sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016


➭ 30 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1) – Multiliteracies Multiliteracies in the Classroom http://jolle.coe.uga.edu |
➭ Text (2) – Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF) ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education | Journal of English as a Lingua Franca  |
➭ Text (3) – | Cartoon |
➭ Text (4) – | Exploring Identity-based Challenges to English Teachers’ Professional Growth http://scholarworks.wmich.edu |
Literacy involves more than a set of conventions to be learned, either through print or technological formats. Rather, literacy enables people to negotiate meaning (Leland &
 Kasten, 2002).
A alfabetização envolve mais do que um conjunto de convenções a serem aprendidas, seja por meio impresso ou por meio de formatos tecnológicos. Em vez disso, a alfabetização permite que as pessoas negociem o significado (Leland & Kasten, 2002).
With these negotiations often occurring in technological settings and engaging students' values and identities (Jewitt, 2008), the New London Group (1996) has proposed the concept of multiliteracies, which views literacy as continual, supplemental, and enhancing or modifying established literacy teaching and learning rather than replacing traditional practices (Rowsell, Kosnik, & Beck, 2008).
Com essas negociações ocorrendo frequentemente em ambientes tecnológicos e envolvendo os valores e identidades dos alunos (Jewitt, 2008), o New London Group (1996) propôs o conceito de multiletramentos, que vê a alfabetização como contínua, suplementar e aprimorando ou modificando o ensino de alfabetização estabelecido e aprendizagem em vez de substituir as práticas tradicionais (Rowsell, Kosnik, & Beck, 2008).
[The concept of] multiliteracies recognizes both the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the new globalized society and the new variety of text forms from multiple communicative technologies.
[O conceito de] multiletramentos reconhece tanto a crescente diversidade cultural e linguística na nova sociedade globalizada quanto a nova variedade de formas de texto de múltiplas tecnologias comunicativas.
There is also the need for new skills to operate successfully in the changing literate and increasingly diversified social environment.
Há também a necessidade de novas habilidades para operar com sucesso no ambiente social alfabetizado em mudança e cada vez mais diversificado.
The New London Group (1996) argues that to be relevant, learning processes need to recruit, rather than attempt to ignore and erase, the different subjectivities, interests, intentions, commitments, and purposes that students bring to learning (p. 18).
O New London Group (1996) argumenta que, para serem relevantes, os processos de aprendizagem precisam recrutar, em vez de tentar ignorar e apagar, as diferentes subjetividades, interesses, intenções, compromissos e propósitos que os alunos trazem para a aprendizagem (p. 18).
They must also respond to the different mediums and modes in which students operate.
Eles também devem responder aos diferentes meios e modos nos quais os alunos operam.
Teachers need new knowledge that reflects these varying and multiple discourses.
Os professores precisam de novos conhecimentos que reflitam esses discursos variados e múltiplos.
This huge shift from traditional printbased literacy to 21st century multiliteracies reflects the impact of communication technologies and multimedia on the evolving nature of texts, as well as the skills and dispositions associated with the consumption, production, evaluation, and distribution of those texts (Borsheim, Meritt, & Reed, 2008, p. 87).
Essa enorme mudança do tradicional letramento impresso para os multiletramentos do século 21 reflete o impacto das tecnologias de comunicação e multimídia na natureza evolutiva dos textos, bem como as habilidades e disposições associadas ao consumo, produção, avaliação e distribuição desses textos (Borsheim, Meritt, & Reed, 2008, p. 87).
With literacy continually growing and expanding, there remains a need to support pre-service and practicing teachers’ conceptions and understanding of multiliteracies.
Com a alfabetização crescendo e se expandindo continuamente, permanece a necessidade de apoiar as concepções e a compreensão dos multiletramentos dos professores iniciantes e em exercício.
(http://jolle.coe.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ Multiliteracies-in-the-Classroom-Boche.pdf)
👉 Question  31 :
The options below offer statements that agree with constructions of multiliteracies, as presented by Text 1, except:
(A) They do not do away with accepted models.
