terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015

CESGRANRIO–DECEA-2009-Concurso Público para Técnico de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo((Área: licença de pessoal/habilitação inglês)) do DECEA(Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo) - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS-CESGRANRIO-2009 do DECEA(Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo)-Cargo:Técnico de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo(Área: licença de pessoal/habilitação inglês)-Prova aplicada em 01/09/2009.
LEITURA de textos de jornais,revistas, websites, blogs e cartoons a seguir, é um excelente treino para a prova OBJETIVA de inglês com 35 questões.
[a]Banca Organizadora do Concurso Público 
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦03 Textos.
➦35 Questões.
➦Reading Comprehension(Compreensão textual).
➦Use of english(uso do inglês).
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
➝ ]
🔄Phrasal Verbs:
➝ ]
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
➝ ]
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
➝ ]
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
[ ➝ ]
[ ➝ ]
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas :
➝ ]
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
[ ➝ ]
🔄 Pronomes Relativos(who, which, whom, that) :
[ ➝ ]
🔄 CONJUCTION (but, yet):
[ ➝ ]
🔄Expressões comuns:
[ ➝ ]
🔄Expressões idiomáticas :
[ ➝ ]
➝ ]
[ ➝ ]
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos :
➝ ]
🔄 Comparativos (superioridade) :
[ ➝ ]
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade):
[ ➝ ]
[ ➝ ]
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
[ ➝ ]
[ ➝ ]
🔄Falso cognato:
[ ➝ ]
Agora vamos à prova.
Text I
Accreditation in Aviation
Marjo Mitsutomi and Jerry Platt University of Redlands (California)
There is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest that language miscommunication has been a contributing factor in several airplane crashes, and in even more nearmisses. Unfortunately, the coding mechanisms for recording cause of failure often obscure the role of language. Worse, there is evidence of deliberate withholding of such data, presumably to avoid increasing fears among an already skittish flying public. The result is surprisingly scant hard evidence to systematically support any claim that language communication “in global airspace is an important safety issue today”.
By contrast, there is substantial evidence to support the claim that "effective communication in global airspace … will become even more important tomorrow". In projecting air traffic for the year 2026, the Boeing web site indicates that traffic within the Asia-Pacific region, with its great variety of native languages, will exceed air traffic within North America – the historically-dominant region that is comprised of but three native languages. Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography.
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by schools, institutions and programs meets the minimum acceptable levels of quality. The value proposition of Aviation English is best advanced through an accreditation process for its training programs. Just what is accreditation? Why does it matter? How can it help?

Accreditation is "the stamp of approval" for schools and/ or programs in a particular discipline or industry. Institutions that seek accreditation recognize its importance by agreeing to a set of commonly adopted industry standards for quality assurance. The accrediting process is done by one’s peers. Accrediting agencies are private educational associations of regional, national or international scope. The agencies develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. In terms of the so-called Level-4 proficiency benchmark, accreditation can address both general and specific questions of common interest.
The Education Specialty Analogy
Accreditation is a common element of education systems all over the world. Some accreditation agencies are general, and assess overall performance, while others are specific to a particular task.

Our interest is in a specific, specialized, programmatic accreditation. It would not assess the overall effectiveness of a flight school, an air traffic controller program, or an English language school. Instead, it would focus only on the Aviation English component of that school or program, and assess it only with respect to the stated ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards and benchmarks for Aviation English. An analogy may help.

There are thousands of universities around the world, and most countries have national or regional accreditation bodies to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the universities in meeting their educational goals. Many of these universities have schools of business as one patch of its educational fabric. There are only two global bodies for the accreditation of business programs within universities – EQUIS and AACSB. These two bodies accredit the business training subset of an institution, according to quite specific global standards that have been set by peers at business schools worldwide.
Accreditation for Aviation English
It is proposed that an international body be established to accredit schools and programs that purport to train and prepare pilots and controllers to be proficient in Aviation English by ICAO standards.
Necessary and/or Desirable Ingredients
The accreditation process should examine not only the measurement instrument(s) and output from the testing process for demonstrating proficiency in Aviation English, but also the inputs (recruitment; student support; organization structure; financial resources; personnel) and the processes (training; testing; certification). It is essential that accreditation be established as a holistic enterprise.

