interoceânico que conectará as duas costas da Nicarágua.
👉 Questão  32 :
With respect to Manuel Coronel, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
A He is a Nicaraguan expert on canal design and construction.
B Apparently, he expresses no doubt in public about the future of Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal project.
C With respect to the inter-oceanic canal, he is hiding the real intentions of Nicaragua’s government.
D Despite his public declarations, he really does not know whether Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will be built or not.
E He is the Nicaraguan government official who decided that the inter-oceanic canal would in fact be built.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• No que diz respeito a Manuel Coronel, qual das seguintes alternativas é mais corroborada pela informação do artigo?
a) He is a Nicaraguan expert on canal design and construction.
• Ele é um especialista nicaraguense em projeto e construção de canais.
b) Apparently, he expresses no doubt in public about the future of Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal project.
• Aparentemente, ele não expressa dúvidas em público sobre o futuro do projeto do canal interoceânico da Nicarágua.
c) With respect to the inter-oceanic canal, he is hiding the real intentions of Nicaragua’s government.
• Com relação ao canal interoceânico, ele esconde as reais intenções do governo da Nicarágua.
d) Despite his public declarations, he really does not know whether Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will be built or not.
• Apesar de suas declarações públicas, ele realmente não sabe se o canal interoceânico da Nicarágua será construído ou não.
e) He is the Nicaraguan government official who decided that the inter-oceanic canal would in fact be built.
• Ele é o governante da Nicarágua que decidiu que o canal interoceânico seria de fato construído.
👉 Questão  33 :
According to the information in the article,
A Although Nicaragua’s National Assembly has signed an agreement with HKND, that company may need more than 50 years to finish the inter-oceanic canal. B Pro-canal and anti-canal factions in Nicaragua have paralyzed that country’s government.
C When Nicaragua’s government announced that the inter-oceanic canal would be built, it did not release to the public important technical information about the project.
D Despite his encouraging words about the inter-oceanic canal, Daniel Ortega has no concrete information regarding feasibility, environmental impact, profit potential and financing.
E Although Nicaragua’s government denied any conflict of interest, it refused to release to the Nicaraguan public vital information about the inter-oceanic canal project.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com as informações do artigo,
a) Although Nicaragua’s National Assembly has signed an agreement with HKND, that company may need more than 50 years to finish the inter-oceanic canal.
• Embora a Assembleia Nacional da Nicarágua tenha assinado um acordo com a HKND, essa empresa pode precisar de mais de 50 anos para terminar o canal interoceânico.
b) Pro-canal and anti-canal factions in Nicaragua have paralyzed that country’s government.
• As facções pró-canal e anticanal na Nicarágua paralisaram o governo daquele país.
c) When Nicaragua’s government announced that the inter-oceanic canal would be built, it did not release to the public important technical information about the project.
• Quando o governo da Nicarágua anunciou que o canal interoceânico seria construído, não divulgou ao público informações técnicas importantes sobre o projeto.
d) Despite his encouraging words about the inter-oceanic canal, Daniel Ortega has no concrete information regarding feasibility, environmental impact, profit potential and financing.
• Apesar de suas palavras encorajadoras sobre o canal interoceânico, Daniel Ortega não tem informações concretas sobre viabilidade, impacto ambiental, potencial de lucro e financiamento.
e) Although Nicaragua’s government denied any conflict of interest, it refused to release to the Nicaraguan public vital information about the inter-oceanic canal project.
• Embora o governo da Nicarágua negue qualquer conflito de interesses, ele se recusou a divulgar ao público nicaraguense informações vitais sobre o projeto do canal interoceânico.
👉 Questão  34 :
At the beginning of paragraph 3, the sentence “So far, it has brought as much fear as hope” most likely refers to which of the following? 
A Daniel Ortega’s speeches in favor of building the inter-oceanic canal have left the Nicaraguan people more worried than hopeful.
B In the past in Nicaragua, infrastructure projects that were implemented to create jobs and reduce poverty often ended in failure.
C Although the Nicaraguan people hope that the inter-oceanic canal will be built, they also fear that it won’t be built.
D Because of the Nicaraguan government’s lack of transparency, many of the Nicaraguan people have lost confidence in the interoceanic canal and hope that it will not be built.
