sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014

FGV-2014-EAESP-ADMINISTRAÇÃO-VESTIBULAR-1º SEMESTRE-Fundação Getúlio Vargas & Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo- Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e Questões Comentadas -

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NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da FGV-2014-VESTIBULAR 1º SEMESTRE, aplicada em 08/12/2013.

LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.

• 15 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada).

• TEXTO 1:
by Adam Hadhazy 
Flavonoids, a group of chemicals commonly found in plants, are often credited as having “superfood” powers. One of them, epicatechin (epi)—abundant in chocolate, green tea, and red wine— allegedly reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, among other virtues. It is also thought to improve memory. But is that so? The answer, for the memory benefit, is yes, at least if you are a snail.
Neuroscientist Kenneth D. Lukowiak of the University of Calgary, Canada, and two colleagues tested the power of epi as a memory enhancer in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Pond snails breathe through their skin when in waters rich in oxygen, but if oxygen becomes scarce, the mollusks go to the surface and breath through an orifice—the pneumostome—connected to a simple lung. By gently poking the pneumostome with a stick when a snail tries to open it, researchers can condition snails to come up for air less frequently. And that is what the team did.
They trained snails with the stick in plain pond water and in epi-infused water and compared the duration of their memory. After a half-hour session, snails in plain water learned to attempt fewer breaths—and remembered their lessons for about three hours. Snails exposed to epi, on the other hand, kept up their modified behavior a full day later. And snails trained in epi-rich water for two half-hour sessions continued to surface less often for air three days on. Snails trained in epi also had stronger memories than snails trained in regular water—that is, it was harder to train them to ignore what they had learned.
Epi still improved snail memory after the researchers blocked the animals’ serotonin receptors and after they severed innervation to the osphradium, a chemical sensory organ, suggesting that epi might act via a mechanism different from those previously known in snails. “Our present, as yet unproved, hypothesis is that epi directly works on neurons,” says Lukowiak.
Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 
👉 Questão  31 :
According to the information in the article, epicatechin (epi) 
A is the most abundant and beneficial of all the flavonoids.
B is a “superfood” chemical found in most organic-food items.
C is often prescribed in order to stimulate the brain’s ability to remember.
D was found to be the one element that chocolate, green tea, and red wine have in common.
E may be useful in strengthening the body against certain health problems.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, epicatequina (epi)...
a) is the most abundant and beneficial of all the flavonoids.
• é o mais abundante e benéfico de todos os flavonóides.
b) is a “superfood” chemical found in most organic-food items.
• é um “superalimento” químico encontrado na maioria dos itens de alimentos orgânicos.
c) is often prescribed in order to stimulate the brain’s ability to remember.
• é frequentemente prescrito para estimular a capacidade do cérebro de lembrar.
d) was found to be the one element that chocolate, green tea, and red wine have in common.
• foi considerado o único elemento que o chocolate, o chá verde e o vinho tinto têm em comum.
e) may be useful in strengthening the body against certain health problems.
• pode ser útil no fortalecimento do corpo contra certos problemas de saúde.
👉 Questão  32 :
In paragraph 1, the sentence “But is that so?” most likely means approximately the same as which of the following? 
A Is it true that epi really does offer a number of health benefits?
B Is it possible that snails can improve their memory by consuming epi?
C Is improved memory the most important benefit that results from consuming epi?
D Could it be that epi strengthens rather than weakens the ability to remember?
E Do only humans gain an improved memory by consuming epi?
R E S P O S T A :   A
• No parágrafo 1, a frase “Mas é assim?” mais provavelmente significa aproximadamente o mesmo que qual das opções a seguir?
a) Is it true that epi really does offer a number of health benefits?
• É verdade que o epi realmente oferece vários benefícios à saúde?
b) Is it possible that snails can improve their memory by consuming epi?
• É possível que os caracóis possam melhorar sua memória consumindo epi?
c) Is improved memory the most important benefit that results from consuming epi?
• Melhorar a memória é o benefício mais importante que resulta do consumo de epi?
d) Could it be that epi strengthens rather than weakens the ability to remember?
• Será que a epi fortalece em vez de enfraquecer a capacidade de lembrar?
e) Do only humans gain an improved memory by consuming epi?
• Somente os humanos ganham uma memória aprimorada ao consumir epi?
👉 Questão  33 :
According to the information in the article, Kenneth D. Lukowiak and two colleagues 
A identified Lymnaea stagnalis as the type of pond snail most affected by epi.