While it is both premature and presumptuous to specify standards today that should be set in agreement among peer schools and programs at some future date, there are certain ingredients that transcend specific criteria and can help guide in the formulation and establishment of the accreditation unit. It should be an independent, not-for-profit federation of schools and programs, with broad global representation that reflects the rich diversity in native languages and cultures across member states. Accreditation must be limited to Aviation English, and must be based upon a peer-review process that emphasizes absolute standards for performance while also recognizing relative advancement toward the absolute standard, thereby acting as a supportive organization that actively helps all programs improve.
👉 Questão  16 :
The main purpose of the text is to
(A) warn the aviation industry of the increasing number of air disasters due to the sudden rise in air traffic worldwide.
(B) encourage educational associations to adopt training programs so as to make pilots and controllers proficient in Aviation English.
(C) advocate a certification program in Aviation English as a means to reduce the impact of linguistic misunderstandings in air accidents.
(D) advise universities to teach Aviation English in their business schools and to evaluate students’ performance through ICAO standards and benchmarks.
(E) advertise EQUIS and AACSB, two global bodies for the accreditation of business programs within universities, and report on their relevance to aviation.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
The main purpose of the text is to
(A) warn the aviation industry of the increasing number of air disasters due to the sudden rise in air traffic worldwide.(alertar a indústria da aviação sobre o crescente número de desastres aéreos devido ao aumento repentino do tráfego aéreo em todo o mundo.)
(B) encourage educational associations to adopt training programs so as to make pilots and controllers proficient in Aviation English.(incentivar associações educacionais a adotar programas de treinamento para tornar pilotos e controladores proficientes em inglês para aviação.)
(C) advocate a certification program in Aviation English as a means to reduce the impact of linguistic misunderstandings in air accidents.(defender um programa de certificação em inglês para aviação como forma de reduzir o impacto de mal-entendidos linguísticos em acidentes aéreos.)
(D) advise universities to teach Aviation English in their business schools and to evaluate students’ performance through ICAO standards and benchmarks.(aconselhar as universidades a ensinar inglês para aviação em suas escolas de administração e avaliar o desempenho dos alunos através dos padrões e referências da ICAO.)
(E) advertise EQUIS and AACSB, two global bodies for the accreditation of business programs within universities, and report on their relevance to aviation.(anunciar o EQUIS e o AACSB, dois órgãos globais para o credenciamento de programas de negócios nas universidades e relatar sua relevância para a aviação.)
👉 Questão  17 :
The excerpt "There is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest that language miscommunication has been a contributing factor in several airplane crashes, and in even more near-misses.” (lines 2-5) means that
(A) it has been proved that unclear language has triggered most aircraft accidents and near collisions. (B) it has been undeniable that inadequate communication is the major source of accidents and near accidents in aviation.
(C) it has been difficult to attest that language mistakes have been responsible for a large number of airplane accidents and near crashes.
(D) there has been a slight suspicion that most airplane accidents and near accidents have been caused by the ineffective communication.
(E) there have been strong indications that linguistic misunderstandings have played a significant role in aviation accidents and narrowly avoided collisions.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
➦The excerpt(lines 2-5):
"There is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest that language miscommunication has been a contributing factor in several airplane crashes, and in even more near-misses."
(Existem evidências anedóticas substanciais que sugerem que a falta de comunicação do idioma tem sido um fator contribuinte em várias colisões de aviões e em ainda mais acidentes.)
(A) it has been proved that unclear language has triggered most aircraft accidents and near collisions.(Tem sido provado que uma linguagem pouco clara provoca a maioria dos acidentes aéreos e quase colisões.)
(B) it has been undeniable that inadequate communication is the major source of accidents and near accidents in aviation.(É inegável que a comunicação inadequada é a principal fonte de acidentes e quase acidentes na aviação.)
(C) it has been difficult to attest that language mistakes have been responsible for a large number of airplane accidents and near crashes.(É difícil atestar que os erros de idioma são responsáveis por um grande número de acidentes de avião e quase acidentes.)
(D) there has been a slight suspicion that most airplane accidents and near accidents have been caused by the ineffective communication.(há uma leve suspeita de que a maioria dos acidentes de avião e quase acidentes tenha sido causada pela comunicação ineficaz.)
(E) there have been strong indications that linguistic misunderstandings have played a significant role in aviation accidents and narrowly avoided collisions.(há fortes indícios de que mal-entendidos lingüísticos têm desempenhado um papel significativo em acidentes de aviação e colisões evitadas por pouco.)
👉 Questão  18 :
Check the option that contains a correct correspondence of meaning.
(A) "withholding" (line 8) and restraining are antonyms.
(B) "skittish" (line 9) and easy-going are synonyms. (C) "exceed" (line 19) could not be substituted by surpass.
(D) "undergo" (line 24) and endure have similar meanings.
(E) "ensure" (line 26) and guarantee have opposing meanings.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
Check the option that contains a correct correspondence of meaning.
(A) "withholding" (line 8) and restraining are antonyms.
➦ No texto:
"[...] Worse, there is evidence of deliberate withholding of such data, presumably to avoid increasing fears among an already skittish flying public."
(Pior ainda, há evidências de retenção deliberada de tais dados, presumivelmente para evitar receios crescentes entre um público voador já nervoso.)
➦ withholding(uítchRRôldên)(retenção) é sinônimo de ➝ restraining(restrição).
(B) "skittish"(line 9) and easy-going are synonyms.
➦ No texto:
"[...] presumably to avoid increasing fears among an already skittish flying public."
(presumivelmente para evitar receios crescentes entre um público voador já nervoso.)
➦ No contexto: skittish(sKêrêch) ➝ nervous (Nôrvês)(nervoso), anxious(Ênxâs)(ansioso).
➦ easy-going ➝ relaxed(relaxado, tranquilo)
(C) "exceed" (line 19) could not be substituted by surpass.
➦ No texto:
"[...] In projecting air traffic for the year 2026, the Boeing web site indicates that traffic within the Asia-Pacific region, with its great variety of native languages, will exceed air traffic within North America – the historically-dominant region that is comprised of but three native languages."
(Ao projetar o tráfego aéreo para o ano de 2026, o site da Boeing indica que o tráfego na região Ásia-Pacífico, com sua grande variedade de idiomas nativos, excederá o tráfego aéreo na América do Norte - a região historicamente dominante, composta por apenas três Línguas nativas.)
➦ No contexto: to exceed(exceder, ultrapassar) ➝ to surpass(ultrapassar).
(D) "undergo" (line 24) and endure have similar meanings.
➦ No texto:
"[...] Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography."
(Além disso, existem indicadores claros de que o tráfego aéreo per capita, que aumenta com a riqueza, está prestes a experimentar mudanças dramáticas na demografia.)
➦ No contexto: to undergo (ser submetido) ➝ to endure=suffer(sofrer).
(E) "ensure" (line 26) and guarantee have opposing meanings.
➦ No texto:
"[...] The goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by schools, institutions and programs meets the minimum acceptable levels of quality."
(O objetivo do credenciamento é garantir que a educação fornecida pelas escolas, instituições e programas atenda aos níveis mínimos aceitáveis de qualidade)
➦ No contexto: to ensure ➝ to guarantee(garantir).
👉 Questão  19 :
The following excerpt has been extracted from the original version of the article "Accreditation in Aviation" by Marjo Mitsutomi and Jerry Platt.
"Consider the example below, reproduced from the Boeing web site: Examining all fatal accidents during the past decade involving worldwide commercial jets, the report claims "no accidents were noted in … air traffic management, communications, navigation, (or) surveillance". The industry simply must become more proactive in insisting upon honest and accurate categorization and reporting of all contributing factors to traffic mishaps."
The excerpt above would adequately fit in the text right after the sentence
(A) “There is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest that language miscommunication…and in even more nearmisses.” (lines 2-5)
(B) “The result is surprisingly scant hard evidence to systematically support any claim that language communication ‘in global airspace is an important safety issue today’.” (lines 9-12)
(C) “By contrast, there is substantial evidence to support the claim that ‘effective communication in global airspace … will become even more important tomorrow.’ ” (lines 14-16)
(D) “In projecting air traffic for the year 2026, the Boeing web site indicates that traffic within the Asia-Pacific region, … comprised of but three native languages.”(lines 16-21)
(E) “Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography.” (lines 22-24)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
"Consider the example below, reproduced from the Boeing web site: Examining all fatal accidents during the past decade involving worldwide commercial jets, the report claims "no accidents were noted in … air traffic management, communications, navigation, (or) surveillance". The industry simply must become more proactive in insisting upon honest and accurate categorization and reporting of all contributing factors to traffic mishaps."
(Considere o exemplo abaixo, reproduzido no site da Boeing: Examinando todos os acidentes fatais durante a última década envolvendo jatos comerciais em todo o mundo, o relatório afirma que "nenhum acidente foi observado em ... gerenciamento de tráfego aéreo, comunicações, navegação ou (ou) vigilância". O setor simplesmente deve se tornar mais proativo ao insistir na categorização e nos relatórios honestos e precisos de todos os fatores que contribuem para os acidentes de trânsito.)
The excerpt above would adequately fit in the text right after the sentence(O trecho acima caberia adequadamente no texto logo após a frase)...
(A) "There is substantial anecdotal evidence to suggest that language miscommunication…and in even more nearmisses."(Há evidências anedóticas substanciais para sugerir que a falta de comunicação do idioma ... e em ainda mais ocorrências.)
(B) "The result is surprisingly scant hard evidence to systematically support any claim that language communication 'in global airspace is an important safety issue today'." (O resultado são surpreendentemente escassas evidências concretas para apoiar sistematicamente qualquer alegação de que a comunicação linguística 'no espaço aéreo global seja uma questão de segurança importante hoje'.)
(C) "By contrast, there is substantial evidence to support the claim that 'effective communication in global airspace … will become even more important tomorrow.'"(Por outro lado, existem evidências substanciais para apoiar a alegação de que 'comunicação eficaz no espaço aéreo global ... se tornará ainda mais importante amanhã'.)
(D) "In projecting air traffic for the year 2026, the Boeing web site indicates that traffic within the Asia-Pacific region, … comprised of but three native languages."(Ao projetar o tráfego aéreo para o ano de 2026, o site da Boeing indica que o tráfego na região da Ásia-Pacífico ... compreende apenas três idiomas nativos.)
(E) "Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography." (Além disso, existem indicadores claros de que o tráfego aéreo per capita, que aumenta com a riqueza, está prestes a sofrer mudanças dramáticas na demografia.)

