quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

EEAR-SARGENTO-CFS-BCT-2010/2-Exame de admissão ao curso de Formação de Sargento da Escola de Especialistas de Aeronáutica - Prova de Inglês com gabarito.

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Diretoria de Ensino Aeronáutica (DIRENS Aeronáutica) - https://www.www.fab.mil.br

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 24 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).

➧ Agora vamos à PROVA!
Read the text and answer questions 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

Native and Non-Native Speakers in the radiotelephony communication
The ICAO language proficiency requirements apply to native and non-native speakers alike. As English is the most commonly used language ___ international aviation communications, many non-native speakers of English will require language training to improve their language proficiency. Nonetheless, the burden for improved communications should not be seen as falling solely ___ non-native speakers. Native speakers of English, too, have a fundamentally important role to play in the international efforts to increase communication safetyImproving radiotelephony safety is no small matter, requiring concerted effort and widespread cooperation, and all pilots and controllers will benefit ___ an improved understanding of how language functions, with a focus on strategies that aid comprehension and clarityAdditionally, an ethical obligation arises on the part of native speakers of English, in particular, to increase their linguistic awareness and to take special care in the delivery of messages.
Miscommunication can, and does, occur not only between non-native speakers but also between native speakers of the same language. Miscommunication between native speakers can occur as a result of a linguistic error or feature (ambiguity, homophony, etc.) or as a result of human carelessness (poor enunciation, too much data in a single transmission, or impatience).
Miscommunication can also occur between non-native speakers or between a native speaker and non-native speaker as a result of these issues, in addition to other sources of error specific to non-native English-use.
ICAO =International Civil Aviation Organization
burden = carga ou fardo
concerted = planejados ou combinados 
👉  Questão   26 
Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks, respectively
a) to / in / with
b) for / in / with
c) at / on / from
d) for / on / from
👍 Gabarito   D 

👉  Questão   27 
According to the text,
a) neither native speakers nor non-native speakers must be concerned about aviaton safety.
b) there has been a breakdown in communication mainly between non-native speakers.
c) the efforts to improve communication safety should be taken by native and non-native speakers.
d) only non-native speakers should have the common sense to be clear and concise while delivering messages.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C 
De acordo com o texto,
*Alternativa (A): nem falantes nativos nem falantes nativos devem se preocupar com a segurança de aviação.
*Alternativa (B): tem havido falha na comunicação principalmente entre falantes não-nativos.
*Alternativa (C): os esforços para melhorar a segurança da comunicação devem ser feitos por falantes nativos e não-nativos.
*Alternativa (D): somente falantes não-nativos devem ter o bom senso para serem claros e concisos enquanto entregam mensagens.
👉  Questão   28 
In "Improving radiotelephony safety is no small matter", (lines 11 and 12), we can infer that the aeronautical community has to
a) think carefully about this issue.
b) refuse to take part in this discussion.
c) make a deal with non native speakers.
d) make no effort to improve radiotelephony safety.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
Em "Melhorar a segurança da radiotelefonia não é nem um assunto pequeno", (linhas 11 e 12), podemos inferir que a comunidade aeronáutica tem que
*Alternativa (A): pensar cuidadosamente sobre esse assunto.
*Alternativa (B): recusar-se a participar desta discussão.
*Alternativa (C): fazer um acordo com falantes não-nativos.
*Alternativa (D): não fazer esforços para melhorar a segurança da radiotelefonia.
👉  Questão   29 
"Nonetheless", (line 6), is closest in meaning to:
a) in short.
b) as a result.
c) in addition.
d) nevertheless.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
TÓPICO - Questão sobre CONECTORES:
"Nonetheless"(no entanto), (linha 6), tem o significado mais próximo de:
*Alternativa (A): em suma.
*Alternativa (B): como resultado.
*Alternativa (C): além disso.
*Alternativa (D): no entanto.
👉  Questão   30 
The words: "safety", "clarity" and "delivery", in bold in the text, are
a) verbs.
b) nouns.
c) adverbs.
d) adjectives.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B 
As palavras: "segurança", "clareza" e "entrega", em negrito no texto, são
*Alternativa (A): verbos.
*Alternativa (B): substantivos.
*Alternativa (C): advérbios.
*Alternativa (D): adjetivos.

Read the text and answer questions 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35.