E Nicaraguan public opinion favorable to building the inter-oceanic canal is counterbalanced by public opinion worried about the consequences of building it.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• No início do parágrafo 3, a frase “Até agora, trouxe tanto medo quanto esperança” provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes opções?
a) Daniel Ortega’s speeches in favor of building the interoceanic canal have left the Nicaraguan people more worried than hopeful.
• Os discursos de Daniel Ortega a favor da construção do canal interoceânico deixaram o povo nicaraguense mais preocupado do que esperançoso.
b) In the past in Nicaragua, infrastructure projects that were implemented to create jobs and reduce poverty often ended in failure.
• No passado, na Nicarágua, os projetos de infraestrutura implementados para criar empregos e reduzir a pobreza muitas vezes fracassaram.
c) Although the Nicaraguan people hope that the interoceanic canal will be built, they also fear that it won’t be built.
• Embora o povo nicaraguense espere que o canal interoceânico seja construído, eles também temem que não o seja.
d) Because of the Nicaraguan government’s lack of transparency, many of the Nicaraguan people have lost confidence in the interoceanic canal and hope that it will not be built.
• Devido à falta de transparência do governo da Nicarágua, muitos nicaragüenses perderam a confiança no canal interoceânico e esperam que não seja construído.
e) Nicaraguan public opinion favorable to building the inter-oceanic canal is counterbalanced by public opinion worried about the consequences of building it.
• A opinião pública nicaraguense favorável à construção do canal interoceânico é contrabalançada pela opinião pública preocupada com as consequências de sua construção.
👉 Questão  35 :
According to the information in the article, Nicaraguan peasants apparently 
A defied the police and went to Nicaragua’s capital to protest against the inter-oceanic canal.
B battled Chinese-speaking surveyors in a violent anti-canal protest in Managua.
C battled Nicaraguan soldiers and police in a nationwide anti-canal protest.
D are already being removed from their land so that HKND can start building the inter-oceanic canal.
E demanded that the workers building the inter-oceanic canal must be Nicaraguan, not Chinese.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, os camponeses da Nicarágua aparentemente
a) defied the police and went to Nicaragua’s capital to protest againstthe inter-oceanic canal.
• desafiou a polícia e foi à capital da Nicarágua para protestar contra o canal interoceânico.
b) battled Chinese-speaking surveyors in a violent anticanal protest in Managua.
• lutou contra topógrafos de língua chinesa em um violento protesto anticanal em Manágua.
c) battled Nicaraguan soldiers and police in a nationwide anti-canal protest.
• combateram soldados e policiais da Nicarágua em um protesto anti-canal em todo o país.
d) are already being removed from their land so that HKND can start building the inter-oceanic canal.
• já estão sendo retirados de suas terras para que a HKND inicie a construção do canal interoceânico.
e) demanded that the workers building the inter-oceanic canal must be Nicaraguan, not Chinese.
• exigiu que os trabalhadores da construção do canal interoceânico fossem nicaraguenses e não chineses.
👉 Questão  36 :
With respect to the inter-oceanic canal, which of the following opinions is most supported by the information in the article?
A From a purely technical, logistical point of view, dredging the sediment in Lake Nicaragua in order to build the inter-oceanic canal makes no sense.
B As designed, the inter-oceanic canal will be obsolete before it even begins operating.
C Competition from the Panama Canal could hurt the inter-oceanic canal’s chances for success.
D Although Nicaragua’s government and HKND will share building costs, the inter-oceanic canal’s budget is much too high.
E There is simply not enough international shipping traffic to justify building a Nicaraguan inter-oceanic canal.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• Com relação ao canal interoceânico, qual das seguintes opiniões é mais apoiada pelas informações do artigo?
a) From a purely technical, logistical point of view, dredging the sediment in Lake Nicaragua in order to build the inter-oceanic canal makes no sense.
• Do ponto de vista puramente técnico e logístico, não faz sentido dragar o sedimento do Lago Nicarágua para construir o canal interoceânico.
b) As designed, the inter-oceanic canal will be obsolete before it even begins operating.
• Conforme projetado, o canal interoceânico estará obsoleto antes mesmo de começar a operar.
c) Competition from the Panama Canal could hurt the inter-oceanic canal’s chances for success.