👉 Questão  20 :
In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that
(A) "...such data," (line 8) refers to "...several airplane crashes," (line 4).
(B) " ...the historically-dominant region..." (lines 20-21) refers to "...the Asia-Pacific region," (line 18).
(C) "...those criteria...” (line 42) refers to “...peer evaluations..."(line 41).
(D) "...others..."(line 49) refers to "...accreditation agencies..." (line 48).
(E) "These two bodies..." (lines 67-68) refers to "...universities..." (line 67) and "...schools of business..." (line 64).
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that
(A) “...such data,” (line 8) refers to “...several airplane crashes,” (line 4).
(B) “ ...the historically-dominant region...” (lines 20-21) refers to “...the Asia-Pacific region,” (line 18).
(C) “...those criteria...” (line 42) refers to “...peer evaluations...” (line 41).
(D) “...others...” (line 49) refers to “...accreditation agencies...” (line 48).
(E) “These two bodies...” (lines 67-68) refers to “...universities...” (line 67) and “...schools of business...” (line 64).
👉 Questão  21 :
Check the option in which “should” is used in the same sense as in “It should be an independent, not-for-profit federation of schools and programs, … across member states.” (lines 91-94)
(A) The way things are going I should be back in Rome soon.
(B) Intended to relieve pressure on the most popular courses, the system should be up and running by this coming spring.
(C) ‘I should refrain from attempts to exercise your brain if I were you,’ he advised her tautly.
(D) I should like to bring in my support for the first speaker, but actually I’ve more agreement with the last woman speaker.
(E) Drivers who persistently drive over the limit should think how they would feel if a speeding motorist kills one of their loved ones.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
Check the option in which “should” is used in the same sense as in “It should be an independent, not-for-profit federation of schools and programs, … across member states.” (lines 91-94)
(A) The way things are going I should be back in Rome soon.
(B) Intended to relieve pressure on the most popular courses, the system should be up and running by this coming spring.
(C) ‘I should refrain from attempts to exercise your brain if I were you,’ he advised her tautly.
(D) I should like to bring in my support for the first speaker, but actually I’ve more agreement with the last woman speaker.
(E) Drivers who persistently drive over the limit should think how they would feel if a speeding motorist kills one of their loved ones.
👉 Questão  22 :
Mark the only boldfaced discourse marker that DOES NOT introduce contrasting ideas.
(A) "Unfortunately, the coding mechanisms for recording cause of failure often obscure the role of language." (lines 5-7)
(B) "By contrast, there is substantial evidence to support the claim that 'effective communication in global airspace …will become even more important tomorrow.'" (lines 14-16)
(C) "Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography." (lines 22-24)
(D) "Accreditation is a common element of education systems all over the world. Some accreditation agencies are general, and assess overall performance, while others are specific to a particular task." (lines 47-50)
(E) "Instead, it would focus only on the Aviation English component of that school or program, and assess it only with respect to the stated ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards and benchmarks for Aviation English." (lines 54-58)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 

Mark the only boldfaced discourse marker that DOES NOT introduce contrasting ideas.
(A) "Unfortunately, the coding mechanisms for recording cause of failure often obscure the role of language." (lines 5-7)
(B) "By contrast, there is substantial evidence to support the claim that 'effective communication in global airspace …will become even more important tomorrow.'" (lines 14-16)
(C) "Additionally, there are clear indicators that per capita air travel traffic, which increases with wealth, is about to undergo dramatic shifts in demography." (lines 22-24)
(D) "Accreditation is a common element of education systems all over the world. Some accreditation agencies are general, and assess overall performance, while others are specific to a particular task." (lines 47-50)

(E) "Instead, it would focus only on the Aviation English component of that school or program, and assess it only with respect to the stated ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards and benchmarks for Aviation English." (lines 54-58)
👉 Questão  23 :
The passage below is the concluding paragraph of the article “Accreditation in Aviation” by Marjo Mitsutomi and Jerry Platt.
Conclusion: Direction Matters
"There ______ substantial ______ over the past decade in developing and implementing a global standard for air traffic communication. ______, the current state of affairs can be characterized as chaotic, inconsistent, and somewhat removed from the actual ICAO benchmarks for proficiency. Given nearly 200 member states, with very different needs, resources, and levels of preparedness, it is appropriate that there ______ multiple training paradigms and options, ______ multiple testing instruments. What is missing is an accreditation organization that can help level the playing field, can keep all parties honest, and can protect the consuming public from the current glut of ______."
Choose the option below that completes the passage correctly.
(A) were – restrictions – As a result – be – despite – doubt.
(B) have been – advances – So – are – but no – suspicion.
(C) has been – progress – However – be – as well as – misinformation.
(D) used to be – improvements – Hence – are – instead of – misunderstanding.
(E) had been – drawbacks – Nevertheless – have been – together with – opportunism.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) were – restrictions – As a result – be – despite – doubt.
(B) have been – advances – So – are – but no – suspicion.
(C) has been – progress – However – be – as well as – misinformation.
(D) used to be – improvements – Hence – are – instead of – misunderstanding.