B tried to find out what effect epi has on the memory of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
C discovered that, in some cases, epi weakens the breathing system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
D tested the hypothesis that epi is the only flavonoid that improves the memory of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
E suggested that epi’s memory-enhancing properties work only for the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Kenneth D. Lukowiak e dois colegas
a) identified Lymnaea stagnalis as the type of pond snail most affected by epi.
• identificaram Lymnaea stagnalis como o tipo de caramujo de lagoa mais afetado por epi.
b) tried to find out what effect epi has on the memory of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
• tentaram descobrir qual o efeito do epi na memória do caracol Lymnaea stagnalis.
c) discovered that, in some cases, epi weakens the breathing system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
• descobriram que, em alguns casos, o epi enfraquece o sistema respiratório do caramujo Lymnaea stagnalis.
d) tested the hypothesis that epi is the only flavonoid that improves the memory of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
• testaram a hipótese de que epi é o único flavonóide que melhora a memória do caramujo Lymnaea stagnalis.
e) suggested that epi’s memory-enhancing properties work only for the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis.
• sugeriram que as propriedades de aumento de memória do epi funcionam apenas para o caracol Lymnaea stagnalis.
👉 Questão  34 :
According to the information in the article, pond snails 
A have two lungs for breathing underwater but only one lung for breathing at the surface of the water.
B breathe through their skin when they are out of water.
C rely on the pneumostome to breathe when they leave water that contains little oxygen.
D regulate their breathing as an automatic response both to extreme climatic conditions and to the presence of strong physical stimuli.
E cannot breathe through the pneumostome after they leave oxygen-rich water.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, caracóis de lago...
a) have two lungs for breathing underwater but only one lung for breathing at the surface of the water.
• têm dois pulmões para respirar debaixo d'água, mas apenas um para respirar na superfície da água.
b) breathe through their skin when they are out of water.
• respiram através da pele quando estão fora d'água.
c) rely on the pneumostome to breathe when they leave water that contains little oxygen.
• dependem do pneumostomo para respirar quando deixam água que contém pouco oxigênio.
d) regulate their breathing as an automatic response both to extreme climatic conditions and to the presence of strong physical stimuli.
• regulam sua respiração como uma resposta automática tanto às condições climáticas extremas quanto à presença de fortes estímulos físicos.
e) cannot breathe through the pneumostome after they leave oxygen-rich water.
• não conseguem respirar pelo pneumostomo após deixarem a água rica em oxigênio.
👉 Questão  35 :
In the last sentence of paragraph 2, “that” in “And that is what the team did” most likely refers to which of the following?
A By physically manipulating the snails’ pneumostomes at the right moment, the team trained the snails to modify their breathing habits.
B By incapacitating the snails’ breathing orifices at the right moment, the team was able to test the snails’ ability to remember.
C By stimulating several parts of the snails’ respiratory systems at the right moment, the team strengthened the snails’ ability to remember.
D By touching the snails’ pneumostomes at the right moment, the team trained the snails to breathe through their skin when out of water.
E By putting the snails in epi-infused water at the right moment, the team trained the snails to spend more time breathing at the surface of the water.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• Na última frase do parágrafo 2, “that” in “And that is what the team did”(E foi isso que a equipe fez) provavelmente se refere a qual dos seguintes opções?
a) By physically manipulating the snails’ pneumostomes at the right moment, the team trained the snails to modify their breathing habits.
• Ao manipular fisicamente os pneumostomos dos caracóis no momento certo, a equipe treinou os caracóis para modificar seus hábitos respiratórios.
b) By incapacitating the snails’ breathing orifices at the right moment, the team was able to test the snails’ ability to remember.
• Ao incapacitar os orifícios de respiração dos caracóis no momento certo, a equipe foi capaz de testar a capacidade de lembrar dos caracóis.
c) By stimulating several parts of the snails’ respiratory systems at the right moment, the team strengthened the snails’ ability to remember.
• Ao estimular várias partes do sistema respiratório dos caracóis no momento certo, a equipe fortaleceu a capacidade de lembrar dos caracóis.
d) By touching the snails’ pneumostomes at the right moment, the team trained the snails to breathe through their skin when out of water.
• Ao tocar os pneumostomos dos caracóis no momento certo, a equipe treinou os caracóis para respirar pela pele quando fora d'água.
e) By putting the snails in epi-infused water at the right moment, the team trained the snails to spend more time breathing at the surface of the water.
• Ao colocar os caramujos na água com epi-infusão no momento certo, a equipe treinou os caramujos para que fiquem mais tempo respirando na superfície da água.
