sábado, 27 de outubro de 2012


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➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.


Diretoria de Ensino Aeronáutica (DIRENS Aeronáutica) - https://www.www.fab.mil.br

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 24 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).


01-B,  02-D,  03-A,  04-C,  05-B,  06-A
07-B,  08-D,  09-D,  10-D,  11-C,  12-B
13-D,  14-A,  15-C,  16-B,  17-D,  18-B
19-A,  20-D,  21-C,  22-B,  23-A,  24-D

TEXTORead the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29.
The Goose and the Golden egg

There was once __ Countryman who 
possessed the most wonderful Goose you can imagine, for every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a beautiful, glittering, Golden egg.

The Countryman took the eggs to the market and soon began to get rich. But he grew impatient with __ Goose because she gave him only a single Golden egg a day. He was not getting rich fast enough.

Then one day, after he had finished counting his money, he thought that he could get all the Golden eggs at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open. But when he killed her, he didn’t find a single Golden egg and his precious Goose was dead.

(Adapted from “The Goose and the Golden egg”)


• nest – ninho
• glittering – brilhante

01  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate articles, respectively:

a) a / a

b) a / the
c) the / a
d) the / the

02  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"can", (line 2),

gives us an idea of

a) intention.
b) necessity.
c) deduction.
d) possibility.

03  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"At once", in bold type in the text,

can be replaced by

a) at the same time.
b) a long time ago.
c) in a short time.
d) all the time.

04  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)
"enough", underlined in the text,


a) a preposition.

b) an adjective.
c) an adverb.
d) a verb.

05  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Based on the text,

a) after some time the Countryman sold the Goose at the market.
b) the Countryman killed his Goose because of his greed.
c) the Countryman found many eggs inside the Goose.
d) the Goose laid eggs once a week.

TEXTORead the text and answer question 06 and 07:

Investigators trying to find out what happened to a Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared en route to Beijing on Saturday morning were examining the causes of plane crashes: mechanical failure, pilot error, bad weather. But the discovery that two of the passengers were carrying stolen passports also raised the possibility of criminal violence.

(Adapted from “Passport Theft adds mystery of missing Malaysia Airlines Jet”)


raised – aumentou, ampliou

06  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

find out”, in bold type in the text,

is closest in meaning to

a) discover.
b) think.
c) reach.
d) have.

07  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

The underlined verbs in the text are in the

a) present progressive.
b) past progressive.
c) simple present.
d) future.

TEXTORead the text and answer questions 08 and 09:

Don’t drink and ride 

Alcohol can increase your risk of being hurt in a car accident, 
even if you aren’t behind the wheel. A new University of Michigan study reports that men who have been drinking are 50 percent more likely to experience a serious injury during a car accident than sober passengers.

08  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

According to the text, all the alternatives are correct, except:

a) Based on a study, men who have been drinking will probably be hurt in an accident.
b) Drunk passengers suffer more injuries than those who don’t drink anything.
c) The risk of being hurt in a car accident is higher when you drink alcohol.
d) Only the drivers can suffer injuries in a car accident.

09  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

The word “who”, underlined in the text,

can be replaced by

(A) whose.
(B) which.
(C) whom.
(D) that.

TEXTORead the extract and answer questions 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14:
A very healthy food           

A recent study, carried out by the Federal University 
of Pará, concluded that açaí helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. The fruit also has other benefits for our health: it helps the intestines work well and efficiently. It also delays the aging process in cells. In addition to all these benefits, other studies done recently _______ that the fruit is also good for our sight and stimulates our memory.
(Adapted from www.maganews.com) 

• carried out – realizado
• stroke – derrame

10  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Fill in the blank with the correct verb tense:

a) shows
b) showing
c) has shown
d) have shown

11  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"delays", (line 5),

is closest in meaning to

a) stops.
b) prevents.
c) postpones.
d) accelerates.

12  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

All words, taken from the text, are adverbs, except:

a) well
b) healthy
c) recently
d) efficiently

13  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"such as", (line 3),

is closest in meaning to

a) so.
b) then.
c) instead.
d) for example.

14  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Choose the word below that refers to one of the five senses:

a) sight
b) aging
c) health
d) memory

TEXTORead the text and answer questions 15, 16, 17 and 18.
The sun and the moon           

The sun is a star. It’s a ball of fire. The moon is rocky and 
hard. It’s not hot. The sun sends out light, but the moon doesn’t. In fact, the moon reflects the light.

The moon is about 240.000 miles away from us; the sun is 93 million miles; that's why the moon looks almost as large as the sun.


• send out – produzir

15  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Based on the text,

all the alternatives are correct, except:

a) The moon is nearer to the earth than the sun is.

b) The moon doesn't make its own light.
c) The sun just reflects the moon light.
d) The sun is larger than the moon.

16  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

According to the text, we can infer that

a) the moon and the sun are the same size.
b) the moon is smaller than the sun.
c) the sun is smaller than the moon.
d) the moon and the sun are small.

17  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

The underlined words, in the text,


a) adjectives.
b) pronouns.
c) adverbs.
d) nouns.

18  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"almost", in bold type in the text,

is closest in meaning to________ ,


a) approximately
b) entirely
c) close to
d) nearly

TEXTORead the text and answer question 19:

Dear Matthew,

I was really upset to hear about your accident. It sounds terrible! You’re lucky to have only one broken leg! Hope you're back on your feet soon!
Love, Rachel

19  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

We can infer that the text is a

a) get well message.
b) piece of advice.
c) business letter.
d) love letter.

CARTOONRead the cartoon and answer questions 20 and 21.


• snap – perder o controle, não se conter

20  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Reading the cartoon leads to the conclusion that the police officer arrested the English teacher, because

a) he didn’t know English grammar.
b) she wrote the question wrong.
c) the grammar was not correct.
d) vandalism is not allowed.

21  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"excuse" is closest in meaning to,


a) justification.

b) explanation.
c) accusation.
d) reason.

TEXTORead the text and answer questions 22, 23 and 24.

Laura had parked her car ______ a local shopping mall, and she was taking a shortcut through the side door ______ a restaurant. Halfway across the restaurant, she spotted her father eating a hamburger and French fries; he often eats there. She sneaked up behind him, put her hand over his shoulder, took a French fry off the plate, dipped it in the ketchup, and ate it. Then she realized that the man was not her father! She was so embarrassed! She couldn't say a word!


• shortcut – atalho
• spotted – avistou, viu, notou
• sneaked up – de mansinho, sorrateiramente, na ponta dos pés
• dipped – mergulhou, molhou

22  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions,

a) in / on
b) on / of
c) at / of
d) at / on

23  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

"so embarrassed", in bold type in the text,

is closest in meaning to,


a) extremely comfortable
b) pretty disconcerted
c) really red-faced
d) very ashamed

24  (EEAR-CFS-2014/2015-TURMA 2-Aeronavegantes e Não-Navegantes)

According to the text,

a) Laura was very pleased taking a French fry off the plate.
b) the man eating a hamburger was Laura’s father.
c) Laura ordered hamburger and French fries.
d) Laura’s father often eats in that restaurant.

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