(E) had been – drawbacks – Nevertheless – have been – together with – opportunism.
👉 Questão  24 :
Concerning the accreditation process described in Text 1, it is correct to affirm that it
(A) has already been successfully implemented in thousands of universities around the world.
(B) is meant to evaluate the Aviation English component of flight schools in different countries and cultures.
(C) is meant to evaluate the global performance of flight schools, air traffic controller programs and English language schools in different countries and cultures.
(D) will be mandatory for Aviation English teachers who work in flight schools and programs.
(E) will be a profitable initiative for flight schools and programs due to the high taxes to be charged.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) has already been successfully implemented in thousands of universities around the world.
(B) is meant to evaluate the Aviation English component of flight schools in different countries and cultures.
(C) is meant to evaluate the global performance of flight schools, air traffic controller programs and English language schools in different countries and cultures.
(D) will be mandatory for Aviation English teachers who work in flight schools and programs.

(E) will be a profitable initiative for flight schools and programs due to the high taxes to be charged.
👉 Questão  25 :
After reading Text 1, one can conclude that the proposal introduced by the authors seems to be
(A) highly desirable, due to the fact that it is an attempt to improve safety in aviation in the long run. (B) partially reliable, since the performance of foreign language instructors will not be evaluated.
(C) irrelevant, because it does not seem to take into account the diversity in native languages and cultures across the member states.
(D) contradictory, because, while it intends to evaluate Aviation English on a global basis, only a few countries are willing to take part in the accreditation process.
(E) welcome, since there is concrete evidence to prove that air professionals will be prepared to speak fluent English according to any university business standard.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) highly desirable, due to the fact that it is an attempt to improve safety in aviation in the long run. (B) partially reliable, since the performance of foreign language instructors will not be evaluated.
(C) irrelevant, because it does not seem to take into account the diversity in native languages and cultures across the member states.
(D) contradictory, because, while it intends to evaluate Aviation English on a global basis, only a few countries are willing to take part in the accreditation process.

(E) welcome, since there is concrete evidence to prove that air professionals will be prepared to speak fluent English according to any university business standard.
Air Traffic Communication in a Second Language: Implications of Cognitive Factors for Training and Assessment
Candace Farris, Pavel Trofimovich, Norman Segalowitz, and Elizabeth
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Summary of Findings
We investigated the effects of cognitive workload on L2 speakers’ repetition accuracy and speech production (as judged by listeners) in a simulated pilot navigation task.

Results revealed that the NS (native speakers) group repeated messages with greater accuracy than both L2 groups regardless of workload condition, and that the group with the lowest level of L2 proficiency was the one most affected by high cognitive workload.

This finding suggests that L2 communications with controllers may be more challenging for pilots when they perform one or perhaps even more concurrent cognitive tasks.

Results also revealed that the NS group sounded less accented, more comprehensible, and more fluent than both L2 groups, while the high group, in turn, received higher ratings for all these measures than the low group.

In addition, high workload led to lower fluency ratings for the NS group and lower accentedness and fluency ratings for the low group than did low workload. With respect to the fluency ratings, our findings suggest that high workload is associated with the production of dysfluencies such as undue or long pauses, false starts and repetitions, to an extent perceptible by listeners.

Although the additional cognitive demands of the high workload condition did not affect repetition accuracy (at least for the NS group), these demands did affect speech fluency, suggesting that fluency measures may be good indicators of the impact of cognitive workload, even when repetition accuracy is stable.

With respect to accentedness ratings, the findings suggest that lowproficiency L2 users depart even more from native-like, unaccented speech under high cognitive workload, although this increased workload may not necessarily make their speech less comprehensible.

The finding that workload affects the amount of information retained and influences listener perceptions of speech (especially in the L2) is compatible with existing L2 processing research. For example, this finding is in accordance with conceptualizations of the role of automaticity in language processing.

Such conceptualizations hold that well-practiced skills (e.g., L1 perception and production) are more highly automatic and require fewer attentional resources than newly acquired skills, such as L2 perception and production for low-proficiency L2 users.

Low-proficiency speakers thus appear to have greater difficulty than highproficiency speakers in using their L2 perception and production skills in an efficient, automatic manner. When low-proficiency learners’ attentional resources are distributed across several tasks, these learners appear to engage in a nonautomatic, effortful form of processing.

The result is that less information is accurately retained and more accented and less fluent speech is produced.
Implications for L2 training and assessment
The findings have implications for L2 training and assessment, particularly in an ESP context. The current study revealed performance differences as a function of language proficiency, but the distinction between high and low proficiency was only relative here. Clearly, the notion of L2 proficiency needs to be clarified in practical terms, as it applies to thousands of professionals who will be tested according to ICAO’s (International Civil Aviation Organization) language proficiency requirements.

The existing ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale is a globally recognized instrument reflecting six language skills (pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and interactions) and six proficiency levels (pre-elementary, elementary, preoperational, operational, extended, and expert).

It may be important to continue fine-tuning this scale, validating it using a large population of pilots and controllers under conditions of varying workload or psychological stress typical of the controller–pilot workplace.

Other implications of the findings are practical in nature. For training and assessment purposes, especially in the ESP context, learners may benefit from practicing their L2 skills under workload conditions similar to those they might face in the workplace. This and other pedagogical interventions can often be accomplished without much specialized equipment. For example, to simulate a concurrent task environment that is similar in its cognitive demands to that of pilots, learners could solve a nonlinguistic puzzle or do an arithmetic task while communicating with a partner or in a group.

Another example of increasing the cognitive demands of a language task may be to simulate the constraints of radio communications, such as monitoring and filtering for relevant information while listening to the communications of others and waiting for an opportunity to speak.

Similarly, teachers might design paired communicative activities in which interlocutors do not see one another, as in real controller–pilot communications. In setting up listening activities, teachers could also vary the regional variety of English and expose learners to English spoken by speakers of different language backgrounds, thus simulating the linguistic diversity which characterizes Aviation English. Although the technical requirements may be greater, instructors could set up activities that demonstrate the effects of radio frequency constraints on phonetic perception (e.g., showing that /f/ is often indistinguishable from /s/ in radiotelephonic communications).

Whatever pedagogical decisions ESP instructors make, they need not become absolute experts in the learners’ field. A mere familiarization with the cognitive challenges and the communicative environment of the learners’ workplace would go a long way in helping instructors make sure that learners can cope with the constraints and challenges of real life communications. Ultimately, this will ensure that learners meet their objective– achieving language proficiency adequate for their workplace.
Extracted from: TESOL Quarterly. Vol. 42, no 3, September 2008.
👉 Questão  26 :
The main purpose of the research presented in the text is to
(A) compare the level of L2 proficiency of pilots to that of native language speakers.
(B) discuss the consequences of miscommunication between air traffic controllers and pilots.
(C) comment on the effects of high cognitive overload on air traffic professionals who are native speakers of English.
(D) investigate accentedness, comprehensibility and fluency in L2 controllers and pilots communicating among themselves.
(E) report on the effects of L2 proficiency and workload on speech production and retention of information in pilot-controller interaction.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
(A) compare the level of L2 proficiency of pilots to that of native language speakers.
(B) discuss the consequences of miscommunication between air traffic controllers and pilots.
(C) comment on the effects of high cognitive overload on air traffic professionals who are native speakers of English.
(D) investigate accentedness, comprehensibility and fluency in L2 controllers and pilots communicating among themselves.

