quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014



 15 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1)  – | Not so perfect after all | The Economist |

Not so perfect after all
Afinal, não é tão perfeito 
For the past four decades or so, Botswana has been Africa’s golden boy.
Durante as últimas quatro décadas, o Botswana tem sido o menino de ouro de África.

The former British possession has grown as fast as almost any country in the world.
A antiga possessão britânica cresceu tão rapidamente como quase qualquer país do mundo.

It has built an enviable reputation for good governance and political stability.
Construiu uma reputação invejável de boa governação e estabilidade política.

It has a decent record on civil liberties and a relatively free press.
Tem um histórico decente em matéria de liberdades civis e uma imprensa relativamente livre.

Once one of the world´s poorest countries, it now ranks among the richer middle-income ones.
Outrora um dos países mais pobres do mundo, está agora entre os países de rendimento médio mais ricos.

A lot has to do with the discovery of diamonds, of which it is the world´s biggest producer, soon after independence in 1996.
Muito tem a ver com a descoberta de diamantes, dos quais é o maior produtor mundial, logo após a independência em 1996.

But unlike many other mineral-rich countries, it has invested wisely. It has been ranked as Africa’s least corrupt country.
Mas, ao contrário de muitos outros países ricos em minerais, investiu sabiamente. Foi classificado como o país menos corrupto de África.

But for the past two months it has been shaken by its first nationwide public-sector strike.
Mas nos últimos dois meses foi abalado pela sua primeira greve nacional no sector público.

Botswana´s 2m people, generally a deferential lot, were shocked when their normally unarmed police used tear-gas and rubber bullets to disperse rioting secondary-school pupils after they went on the rampage in April.
Os 2 milhões de habitantes do Botswana, geralmente um grupo deferente, ficaram chocados quando a sua polícia, normalmente desarmada, usou gás lacrimogêneo e balas de borracha para dispersar estudantes rebeldes do ensino secundário, depois de estes terem desencadeado o tumulto em Abril.
The government closed all state schools, though they have since reopened.
O governo fechou todas as escolas estaduais, embora elas tenham reaberto desde então.

The affair started as an ordinary pay dispute.
O caso começou como uma disputa salarial comum.

Permitted for the first time to join trade unions under a new law, the country’s 120,000 public-sector workers promptly demanded a 16% pay rise after a three-year wage freeze.
Autorizados pela primeira vez a aderir a sindicatos ao abrigo de uma nova lei, os 120 mil trabalhadores do setor público do país exigiram prontamente um aumento salarial de 16% após um congelamento salarial de três anos.

The government, pleading poverty following a slump in the diamond market during the global recession, offered just 5% conditional on future economic growth.
O governo, alegando pobreza após uma queda no mercado de diamantes durante a recessão global, ofereceu apenas 5%, condicionado ao crescimento econômico futuro.

Eager to flex their muscles, the newly formed unions stood their ground.
Ansiosos por flexibilizar os seus músculos, os sindicatos recém-formados mantiveram-se firmes.

But the government, the country´s biggest employer, accounting for 40% of formal jobs, also refused to budge.
Mas o governo, o maior empregador do país, responsável por 40% dos empregos formais, também se recusou a ceder.

On April 18th the unions called an all-out strike claiming that 80% responded.
No dia 18 de Abril os sindicatos convocaram uma greve geral alegando que 80% responderam.

Even at its peak, says the government, no more than half of its employees walked out, leaving most ministries and services operating more or less normally.
Mesmo no seu auge, diz o governo, não mais de metade dos seus funcionários saíram, deixando a maioria dos ministérios e serviços a funcionar mais ou menos normalmente.

But the government has dealt with the dispute with a heavy hand, firing 1,400 striking health workers, including some 50 doctors, claiming they were providing an “essential service” and as such were banned under the constitution from striking.
Mas o governo lidou com a disputa com mão pesada, despedindo 1.400 profissionais de saúde em greve, incluindo cerca de 50 médicos, alegando que prestavam um “serviço essencial” e, como tal, foram proibidos de fazer greve ao abrigo da Constituição.

