sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

UnB-2008/1- Vestibular 1º Semestre da Universidade de Brasília - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de Inglês com gabarito e Questões Comentadas.

Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da UnB-2008-1, aplicada em 23/01/2008.
 CEBRASPE(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos).
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 30 Questões 
do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula um acerto.
 03 Textos
 01 Chart.
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
[ = ]
[ = ]
[ = ]
[ = ]
[ = ]
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8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
[raw materials = matérias-primas]
[textile manufacture = manufatura têxtil]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
[the rise of factories = o surgimento das fábricas]
[ = ]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English, Legal English, Tax English, Customs English and so on):
[processes of spinning and weaving = processos de fiação e tecelagem]
[ = ]
[ = ]
[ = ]
➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
This text refers to items from 1 through 13.
Women during the British Industrial Revolution
A defining feature of the Industrial Revolution was the rise of factories. Before factories appeared, most textile manufacture (including the main processes of spinning and weaving) was carried out by women under the “putting-out” system. Since raw materials were expensive, textile workers rarely had enough capital to be self-employed, but would take raw materials from a merchant, like wool and cotton, spin or weave the materials in their homes, and then return the finished product and receive a piece-rate wage. This system disappeared during the Industrial Revolution as new machinery requiring water or steam power appeared, and work moved from the home to the factory.