• A competição do Canal do Panamá pode prejudicar as chances de sucesso do canal interoceânico.
d) Although Nicaragua’s government and HKND will share building costs, the inter-oceanic canal’s budget is much too high.
• Embora o governo da Nicarágua e o HKND dividam os custos de construção, o orçamento do canal interoceânico é muito alto.
e) There is simply not enough international shipping traffic to justify building a Nicaraguan inter-oceanic canal.
• Simplesmente não há tráfego marítimo internacional suficiente para justificar a construção de um canal interoceânico na Nicarágua.
👉 Questão  37 :
According to the information in the article,
A China’s international interests may be the key factor in deciding whether or not Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal becomes a reality.
B Manuel Coronel’s choice of Punta Gorda and Brito as respective east and west terminals is an indication that Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will indeed be built.
C Wang Jing’s vast financial resources and clear strategic objectives will ensure that Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will be built.
D The only reason Carlos Fernando Chamorro’s opposes Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal is that he is Daniel Ortega’s political enemy.
E Despite the Nicaraguan government’s promise to make huge investments in Punta Gorda, boatmen there oppose the interoceanic canal because of the serious environmental damage that it will cause.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo,
a) China’s international interests may be the key factor in deciding whether or not Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal becomes a reality.
• Os interesses internacionais da China podem ser o fator chave para decidir se o canal interoceânico da Nicarágua se tornará uma realidade ou não.
b) Manuel Coronel’s choice of Punta Gorda and Brito as respective east and west terminals is an indication that Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will indeed be built.
• A escolha de Punta Gorda e Brito por Manuel Coronel como respectivos terminais leste e oeste é uma indicação de que o canal interoceânico da Nicarágua será de fato construído.
c) Wang Jing’s vast financial resources and clear strategic objectives will ensure that Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal will be built.
• Os vastos recursos financeiros e objetivos estratégicos claros de Wang Jing garantirão que o canal interoceânico da Nicarágua seja construído.
d) The only reason Carlos Fernando Chamorro’s opposes Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal is that he is Daniel Ortega’s political enemy.
• A única razão pela qual Carlos Fernando Chamorro se opõe ao canal interoceânico da Nicarágua é que ele é o inimigo político de Daniel Ortega.
e) Despite the Nicaraguan government’s promise to make huge investments in Punta Gorda, boatmen there oppose the interoceanic canal because of the serious environmental damage that it will cause.
• Apesar da promessa do governo da Nicarágua de fazer grandes investimentos em Punta Gorda, os barqueiros de lá se opõem ao canal interoceânico por causa dos graves danos ambientais que causará.
👉 Questão  38 :
The title of the article, “Digging for Truth,” is most likely an ironic reference to the fact that
A both Wang Jing and Nicaragua’s government have lied constantly about the inter-oceanic canal.
B people who know very little about canal design and construction have planned Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal.
C despite all of the promises and publicity surrounding Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal, it will  probably never be built.
D none of the parties involved has offered complete, specific, and well-documented information concerning Nicaragua’s interoceanic canal project.
E Because of the inter-oceanic canal project, HKND may secretly be exerting a corrupting influence on Nicaragua’s government.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• O título do artigo, "Cavando para a verdade", é provavelmente uma referência irônica ao fato de que
a) both Wang Jing and Nicaragua’s government have lied constantly about the inter-oceanic canal.
• Wang Jing e o governo da Nicarágua mentiram constantemente sobre o canal interoceânico.
b) people who know very little about canal design and construction have planned Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal.
• pessoas que sabem muito pouco sobre o projeto e a construção do canal planejaram o canal interoceânico da Nicarágua.
c) despite all of the promises and publicity surrounding Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal, it will probably never be built.
• apesar de todas as promessas e publicidade em torno do canal interoceânico da Nicarágua, provavelmente nunca será construído.
d) none of the parties involved has offered complete, specific, and well-documented information concerning Nicaragua’s interoceanic canal project.
• nenhuma das partes envolvidas ofereceu informações completas, específicas e bem documentadas sobre o projeto do canal interoceânico da Nicarágua.
e) Because of the inter-oceanic canal project, HKND may secretly be exerting a corrupting influence on Nicaragua’s government.
• Por causa do projeto do canal interoceânico, a HKND pode estar secretamente exercendo uma influência corruptora sobre o governo da Nicarágua.