Worn down by almost two months without pay, the unions have agreed to accept the government´s revised unconditional 3% offer, provided all sacked workers are reinstated.
Desgastados por quase dois meses sem remuneração, os sindicatos concordaram em aceitar a oferta revista e incondicional de 3% do governo, desde que todos os trabalhadores despensados sejam reintegrados.

This the government is refusing to do.
Isso o governo se recusa a fazer.
The Economist - June 11th – 17th 2011
In paragraph 1, the phrase “…Botswana has been African’s golden boy” most likely means which of the following?
(A) Botswana’s best years are still to come.
(B) Botswana’s greatest asset is the fact that the British colonized it.
(C) Botswana is the only African country to have achieved middle-income prosperity.
(D) Botswana’s prosperity is based, ironically, on diamonds instead of gold.
(E) Botswana must be considered a real success story.
 👍   Gabarito    E  
• No parágrafo 1, a frase "... Botswana foi o menino de ouro da África" provavelmente significa qual das seguintes opções?
a) Botswana’s best years are still to come. – Os melhores anos do Botswana ainda estão por vir.
b) Botswana’s greatest asset is the fact that the British colonized it. – O maior trunfo de Botswana é o fato de que os britânicos o colonizaram.
c) Botswana is the only African country to have achieved middle-income prosperity. – Botsuana é o único país africano que alcançou prosperidade de renda média.
d) Botswana’s prosperity is based, ironically, on diamonds instead of gold. – A prosperidade do Botswana é baseada, ironicamente, em diamantes em vez de ouro.
e) Botswana must be considered a real success story. – O Botswana deve ser considerado uma verdadeira história de sucesso.

•  "[...] It has a decent record on civil liberties and a relatively free press. Once one of the world´s poorest countries, it now ranks among the richer middle-income ones. A lot has to do with the discovery of diamonds, of which it is the world´s biggest producer, soon after independence in 1996. But unlike many other mineral-rich countries, it has invested wisely. It has been ranked as Africa’s least corrupt country. "
• Tem um histórico decente em matéria de liberdades civis e uma imprensa relativamente livre. Outrora um dos países mais pobres do mundo, está agora entre os países de rendimento médio mais ricos. Muito tem a ver com a descoberta de diamantes, dos quais é o maior produtor mundial, logo após a independência em 1996. Mas, ao contrário de muitos outros países ricos em minerais, investiu sabiamente. Foi classificado como o país menos corrupto de África.

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
(A) Botswana’s good governance and political stability would be impossible without its diamondsupported prosperity.
(B) In recent years, Botswana has started respecting civil rights.
(C) All African countries are more unethical and dishonest than Botswana is.
(D) Botswana has greater press freedom than does any other country in Africa.
(E) Along with diamond revenues, direct foreign investment guarantees Botswana’s prosperity.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
• Qual das opções a seguir é mais corroborada pelas informações do artigo?
a) Botswana’s good governance and political stability would be impossible without its diamond supported prosperity. – A boa governança e estabilidade política de Botswana seriam impossíveis sem sua prosperidade apoiada por diamantes.
b) In recent years, Botswana has started respecting civil rights. – Nos últimos anos, o Botswana começou a respeitar os direitos civis.
c) All African countries are more unethical and dishonest than Botswana is.  – Todos os países africanos são mais antiéticos e desonestos do que o Botswana.
d) Botswana has greater press freedom than does any other country in Africa. – Botsuana tem maior liberdade de imprensa do que qualquer outro país da África.
e) Along with diamond revenues, direct foreign investment guarantees Botswana’s prosperity. – Juntamente com as receitas de diamantes, o investimento estrangeiro direto garante a prosperidade do Botswana.

•  "[...] But unlike many other mineral-rich countries, it has invested wisely. It has been ranked as Africa’s least corrupt country."
• Mas, ao contrário de muitos outros países ricos em minerais, investiu sabiamente. Foi classificado como o país menos corrupto de África.