(E) report on the effects of L2 proficiency and workload on speech production and retention of information in pilot-controller interaction.
👉 Questão  27 :
Mark the only option in which the two words ARE NOT synonymous.
(A) “concurrent” (line 12) and simultaneous.
(B) “hold” (line 41) and deny.
(C) “engage” (line 51) and take part.
(D) “constraints” (line 110) and limitations.
(E) “Ultimately” (line 111) and eventually.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) “concurrent” (line 12) and simultaneous.
(B) “hold” (line 41) and deny.
(C) “engage” (line 51) and take part.
(D) “constraints” (line 110) and limitations.

(E) “Ultimately” (line 111) and eventually.
👉 Questão  28 :
The words “undue” (line 22) and “unaccented” (line 32) are formed by the prefix “un”. In which of the words below would it be possible to add the same prefix to express an opposing idea in Standard English?
(A) Stable
(B) Different
(C) Cognitive
(D) Adequate
(E) Compatible
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) Stable
(B) Different
(C) Cognitive
(D) Adequate
(E) Compatible
👉 Questão  29 :
Choose the option that contains a correct correspondence between the verb in bold form and the idea it transmits.
(A) “these learners appear to engage in a nonautomatic, effortful form of processing.” (lines 50-51) – endorsement
(B) “Clearly, the notion of L2 proficiency needs to be clarified…” (lines 59-60) – assertion
(C) “It may be important to continue fine-tuning this scale,” (lines 69-70) – permission
(D) “… under workload conditions similar to those they might face in the workplace.” (lines 78-79) – advice
(E) “This and other pedagogical interventions can often be accomplished…” (lines 79-80) – ability
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) “these learners appear to engage in a nonautomatic, effortful form of processing.” (lines 50-51) – endorsement
(B) “Clearly, the notion of L2 proficiency needs to be clarified…” (lines 59-60) – assertion
(C) “It may be important to continue fine-tuning this scale,” (lines 69-70) – permission
(D) “… under workload conditions similar to those they might face in the workplace.” (lines 78-79) – advice
(E) “This and other pedagogical interventions can often be accomplished…” (lines 79-80) – ability
👉 Questão  30 :
In paragraph 4 (lines 55-74), the authors mention that it may be important to continue fine-tuning the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale because
(A) it should take into account the different amounts of work or the psychological stress undergone by L2 pilots and controllers in their real life environment. (B) it does not cover as many language skills and proficiency levels as necessary to validate pilots and controllers’ performance in the L2.
(C) it does not consider the ICAO’s language proficiency requirements for aviation professionals.(D) the number of air traffic controllers and pilots who need to be tested is very large.
(E) the proficiency levels of the high L2 and low L2
groups are very different.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) it should take into account the different amounts of work or the psychological stress undergone by L2 pilots and controllers in their real life environment. (B) it does not cover as many language skills and proficiency levels as necessary to validate pilots and controllers’ performance in the L2.
(C) it does not consider the ICAO’s language proficiency requirements for aviation professionals.(D) the number of air traffic controllers and pilots who need to be tested is very large.
(E) the proficiency levels of the high L2 and low L2
groups are very different.
👉 Questão  31 :
In the excerpt “Other implications of the findings are practical in nature. For training and assessment purposes, especially in the ESP context, learners may benefit from practicing their L2 skills under workload conditions similar to those they might face in the workplace.” (lines 75-79), the concept embedded in the use of the acronym ESP is appropriately described by:
(A) English for Specific Purposes, comprehending the practicing of the language skills needed to behave adequately in the profession.
(B) English for Scientific Professions, involving the learning of the language structures and lexicon used in science and technology.
(C) English for Special Professions, teaching the aural-oral skills necessary to communicate in special professional fields.
(D) English for Special Purposes, including teaching all 4 skills for students of different age and national backgrounds.
(E) English for Specific Purposes, encompassing strategies to teach academic reading proficiency, exclusively.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) English for Specific Purposes, comprehending the practicing of the language skills needed to behave adequately in the profession.
(B) English for Scientific Professions, involving the learning of the language structures and lexicon used in science and technology.
(C) English for Special Professions, teaching the aural-oral skills necessary to communicate in special professional fields.
(D) English for Special Purposes, including teaching all 4 skills for students of different age and national backgrounds.
(E) English for Specific Purposes, encompassing strategies to teach academic reading proficiency, exclusively.
👉 Questão  32 :
In line 78, “those” refers to
(A) “Other implications of the findings...” (line 75)
(B) “...training and assessment purposes,” (line 76) (C) “learners...” (line 77)
(D) “...L2 skills...” (line 78)
(E) “...workload conditions...” (line 78)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
In line 78, “those” refers to
(A) “Other implications of the findings...” (line 75)
(B) “...training and assessment purposes,” (line 76) (C) “learners...” (line 77)
(D) “...L2 skills...” (line 78)
(E) “...workload conditions...” (line 78)
👉 Questão  33 :
In “A mere familiarization with the cognitive challenges and the communicative environment of the learners’ workplace would go a long way in helping instructors make sure that learners can…” (lines 107-110), the expression in bold could be replaced by
(A) suffice to help
(B) not be able to help
(C) be very successful in helping
(D) require lengthy efforts to help
(E) make long-lasting contributions to help
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) suffice to help
(B) not be able to help
(C) be very successful in helping
(D) require lengthy efforts to help
(E) make long-lasting contributions to help
👉 Questão  34 :
In the last paragraph (lines 105-114), the author suggests that
(A) the communicative environment in the learners’ workplace does not reflect the challenges of real life communication.
(B) learners will only meet their objective provided they are offered intensive language training and rehearsal in their workplace.
(C) ESP instructors need to be fully knowledgeable in the technical skills required in the learners’ workplace.
(D) ESP instructors are expected to have a general idea of the professional tasks and interactional needs of the learners without a thorough background in technical issues.
(E) ESP instructors must develop an extensive knowledge of aviation as well as of Aviation English in order to help learners cope with the everyday challenges of their workplace.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
In the last paragraph (lines 105-114), the author suggests that
(A) the communicative environment in the learners’ workplace does not reflect the challenges of real life communication.
(B) learners will only meet their objective provided they are offered intensive language training and rehearsal in their workplace.
(C) ESP instructors need to be fully knowledgeable in the technical skills required in the learners’ workplace.
(D) ESP instructors are expected to have a general idea of the professional tasks and interactional needs of the learners without a thorough background in technical issues.
(E) ESP instructors must develop an extensive knowledge of aviation as well as of Aviation English in order to help learners cope with the everyday challenges of their workplace.
👉 Questão  35 :
Check the option that introduces an implication of the research study reported in Text 2.
(A) It is not necessary to refine the scale of language proficiency within realistic scenarios.
(B) It is pointless to monitor and extract relevant data from the communications of pilots and air traffic controllers.
(C) There is an urgent need of highly-specialized equipment to simulate the workplace context for pedagogical purposes.
(D) There must be lifelike L2 training and assessment in air traffic controller–pilot communication under workload conditions.
(E) There is no link between performance dissimilarities and language proficiency in the communication between pilots and air traffic controllers.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) It is not necessary to refine the scale of language proficiency within realistic scenarios.
(B) It is pointless to monitor and extract relevant data from the communications of pilots and air traffic controllers.
(C) There is an urgent need of highly-specialized equipment to simulate the workplace context for pedagogical purposes.
(D) There must be lifelike L2 training and assessment in air traffic controller–pilot communication under workload conditions.
(E) There is no link between performance dissimilarities and language proficiency in the communication between pilots and air traffic controllers.
👉 Questão  36 :
Mark the sentence that DOES NOT precisely depict a finding of this research study.
(A) While the high L2 group sounded less accented, more comprehensible and more fluent than the low L2 group, the NS group performed better than both L2 groups in these measures.
(B) Undue or long pauses, repetitions and false starts are dysfluencies imperceptible by listeners.
(C) Since the NS group members had their fluency affected by additional cognitive demands of high workload conditions, fluency measures may be a good indicator of cognitive overload.
(D) Both the amount of retained information and the listeners’ perception of speech are affected by the workload.
(E) High cognitive workload worsens the speech production of low-proficiency L2 speakers.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) While the high L2 group sounded less accented, more comprehensible and more fluent than the low L2 group, the NS group performed better than both L2 groups in these measures.
(B) Undue or long pauses, repetitions and false starts are dysfluencies imperceptible by listeners.
(C) Since the NS group members had their fluency affected by additional cognitive demands of high workload conditions, fluency measures may be a good indicator of cognitive overload.
(D) Both the amount of retained information and the listeners’ perception of speech are affected by the workload.