(B) They take into account global linguistic diversity.
(C) They recognize multicultural perspectives in education.
(D) They provide a  tool kit designed to be used by the student.
(E) They assume a variety of means and ways of communication.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
As opções abaixo oferecem declarações que concordam com construções de MULTIALFABETIZAÇÕES, conforme apresentado pelo Texto 1, EXCETO:
*Item (A) : Eles não eliminam os modelos aceitos.
👱 Os modelo aceitos de alfabetização são de LEITURA-ESCRITA. As construções de MULTIALFABETIZAÇÕES envolve mais do que isso, ou seja, inclui também a habilidade de ler e escrever.
"[...] Literacy involves more than a set of conventions to be learned, either through print or technological formats. Rather, literacy enables people to negotiate meaning (Leland & Kasten, 2002). With these negotiations often occurring in technological settings and engaging students' values and identities (Jewitt, 2008), the New London Group (1996) has proposed the concept of multiliteracies, which views literacy as continual, supplemental, and enhancing or modifying established literacy teaching and learning rather than replacing traditional practices (Rowsell, Kosnik, & Beck, 2008)."
(A alfabetização envolve MAIS DO QUE um conjunto de convenções a serem aprendidas, seja através de formatos impressos ou tecnológicos. Em vez disso, a alfabetização permite que as pessoas negociem o significado (Leland & Kasten, 2002). Com essas negociações, muitas vezes ocorrendo em ambientes tecnológicos e envolvendo os valores e identidades dos alunos (Jewitt, 2008), o New London Group (1996) propôs o conceito de multiliteração, que vê a alfabetização como contínua, complementar e aprimorando ou modificando o ensino de alfabetização estabelecido e aprender em vez de substituir as práticas tradicionais (Rowsell, Kosnik, & Beck, 2008).)
*Item (B) : Consideram a diversidade linguística global.
*Item (C) : Eles reconhecem perspectivas multiculturais na educação.
👨 As construções de "multialfabetização" reconhece que uma pessoa estará alfabetizado se for capaz de ver, interpretar e problematizar as imagens da TV, de assistir aos filmes, de analisar as publicidades criticamente, de ler e problematizar as notícias dos jornais, de escutar e de identificar programas de rádio, de saber usar o -computador; navegar nas redes e de produzir outras representações através de diversas mídias.
"[...] multiliteracies recognizes both the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the new globalized society and the new variety of text forms from multiple communicative technologies."
(MULTIALFABETIZAÇÕES reconhece a crescente diversidade cultural e linguística na nova sociedade globalizada e a nova variedade de formas de texto a partir de múltiplas tecnologias comunicativas.)
*Item (D) INCORRETO: Eles fornecem um conjunto de ferramentas projetado para ser usado pelo aluno.
*Item (E) : Eles assumem uma variedade de meios e formas de comunicação.
👉 Question  32 :
Match the strategies offered below to the different teaching perspectives.
1. Multiliteracies posture
2. The Audio Lingual method
3. The Grammar-Translation method
4. Communicative Language teaching
(   ) Presenting target-language reading passages and answering questions that follow.
(   ) Discussing cultural diversity through different means such as written texts and blogs.
(   ) Repeating patterns until students are able to form new habits in the target language.
(   ) Offering students authentic materials that may function as triggers for classroom interactions. Mark the option which indicates the correct matching, from top to bottom.
(A) 1, 3, 2 and 4.
(B) 3, 1, 2 and 4.
(C) 4, 1, 3 and 2.
(D) 2, 4, 3 and 1.
(E) 4, 3, 2 and 1.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
Corresponde às estratégias oferecidas abaixo para as diferentes perspectivas de ensino.
1. Postura de multialfabetizações
2. O método Áudio Lingual
3. O método Gramática-Tradução
4. Ensino de linguagem comunicativa
( 3 ) Apresentando passagens de leitura em idioma alvo e respondendo as perguntas que se seguem.