According to the information in the article, the people of Botswana
(A) were caught by surprise when the country’s public-sector workers went on strike.
(B) were upset that police used aggressive methods against a crowd of violent adolescents.
(C) supported the police in their use of tear-gas and rubber bullets against a crowd of violent adolescents.
(D) believe the government was wrong to close all state schools.
(E) are worried that the recent public-sector strike was cause by factors beyond the government’s control.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, o povo de Botswana...
a) were caught by surprise when the country’s public-sector workers went on strike. – foram pegos de surpresa quando os trabalhadores do setor público do país entraram em greve.
b) were upset that police used aggressive methods against a crowd of violent adolescents. – ficaram chateados porque a polícia usou métodos agressivos contra uma multidão de adolescentes violentos.
c) supported the police in their use of tear-gas and rubber bullets against a crowd of violent adolescents. – apoiou a polícia no uso de gás lacrimogêneo e balas de borracha contra uma multidão de adolescentes violentos.
d) believe the government was wrong to close all state schools. – acredita que o governo errou ao fechar todas as escolas estaduais.
e) are worried that the recent public-sector strike was cause by factors beyond the government’s control. – estão preocupados que a recente greve do setor público foi causada por fatores além do controle do governo.

•  "[...] Botswana’s 2m people, generally a deferential lot, were shocked when their normally unarmedpolice used tear-gas and rubber bullets to disperse rioting secondary-school pupils after they went on the rampage in April."
• Os 2 milhões de habitantes do Botswana, geralmente um grupo respeitoso, ficaram chocados quando a sua polícia, normalmente desarmada, usou gás lacrimogéneo e balas de borracha para dispersar estudantes do ensino secundário revoltados, depois de estes terem desencadeado o tumulto em Abril.

The first sentence in paragraph 3, “The affair started as an ordinary pay dispute,” most likely refers to which of the following?
(A) No one expected the government to react violently to striking public-sector workers.
(B) At first, money was a secondary issue in the negotiation between the government and the publicsector unions.
(C) At the beginning of the conflict, it seemed that the government and the public-sector workers would be able to resolve their problems.
(D) Public-sector workers entered into conflict with the government by asking for more money.
(E) By demanding a substantial pay increase, public-sector workers instantly created a complicated and explosive crisis.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
• A primeira frase no parágrafo 3, “O caso começou como uma disputa ordinária de pagamento”, provavelmente se refere a qual dos seguintes?
a) No one expected the government to react violently to striking public-sector workers. – Ninguém esperava que o governo reagisse violentamente às greves de trabalhadores do setor público.
b) At first, money was a secondary issue in the negotiation between the government and the publicsector unions. – No início, o dinheiro era questão secundária na negociação entre o governo e os sindicatos do setor público.
c) At the beginning of the conflict, it seemed that the government and the public-sector workers would be able to resolve their problems. – No início do conflito parecia que o governo e os trabalhadores do setor público seriam capazes de resolver seus problemas.
d) Public-sector workers entered into conflict with the government by asking for more money. – Os trabalhadores do setor público entraram em conflito com o governo pedindo mais dinheiro.
e) By demanding a substantial pay increase, public-sector workers instantly created a complicated and explosive crisis. – Ao exigir um aumento salarial substancial, os trabalhadores do setor público criaram instantaneamente uma crise complicada e explosiva.

•  "[...] Permitted for the first time to join trade unions under a new law, the country’s 120,000 public-sector workers promptly demanded a 16% pay rise after a three-year wage freeze."
• Autorizados pela primeira vez a aderir a sindicatos ao abrigo de uma nova lei, os 120 mil trabalhadores do setor público do país exigiram prontamente um aumento salarial de 16% após um congelamento salarial de três anos.