(E) High cognitive workload worsens the speech production of low-proficiency L2 speakers.
San José State University
San José, California, United States
The three shifts—from communicative language teaching to taskbased language teaching, from methodbased pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, and from systemic discovery to critical discourse—constitute the major transition in TESOL methods during the past 15 years. This transition is still unfolding, opening up opportunities as well as challenges. The shift from CLT to TBLT has resulted in, and has benefited from, a body of empirical research in L2 acquisition to such an extent that TBLT is considered more psycholinguistically oriented compared to CLT, which is more sociolinguistically oriented.

But still, vexing questions remain to be resolved. I highlight two major ones. The first pertains to the relationship between form and meaning and its attendant issue of how the learner’s attention resources are allocated. Calling the allocation of attention “the pivotal point” in L2 learning and teaching, Schmidt (2001) argues that it “largely determines the course of language development” The crux of the problem facing TBLT is how to make sure that learners focus their attention on grammatical forms while expressing their intended meaning.

That brings up yet another concern: the issue of context. One of the central claims of CLT as well as TBLT is that it can be contextualized to meet various learning and teaching needs, wants, and situations. It should be remembered that advocates of both CLT and TBLT have been using the term context mainly to refer to linguistic and pragmatic features of language and language use. They seldom include the broader social, cultural, political, and historical particularities. The inadequacy of CLT and TBLT in addressing such broader contextual issues has led some to call for a context approach to language teaching.

The shift from CLT to TBLT may be described as an internal shift within the boundaries of a method-based pedagogy. The shift from method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, however, is seen as much more fundamental because it seeks to provide an alternative to method rather than an alternative method. There are, however, dissenting voices. Liu (1995) has argued that postmethod is not an alternative to method but only an addition to method. Likewise, Larsen-Freeman (2005) has questioned the concept of postmethod saying that “Kumaravadivelu’s macro-microstrategies constitute a method” (p. 24).

Because of its unfailing focus on the teacher, postmethod pedagogy has been described as “a compelling idea that emphasises greater judgment from teachers in each context and a better match between the means and the ends” (Crabbe, 2003, p. 16). It encourages the teacher “to engage in a carefully crafted process of diagnosis, treatment, and assessment” (Brown, 2002, p. 13). It also provides one possible way to be responsive to the lived experiences of learners and teachers, and to the local exigencies of learning and teaching. It “opens up new opportunities for the expertise of language teachers in periphery contexts to be recognized and valued” and “makes it more feasible for teachers to acknowledge and work with the diversity of the learners in their classrooms, guided by local assessments of students’ strategies for learning rather than by global directives from remote authorities” (Block & Cameroon, 2002b, p.10).

Yet another skepticism pertains to the investigative methods followed by the practitioners of critical discourse analysis, and, by extension, critical pedagogy (Toolan, 1997; Widdowson, 1998). Toolan suggests that critical discourse analysts should be more critical in their argumentation by following robust research design and by providing stronger evidence. Dubbing (drubbing?) critical linguistics as “linguistics with a conscience and a cause,” Widdowson (1998, p. 136) questions its “less rigorous operation” (p. 137) that involves “a kind of ad hoc bricolage which takes from theory whatever comes usefully to hand” (p. 137). Undoubtedly, these deserved admonitions demand serious attention. The criticism about research in critical pedagogy could, in fact, be extended to research in TESOL in general and TESOL methods in particular, warranting the search for robust research design. One should at the same time remember, however, that language teaching, not unlike anthropology, is “not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning” (Geertz, 1973, p. 5). Searching for meaning, particularly at the initial stages of pedagogic exploration, runs the risk of becoming a speculative exercise. And today’s speculative exercise may lead to tomorrow’s specialized knowledge.

While the chances provided and the challenges posed by the three changing tracks in TESOL methods will keep us all busy for some time to come, there are other developments on the horizon that confront us. We have just started investigating the inevitable impact that the emerging processes of globalization and the renewed forces of imperialism will have on language teaching practices. But, that’s another story.
👉 Questão  37 :
The communicative intention of Text 3 is to
(A) describe the past challenges in TESOL Methods from a historical perspective.
(B) criticize the interpretation of the three major shifts in TESOL Methods as challenging trends.
(C) comment on the three major shifts in TESOL Methods and their influences on current challenging trends.
(D) blame the three major shifts in TESOL Methods for all the current problems in language teaching.
(E) endorse the inappropriateness of the three major shifts in TESOL Methods as guidelines for current challenging trends.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) describe the past challenges in TESOL Methods from a historical perspective.
(B) criticize the interpretation of the three major shifts in TESOL Methods as challenging trends.
(C) comment on the three major shifts in TESOL Methods and their influences on current challenging trends.
(D) blame the three major shifts in TESOL Methods for all the current problems in language teaching.
(E) endorse the inappropriateness of the three major shifts in TESOL Methods as guidelines for current challenging trends.
👉 Questão  38 :
This passage is most likely part of
(A) a historical survey of trends in the EFL scenario.
(B) a journal entry of an in-service teacher diary in her first teaching experience.
(C) a state-of-the-art essay taking stock on recent developments in TEFL.
(D) a textbook on language teaching methodologies for pre-service teachers.
(E) an essay on how to overcome the fear of teaching.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) a historical survey of trends in the EFL scenario.
(B) a journal entry of an in-service teacher diary in her first teaching experience.
(C) a state-of-the-art essay taking stock on recent developments in TEFL.
(D) a textbook on language teaching methodologies for pre-service teachers.