( 1 ) Discutir a diversidade cultural através de diferentes meios, como textos escritos e blogs.
( 2 ) Repetição de padrões até que os alunos possam formar novos hábitos na língua-alvo.
( 4 ) Oferecendo aos alunos materiais autênticos que podem funcionar como gatilhos para interações na sala de aula.
Marque a opção que indica a correspondência correta, de cima para baixo.
*Item (A) incorreto: 1, 3, 2 e 4.
*Item (B) CORRETO3, 1, 2 e 4.
*Item (C) incorreto: 4, 1, 3 e 2.
*Item (D) incorreto: 2, 4, 3 e 1.
*Item (E) incorreto: 4, 3, 2 e 1.
👉 Question  33 :
Read the following extract from Text 1:
“Multiliteracies recognizes both the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the new globalized society and the new variety of text forms from multiple communicative technologies.”(L.11-14)
The alternative from Lotherington (2006) that has some analogy to this passage is:
(A) “The virtual world is not culturally neutral territory: it is colonial”.
(B) “The role of modern education was to prepare learners for the workforce”.
(C) “The Internet continues to be dominated by users in rich Western nations”.
(D) “The autonomous model […] approaches literacy as a cognitive advancement”.
(E) “Literacies in the twenty-first century have been described as fundamentally multicultural, multilingual and multimodal”.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E :
Leia o seguinte extracto do Texto 1: "Multiliteracies reconhece a crescente diversidade cultural e linguística na nova sociedade globalizada e a nova variedade de formas de texto a partir de múltiplas tecnologias comunicativas" (L.11-14).
A alternativa de Lotherington (2006) que tem alguma analogia com esta passagem é:
*Item (A) incorreto: "O mundo virtual não é um território culturalmente neutro: é colonial".
*Item (B) incorreto: "O papel da educação moderna era preparar os alunos para a força de trabalho".
*Item (C) incorreto: "A Internet continua a ser dominada por usuários em países ricos ocidentais".
*Item (D) incorreto: "O modelo autônomo [...] aborda a alfabetização como um avanço cognitivo".
*Item (E) CORRETO"As literacias no século XXI foram descritas como fundamentalmente multiculturais, multilíngues e multimodais".
👉 Question  34 :
In the passage “To be relevant, learning processes need to recruit, rather than attempt to ignore and erase, the different subjectivities, interests, intentions, commitments, and purposes that students bring to learning” (L.17-20),
the author implies that teachers should
(A) see their students as a uniform group.
(B) ask the best students to teach the others.
(C) keep to printed materials and traditional methods.
(D) stimulate students to acknowledge identities.
(E) opt for a time-honored methodology when teaching.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
Na passagem "Para ser relevante, os processos de aprendizagem precisam recrutar, ao invés de tentar ignorar e apagar, as diferentes subjetividades, interesses, intenções, compromissos e propósitos que os alunos trazem para a aprendizagem" (L.17-20),
o autor implica que os professores
(A) see their students as a uniform group.(ver seus alunos como um grupo uniforme)
(B) ask the best students to teach the others.(pedir aos melhores alunos que ensinem os outros.)
(C) keep to printed materials and traditional methods.(manter materiais impressos e métodos tradicionais.)
(D) stimulate students to acknowledge identities.(estimular os alunos a reconhecer identidades.)
(E) opt for a time-honored methodology when teaching.(optar por uma metodologia consagrada ao ensino.)
👉 Question  35 :
According to Duboc (2016, p. 62), critical literacy differs from critical reading as the former holds that:
(A) Any reading requires silent and isolated contexts.
(B) Individual reading should privilege explicit text data.

(C) Readers should always try to identify authorial intention.
(D) The reader must look for information provided by the text.
(E) Reading is an exercise which considers a diversity of meanings.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E :
De acordo com Duboc (2016, página 62), a alfabetização crítica difere da leitura crítica, já que a primeiro afirma que:
(A) Any reading requires silent and isolated contexts.(qualquer leitura requer contextos silenciosos e isolados.)