By Kristin A. Hook 
Most sexual organisms — be they bacteria, fungi, plants, or animals — have only two mating types: females and males. Females are defined by their ability to produce eggs, males by their ability to produce sperm. In distinguishing between those two types of gametes, size matters most. The union of a sperm, the small gamete, with an egg, the large gamete, characterizes sexual reproduction. But how did these two gamete types come to be?
One theory suggests that before females or males existed, all gametes were the same type and size. What size? A larger gamete offers more nutrition to a developing offspring [prole], assuring a higher chance of survival. Natural selection would thus favor all gametes to be large. But this is not what happened.
Efficiency also pays off in the gamete world. Large gametes are less efficient at finding a mate precisely because their size obliges them to be fewer in number. On the other hand, the smaller gametes invest their resources into being more abundant. Occurring in greater numbers means they are much more likely to encounter their target.
Clearly, there are advantages for both large and small gametes. To reconcile how we ended up with both types, let’s imagine the potential pairings of these different gamete types from the perspective of natural selection. In a remarkable achievement, suppose two large gametes find one another. Sure, the fusion of their genetic material will result in a mighty super-survivor offspring because of their investments being large, equal, and nutritious. Unfortunately for them, however, their big investments will come at the expense of being rare, so these unions will result in fewer offspring. Likewise, though the union of two small gametes would be more probable given their abundance, neither gamete can provide sufficient nutrition for the offspring to survive. Consequently, neither of these unions between like gametes would be favored over time.
Because of this disparity in size, sexual evolution also involves a story of parasitism. Here’s how it works: by favoring both egg and sperm, natural selection ensured unequal contributions from the gametes to the offspring. While large gametes evolved for nourishment of the offspring, small gametes became lazy, so to speak, since they didn’t have to provide any of the nourishment for the offspring. Just like a parasite, a sperm cell will exploit the resources of an egg.
Adapted from Natural History, November  2014
👉 Questão  39 :
Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
A Female gametes produce eggs and male gametes produce sperm.
B A single gamete can transform itself into either an egg or a sperm.
C In order to reproduce, all sexual organisms have exactly two mating types: females and males.
D A gamete’s size and function are inextricably linked.
E Among the various types of gametes, the two most common are eggs and sperm.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• Qual das opções a seguir é mais corroborada pelas informações do artigo?
a) Female gametes produce eggs and male gametes produce sperm.
• Os gametas femininos produzem óvulos e os gametas masculinos produzem esperma.
b) A single gamete can transform itself into either an egg or a sperm.
• Um único gameta pode se transformar em um óvulo ou em um espermatozóide.
c) In order to reproduce, all sexual organisms have exactly two mating types: females and males.
• Para se reproduzir, todos os organismos sexuais têm exatamente dois tipos de acasalamento: fêmeas e machos.
d) A gamete’s size and function are inextricably linked.
• O tamanho e a função de um gameta estão inextricavelmente ligados.
e) Among the various types of gametes, the two most common are eggs and sperm.
• Entre os vários tipos de gametas, os dois mais comuns são óvulos e espermatozoides.
👉 Questão  40 :
In paragraph 2, the sentence “But this is not what happened” most likely refers to the fact that
A large gametes provide more nutrition for a developing offspring.
B size determines whether or not a gamete will survive.
C natural selection has played no role in determining the size of gametes.
D scientific evidence shows that all gametes used to be the same size.
E contrary to a certain logical expectation, both small gametes and large gametes exist.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• No parágrafo 2, a frase "Mas não foi isso que aconteceu" provavelmente se refere ao fato de que
a) large gametes provide more nutrition for a developing offspring.
• gametas grandes fornecem mais nutrição para uma prole em desenvolvimento.
b) size determines whether or not a gamete will survive.
• o tamanho determina se um gameta sobreviverá ou não.
c) natural selection has played no role in determining the size of gametes.
• a seleção natural não desempenhou nenhum papel na determinação do tamanho dos gametas.
d) scientific evidence shows that all gametes used to be the same size.
• evidências científicas mostram que todos os gametas costumavam ter o mesmo tamanho.
e) contrary to a certain logical expectation, both small gametes and large gametes exist.
• ao contrário de uma certa expectativa lógica, existem gametas pequenos e gametas grandes.