(E) an essay on how to overcome the fear of teaching.
👉 Questão  39 :
“Schmidt (2001) argues that it ‘largely determines the course of language development’ ” (lines 18-20)
“It should be remembered that advocates of both CLT and TBLT have been using the term context mainly to refer to linguistic and pragmatic features of language and language use.” (lines 27-30)
Which of the alternatives below correctly explains the use of italics in the two fragments above?
(A) The author intended to emphasize the words ‘determines’ and ‘context’ as they had been mentioned previously.
(B) The author italicized the word ‘determines’ to stress the idea of causation; the italics in ‘context’ substitutes for quotation marks.
(C) The words ‘determines’ and ‘context’ were italicized for emphasis since they represent ideas exposed by others, not the author himself.
(D) The italics in the term ‘context’ refers to a newly-coined term in LT methodology; the word ‘determines’ in italics reveals that Schmidt was too authoritative in choosing this term.
(E) Both words (‘determines’ and ‘context’) are terms employed by others and explained by the author of this text.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) The author intended to emphasize the words ‘determines’ and ‘context’ as they had been mentioned previously.
(B) The author italicized the word ‘determines’ to stress the idea of causation; the italics in ‘context’ substitutes for quotation marks.
(C) The words ‘determines’ and ‘context’ were italicized for emphasis since they represent ideas exposed by others, not the author himself.
(D) The italics in the term ‘context’ refers to a newly-coined term in LT methodology; the word ‘determines’ in italics reveals that Schmidt was too authoritative in choosing this term.

(E) Both words (‘determines’ and ‘context’) are terms employed by others and explained by the author of this text.
👉 Questão  40 :
In “The shift from method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, however, is seen as much more fundamental because it seeks to provide an alternative to method rather than an alternative method.” (lines 38-41), the author implies that
(A) alternative forms of learning are, ideally, not appropriate categories of method-based pedagogy.
(B) TBLT can be said to be a shift toward alternative means of second/foreign language pedagogy.
(C) all methods that emerged before were just alternative ways to teach fundamentals of the language.
(D) the emergence of a postmethod paradigm is merely the consequence of expanding the boundaries of CLT.
(E) the current teaching trend advocates for creative forms of learning that do not necessarily constitute a strict method.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
(A) alternative forms of learning are, ideally, not appropriate categories of method-based pedagogy.
(B) TBLT can be said to be a shift toward alternative means of second/foreign language pedagogy.
(C) all methods that emerged before were just alternative ways to teach fundamentals of the language.
(D) the emergence of a postmethod paradigm is merely the consequence of expanding the boundaries of CLT.