During the Industrial Revolution, the role of women in society was greatly altered. Prior to the revolution, a woman’s place was originally at home where she was the center of spirituality and domestic endeavors. With the Industrial Revolution, however, women in the working class were forced to leave the confines of their homes for factories and other workplaces, such as mines. As with the children and men, the hours were long and conditions were hard. 
Those who were fortunate may have become maids for wealthier families; others may have worked as governesses for rich children. The less fortunate may have been forced to work in shocking conditions during the day and then have to return home to conduct the household’s domestic needs.
Domestic services, which is the largest profession women seemed to be involved in, ranged from cooking, cleaning, caring for family members, and making and mending clothing among various other chores. Many middle class and well-to-do families could afford other women to do this work for them. 
Women also faced the added burden of society’s demand for children. The industrial age led to a rapid increase in birth rates which clearly has an impact upon the physical strength of the mothers. It was not uncommon for families to have more than 10 children as a result of this demand, and the woman would often have to work right up to and straight after the day of the child’s birth for financial reasons, leaving the care of the newborn to older relatives.
1)to spin – to m ake thread by twisting fibers, or to produce som ething using thread. 
2)o weave – to m ake fabric by passing threads crosswire over and under lengthwire ones.
Internet: <www.schoolhistory.org.uk>(adapted)
According to the text, it is correct to say that before the Industrial Revolution
1 it was common for textile working women to work at home, being paid according to the number of pieces produced.
2 textile work at home included forming thread from raw materials such as wool or cotton, and making fabrics.
3 the high price of raw materials was an obstacle for textile workers to work independently for customers or clients.
Based on the text, it can be concluded that
4 the Industrial Revolution was welcome by most women because they preferred to work in factories rather than at home due to the better working conditions.
5 children and women who worked in factories during the Industrial Revolution received better treatment than men, being spared from working long hours.
6 women who worked as maids for the rich could be considered luckier than the ones who worked in factories.
7 society’s demand for children, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, immediately led most of the employers to grant women the right to paid maternity leaves.
In the text,
8 the use of “may” in the 3 paragraph emphasizes the rd accuracy of the information given.
9 the complete list of chores women were involved in, in the nineteenth-century society, is given in the 4 paragraph. th
10 “Those” (R.21) refers to “children and men” (R.19-20).
11 “wealthier” (R.22) is the comparative form of the adjective wealthy.
12 “well-to-do” (R.31) can be replaced by rich without any change in meaning.
13 the verb “led” (R.34) can be replaced by has led without any change in meaning.
👉 Questão-Item  1-Correta :
it was common for textile working women to work at home, being paid according to the number of pieces produced.
(era comum as trabalhadoras têxteis trabalharem em casa, sendo remuneradas de acordo com a quantidade de peças produzidas.)
• TÓPICO-Ideia Contextual ou Informação dentro do texto.
• Item (1) alinhado com o 1º parágrafo:
"[...] A defining feature of the Industrial Revolution was the rise of factories. Before factories appeared, most textile manufacture (including the main processes of spinning and weaving) was carried out by women under the “putting-out” system. Since raw materials were expensive, textile workers rarely had enough capital to be self-employed, but would take raw materials from a merchant, like wool and cotton, spin or weave the materials in their homes, and then return the finished product and receive a piece-rate wage."
(Uma característica definidora da Revolução Industrial foi o surgimento das fábricas. Antes do surgimento das fábricas, a maior parte da manufatura têxtil (incluindo os principais processos de fiação e tecelagem) era realizada por mulheres sob o sistema de “put-out”. Como as matérias-primas eram caras, as trabalhadoras têxteis raramente tinham capital suficiente para trabalhar por conta própria, mas pegavam as matérias-primas de um comerciante, como lã e algodão, fiavam ou teciam os materiais em suas casas e, em seguida, devolviam o produto acabado e recebiam um salário por peça.)
👉 Questão-Item  2-Correta :
textile work at home included forming thread from raw materials such as wool or cotton, and making fabrics.
(o trabalho têxtil em casa incluía a formação de fios a partir de matérias-primas, como lã ou algodão, e a confecção de tecidos.)
👉 Questão-Item  3-Correta :
the high price of raw materials was an obstacle for textile workers to work independently for customers or clients.
(o trabalho têxtil em casa incluía a formação de fios a partir de matérias-primas, como lã ou algodão, e a confecção de tecidos.)
Based on the text, it can be concluded that
👉 Questão-Item  4-Errada :
the Industrial Revolution was welcome by most women because they preferred to work in factories rather than at home due to the better working conditions.
(A Revolução Industrial foi bem recebida pela maioria das mulheres porque elas preferiram trabalhar nas fábricas em vez de em casa devido às melhores condições de trabalho.)
👉 Questão-Item  5-Errada :
children and women who worked in factories during the Industrial Revolution received better treatment than men, being spared from working long hours.
👉 Questão-Item  6-Correta :
women who worked as maids for the rich could be considered luckier than the ones who worked in factories.
👉 Questão-Item  7-Errada :
society’s demand for children, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, immediately led most of the employers to grant women the right to paid maternity leaves.
In the text,
👉 Questão-Item  8-Errada :
the use of “may” in the 3 paragraph emphasizes the rd accuracy of the information given.
👉 Questão-Item  9-Errada :
the complete list of chores women were involved in, in the nineteenth-century society, is given in the 4 paragraph.
👉 Questão-Item  10-Errada :
“Those” (l.21) refers to “children and men” (l.19-20).
👉 Questão-Item  11-Correta :
“wealthier” (l.22) is the comparative form of the adjective wealthy.
👉 Questão-Item  12-Correta :
“well-to-do” (l.31) can be replaced by rich without any change in meaning.
👉 Questão-Item  13-Errada :
the verb “led” (l.34) can be replaced by has led without any change in meaning.
This text refers to items from 14 through 25.
On the road from slavery to freedom
In the 1870s, black men and women might have been expected to look forward to a bright future. But the false dawn immediately after the Civil War soon gave way to nearly a century of legal, economic and social discrimination. Whatever the Fourteenth Amendment may have said about equal protection and citizenship, blacks in America enjoyed few of the blessings of liberty; they remained outsiders, condemned by the white majority as inferior.