👉 Questão  41 :
With respect to sexual reproduction, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
A The speed and agility of small gametes gives them an advantage in reaching a large gamete so that sexual reproduction can occur.
B If a sexual organism’s eggs and sperm were the same size, they could not unite for the purpose of sexual reproduction.
C If a sexual organism’s eggs and sperm existed in equal numbers, they could not unite for the purpose of sexual reproduction.
D The exclusive presence of large, nutritious sperm in a sexual organism would probably not help to facilitate sexual reproduction.
E For sexual reproduction to occur, a sexual organism’s small gametes must all be equally efficient at finding a mate.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• Com relação à reprodução sexual, qual das opções a seguir é mais corroborada pelas informações do artigo?
a) The speed and agility of small gametes gives them an advantage in reaching a large gamete so that sexual reproduction can occur.
• A velocidade e agilidade dos gametas pequenos dá a eles uma vantagem em alcançar um gameta grande para que a reprodução sexual possa ocorrer.
b) If a sexual organism’s eggs and sperm were the same size, they could not unite for the purpose of sexual reproduction.
• Se os óvulos e espermatozóides de um organismo sexual fossem do mesmo tamanho, eles não poderiam se unir para fins de reprodução sexual.
c) If a sexual organism’s eggs and sperm existed in equal numbers, they could not unite for the purpose of sexual reproduction.
• Se os óvulos e espermatozóides de um organismo sexual existissem em números iguais, eles não poderiam se unir para fins de reprodução sexual.
d) The exclusive presence of large, nutritious sperm in a sexual organism would probably not help to facilitate sexual reproduction.
• A presença exclusiva de espermatozoides grandes e nutritivos em um organismo sexual provavelmente não ajudaria a facilitar a reprodução sexual.
e) For sexual reproduction to occur, a sexual organism’s small gametes must all be equally efficient at finding a mate.
• Para que a reprodução sexual ocorra, os pequenos gametas de um organismo sexual devem ser igualmente eficientes em encontrar um parceiro.
👉 Questão  42 :
As mentioned in paragraph 4, if it were possible to unite two large gametes,
A the offspring would gain very few advantages in terms of health and potential longevity.
B with the passage of time that type of union would tend to occur less and less frequently.
C the offspring would be unlikely to survive.
D that type of union would in fact weaken rather than strengthen the genetic material of both gametes.
E that type of union would be a perfect example of natural selection and therefore, with the passage of time, would become more common.
R E S P O S T A :   B
👉 Questão  43 :
In paragraph 4, the phrase “…their big investments will come at the expense of being rare…” most likely refers to which of the following?
A On rare occasions, the union of two large gametes produces healthier offspring than does the union of two small gametes.
B Because of their size and genetic content, two large gametes will have to make a relatively greater effort in order to form a union.
C Although the size of two large gametes would allow the fusion of good and plentiful genetic material, it would also make such a fusion harder to achieve.
D Unfortunately, because two large gametes would spend so much effort in trying to unite, much of their genetic material would be wasted.
E Although it is harder for two large gametes to unite than it is for two small gametes to unite, the offspring are healthier.
R E S P O S T A :   C
👉 Questão  44 :
With respect to the hypothetical union of two small gametes (as presented in paragraph 4), which of the following is not mentioned”?
A Even if a sexual organism’s eggs and sperm were both small, there would still only be one egg and many sperm. 
B With the passage of time, natural selection would tend to reduce the occurrence of that type of union. C That type of union would probably be more common than the union of two large gametes.
D Compared to the union of two large gametes, the union of two smaller gametes would be both more efficient and less successful.
E Although that type of union could occur in relative abundance, the offspring would not survive.
R E S P O S T A :   A
👉 Questão  45 :
With respect to the relationship between an egg and a sperm, which of the following does the information in the article not support?
A Because of natural selection, the sperm contributes no nutrition to the offspring.
B Like a parasite, the sperm survives by taking its nourishment from the egg.
C If an egg and a sperm made similar contributions to an offspring, sexual reproduction would be less rather than more successful.
D If an egg and a sperm were the same large size, their nutritional contribution to an offspring would be similar.
E A sperm’s parasitical relationship with an egg is evolution’s way of ensuring that sexual reproduction will occur.
R E S P O S T A :   B

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