quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2013






 12 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting) |
 Text (2) – Life and the Movies Shifting into overdrive. |
 Text (3) – | Brazilian Forces Claim Victory in Gang Haven nytimes.com |

❑ TEXTO 1:


Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting)

Os 650 milhões de amigos de Mark Zuckerberg (e contando) 

Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social-networking sites was extremely diverse: Google’s Orkut dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America preferred Hi5; Maktoob was king in the Arab world.

Em junho de 2009, o pot-pourri mundial de sites de redes sociais era extremamente diversificado: o Orkut do Google dominava a Índia e o Brasil; América Central e do Sul prefere Hi5; Maktoob era rei no mundo árabe.

The Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South Koreans surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and Facebook has stolen users away from its rivals very fast.

Os vietnamitas gostaram do Zing, os tchecos adoraram o Lidé, os sul-coreanos surfaram no Cyworld. Dois anos depois disso, o Facebook roubou usuários de seus rivais muito rapidamente.

It’s completely knocked Hi5 off the map in former strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, and Thailand. After a tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, Facebook has emerged victorious.

Ele derrubou completamente o Hi5 do mapa em antigas fortalezas como Peru, México e Tailândia. Depois de um tenso vaivém com o Orkut na Índia, o Facebook saiu vitorioso.

And it’s becoming more popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local providers are making a desperate last stand.

E está se tornando mais popular na Armênia, na Geórgia e na Holanda, onde os provedores locais estão fazendo uma última tentativa desesperada. 

There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s colonization kick. Russians continue to use Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the rankings.

Existem algumas exceções gritantes ao chute de colonização do Facebook. Os russos continuam a usar Vkontakte e Odnoklassniki, com o Facebook em um distante quarto lugar no ranking.

China remains highly committed to domestic sites such as Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re living in Zuckerberg’s world.

A China continua altamente comprometida com sites domésticos como Qzone e Renren. Mas para o resto de nós, estamos vivendo no mundo de Zuckerberg.

(endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente)

121 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011)

According to the text, Facebook’s boom on the Internet was in 

[A] 2007.

[B] 2008.

[C] 2009.

[D] 2010.

[E] 2011. 

Resposta:  E

122 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) How many different social-networking sites are mentioned in the text? 

[A] Five.

[B] Seven.

[C] Nine.

[D] Eleven.

[E] Thirteen. 

Resposta:  D

123 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) According to the text, Facebook is not number one in 

[A] South America.

[B] Peru, Mexico and Thailand.

[C] Russia and China.

[D] India and Brazil.

[E] South Korea. 

Resposta:  C

124 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) In the sentence “And it’s becoming more popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands...”, the pronoun it refers to 

[A] Orkut.

[B] India.

[C] Armenia.

[D] Hi5.

[E] Facebook. 

Resposta:  E

125 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) Which alternative represents the main idea of the text ? 

[A] Facebook dominates the world of social networks.

[B] Orkut is the most popular site in Latin America.

[C] Facebook is used by people all over the world except in China.

[D] Orkut won the battle in India.

[E] Facebook is one of the top three in popularity in Russia. 

Resposta:  A


Life and the Movies

A vida e os filmes 

Joey Potter looked at her friend Dawson Leery and she smiled sadly.

Joey Potter olhou para seu amigo Dawson Leery e ela sorriu tristemente. 

“Life isn’t like a movie, Dawson,” she said. “We can’t write happy endings to all our relationships.”

“A vida não é como um filme, Dawson”, disse ela. “Não podemos escrever finais felizes para todos os nossos relacionamentos.” 

Joey was a pretty girl with long brown hair. Both Joey and Dawson were nearly sixteen years old. The two teenagers had problems. All teenagers have the same problems - life, love, school work, and parents. It isn’t easy to become an adult.

Joey era uma garota bonita com longos cabelos castanhos. Joey e Dawson tinham quase dezesseis anos. Os dois adolescentes tiveram problemas. Todos os adolescentes têm os mesmos problemas - vida, amor, trabalho escolar e pais. Não é fácil se tornar um adulto. 

Dawson loved movies. He had always loved movies. He took film classes in school. He made short movies himself. Dawson wanted to be a film director. His favorite director was Steven Spielberg. Dawson spent a lot of his free time filming with his video camera. He loved watching videos of great movies from the past. Most evenings, he watched movies with Joey.

Dawson adorava filmes. Ele sempre amou filmes. Ele teve aulas de cinema na escola. Ele mesmo fez curtas-metragens. Dawson queria ser diretor de cinema. Seu diretor favorito era Steven Spielberg. Dawson passou muito de seu tempo livre filmando com sua câmera de vídeo. Ele adorava assistir a vídeos de grandes filmes do passado. Na maioria das noites, ele assistia a filmes com Joey.

“These days, Dawson always wants us to behave like people in movies,” Joey thought. And life in the little seaside town of Capeside wasn’t like the movies.

“Atualmente, Dawson sempre quer que nos comportemos como pessoas nos filmes”, pensou Joey. E a vida na pequena cidade litorânea de Capeside não era como nos filmes. 

Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her. She thought about the years of their long friendship. They were best friends...