The air pranks
If you have "aviophobia", turbulence is probably the common reason for that. Most people believe that turbulence is dangerous. In fact, during turbulence, the pilots remain in complete control of the aircraft, and it is no harder to fly an aircraft during turbulence than it is in normal flight.
The movement of the air causes turbulence. There are three types of weather often associated with turbulence. Firstly strong winds close to the ground, storm clouds and clear air turbulence.
The important thing to remember is that turbulence is uncomfortable but not dangerous and that weather maps and reports show pilots where the areas of turbulence can be expected so that they can be avoided by climbing, descending or flying around them.
Crew working onboard the plane are highly trained to cope with this situation.
Remember: Always secure your seat belt as tightly as you can in turbulence as it helps you feel more comfortable.
Put your seat belt on even when not instructed to wear it.
It can be tempting to take off your seat belt, when you want to be more comfortable.
Pilots can usually antecipate turbulence, sometimes it’s sudden, and sometimes it’s severe. There have been cases of serious injuries to passengers who were not seated and with their seat belts duly fastened.
Most people aren't keen on flying, owing to turbulence jolts.
"Relax and fly" shows that there are effective ways to overcome this unfounded fear, when one flies in this extremely safe mode of transportation.
pranks= rebeldias
👉  Questão   31 
According to the text,
a) unlike flight attendants, pilots know how to handle airplane turbulence.
b) it is more difficult to fly an aircraft when the weather is changeable.
c) turbulence is only caused by changes in the wind due to storm conditions.
d) serious injuries caused by turbulence could be prevented by passenger safety belts.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  31(D) 
👉  Questão   32 
The underlined word in “... owing to turbulence jolts.”, (lines 27 and 28), has the same meaning as
a) death threats.
b) involuntary actions.
c) sudden feeling of fear.
d) sudden, rough shaking movements.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  32(D) 
👉  Questão   33 
“aviophobia”, (line 1), means
a) fear of flying.
b) keen on flying.
c) feel slightly afraid.
d) apprehension on board.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  33(A) 
👉  Questão   34 
“...owing to...”, (line 27), is similar in meaning to
a) thus.
b) so as to.
c) whereas.
d) because of.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  34(D) 
👉  Questão   35 
In “... so that they can be avoided by climbing, descending, or flying around them.”, (lines 14 and 15), the conjunction “so that” introduces an idea of
a) result.
b) manner.
c) purpose.
d) warning.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  35(C) 
Read the text and answer questions 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40.
Laser operation to stop sweating
         Cosmetic surgeons are offering a new 60 minute operation to stop excessive armpit perspiration for good, at a cost of £3,500.
         The Laser Sweat Ablation service promises to end the embarrassing problem – known as axillary
hyperhidrosis. Surgeon Mark Whiteley, who pioneered
keyhole surgery to remove varicose veins ten years
ago, is introducing it. His latest procedure involves a
local anaesthetic under the arms, followed by a laser,
which destroys the sweat glands.
         In recent years celebrities, such as Madonna, have had Botox injections under the arms as a temporary solution to sweat patches.
         Mr. Whiteley said; “Everyone sweats to lose heat and we sweat from all over our bodies.” “However, sweating is not evenly distributed over the body. People sweat more from some areas than
others.” Indeed the armpits account for one per cent the body’s surface area, but excessive sweating here
causes social embarrassment and can damage clothes. Hyperhidrosis is not a good condition to bear. It can affect people socially and emotionally.
         The surgery has shown to have a side effect known as compensatory sweating. Stopping sweating from this small area redistributes this sweat to the other 99 per cent of the body. Therefore the total amount of sweating from the body does not change, but the embarrassing build-up of sweat under the arms is cured.
         The treatment can only be used under the arms, and cannot be adapted for hand , face or feet.
keyhole surgery = procedimento cirúrgico em que o
cirurgião insere os instrumentos através de pequenos
cortes feitos no corpo do paciente.
patches = “marcas” 
👉  Questão   36 
According to the text,
a) the new anti-sweating laser treatment is only pescribed for armpits.
b) cosmetic surgeons are offering a short-term solution to sweat patches.
c) Dr. Whiteley took pride in lauching a keyhole surgery to treat hyperhidrosis.
d) A very famous pop star has already undergone anti-sweating laser treatment.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  36(A) 
👉  Questão   37 
The text reveals that
a) all people can afford Dr Whiteley latest procedure.
b) in order to stop armpits from sweating, it is necessary to identify the cause.
c) people who suffer from axillary hyperhidrosis increase their level of confidence and not always limit their behaviour.
d) the downside of the treatment is compensatory sweating. That means the other parts of the body will sweat instead.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  37(D) 
👉  Questão   38 
In paragraph 4, we can infer that people get embarrassed because their clothes
a) are torn.
b) can be worn out.
c) could be old-fashioned.
d) get soaked in perspiration.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  38(D) 
👉  Questão   39 
In “...sweating is not evenly distributed over the body.”, (line 16), we can infer that
a) excessive sweating is willing to hit anyone.
b) people often have perennial sweating problem.
c) people sweat from certain areas more than others.
d) repetitive movements make people sweat profusely.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  39(C) 
👉  Questão   40 
“for good”, (lines 2 and 3), is closest in meaning to any of the options, except
a) forever.
b) evermore.
c) hardly ever.
d) permanently.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  40(C) 
Read the dialogue and answer questions 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45.
The following dialogue takes place between two native speakers
of English in the lower airspace in the vicinity of a major airport.
Two aircraft __________ towards the airfield:
Pilot – Fox Charlie speaking.
          Who’s ahead ... us or Golf Yankee?
Controller – Well... you’re neck and neck.
Pilot – We can keep a high speed in the descent if you want us to.
Controller – I don’t know how the TMA are going to plan this. You can if you wish.
Pilot – You’re the boss.
Controller – Well they’ll be the boss when you get down there. I’m just sort of keeping you apart for the
Pilot – Understood.
vicinity = proximidade
Fox Charlie = nome da aeronave
Golf Yankee = nome da aeronave
TMA = refere-se ao órgão de controle de tráfego aéreo
👉  Questão   41 
Complete the introduction of the dialogue with the best option.
a) are descending
b) were taking off
c) will be climbing
d) have been landing
👍 Gabarito - Questão  41(A) 
👉  Questão   42 
All the words below can be replaced by “descending”,
a) climbing.
b) going down.
c) coming down.
d) moving to a lower level.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  42(A) 
👉  Questão   43 
In “Well ... you’re neck and neck”, it means that
a) one airplane is farther than the other.
b) the airplanes are level with each other.
c) one of the airplanes is in front of the other.
d) one of the airplanes is in the rear of the other.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  43(B) 
👉  Questão   44 
In “I’m just sort of keeping you apart for the moment.”, the controller means that
a) it has been difficult to separate the airplanes.
b) the airplanes keep on moving at the same speed.
c) there’s no spatial separation between the airplanes.
d) the airplanes are being kept some distance from each other.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  44(D) 
👉  Questão   45 
In “We can keep a high speed in the descent if you want us to.”, we can infer that the pilot is
a) asking if the descent speed is correct.
b) complaining about the descent speed.
c) warning the controller about the descent speed.
d) saying that he is willing to maintain a high speed under the controller’s authorization.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  45(D) 
Read the text and answer questions 46, 47 and 48.
Are there really squirrels in Australia that can fly?
         Yes?!? But they do not have wings. Nor do they go around in aeroplanes. Strictly speaking, they do not “fly”_____. They glide on air currents
from the branches of one tree to the next. Lots of