(B) Individual reading should privilege explicit text data.(a leitura individual deve privilegiar dados de texto explícitos.)
(C) Readers should always try to identify authorial intention.(os Leitores sempre devem tentar identificar a intenção da autoridade.)
(D) The reader must look for information provided by the text.(o leitor deve procurar informações fornecidas pelo texto.)
(E) Reading is an exercise which considers a diversity of meanings.(a leitura é um exercício que considera uma diversidade de significados.)
👉 Question  36 :
The digital age has been disrupting the normative structures of education in many ways.
According to Bohn (2013, p. 97), one of the challenges language educators now face is 
(A) offering students means to exercise brain plasticity.
(B) making sure students access the Internet from home.
(C) insisting that schools provide tablets for each student.
(D) designing materials that integrate written texts and oral skills.
(E) paying close attention to students' language proficiency level.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
A era digital tem perturbado as estruturas normativas da educação de muitas maneiras.
De acordo com Bohn, um dos desafios que os educadores de línguas agora enfrentam está...
(A) offering students means to exercise brain plasticity.(oferecendo aos alunos meios para exercer plasticidade cerebral.)
(B) making sure students access the Internet from home.(assegurando que os estudantes acessem a Internet de casa.)
(C) insisting that schools provide tablets for each student.(insistindo que as escolas ofereçam TABLETS para cada aluno.)
(D) designing materials that integrate written texts and oral skills.(projetando materiais que integram textos escritos e habilidades orais.)
(E) paying close attention to students' language proficiency level.( prestando muita atenção ao nível de proficiência linguística dos alunos)

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):
Eis quatro passagens de um artigo sobre a consciência do inglês como língua franca (ELF):

1) "Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English.
1) "Poucos negarão que a pesquisa na área do inglês como língua franca (ELF) contribuiu significativamente para nossa compreensão de muitas facetas diferentes da comunicação envolvendo falantes não nativos de inglês.
Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”
Tais estudos acrescentaram informações valiosas à crescente pesquisa no domínio da linguística crítica aplicada e da pedagogia crítica e levaram muitos estudiosos a problematizar todos os aspectos do ensino, aprendizagem, testes, elaboração de currículos, etc. da língua inglesa.
2) "It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education.
2) "É importante nesta fase distinguir entre a perspectiva crítica e a perspectiva transformadora na formação de professores de ESOL.
While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter."
Embora ambos compartilhem o elemento de reflexão, eles são diferentes de maneira crucial, embora o primeiro tenha sido frequentemente visto como um termo genérico que inclui o segundo.
3) "Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010).
3) "A pedagogia crítica é inestimável em nossa tentativa de entender os processos complexos da disseminação global do inglês e as formas intrincadas pelas quais ele continua a ser localizado e relocalizado (Pennycook, 2010).
It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world'" (Pennycook, 2001: 138).
Ela tem as ferramentas para ajudar os professores a avaliar as complicações do contexto e os vários discursos subjacentes e frequentemente ocultos, desde a construção da identidade do aluno na sala de aula ESOL (Norton e Toohey, 2011) até o teste de linguagem (Shohamy, 2004) e a política da pedagogia em a 'sala de aula como um microcosmo do mundo social e cultural mais amplo'" (Pennycook, 2001: 138).
4) "The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts.
4) "O valor de uma perspectiva transformadora consciente do ELF para a formação de professores de ESOL reside em seu poder de ajudar os professores a definir o ELF para si mesmos e para seus contextos de ensino.
In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF.
Desta forma, os professores são envolvidos na co-construção da ILF e, em particular, no desenvolvimento de um ou mais enquadramentos pedagógicos para a ILF.
To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching."
Para conseguir isso, os professores devem ter uma consciência informada da construção ELF, uma consciência crítica de suas próprias convicções mais profundas sobre aspectos essenciais de linguagem, comunicação e ensino/aprendizagem de línguas, e a capacidade de trazer mudanças sustentáveis em seu ensino."