👉 Questão  36 :
According to the information in the article, Kenneth D. Lukowiak and his team discovered in one test that 
A snails in plain water needed fewer training sessions in order to modify their breathing habits.
B they could modify the snails’ breathing habits by stimulating the snails’ lungs rather than their pneumostomes.
C a group of snails could stay below the surface of epi-infused water for three days in a row.
D the modified breathing behavior of snails in epi-infused water lasted more than 20 hours longer than did that of snails in plain water.
E it was possible to train two groups of snails to breathe less frequently both underwater and at the surface of the water.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Kenneth D. Lukowiak e sua equipe descobriram em um teste que
a) snails in plain water needed fewer training sessions in order to modify their breathing habits.
• os caracóis em água pura necessitaram de menos sessões de treinamento para modificar seus hábitos respiratórios.
b) they could modify the snails’ breathing habits by stimulating the snails’ lungs rather than their pneumostomes.
• eles podem modificar os hábitos respiratórios dos caracóis, estimulando os pulmões dos caracóis, em vez de seus pneumostomos.
c) a group of snails could stay below the surface of epiinfused water for three days in a row.
• um grupo de caramujos poderia permanecer abaixo da superfície da água epiinfundida por três dias consecutivos.
d) the modified breathing behavior of snails in epiinfused water lasted more than 20 hours longer than did that of snails in plain water.
• o comportamento respiratório modificado dos caracóis na água com epiinfusão durou mais de 20 horas a mais do que o dos caracóis na água pura.
e) it was possible to train two groups of snails to breathe less frequently both underwater and at the surface of the water.
• foi possível treinar dois grupos de caramujos para respirar com menos frequência tanto embaixo d'água quanto na superfície da água.
👉 Questão  37 :
According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely one of Kenneth D. Lukowiak’s opinions? 
A Epi will work on humans in the same way that it works on pond snails.
B Epi works by circumventing the nervous system of the pond snail.
C A connection between the serotonin receptors and the osphradium allows pond snails to optimize epi’s memory-enhancing benefits.
D Neurons may be essential components in the way epi works on pond snails.
E Epi’s ability to improve memory in pond snails is still a promising but unproved hypothesis.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual das alternativas a seguir é mais provavelmente uma das opiniões de Kenneth D. Lukowiak?
a) Epi will work on humans in the same way that it works on pond snails.
• Epi funcionará em humanos da mesma forma que em caramujos de lago.
b) Epi works by circumventing the nervous system of the pond snail.
• Epi atua contornando o sistema nervoso do caracol do lago.
c) A connection between the serotonin receptors and the osphradium allows pond snails to optimize epi’s memory-enhancing benefits.
• Uma conexão entre os receptores de serotonina e o osfrádio permite que os caracóis da lagoa otimizem os benefícios de aumento da memória do epi.
d) Neurons may be essential components in the way epi works on pond snails.
• Os neurônios podem ser componentes essenciais no modo como o epi atua em caracóis de lago.
e) Epi’s ability to improve memory in pond snails is still a promising but unproved hypothesis.
• A capacidade de Epi de melhorar a memória em caracóis de lago ainda é uma hipótese promissora, mas não comprovada.
👉 Questão  38 :
According to the information in the article, which of the following was a characteristic found exclusively in those snails trained in epi-infused water? 
A The training sessions made their pneumostomes more sensitive to physical stimulation.
B They developed a lower tolerance to oxygen-poor water.
C On average, they incorporated new behavioral patterns three times faster than did snails trained in plain water.
D After they had been trained to modify one kind of behavior, it was relatively easy to train them to modify other kinds of behavior.
E After they had been trained to modify one kind of behavior, it was relatively hard to train them to abandon that modified behavior.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual das seguintes características foi encontrada exclusivamente nos caramujos treinados em águas com epi-infusão?
a) The training sessions made their pneumostomes more sensitive to physical stimulation.
• Os treinamentos tornaram seus pneumostomos mais sensíveis à estimulação física.
b) They developed a lower tolerance to oxygen-poor water.
• Eles desenvolveram uma tolerância mais baixa à água pobre em oxigênio.
c) On average, they incorporated new behavioral patterns three times faster than did snails trained in plain water.
• Em média, eles incorporaram novos padrões de comportamento três vezes mais rápido do que os caracóis treinados em água pura.
d) After they had been trained to modify one kind of behavior, it was relatively easy to train them to modify other kinds of behavior.