With respect to the conflict between Botswana’s government and public-sector workers, which of the following is most supported by information in the article?
(A) Botswana’s government offered but did not guarantee a 5% wage increase for public-sector workers.
(B) Many of Botswana’s 120,000 public-sector workers voted in favor of a 16% pay increase.
(C) Botswana’s government was dishonest when it used the recessive diamond market as an excuse for not agreeing to the public-sector workers’ wage demands.
(D) Botswana’s public-sector workers refused to wait three more years before receiving a wage increase.
(E) The public-sector unions expected the strike to be successful because most people in Botswana work for the government in one way or another.
 👍   Gabarito    A  
• Com relação ao conflito entre o governo de Botswana e os trabalhadores do setor público, qual das opções a seguir é mais apoiada pelas informações do artigo?
a) Botswana’s government offered but did not guarantee a 5% wage increase for public-sector workers. – O governo do Botswana ofereceu, mas não garantiu, um aumento salarial de 5% para os trabalhadores do setor público.
b) Many of Botswana’s 120,000 public-sector workers voted in favor of a 16% pay increase. – Muitos dos 120.000 trabalhadores do setor público de Botswana votaram a favor de um aumento salarial de 16%.
c) Botswana’s government was dishonest when it used the recessive diamond market as an excuse for not agreeing to the public-sector workers’ wage demands. – O governo de Botswana foi desonesto ao usar o mercado recessivo de diamantes como desculpa para não concordar com as demandas salariais dos trabalhadores do setor público.
d) Botswana’s public-sector workers refused to wait three more years before receiving a wage increase. – Os trabalhadores do setor público do Botswana recusaram-se a esperar mais três anos antes de receber um aumento salarial.
e) The public-sector unions expected the strike to be successful because most people in Botswana work for the government in one way or another. – Os sindicatos do setor público esperavam que a greve fosse bem-sucedida porque a maioria das pessoas em Botswana trabalha para o governo de uma forma ou de outra.

•  "[...] The government, pleading poverty following a slump in the diamond market during the global recession, offered just 5% conditional on future economic growth."
• O governo, alegando pobreza após a queda no mercado de diamantes durante a recessão global, ofereceu apenas 5%, condicionado ao crescimento econômico futuro.

Which of the following is not supported by the information in the article?
(A) Though both the government and the public-sector unions at first refused to give in, the unions eventually accepted the government’s wage offer.
(B) The government punished striking health workers, declaring that they had acted against Botswana’s constitution.
(C) This was the first time that public-worker unions in Botswana had openly defied the government.
(D) Botswana’s government ministries and services were not seriously affected by the strike.
(E) According to both Botswana’s government and public-service unions, more than half of all publicservice workers went on strike.
 👍   Gabarito    E  
• Qual das opções a seguir não é compatível com as informações do artigo?
a) Though both the government and the public-sector unions at first refused to give in, the unions eventually accepted the government’s wage offer. – Embora o governo e os sindicatos do setor público a princípio se recusassem a ceder, os sindicatos acabaram aceitando a oferta salarial do governo.
b) The government punished striking health workers, declaring that they had acted against Botswana’s constitution. – O governo puniu os trabalhadores de saúde em greve, declarando que eles haviam agido contra a constituição do Botswana.
c) This was the first time that public-worker unions in Botswana had openly defied the government. – Esta foi a primeira vez que sindicatos de trabalhadores públicos em Botswana desafiaram abertamente o governo.
d) Botswana’s government ministries and services were not seriously affected by the strike. – Os ministérios e serviços do governo de Botswana não foram seriamente afetados pela greve.
e) According to both Botswana’s government and publicservice unions, more than half of all public service workers went on strike. – De acordo com o governo de Botsuana e os sindicatos do serviço público, mais da metade de todos os funcionários do serviço público entraram em greve.

•  "[...] Even at its peak, says the government, no more than half of its employees walked out, leaving most ministries and services operating more or less normally."
• Mesmo no seu auge, diz o governo, não mais de metade dos seus funcionários saíram, deixando a maioria dos ministérios e serviços a funcionar mais ou menos normalmente."

In the last sentence of paragraph 4, “This” in “This the government is refusing to do” most likely refers to the act of
(A) authorizing a 16% pay increase for Botswana’s public-sector workers.
(B) increasing the number of workers in the public sector.
(C) giving certain public-sector workers their jobs back.
(D) offering a wage increase of more than 3% to Botswana’s 120,000 public-sector workers.
(E) paying the public-sector workers for the time that they were on strike.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
• Na última frase do parágrafo 4, "THIS" em "Isso o governo se recusa a fazer" provavelmente se refere ao ato de...
a) authorizing a 16% pay increase for Botswana’s publicsector workers. – autorizar um aumento salarial de 16% para os funcionários do setor público do Botswana.
b) increasing the number of workers in the public sector. –  aumentar o número de trabalhadores no setor público.
c) giving certain public-sector workers their jobs back. –  devolver o emprego a certos trabalhadores do setor público.
d) offering a wage increase of more than 3% to Botswana’s 120,000 public-sector workers. – oferecer um aumento salarial de mais de 3% para os 120.000 trabalhadores do setor público do Botswana.
e) paying the public-sector workers for the time that they were on strike. – pagar aos servidores públicos o tempo de greve.

•  "[...] Worn down by almost two months without pay, the unions have agreed to accept the government´s revised unconditional 3% offer, provided all sacked workers are reinstated. This the government is refusing to do."
• Desgastados por quase dois meses sem remuneração, os sindicatos concordaram em aceitar a oferta revista e incondicional de 3% do governo, desde que todos os trabalhadores despedidos sejam reintegrados. Isso o governo se recusa a fazer."

 by Elizabeth Kolbert
Last week, the Chinese government estimated that more than four million people were having trouble finding drinking water, owing to a drought along the Yangtze River.
Na semana passada, o governo chinês estimou que mais de quatro milhões de pessoas estavam a ter dificuldades em encontrar água potável, devido a uma seca ao longo do rio Yangtze.
The French agricultural minister warned that an exceptionally hot, dry spring would reduce that country’s wheat harvest.
O ministro da Agricultura francês alertou que uma primavera excepcionalmente quente e seca reduziria a colheita de trigo daquele país.
And in Colombia more than two million acres of land have been submerged after almost a year of nearly continuous rain.
E na Colômbia, mais de dois milhões de acres de terra ficaram submersos depois de quase um ano de chuvas quase contínuas.
“Over the past ten months, we have registered five or six times more rainfall than usual,” the director of Colombia’s meteorological agency, Ricardo Lozano, said.
“Nos últimos dez meses, registramos cinco ou seis vezes mais chuvas do que o normal”, disse o diretor da agência meteorológica da Colômbia, Ricardo Lozano.
For decades, climate scientists have predicted that, as global temperatures rose, the side effects would include deeper droughts, more intense flooding, and more ferocious storms.
Durante décadas, os cientistas do clima previram que, à medida que as temperaturas globais aumentassem, os efeitos secundários incluiriam secas mais profundas, inundações mais intensas e tempestades mais ferozes.
The details of these forecasts are immensely complicated, but the underlying science is pretty simple.
Os detalhes destas previsões são imensamente complicados, mas a ciência subjacente é bastante simples.
Warm air can hold more moisture.
O ar quente pode reter mais umidade.
This means that there is greater evaporation.
Isso significa que há maior evaporação.
It also means that there is more water, and hence more energy, available to the system.
Significa também que há mais água e, portanto, mais energia disponível para o sistema.
What we are seeing now is these predictions being borne out.
O que estamos vendo agora é que essas previsões se confirmam.
If no particular flood or drought or storm can be directly attributed to climate change – there’s always the possibility that any single event was just a random occurrence – the overall trend toward more extreme weather follows from the heating of the earth.
Se nenhuma inundação, seca ou tempestade em particular puder ser diretamente atribuída às alterações climáticas – existe sempre a possibilidade de que qualquer evento isolado tenha sido apenas uma ocorrência aleatória – a tendência geral para condições meteorológicas mais extremas decorre do aquecimento da Terra.
As the cover of Newsweek declared last week, “weather panic” is the “new normal.”
Como declarou a capa da Newsweek na semana passada, o “pânico climático” é o “novo normal”.
The larger problem is that this “new normal” won’t last.
O maior problema é que este “novo normal” não vai durar.
Each additional ton of carbon dioxide that’s spewed into the atmosphere contributes to further warming, thus increasing the risk of violent weather.
Cada tonelada adicional de dióxido de carbono expelida na atmosfera contribui para um maior aquecimento, aumentando assim o risco de condiçõe
s meteorológicas violentas.
The day after the President visited Joplin, Fatih Birol, the chief economist for the International Energy Agency, in Paris, announced that, despite the economic slowdown, global CO2 emissions last year rose by a record amount, to almost thirty-one billion metric tons.
No dia seguinte à visita do Presidente a Joplin, Fatih Birol, economista-chefe da Agência Internacional de Energia, em Paris, anunciou que, apesar da desaceleração económica, as emissões globais de CO2 no ano passado aumentaram num montante recorde, para quase trinta e um mil milhões de toneladas métricas.
“I am very worried,”

Birol said. “This is the worst news on emissions.”
When Obama took office, he appointed some of the country’s most knowledgeable climate scientists to his Administration, and it seemed for a time as if he might take his responsibility to lead on this issue seriously. That hope has faded.
THE NEW YORKER - JUNE 13 & 20, 2011
According to the information in the article,
A approximately four million people in China take their drinking water directly from the Yangtze River.
B because of various weather-related problems, clean drinking water has disappeared along the Yangtze River.
C historically, the Yangtze River must receive heavy rainfall for most of the year in order to be a reliable source of drinking water.
D a serious lack of rain in the region of the Yangtze River means drinking water is now in limited supply for millions of Chinese.
E the Chinese government recently admitted than in only one week more than four million Chinese had been without drinking water.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
• De acordo com as informações do artigo,
a) approximately four million people in China take their drinking water directly from the Yangtze River.
• aproximadamente quatro milhões de pessoas na China tomam sua água potável diretamente do rio Yangtze.
b) because of various weather-related problems, clean drinking water has disappeared along the Yangtze River.
• devido a vários problemas relacionados ao clima, a água potável limpa desapareceu ao longo do rio Yangtze.
c) historically, the Yangtze River must receive heavy rainfall for most of the year in order to be a reliable source of drinking water.
• historicamente, o rio Yangtze deve receber chuvas fortes na maior parte do ano para ser uma fonte confiável de água potável.
d) a serious lack of rain in the region of the Yangtze River means drinking water is now in limited supply for millions of Chinese.
• uma grave falta de chuvas na região do rio Yangtze significa que a água potável agora é limitada para milhões de chineses.
e) the Chinese government recently admitted than in only one week more than four million Chinese had been without drinking water.
• o governo chinês admitiu recentemente que em apenas uma semana mais de quatro milhões de chineses ficaram sem água potável.

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
A France’s weather-related problem and Colombia’s are similar in that they are both uncommon.
B Because of climatic problems, France may soon face its first wheat shortage.
C Water pollution has made the drought in China more damaging than that in France.
D The recent rain and flooding in Colombia are the most damaging that the country has ever faced.
E In Colombia, five to six months of continuous rain can be considered normal.
 👍   Gabarito    A  
• Qual das opções a seguir é mais corroborada pelas informações do artigo?
a) France’s weather-related problem and Colombia’s are similar in that they are both uncommon.
• O problema climático da França e o da Colômbia são semelhantes no sentido de que são incomuns.
b) Because of climatic problems, France may soon face its first wheat shortage.
• Por causa de problemas climáticos, a França pode em breve enfrentar sua primeira escassez de trigo.
c) Water pollution has made the drought in China more damaging than that in France.
• A poluição da água tornou a seca na China mais prejudicial do que na França.
d) The recent rain and flooding in Colombia are the most damaging that the country has ever faced.
• As recentes chuvas e inundações na Colômbia são as mais prejudiciais que o país já enfrentou.
e) In Colombia, five to six months of continuous rain can be considered normal.
• Na Colômbia, cinco a seis meses de chuva contínua podem ser considerados normais.

In paragraph 2, the phrase “…the underlying science is pretty simple” most likely refers to which of the following?
A Understanding the various details of recent weather-related disasters is harder than many people think it is.
B Essentially, it’s easy to understand that the greater the amount of moisture in the air, the greater the possibility of extreme weather conditions.
C There is a simple and direct correlation between the sharp increase in rain and more serious floods.
D Weather forecasts should be simplified so that more people can understand the causes of climate disasters.
E For many years, climate scientists have been warning the public about the predictably bad effects of global warming.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
• No parágrafo 2, a frase “… a ciência subjacente é muito simples” provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes opções?
a) Understanding the various details of recent weatherrelated disasters is harder than many people think it is.
• Compreender os vários detalhes de desastres recentes relacionados ao clima é mais difícil do que muitas pessoas pensam.
b) Essentially, it’s easy to understand that the greater the amount of moisture in the air, the greater the possibility of extreme weather conditions.
• Essencialmente, é fácil entender que quanto maior a quantidade de umidade no ar, maior a possibilidade de condições climáticas extremas.
c) There is a simple and direct correlation between the sharp increase in rain and more serious floods.
• Existe uma correlação simples e direta entre o aumento acentuado da chuva e inundações mais graves.
d) Weather forecasts should be simplified so that more people can understand the causes of climate disasters.
• As previsões do tempo devem ser simplificadas para que mais pessoas possam entender as causas dos desastres climáticos.
e) For many years, climate scientists have been warning the public about the predictably bad effects of global warming.
• Por muitos anos, cientistas do clima têm alertado o público sobre os previsivelmente ruins efeitos do aquecimento global.

According to the information in the article, though global warming is, in general, leading to more extreme weather,
A a few scientists still believe that the main cause of extreme weather has not been discovered.
B it is still impossible to predict accurately how much damage extreme weather will cause in the next few years.
C there is always the possibility that global warming can also bring more equilibrium to the Earth’s climate.
D certain kinds of extreme weather are in fact beneficial.
E it’s impossible to say with complete certainty that any example of extreme weather was the direct result of global warming.
 👍   Gabarito    E  
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, embora o aquecimento global esteja, em geral, levando a condições climáticas mais extremas,
a) a few scientists still believe that the main cause of extreme weather has not been discovered.
• alguns cientistas ainda acreditam que a principal causa do clima extremo não foi descoberta.
b) it is still impossible to predict accurately how much damage extreme weather will cause in the next few years.
• ainda é impossível prever com precisão quantos danos as condições climáticas extremas causarão nos próximos anos.
c) there is always the possibility that global warming can also bring more equilibrium to the Earth’s climate.
• sempre existe a possibilidade de que o aquecimento global também pode trazer mais equilíbrio ao clima da Terra.
d) certain kinds of extreme weather are in fact beneficial.
• certos tipos de clima extremo são de fato benéficos.
e) it’s impossible to say with complete certainty that any example of extreme weather was the direct result of global warming.
• é impossível dizer com certeza absoluta que algum exemplo de clima extremo foi resultado direto do aquecimento global.

As mentioned in paragraph 3, when the cover of Newsweek magazine declared that “’weather panic’ is the ‘new normal,’” it most likely meant that
A extreme-weather conditions are already as bad as they can be.
B people will get used to living with weather-related disasters.
C climate scientists have been proved right about the disastrous effects of global warming.
D nowadays it has become quite common for people to live in fear of the weather.
E weather-related problems are going to become worse and worse.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
• Conforme mencionado no parágrafo 3, quando a capa da revista Newsweek declarou que “'o pânico do tempo' é o 'novo normal'”, provavelmente significava que
a) extreme-weather conditions are already as bad as they can be.
• as condições climáticas extremas já estão tão ruins quanto podem ser.
b) people will get used to living with weather-related disasters.
• as pessoas se acostumarão a conviver com desastres relacionados ao clima.
c) climate scientists have been proved right about the disastrous effects of global warming.
• os cientistas do clima provaram estar certos sobre os efeitos desastrosos do aquecimento global.
d) nowadays it has become quite common for people to live in fear of the weather.
• hoje em dia tornou-se bastante comum as pessoas viverem com medo do clima.
e) weather-related problems are going to become worse and worse.
• os problemas relacionados ao clima vão piorar cada vez mais.