From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335.
De Sifakis, N.C. (2014). "Conscientização ELF como uma oportunidade de mudança: uma perspectiva transformadora para a formação de professores de ESOL". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335.
👉 Question  37 :
The following sentences present information provided in each of the passages from Text 2.
Read them, add the corresponding number of each passage (1 to 4), and mark the option that presents the correct sequencing:
(   ) Both perspectives attribute value to reflection.
(   ) The classroom should be seen as part of a wider context.
(   ) ELF teachers are stimulated to reflect on their own teaching.
(   ) ELF studies have had great impact on English language teaching.
(A) 4 – 3 – 2 – 1.
(B) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2.
(C) 2 – 3 – 4 – 1.
(D) 4 – 2 – 1 – 3.
(E) 2 – 4 – 1 – 3.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
Leia-os, adicione o número correspondente de cada passagem (1 a 4) e marque a opção que apresenta a seqüência correta:
(   ) Ambas as perspectivas atribuem valor à reflexão.
(   ) A sala de aula deve ser vista como parte de um contexto mais amplo.
(   ) Os professores do ELF são estimulados a refletir sobre seus próprios ensinamentos.
(   ) Estudos ELF tiveram grande impacto no ensino de língua inglesa.
*A 1ª SENTENÇA (Ambas as perspectivas atribuem valor à reflexão) refere-se a PASSAGEM 2(que fala das perspectivas "crítica" e "transformativa"), veja:
"[...] It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter."
(É importante, nesta fase, distinguir entre a perspectiva crítica e transformadora na formação de docentes da ESOL. Enquanto ambos compartilham o elemento de reflexão, eles são diferentes de uma maneira crucial, embora o primeiro tenha sido visto como um termo guarda-chuva que subsuma o último.)
*A 2ª SENTENÇA (A sala de aula deve ser vista como parte de um contexto mais amplo) refere-se a PASSAGEM 3(que fala sobre a sala de aula como um microcosmo do mundo social e cultural), veja:
"[...] Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized. It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom to language testing to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world'"
(A pedagogia crítica é inestimável na nossa tentativa de compreender os processos complexos da disseminação global do inglês e as formas intrincadas nas quais continua a ser localizada e relocalizada. Possui as ferramentas para ajudar os professores a apreciar as complicações do contexto e os vários discursos subjacentes e muitas vezes ocultos, desde a construção da identidade do aluno na sala de aula ESOL até o teste de linguagem às políticas de pedagogia na sala de aula como um microcosmo do social e cultural maior mundo'")
*A 3ª SENTENÇA (A sala de aula deve ser vista como parte de um contexto mais amplo) refere-se a PASSAGEM 4(que fala que os professores têm que ter uma consciência crítica de suas próprias convicções mais profundas sobre aspectos essenciais da linguagem.), veja:
"[...] The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching."
(The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.)
*A 4ª SENTENÇA (Estudos ELF tiveram grande impacto no ensino de língua inglesa) refere-se a PASSAGEM 1(que diz que "poucos negarão que a pesquisa na área do inglês como lingua franca (ELF) tenha contribuído significativamente para a nossa compreensão.), veja:
"[...] "Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc."
(Poucos negarão que a pesquisa na área do inglês como lingua franca (ELF) tenha contribuído significativamente para a compreensão de muitas facetas diferentes da comunicação envolvendo falantes nativos do inglês. Tais estudos adicionaram informações valiosas para a crescente pesquisa na domínio da lingüística aplicada crítica e pedagogia crítica e levou muitos estudiosos a problematizar todos os aspectos do ensino, aprendizagem, teste, desenho curricular, etc. do ensino do inglês.).
👉 Question  38 :
As regards Passage 2, analyse the assertions below:
I. A critical orientation may include a transformative view.
II. Critical and transformative perspectives in ESOL are indistinguishable.
III. Transformative perspectives are wider than critical orientations.
Choose the correct answer:
(A) