➭ 10 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each MCQ.
➧ Text (1) – World oil market prospects for the second half of the year | www.opec.org |
➧ Text (2) – Medium-Term Oil Market Report 2013 - Market Trends and Projections to 2018 | www.iea.org |
❑ TEXTO 1:
World oil market prospects for the second half of the year
Perspectivas do mercado petrolífero mundial para a segunda metade do ano
OECD Europe and OECD Asia Pacific are expected to see a lesser contraction than a year earlier. – Prevê-se que a Europa da OCDE e a Ásia-Pacífico da OCDE registem uma contração menor do que no ano anterior.
However, oil demand growth in OECD Asia Pacific will largely be impacted by any restart of nuclear power plants in Japan .– No entanto, o crescimento da procura de petróleo na OCDE Ásia-Pacífico será largamente afetado por um eventual reinício das centrais nucleares no Japão.
Non-OECD countries are projected to lead oil demand growth this year and forecast to add 1.3 mb/d in 2H14 compared to the same period a year ago. – Prevê-se que os países não pertencentes à OCDE liderem o crescimento da procura de petróleo este ano e que acrescentem 1,3 mb/d no 2S14 em comparação com o mesmo período do ano anterior.
Nevertheless, risks to the forecast include the pace of economic growth in major economies in the OECD, China, India and Russia, as well as policy reforms in retail prices and substitution toward natural gas. – No entanto, os riscos para as previsões incluem o ritmo de crescimento económico nas principais economias da OCDE, China, Índia e Rússia, bem como reformas políticas nos preços de varejo e substituição pelo gás natural.
On the supply side, non-OPEC oil supply in the second half of the year is expected to increase by 1.2 mb/d over the same period last year to average around 55.9 mb/d, with the US being the main driver for growth, followed by Canada. – Do lado da oferta, espera-se que a oferta de petróleo não-OPEP no segundo semestre aumente 1,2 mb/d em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado, atingindo uma média de cerca de 55,9 mb/d, sendo os EUA o principal fator de crescimento, seguido do Canadá.
Production in Russia and Brazil is also expected to increase in 2014. However, oil output from the UK and Mexico is projected to continue to decline. – A produção na Rússia e no Brasil também deverá aumentar em 2014. No entanto, prevê-se que a produção de petróleo do Reino Unido e do México continue a diminuir.
The forecast for non-OPEC supply growth for 2H14 is seen lower than in the first half of the year, but could increase given forecasts for a mild hurricane season in the US Gulf. – A previsão para o crescimento da oferta não-OPEP para 2014 é inferior à do primeiro semestre do ano, mas poderá aumentar dadas as previsões para uma temporada moderada de furacões no Golfo dos EUA.
Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters. – A menor manutenção de campo no Mar do Norte e o alívio das tensões geopolíticas também poderão acrescentar mais barris nos próximos dois trimestres.
OPEC NGLs are also projected to continue to increase, adding 0.2 mb/d in 2014 to stand at 5.9 mb/d. – Prevê-se também que os LGN da OPEP continuam a aumentar, acrescentando 0,2 mb/d em 2014, situando-se em 5,9 mb/d.
Taking these developments into account, the supply-demand balance for 2014 shows that the demand for OPEC crude in the second half of the year stands at around 30.3 mb/d, slightly higher than in the first half of the year. – Tendo em conta esta evolução, o balanço entre a oferta e a procura para 2014 mostra que a procura de crude da OPEP no segundo semestre do ano se situa em torno de 30,3 mb/d, ligeiramente superior à do primeiro semestre do ano.
This compares to OPEC production, according to secondary sources, of close to 30.0 mb/d in May. – Isto compara-se com a produção da OPEP, de acordo com fontes secundárias, de perto de 30,0 mb/d em maio.
Global inventories are at sufficient levels, with OECD commercial stocks in days of forward cover at around 58 days in April. – Os stocks globais estão em níveis suficientes, com os stocks comerciais da OCDE em dias de cobertura futura a rondarem os 58 dias em Abril.
Moreover, inventories in the US – the only OECD country with positive demand growth – stand at high levels. – Além disso, as existências nos EUA – o único país da OCDE com um crescimento positivo da procura – situam-se em níveis elevados.
NonOECD inventories are also on the rise, especially in China, which has been building Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) at a time when apparent demand is weakening due to slowing economic activities. – As existências não-OCDE também estão a aumentar, especialmente na China, que tem vindo a constituir Reservas Estratégicas de Petróleo (SPR) numa altura em que a aparente procura está a enfraquecer devido ao abrandamento das atividades econômicas.
Available at: <http://www.opec.org/opec_web/static_fi les_project/ media/download/publications/MOMR_June_2014.pdf>. Retrieved on: 15 June 2014. Adapted.
11 – (CESGRANRIO-2014-PETROBRAS-ANALISTA DE COMERCIALIZAÇÃO E LOGÍSTICA JÚNIOR) According to Text I, world oil demand in 2H13 was
(A)1.2 mb/d
(B) 90.9 mb/d
(B) 90.9 mb/d
(C) 92.04 mb/d
(D) 92.1 mb/d
(E) 93.3 9 mb/d
👍 Comentários e Gabarito B
A demanda em 2014 é 92.1.
A demanda em 2013 foi de:(92.1)-(1,2)=90,9mb/d
(D) 92.1 mb/d
(E) 93.3 9 mb/d
👍 Comentários e Gabarito B
A demanda em 2014 é 92.1.
A demanda em 2013 foi de:(92.1)-(1,2)=90,9mb/d
According to Text I, the statement "OECD Europe and OECD Asia Pacific are expected to see a lesser contraction than a year earlier" (lines 8-10) implies that the oil demand in those countries
(A) will decrease less in 2H14 than it did in 2H13.
(B) will contribute to the demand growth of OECD countries in 2H14.
(C) will contribute to the movement toward natural gas.
(D) will contribute to the restart of nuclear power plants in Japan.
(E) was affected by a general improvement in the US economy.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito A
Nesta questão a afirmativa "A OCDE da Europa e a OCDE da Ásia-Pacífico deverão ver uma MENOR CONTRAÇÃO do que no ano anterior." implica em que na demanda de petróleo nestes países?
Perceba se há uma menor contração(menor aceleração na queda) em relação ao ano anterior então a queda de produção será menor em 2014.
According to Text I, the statement “On the supply side, non-OPEC oil supply in the second half of the year is expected to increase by 1.2 mb/d over the same period last year to average around 55.9 mb/d, with the US being the main driver for growth, followed by Canada” (lines 20-24) implies that
(A) Canada will need more oil than the US.
(B) Canada will be the second largest OPEC country to need oil in 2H14.
(C) OPEC countries will need a larger amount of oil in 2H14 than they did in 2H13.
(D) Non-OPEC countries will need a larger amount of oil in 2H14 than they did in 2H13.
(E) Non-OPEC countries will produce a larger amount of oil in 2H14 than they did in 2H13.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito E
In the fragments of Text I “World oil demand in 2H14 is anticipated to increase” (lines 2-3), “OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) demand is projected to decline” (lines 5-6), “oil demand growth in OECD Asia Pacific will largely be impacted” (lines 11-12), “Production in Russia and Brazil is also expected to increase” (lines 24-25) the boldfaced verb forms indicate
(A) past time
(B) present time and future time
(C) the author’s desire for the future
(D) the author’s promise for the future
(E) the author’s commitment to the future
👍 Comentários e Gabarito B
(B) present time and future time
(C) the author’s desire for the future
(D) the author’s promise for the future
(E) the author’s commitment to the future
👍 Comentários e Gabarito B
The words of Text I: output (line 26), mild (line 30), balance (line 37) and inventories (line 42) may be replaced, without change in meaning, respectively, by:
(A) product, gentle, average, and lists
(B) product, gentle, equilibrium and stocks
(C) product, sufficient, equilibrium and lists
(D) stocks, gentle, equilibrium and sources
(E) product, gentle, equilibrium and lists
👍 Comentários e Gabarito E
(B) product, gentle, equilibrium and stocks
(C) product, sufficient, equilibrium and lists
(D) stocks, gentle, equilibrium and sources
(E) product, gentle, equilibrium and lists
👍 Comentários e Gabarito E
In the following fragment of Text I: “Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters.” (lines 31-33) the word quarters means a(an)
(A) time unit equivalent to the fourth part of a year
(B) time unit equivalent to the fourth part of an hour
(C) time unit equivalent to four months of the year
(D) volume measure unit equivalent to the fourth part of a gallon
(E) American coin worth 25 cents of a dollar
👍 Comentários e Gabarito A
(E) American coin worth 25 cents of a dollar
👍 Comentários e Gabarito A
In the fragment of Text I “Less field maintenance in the North Sea and easing geopolitical tensions could also add further barrels in the coming two quarters.” (lines 31-33), the expression easing geopolitical tensions means geopolitical tensions that are
(A) harmful
(B) enhanced
(C) alleviated
(D) jeopardized
(E) fun to deal with
👍 Comentários e Gabarito C
(B) enhanced
(C) alleviated
(D) jeopardized
(E) fun to deal with
👍 Comentários e Gabarito C
❑ TEXTO 2:
The global oil market will undergo sweeping changes over the next five years.O mercado global de petróleo passará por mudanças radicais nos próximos cinco anos. – O mercado global de petróleo passará por mudanças radicais nos próximos cinco anos.