• Depois de serem treinados para modificar um tipo de comportamento, era relativamente fácil treiná-los para modificar outros tipos de comportamento.
e) After they had been trained to modify one kind of behavior, it was relatively hard to train them to abandon that modified behavior.
• Depois de serem treinados para modificar um tipo de comportamento, era relativamente difícil treiná-los para abandonar esse comportamento modificado.
By Philip Ball 
Isn’t it strange how we like to regard weather forecasting as a uniquely incompetent science—as though this subject of vital economic and social importance can attract only the most inept researchers, armed with bungling, bogus theories?
That joke, however, is becoming less funny. With Britain’s, and probably the world’s, weather becoming more variable and prone to extremes, an inaccurate forecast risks more than a wet garden party, potentially leaving us unprepared for life-threatening floods or ruined harvests.
Perhaps this new need to take forecasting seriously will eventually win it the respect it deserves. Part of the reason we love to highlight the disastrously misplaced reassurance from Michael Fish, the BBC’s TV weatherman, is that there has been no comparable failure since. “Earlier today,” said Fish, “apparently, a woman phoned the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way; well, if you’re watching, don’t worry – there isn’t.” Hours later, the great storm of 1987 struck. As meteorologists and applied mathematicians Ian Roulstone and John Norbury point out in their account of the maths of weather prediction, Invisible in the Storm, the five-day forecast is, at least in western Europe, now more reliable than the three-day forecast was when the 1987 storm raged. There has been a steady improvement in accuracy over this period and, popular wisdom to the contrary, prediction has long been far superior to simply assuming that tomorrow´s weather will be the same as today’s. 
Weather forecasting is hard not in the way that fundamental physics is hard. It’s not that the ideas are so confusing, but that the basic equations are extremely tough to solve, and that hiding within them is a barrier to prediction that must defeat even the most profound mind. Weather is intrinsically unknowable more than two weeks ahead, because it is an example of a chaotic system, in which imperceptible differences in two initial states can blossom into grossly different eventual outcomes. Indeed, it was the work of the American meteorologist Edward Lorenz in the 1960s, using a set of highly simplified equations to determine patterns of atmospheric convection, that first alerted the scientific community to the notion of chaos: the inevitable divergence of all but identical initial states as they evolve over time.
It’s not obvious that weather should be susceptible to mathematical analysis in the first place. Wind and rain and blazing heat seem subject to caprice, and it’s no wonder they were long considered a matter of divine providence.
Adapted from Prospect, February, 2013 
👉 Questão  39 :
According to the information in the article, the author thinks it is unusual that 
A weather forecasting seems to attract only second-rate scientists.
B although weather forecasting is a fundamentally important activity, people tend to consider it hopelessly untrustworthy.
C people refuse to take weather forecasting seriously, even though recently it has been shown to be very effective.
D people seem to believe that weather forecasting is more of an exact science than it really is.
E the vital social and economic importance of weather forecasting is something that people never take into consideration.
R E S P O S T A :  B
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, o autor acha que é incomum que
a) weather forecasting seems to attract only second-rate scientists.
• a previsão do tempo parece atrair apenas cientistas de segunda categoria.
b) although weather forecasting is a fundamentally important activity, people tend to consider it hopelessly untrustworthy.
• embora a previsão do tempo seja uma atividade fundamentalmente importante, as pessoas tendem a considerá-la irremediavelmente indigna de confiança.
c) people refuse to take weather forecasting seriously, even though recently it has been shown to be very effective.
• as pessoas se recusam a levar a sério a previsão do tempo, embora recentemente ela tenha se mostrado muito eficaz.
d) people seem to believe that weather forecasting is more of an exact science than it really is.
• as pessoas parecem acreditar que a previsão do tempo é mais uma ciência exata do que realmente é.
e) the vital social and economic importance of weather forecasting is something that people never take into consideration.
• a importância social e econômica vital da previsão do tempo é algo que as pessoas nunca levam em consideração.
👉 Questão  40 :
In paragraph 2, the sentence “That joke, however, is becoming less funny” most likely refers to which of the following ideas?  
A It is no longer surprising when a weather forecast is inaccurate.
B Bad weather can be inconvenient in any situation and so is not inherently funny.
C As global weather conditions are becoming more and more severe, an inaccurate weather forecast could be disastrous.
D Someone who suffers because of an inaccurate weather forecast is less likely to make jokes about extreme weather.
E The world’s increasing tendency to suffer from extreme weather conditions has made weather forecasting even more vulnerable to inaccuracies.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• No parágrafo 2, a frase “Essa piada, no entanto, está se tornando menos engraçada” provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes ideias?
a) It is no longer surprising when a weather forecast is inaccurate.
• Já não é surpreendente quando a previsão do tempo é imprecisa.
b) Bad weather can be inconvenient in any situation and so is not inherently funny.
• O mau tempo pode ser inconveniente em qualquer situação e, portanto, não é inerentemente engraçado.
c) As global weather conditions are becoming more and more severe, an inaccurate weather forecast could be disastrous.
• Como as condições climáticas globais estão se tornando cada vez mais severas, uma previsão do tempo imprecisa pode ser desastrosa.
d) Someone who suffers because of an inaccurate weather forecast is less likely to make jokes about extreme weather.
• Alguém que sofre por causa de uma previsão do tempo imprecisa tem menos probabilidade de fazer piadas sobre condições meteorológicas extremas.
e) The world’s increasing tendency to suffer from extreme weather conditions has made weather forecasting even more vulnerable to inaccuracies.
• A tendência crescente do mundo de sofrer com condições climáticas extremas tornou a previsão do tempo ainda mais vulnerável a imprecisões.
👉 Questão  41 :
According to the information in the article, Michael Fish
A ruined his reputation as a meteorologist by forecasting a terrible storm that, in the end, did not occur.
B was famous for committing a number of mistakes when he forecast the weather on British television.
C was ridiculed for announcing that a hurricane would strike England much later that it actually did.
D assured his television audience that there was no need to worry because hurricanes never reach England.
E once issued a television weather forecast that has since been unequalled in terms of inaccuracy.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Michael Fish
a) ruined his reputation as a meteorologist by forecasting a terrible storm that, in the end, did not occur.
• arruinou sua reputação de meteorologista ao prever uma terrível tempestade que, no final, não ocorreu.
b) was famous for committing a number of mistakes when he forecast the weather on British television.
• ficou famoso por cometer uma série de erros ao prever o tempo na televisão britânica.
c) was ridiculed for announcing that a hurricane would strike England much later that it actually did.
• foi ridicularizado por anunciar que um furacão atingiria a Inglaterra muito mais tarde do que realmente aconteceu.
d) assured his television audience that there was no need to worry because hurricanes never reach England.
• garantiu à sua audiência de televisão que não havia necessidade de se preocupar porque os furacões nunca chegam à Inglaterra.
e) once issued a television weather forecast that has since been unequalled in terms of inaccuracy.
• uma vez emitida uma previsão do tempo para a televisão que desde então tem sido inigualável em termos de imprecisão.
👉 Questão  42 :
According to the information in the article, during the period from 1987 to the present,
A Western Europe has been able to make use of longer and more accurate weather forecasts.
B the science of weather forecasting has been stagnant, unable to make new discoveries or find new solutions to serious problems.
C popular wisdom has often helped to predict the weather with astonishing accuracy.
D it has finally been proven that predicting tomorrow’s weather by using observations of today’s weather is a highly inaccurate method.
E steady progress in the science of weather forecasting has made five-day forecasts prevalent and reliable around the world.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, durante o período de 1987 até a presente data,
a) Western Europe has been able to make use of longer and more accurate weather forecasts.
• A Europa Ocidental tem conseguido fazer uso de previsões meteorológicas mais longas e precisas.
b) the science of weather forecasting has been stagnant, unable to make new discoveries or find new solutions to serious problems.
• a ciência da previsão do tempo está estagnada, incapaz de fazer novas descobertas ou encontrar novas soluções para problemas graves.
c) popular wisdom has often helped to predict the weather with astonishing accuracy.
• a sabedoria popular freqüentemente ajudou a prever o tempo com uma precisão surpreendente.
d) it has finally been proven that predicting tomorrow’s weather by using observations of today’s weather is a highly inaccurate method.
• foi finalmente provado que prever o tempo de amanhã usando observações do tempo de hoje é um método altamente impreciso.
e) steady progress in the science of weather forecasting has made five-day forecasts prevalent and reliable around the world.
• o progresso constante na ciência da previsão do tempo tornou as previsões de cinco dias prevalentes e confiáveis ​​em todo o mundo.
👉 Questão  43 :
According to the information in the article, the science of weather forecasting 
A is in many ways harder than fundamental physics. B will probably never even partially solve its most basic equations.
C must confront a number of hidden factors that make accurate weather predictions impossible.
D must deal with a factor that, by its very nature, can act in unpredictable ways after a certain period of time.