squirrels are good jumpers, but these Australian ones have the edge over all the others.
        They have a large flap of skin round their bodies, which joins their front and back legs. When they launch themselves off a branch, they spread out their legs. The skin flap spreads out ____, and forms a sort of parachute. Kitted out like this, flying squirrels can glide quite long distances. They wouldn’t think anything of launching out on a flight of forty or fifty metres.
launch one’s off = lançar-se
kit out = prover
👉  Questão   46 
Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled,
a) too – also
b) also – too
c) either – too
d) neither – either
👍 Gabarito - Questão  46(C) 
👉  Questão   47 
According to the text,
a) squirrels fly instead of just gliding.
b) squirrels can take off the ground and go up into the air above.
c) flying squirrels are actually gliding animals incapable of sustained flight.
d) flying squirrels have a membrane of skin between their upper limbs that gives them the ability to glide through the air.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  47(C) 
👉  Questão   48 
In “... these Australian ones have the edge over all the others.” (lines 5 and 6), it means that
a) Australian squirrels are the only ones able to fly.
b) Australian squirrels aren’t so skilful as the others.
c) these squirrels have an advantage over all the others.
d) Australian squirrels are smarter than any other squirrel.
👍 Gabarito - Questão  48(C) 
👉  Questão   49 
Choose the best answer to have these proverbs completed.
1- Never judge a book by its _____ .
2- Take care of the pence and the _____ will take care of themselves.
3- Don’t count your chickens before they are _____.
4- Never look a gift horse in the _____.
5- Don’t put all your _____ in one basket.
a) content / bills / hen / eye / balls
b) story / expenses / fed / head / fruit
c) picture / dollars / raised / teeth / things
d) cover / pounds / hatched / mouth / eggs
👍 Gabarito - Questão  49(D) 
👉  Questão   50 
Match the proverbs (1-5) in question 49 above with these explanations:
( ) Don’t antecipate the future before it happens.
( ) Accept a present graciously and gratefully, without
 criticizing the present or giver.
( ) Don’t invest all your efforts, or attention, in just one thing.
( ) Don’t judge people or things by their outward appearance.
( ) Take care of small sums of money and they will become  large sums.
a) (3), (4), (5), (1) e (2)
b) (5), (1), (3), (2) e (4)
c) (3), (2), (5), (1) e (4)
d) (5), (4), (3), (2) e (1)
👍 Gabarito - Questão  50(A) 

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