By the 1890s, the South had erected a system of legally enforced segregation in which blacks were relegated to a decidedly inferior status, and the Supreme Court had endorsed the notion of “separate but equal”, claiming that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause had never been intended to promote social equality between the races. The separate facilities were far from equal, and beyond that, were designed to keep African Americans in a subordinate position.
Civil rights groups never accepted segregation, and began a long and slow campaign in the courts to do away with it. World War II gave their struggle a new impetus. The fight against Nazi racism made many Americans take a closer look at racism at home, and the nation as a whole finally began taking measures to give African Americans their full legal and civil rights.
It has been a slow struggle, with progress often measured in small increments, but there has been progress, and the position of black Americans today has markedly  improved over that of a half-century ago. Moreover, legal racism of the type that kept southern blacks from voting and relegated to separate and inferior schools is gone, wiped out by both court decisions and civil rights legislation.
Internet: (adapted).
Based on the text, judge the following items.
14 In the nineteenth century, African Americans were deprived of their full legal and civil rights.
15 In the United States of America (USA), the Fourteenth Amendment granted full liberty to blacks, as well as social equality between the races.
16 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of social equality between the races in the late 19 century. th
17 However illegal, segregation persisted through centuries in the USA.
18 It can be said that World War II marked a turning point in the fight against segregation.
19 Because of the Nazi racism of World War II, many Americans gained conscience of the racial discrimination they had been practicing against African Americans.
20 It can be said that black Americans today are in no better position than those of a half-century ago.
21 Until the 1890s, southern blacks in the USA had their own separate place for voting.
In the text,
22 "gave way to" (l.3) is the same as was replaced by.
23 "Whatever" (l.5) can be replaced by Anything without any change in meaning.
24 "their" (l.20) refers to “courts” (l.19).
25 “to do away with it” (l.19-20) is the opposite of to maintain.
👉 Questão-Item  14-Correta :
In the nineteenth century, African Americans were deprived of their full legal and civil rights.
👉 Questão-Item  15-Errada :
In the United States of America (USA), the Fourteenth Amendment granted full liberty to blacks, as well as social equality between the races.
👉 Questão-Item  16-Errada :
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of social equality between the races in the late 19 century.
👉 Questão-Item  17-Errada :
However illegal, segregation persisted through centuries in the USA.
👉 Questão-Item  18-Correta :
It can be said that World War II marked a turning point in the fight against segregation.
👉 Questão-Item  19-Correta :
Because of the Nazi racism of World War II, many Americans gained conscience of the racial discrimination they had been practicing against African Americans.
👉 Questão-Item  20-Errada :
It can be said that black Americans today are in no better position than those of a half-century ago.
👉 Questão-Item  21-Errada :
21 Until the 1890s, southern blacks in the USA had their own separate place for voting.
In the text,
👉 Questão-Item  22-Correta :
"gave way to" (l.3) is the same as was replaced by.
👉 Questão-Item  23-Correta :
"Whatever" (l.5) can be replaced by Anything without any change in meaning.
👉 Questão-Item  24-Errada :
24 "their" (l.20) refers to “courts” (l.19).
• TÓPICO-POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) , são usados antes de substantivos e referem-se ao POSSUIDOR e não a coisa possuída:
• O Adjetivo Possessivo THEIR refere-se à "Civil rights groups".
"[...] Civil rights groups never accepted segregation, and began a long and slow campaign in the courts to do away with it. World War II gave their struggle a new impetus."
(Grupos de direitos civis nunca aceitaram a segregação e iniciaram uma longa e lenta campanha nos tribunais para acabar com ela. A Segunda Guerra Mundial deu à sua luta um novo ímpeto.)
👉 Questão-Item  25-Correta :
25 “to do away with it” (l.19-20) is the opposite of to maintain.

Internet: <www.gameprotv.com> (adapted).
Judge the following items based on the cartoon above.

26 There are four different people in the cartoon.
27 Two of the people of the cartoon are shown in two different stages of their life.
28 It can be inferred that all interests always change as people grow older.
29 Now a days, only very young people are interested in the Ninja Turtles.
30 Of the generations represented in the cartoon, only one knows the Ninja Turtles.
👉 Questão-Item  26-Errada :
There are four different people in the cartoon.
👉 Questão-Item  27-Errada :
Two of the people of the cartoon are shown in two different stages of their life.
👉 Questão-Item  28-Errada :
It can be inferred that all interests always change as people grow older.
👉 Questão-Item  29-Errada :
Now a days, only very young people are interested in the Ninja Turtles.
👉 Questão-Item  30-Correta :
Of the generations represented in the cartoon, only one knows the Ninja Turtles.

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