E is working to achieve a reasonable degree of accuracy for predictions dealing with periods of two weeks or more.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, a ciência da previsão do tempo...
a) is in many ways harder than fundamental physics.
• é em muitos aspectos mais difícil do que a física fundamental.
b) will probably never even partially solve its most basic equations.
• provavelmente nunca resolverá, mesmo parcialmente, suas equações mais básicas.
c) must confront a number of hidden factors that make accurate weather predictions impossible.
• deve enfrentar uma série de fatores ocultos que tornam impossíveis previsões meteorológicas precisas.
d) must deal with a factor that, by its very nature, can act in unpredictable ways after a certain period of time.
• deve tratar de fator que, por sua própria natureza, pode atuar de forma imprevisível após um determinado período de tempo.
e) is working to achieve a reasonable degree of accuracy for predictions dealing with periods of two weeks or more.
• está trabalhando para atingir um grau razoável de precisão para previsões que lidam com períodos de duas semanas ou mais.
👉 Questão  44 :
According to the information in the article, the American meteorologist Edward Lorenz
A warned the scientific community of the chaotic state of most meteorological research methods.
B was the first meteorologist to divulge the fact that unless two initial states are exactly the same, they must evolve differently.
C was the first meteorologist to use mathematical equations to determine patterns of atmospheric convection.
D had access only to rudimentary mathematical models and therefore achieved limited success in determining patterns of atmospheric convection.
E was the first meteorologist to study the nature of various patterns of atmospheric convection.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• Segundo informações da reportagem, o meteorologista americano Edward Lorenz
a) warned the scientific community of the chaotic state of most meteorological research methods.
• alertou a comunidade científica sobre o estado caótico da maioria dos métodos de pesquisa meteorológica.
b) was the first meteorologist to divulge the fact that unless two initial states are exactly the same, they must evolve differently.
• foi o primeiro meteorologista a divulgar o fato de que, a menos que dois estados iniciais sejam exatamente iguais, eles devem evoluir de forma diferente.
c) was the first meteorologist to use mathematical equations to determine patterns of atmospheric convection.
• foi o primeiro meteorologista a usar equações matemáticas para determinar padrões de convecção atmosférica.
d) had access only to rudimentary mathematical models and therefore achieved limited success in determining patterns of atmospheric convection.
• teve acesso apenas a modelos matemáticos rudimentares e, portanto, obteve sucesso limitado na determinação de padrões de convecção atmosférica.
e) was the first meteorologist to study the nature of various patterns of atmospheric convection.
• foi o primeiro meteorologista a estudar a natureza de vários padrões de convecção atmosférica.
👉 Questão  45 :
In the last paragraph, the phrase “…it’s no wonder they were long considered a matter of divine providence” most likely means approximately the same as which of the following? 
A There are good reasons to believe that the laws of mathematics rule weather patterns.
B It’s surprising that some people used to believe that God controlled the various aspects of the weather.
C It’s understandable that, for a big period of time, many believed the weather’s various elements were subject to the will of some kind of god.
D It is recognized that, for a big period of time, many believed the weather’s various elements were controlled by a kind of divine mathematical construction.
E It’s understandable that for many years most people believed that the causes and effects of the weather were beyond the limit of human knowledge.
R E S P O S T A :   C
No último parágrafo, a frase "... não é de admirar que eles tenham sido considerados por muito tempo uma questão da providência divina" provavelmente significa aproximadamente o mesmo que qual das seguintes?
a) There are good reasons to believe that the laws of mathematics rule weather patterns.
• Existem boas razões para acreditar que as leis da matemática regem os padrões climáticos.
b) It’s surprising that some people used to believe that God controlled the various aspects of the weather.
• É surpreendente que algumas pessoas acreditassem que Deus controlava os vários aspectos do clima.
c) It’s understandable that, for a big period of time, many believed the weather’s various elements were subject to the will of some kind of god.
• É compreensível que, por um longo período de tempo, muitos acreditaram que os vários elementos do clima estavam sujeitos à vontade de algum tipo de deus.
d) It is recognized that, for a big period of time, many believed the weather’s various elements were controlled by a kind of divine mathematical construction.
• É reconhecido que, por um grande período de tempo, muitos acreditaram que os vários elementos do clima eram controlados por uma espécie de construção matemática divina.
e) It’s understandable that for many years most people believed that the causes and effects of the weather were beyond the limit of human knowledge.
• É compreensível que por muitos anos a maioria das pessoas acreditou que as causas e efeitos do clima estavam além do limite do conhecimento humano.

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