Medium-Term Oil Market Report 2013 - Market Trends and Projections to 2018
Relatório de Médio Prazo do Mercado Petrolífero 2013 - Tendências de Mercado e Projeções para 2018
The global oil market will undergo sweeping changes over the next five years.O mercado global de petróleo passará por mudanças radicais nos próximos cinco anos. – O mercado global de petróleo passará por mudanças radicais nos próximos cinco anos.
The 2013 MediumTerm Oil Market Report evaluates the impact of these changes on the global oil system by 2018 based on all that we know today – current expectations of economic growth, existing or announced policies and regulations, commercially proven technologies, field decline rates, investment programmes (upstream, midstream and downstream), etc. – O Relatório de Médio Prazo sobre o Mercado Petrolífero de 2013 avalia o impacto destas mudanças no sistema petrolífero global até 2018 com base em tudo o que sabemos hoje – expectativas actuais de crescimento económico, políticas e regulamentos existentes ou anunciados, tecnologias comercialmente comprovadas, taxas de declínio dos campos, programas de investimento. (upstream, midstream e downstream), etc.
The five-year forecast period corresponds to the length of the typical investment cycle and as such is critical to policymakers and market participants. – O período de previsão de cinco anos corresponde à duração do ciclo de investimento típico e, como tal, é fundamental para os decisores políticos e os participantes no mercado.
This Report shows, in detailed but concise terms, why the ongoing North American hydrocarbon revolution is a ‘game changer’. – Este Relatório mostra, em termos detalhados mas concisos, porque é que a atual revolução dos hidrocarbonetos na América do Norte é uma “virada de jogo”.
The region’s expected contribution to supply growth, however impressive, is only part of the story: – A contribuição esperada da região para o crescimento da oferta, por mais impressionante que seja, é apenas parte da história:
Crude quality, infrastructure requirements, current regulations, and the potential for replication elsewhere are bound to spark a chain reaction that will leave few links in the global oil supply chain unaffected. – A qualidade do petróleo bruto, os requisitos de infra-estruturas, os regulamentos actuais e o potencial de replicação noutros locais irão certamente desencadear uma reação em cadeia que deixará inalterados poucos elos da cadeia de abastecimento global de petróleo.
While North America is expected to lead mediumterm supply growth, the East-of- Suez region is in the lead on the demand side. – Embora se espere que a América do Norte lidere o crescimento da oferta a médio prazo, a região Leste de Suez lidera do lado da procura.
While North America is expected to lead mediumterm supply growth, the East-of- Suez region is in the lead on the demand side. – Embora se espere que a América do Norte lidere o crescimento da oferta a médio prazo, a região Leste de Suez lidera do lado da procura.
Non-OECD oil demand, led by Asia and the Middle East, looks set to overtake the OECD for the first time as early as 2Q13 and will widen its lead afterwards. – A procura de petróleo não pertencente à OCDE, liderada pela Ásia e pelo Médio Oriente, deverá ultrapassar a da OCDE pela primeira vez já no 2T13 e irá alargar a sua liderança posteriormente.
Non-OECD economies are already home to over half global refining capacity. – As economias não pertencentes à OCDE já abrigam mais de metade da capacidade global de refinação.
With that share only expected to grow by 2018, the non-OECD region will be firmly entrenched as the world’s largest crude importer. – Com a expectativa de que essa percentagem cresça apenas até 2018, a região não pertencente à OCDE ficará firmemente consolidada como o maior importador mundial de petróleo bruto.