In paragraph 3, “The larger problem,” in the sentence “The larger problem is that this ‘new normal’ won’t last,” most likely refers to which of the following?
A Some climate scientists are in disagreement about which direction extreme weather will take.
B In recent years, violent weather conditions have become normal.
C The risk of violent weather conditions will only become worse in the coming years.
D Unless adequate preparations are made, the world will be devastated by violent weather in the coming years.
E Despite warnings from climate scientists, the world’s governments don’t understand the seriousness of global warming.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
• No parágrafo 3, “O problema maior”, na frase “O problema maior é que este‘ novo normal ’não dura”, muito provavelmente se refere a qual dos seguintes?
a) Some climate scientists are in disagreement about which direction extreme weather will take.
• Alguns cientistas do clima discordam sobre a direção que as condições climáticas extremas tomarão.
b) In recent years, violent weather conditions have become normal.
• Nos últimos anos, condições climáticas violentas tornaram-se normais.
c) The risk of violent weather conditions will only become worse in the coming years.
• O risco de condições climáticas violentas só vai piorar nos próximos anos.
d) Unless adequate preparations are made, the world will be devastated by violent weather in the coming years.
• A menos que os preparativos adequados sejam feitos, o mundo será devastado por um clima violento nos próximos anos.
e) Despite warnings from climate scientists, the world’s governments don’t understand the seriousness of global warming.
• Apesar dos avisos de cientistas do clima, os governos mundiais não entendem a gravidade do aquecimento global.

Which of the following is most likely the specific factor that is making Fatih Birol so worried?
A Last year saw the biggest increase ever in the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere.
B The worldwide economic slowdown has made it harder than ever to limit CO2 emissions.
C Climate scientists are now suggesting that there is no effective way to cut CO2 emissions and reverse global warming.
D The rise in global temperatures means that weather-related disasters are becoming a greater possibility.
E Current CO2 emissions have created a world-climate scenario that will be impossible to reverse.
 👍   Gabarito    A  
• Qual das alternativas a seguir é provavelmente o fator específico que está deixando Fatih Birol tão preocupada?
a) Last year saw the biggest increase ever in the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere.
• No ano passado, assistiu-se ao maior aumento de sempre na quantidade de CO2 que entra na atmosfera.
b) The worldwide economic slowdown has made it harder than ever to limit CO2 emissions.
• A desaceleração econômica mundial tornou mais difícil do que nunca limitar as emissões de CO2.
c) Climate scientists are now suggesting that there is no effective way to cut CO2 emissions and reverse global warming.
• Cientistas climáticos agora estão sugerindo que não existe uma maneira eficaz de cortar as emissões de CO2 e reverter o aquecimento global.
d) The rise in global temperatures means that weather related disasters are becoming a greater possibility.
• O aumento das temperaturas globais significa que desastres relacionados ao clima estão se tornando uma possibilidade maior.
e) Current CO2 emissions have created a world-climate scenario that will be impossible to reverse.
• As atuais emissões de CO2 criaram um cenário climático mundial que será impossível reverter.

According to the information in the article, President Obama
A has made extensive progress in reducing global warming.
B has shown a disappointing lack of commitment to solving the global-warming problem.
C has disappointed many people by doing nothing to stop global warming.
D appointed some excellent climate scientists to his administration but didn’t let them work.
E is letting a group of experts decide the government’s global-warming policy.
 👍   Gabarito    E  
• Segundo informações do artigo, o presidente Obama...
a) has made extensive progress in reducing global warming.
• fez grandes progressos na redução do aquecimento global.
b) has shown a disappointing lack of commitment to solving the global-warming problem.
• demonstrou uma decepcionante falta de compromisso com a solução do problema do aquecimento global.
c) has disappointed many people by doing nothing to stop global warming.
• desapontou muitas pessoas ao não fazer nada para impedir o aquecimento global.
d) appointed some excellent climate scientists to his administration but didn’t let them work.
• nomeou alguns excelentes cientistas do clima para sua administração, mas não os deixou trabalhar.
e) is letting a group of experts decide the government’s global-warming policy.
• está deixando um grupo de especialistas decidir a política de aquecimento global do governo.:  

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