Joey olhou para o lindo garoto loiro que estava sentado ao lado dela. Ela pensou nos anos de sua longa amizade. Eles eram melhores amigos...

ANDERS, C. J. Retold by CORNISH, F. H. Dawson’s Creek.

Shifting into overdrive. Oxford, Macmillan, 2005.

126 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) In the sentence “All teenagers have the same problems - life, love, school work, and parents”, the conjunction and indicates 

[A] contrast.

[B] result.

[C] reason.

[D] consequence.

[E] addition. 

Resposta:  E

127 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) Which alternative best explains the sentence “We can’t write happy endings to all our relationships.” ? 

[A] It’s not possible to decide what happens in our future.

[B] We need permission to write books about happy endings in relationships.

[C] Our relationships are the happiest things in our lives.

[D] Happy endings are always possible in real life.

[E] People expect unhappy endings when they watch a movie. 

Resposta:  A

128 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) According to the sentence “Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her”, it is correct to say that Dawson was 

[A] strange.

[B] calm.

[C] ugly.

[D] good-looking.

[E] intelligent. 

Resposta:  D

129 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) According to the text, which alternative is correct about Dawson? 

[A] He first met Joey a couple of weeks ago.

[B] He spent most of his evenings with Joey.

[C] He had dark hair.

[D] He didn’t have any problems.

[E] He was older than Joey. 

Resposta:  B

130 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) According to the text, “The two teenagers had problems” because 

[A] they wanted to be film directors.

[B] it is difficult to become an adult.

[C] they wanted to behave like people in movies.

[D] they were best friends.

[E] they watched movies until late at night. 

Resposta:  B


Brazilian Forces Claim Victory in Gang Haven

Forças brasileiras reivindicam vitória em Gang Haven 

RIO DE JANEIRO - In a quick and decisive military operation, Brazilian security forces took control of this city’s most notorious slum on Sunday, celebrating victory over drug gangs after a weeklong battle.

RIO DE JANEIRO - Em uma operação militar rápida e decisiva, as forças de segurança brasileiras assumiram o controle da favela mais notória da cidade no domingo, comemorando a vitória sobre as gangues de drogas após uma batalha de uma semana.

In the early afternoon, the military police raised the flags of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro atop a building on the highest hill in the Alemão shantytown complex, providing a rare moment of happiness and celebration in a decades-long battle to rid this city’s violent slums of drug gangs.

No início da tarde, a Polícia Militar hasteou as bandeiras do Brasil e do Rio de Janeiro no topo de um prédio no morro mais alto do complexo de favelas do Alemão, proporcionando um raro momento de alegria e comemoração em uma batalha de décadas para acabar com as favelas violentas da cidade de gangues de drogas. 

An air of calm and relief swept through the neighborhood, as residents opened their windows and began walking the streets. Dozens of children ran from their houses in shorts and bikinis to jump into a swimming pool that used to belong to a gang leader.

Um ar de calma e alívio tomou conta do bairro, enquanto os moradores abriam as janelas e começavam a caminhar pelas ruas. Dezenas de crianças saíram de casa de bermuda e biquíni para pular na piscina que pertenceu a um líder de gangue.

Residents congregated around televisions in bars and restaurants, cheering for the police as if they were cheering for their favorite soccer teams.

Os moradores se reuniam em torno de televisores em bares e restaurantes, torcendo pela polícia como se estivessem torcendo por seus times de futebol favoritos.

“Now the community is ours,” Jovelino Ferreira, a 60-year-old pastor, said, his eyes filling with tears. “This time it will be different. We have to have faith. Many people who didn’t deserve have suffered here.”

“Agora a comunidade é nossa”, disse Jovelino Ferreira, um pastor de 60 anos, com os olhos cheios de lágrimas. “Dessa vez será diferente. Temos que ter fé. Muitas pessoas que não mereciam sofreram aqui.”


consulta em 28/11/2010

131 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) In the sentence “An air of calm and relief swept through the neighborhood, as residents opened their windows and began walking the streets”, the possessive adjective their refers to 

[A] an air of calm and relief.

[B] neighborhood.

[C] residents.

[D] streets.

[E] calm and relief. 

Resposta:  C

132 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) According to the text, Brazilian security forces fought against 

[A] Alemão shanty town complex.

[B] drug gangs.

[C] Jovelino Ferreira.

[D] the military police.

[E] Jovelino Ferreira’s community. 

Resposta:  B

133 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) After Brazilian security forces’ victory, 

[A] residents went to streets.

[B] children were afraid.

[C] the gang leader used the swimming pool.

[D] residents cheered for their favorite soccer team.

[E] residents prayed with pastor Jovelino Ferreira. 

Resposta:  A

134 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) It is correct to say that, after the decisive military operation in the Alemão shantytown complex, Jovelino Ferreira was 

[A] angry.

[B] sick.

[C] sad

[D] hungry

[E] hopeful. 

Resposta:  E

135 (EsPCEx-CADETE-2011) In the last paragraph, the author is describing a scene of 

[A] sadness.

[B] conflict.

[C] happiness.

[D] fear.

[E] tragedy. 

Resposta:  C

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