These and other changes are carefully laid out in this Report, which also examines recent and future changes in global oil storage, shifts in OPEC production capacity and crude and product trade, and the consequences of the ongoing refinery construction boom in emerging markets and developing economies. – Estas e outras mudanças são cuidadosamente expostas neste Relatório, que também examina as mudanças recentes e futuras no armazenamento global de petróleo, as mudanças na capacidade de produção da OPEP e no comércio de petróleo e produtos, e as consequências do contínuo boom de construção de refinarias nos mercados emergentes e nas economias em desenvolvimento.
These and other changes are carefully laid out in this Report, which also examines recent and future changes in global oil storage, shifts in OPEC production capacity and crude and product trade, and the consequences of the ongoing refinery construction boom in emerging markets and developing economies. – Estas e outras mudanças são cuidadosamente expostas neste Relatório, que também examina as mudanças recentes e futuras no armazenamento global de petróleo, as mudanças na capacidade de produção da OPEP e no comércio de petróleo e produtos, e as consequências do contínuo boom de construção de refinarias nos mercados emergentes e nas economias em desenvolvimento.
It is required reading for anyone engaged in policy or investment decision-making in the energy sphere, and those more broadly interested in the oil market and the global economy. – É uma leitura obrigatória para qualquer pessoa envolvida na tomada de decisões políticas ou de investimento na esfera energética, e para aqueles mais amplamente interessados no mercado petrolífero e na economia global.
Available at: <http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/ publication/name-104933-en.html>. Retrieved on: 20 June, 2014. Adapted.
18 – (CESGRANRIO-2014-PETROBRAS-ANALISTA DE COMERCIALIZAÇÃO E LOGÍSTICA JÚNIOR)The expression from Text II upstream, midstream and downstream (lines 8-9) implies that investment programmes will be respectively directed to costs that involve
(A) oil transportation by boat against water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat following water flow.
(B) oil transportation by boat following water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat against water flow.
(C) oil exploration and production / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
(D) oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing.
(E) oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito C
(A) oil transportation by boat against water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat following water flow.
(B) oil transportation by boat following water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat against water flow.
(C) oil exploration and production / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
(D) oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing.
(E) oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
(B) oil transportation by boat following water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat against water flow.
(C) oil exploration and production / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
(D) oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing.
(E) oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito C
(A) oil transportation by boat against water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat following water flow.
(B) oil transportation by boat following water flow / oil storing in the middle of the river journey / oil transportation by boat against water flow.
(C) oil exploration and production / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
(D) oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale / oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing.
(E) oil processing, storing, transporting and marketing / oil exploration and production / oil operations after the production phase through to the point of sale.
According to Text II, the statement “on going North American hydrocarbon revolution is a ‘game changer’.” (lines 14-15) suggests that the hydrocarbon revolution represents a
(A) virtually endless source of energy
(B) cost-benefit uninteresting source of energy
(C) traditional technological stage in energy production
(D) great economical switch associated with this source of energy
(E) groundbreaking ecological stage in energy production
👍 Comentários e Gabarito D
(A) virtually endless source of energy
(B) cost-benefit uninteresting source of energy
(C) traditional technological stage in energy production
(D) great economical switch associated with this source of energy
(E) groundbreaking ecological stage in energy production
Comparing the excerpt from Text I “Non-OECD countries are projected to lead oil demand growth this year and forecast to add 1.3 mb/d in 2H14 compared to the same period a year ago” (lines 13-15) to the excerpt from Text II “Non-OECD oil demand, led by Asia and the Middle East, looks set to overtake the OECD for the first time as early as 2Q13 and will widen its lead afterwards” (lines 24-27),
one states that Text number
(A) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1Q13.
(B) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2Q12.
(C) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2H12.
(D) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1H12.
(E) 1 and number 2 make similar forecasts for non-OECD countries’ oil demand.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito E
(A) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1Q13.
(B) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2Q12.
(C) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2H12.
(D) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1H12.
(E) 1 and number 2 make similar forecasts for non-OECD countries’ oil demand.
(B) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2Q12.
(C) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2H12.
(D) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1H12.
(E) 1 and number 2 make similar forecasts for non-OECD countries’ oil demand.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito E
(A) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1Q13.
(B) 1’s forecast is based on non-OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2Q12.
(C) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 2H12.
(D) 2’s forecast is based on OECD countries’ oil demand in the 1H12.
(E) 1 and number 2 make similar forecasts for non-OECD countries’ oil demand.