(E) the current teaching trend advocates for creative forms of learning that do not necessarily constitute a strict method.
👉 Questão  41 :
Mark the only alternative where the word ‘one’ functions as an indefinite personal pronoun.
(A) “I highlight two major ones.” (line 14)
(B) “One of the central claims of CLT as well as TBLT is that it can be contextualized…” (lines 25-26)
(C) “It also provides one possible way to be responsive….” (lines 55-56)
(D) “One should at the same time remember,” (lines 82-83)
(E) “ ‘…but an interpretive one in search of meaning.’ ” (line 85)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) “I highlight two major ones.” (line 14)
(B) “One of the central claims of CLT as well as TBLT is that it can be contextualized…” (lines 25-26)
(C) “It also provides one possible way to be responsive….” (lines 55-56)
(D) “One should at the same time remember,” (lines 82-83)
(E) “ ‘…but an interpretive one in search of meaning.’ ” (line 85)
👉 Questão  42 :
The fragment “It encourages the teacher ‘to engage in a carefully crafted process of diagnosis, treatment, and assessment’ (Brown, 2002, p. 13). It also provides one possible way to be responsive to the lived experiences of learners and teachers, and to the local exigencies of learning and teaching.” (lines 52-58) refers to pillars of postmethod pedagogy. Which of the principles mentioned in this fragment are also representative of the core values of English for Academic Reading?
(A) Diagram of learners’ needs and responding to the future experiences of teachers.
(B) Sensitivity to the local exigencies of learning modes and strategies and treatment of learners.
(C) Diagnosis of learners’ needs, assessment of learners’ outcomes and attention to the experiences of learners and teachers in the field.
(D) Diagnosis and treatment of learners’ problems in the classroom environment with special regard to their overall health condition.
(E) Localizing teachers and learners exigencies in experimenting with diagnosis, treatment and assessment of how they respond to their problems in life.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) Diagram of learners’ needs and responding to the future experiences of teachers.
(B) Sensitivity to the local exigencies of learning modes and strategies and treatment of learners.
(C) Diagnosis of learners’ needs, assessment of learners’ outcomes and attention to the experiences of learners and teachers in the field.
(D) Diagnosis and treatment of learners’ problems in the classroom environment with special regard to their overall health condition.
(E) Localizing teachers and learners exigencies in experimenting with diagnosis, treatment and assessment of how they respond to their problems in life.
👉 Questão  43 :
In line 72, the author juxtaposes the words “Dubbing (drubbing?)”. This play on words corresponds to the meanings in
(A) naming / omitting
(B) accusing / defending
(C) blaming / conquering
(D) nicknaming / defeating
(E) criticizing / empowering
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) naming / omitting
(B) accusing / defending
(C) blaming / conquering
(D) nicknaming / defeating
(E) criticizing / empowering
👉 Questão  44 :
The connectors “Likewise” (line 44) and “unlike” (line 83) express ideas that are similar to those denoted by
(A) similarly; different from
(B) moreover; unless
(C) adjoiningly; in spite of
(D) in the same way; likely
(E) in like manner; nonetheless
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) similarly; different from
(B) moreover; unless
(C) adjoiningly; in spite of
(D) in the same way; likely
(E) in like manner; nonetheless
👉 Questão  45 :
Choose the option that correctly describes the word in the text both in terms of its grammatical function and meaning.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  46 :
The author ends his text with the cliché “But that’s another story”, because
(A) we will be kept busy uncovering the stories that underlie the recent developments in TESOL methods.
(B) the challenges of the three recent paradigms in ESL/ EFL methods will impose other personal stories of learning processes.
(C) the situation of Language Teaching practices in imperialistic countries is quite different from the context he has analyzed in this article.
(D) he has run out of space to comment further on the three changing tracks in TESOL methods and how they will impact globalization.
(E) he does not really intend, in this article, to discuss the consequences of globalization and world Englishes on language teaching methodologies.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) we will be kept busy uncovering the stories that underlie the recent developments in TESOL methods.
(B) the challenges of the three recent paradigms in ESL/ EFL methods will impose other personal stories of learning processes.
(C) the situation of Language Teaching practices in imperialistic countries is quite different from the context he has analyzed in this article.
(D) he has run out of space to comment further on the three changing tracks in TESOL methods and how they will impact globalization.
(E) he does not really intend, in this article, to discuss the consequences of globalization and world Englishes on language teaching methodologies.
👉 Questão  47 :
All of the sentences below, rephrasing ideas contained in the passage, contain mistakes in language use, from the point of view of standard written English, EXCEPT FOR:
(A) Having started investigations, the emerging process of globalization is still not known.
(B) Each of the advocates of CLT and TBLT can submit their ideas on contextualization.
(C) Neither the postmethod-generation TESOLer nor the strong supporter of TBLT are aware of what determines the course of language teaching development.
(D) The founding-father of critical pedagogy, together with critical discourse analysts, have been accused of being lenient in analyzing recent methodological trends.
(E) One reason for the skepticism towards critical pedagogy may have lain in the unwillingness of researchers to be more precise in their argumentation and research design.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
(A) Having started investigations, the emerging process of globalization is still not known.
(B) Each of the advocates of CLT and TBLT can submit their ideas on contextualization.
(C) Neither the postmethod-generation TESOLer nor the strong supporter of TBLT are aware of what determines the course of language teaching development.
(D) The founding-father of critical pedagogy, together with critical discourse analysts, have been accused of being lenient in analyzing recent methodological trends.
(E) One reason for the skepticism towards critical pedagogy may have lain in the unwillingness of researchers to be more precise in their argumentation and research design.
👉 Questão  48 :
The author comments that the TBLT approach is an offshoot of CLT. In another section of his full article, he comments that “CLT was a principled response to the perceived failure of [previous methods].” Read the following claims on ELT methodology/approaches.
(I) The Audiolingual method’s proclaimed goal of fostering communicative capability in the learner was based on the presentation-practice-production sequence.
(II) CLT emphasizes language competence in terms of social interaction, considering the main linguistic principles of speech act theory, functional grammar, communicative competence, introduced by Austin, Halliday and Dell Hymes, respectively.
(III) CLT was a theoretically based approach that reinforced the emphasis on the linguistic structures of the target language, as supported by the Audiolingual method.
(IV) The Audiolingual method conveyed a largely structural orientation that relied on a rendering of pattern practices with pseudo-meaningful exchanges of scripted dialogues.
(V) The Grammar-Translation method was grounded on the principles of American structuralist linguistics and behaviorist psychology in language teaching methods and materials.
Mark the alternative that contains only correct claims.
(A) I, II and IV.
(B) I, III and IV.
(C) II, III and V.
(D) I, II, III and V.
(E) II, III, IV and V
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(I) The Audiolingual method’s proclaimed goal of fostering communicative capability in the learner was based on the presentation-practice-production sequence.
(II) CLT emphasizes language competence in terms of social interaction, considering the main linguistic principles of speech act theory, functional grammar, communicative competence, introduced by Austin, Halliday and Dell Hymes, respectively.
(III) CLT was a theoretically based approach that reinforced the emphasis on the linguistic structures of the target language, as supported by the Audiolingual method.
(IV) The Audiolingual method conveyed a largely structural orientation that relied on a rendering of pattern practices with pseudo-meaningful exchanges of scripted dialogues.
(V) The Grammar-Translation method was grounded on the principles of American structuralist linguistics and behaviorist psychology in language teaching methods and materials.
👉 Questão  49 :
In the final section of his article, Kumaravadivelo writes: “We’ve come a long way”— declared Brown (1991, p. 257) as he concluded his essay for the 25th anniversary issue of TESOL Quarterly. He was actually referring to the progress the TESOL profession was making during the 1970s and 80s in achieving desired goals such as shifting its focus from product-oriented teaching to process-oriented teaching, and from a rigid curriculum to a more flexible one. Even those modest shifts, according to him, had created a new state of awareness in the profession. Considering the more significant trend-setting shifts that have marked the 1990s, we can claim with some justification that we have now reached a much higher level of awareness. We might even say, with a good measure of poetic license, that we have moved from a state of awareness toward a state of awakening.” Which of the following statements could NOT be considered a shift from awareness to awakening?
(A) We have awakened to the multiplicity of learner identities and the complexity of teacher beliefs.
(B) We have been awakened to the necessity of making methods-based pedagogies more sensitive to local exigencies.
(C) We have been awakened to shift our focus from productbased teaching practice to a process-based one, in which our curriculum is more flexible.
(D) We have been awakened to the opportunity afforded by postmethod pedagogies to help practicing teachers develop their own theory of practice.
(E) We have been awakened to the vitality of macrostructures—social, cultural, political, and historical—that shape and reshape the microstructures of our pedagogic enterprise.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
(A) We have awakened to the multiplicity of learner identities and the complexity of teacher beliefs.
(B) We have been awakened to the necessity of making methods-based pedagogies more sensitive to local exigencies.
(C) We have been awakened to shift our focus from productbased teaching practice to a process-based one, in which our curriculum is more flexible.
(D) We have been awakened to the opportunity afforded by postmethod pedagogies to help practicing teachers develop their own theory of practice.
(E) We have been awakened to the vitality of macrostructures—social, cultural, political, and historical—that shape and reshape the microstructures of our pedagogic enterprise.
👉 Questão  50 :
In his article, Kumaravadivelo also mentions that TESOLers have now reached a state of consciousness about the central issues that must govern teaching practices. Yet, he says that: “Admirable intentions need to be translated into attainable goals, which, in turn, need to be supported by actionable plans. I hope that the person who will be writing a state-ofthe-art essay for the golden jubilee volume of TESOL Quarterly in 2016 will be able to narrate a possible transition from awakening to attainment. After all, the end of all awakening must be the beginning of attainment.” The expression “from awakening to attainment” can be appropriately paraphrased as
(A) from sweating to learning
(B) from knowing to doing
(C) from beginning to end
(D) from head to heels
(E) from here on
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) from sweating to learning
(B) from knowing to doing
(C) from beginning to end
(D) from head to heels
(E) from here on

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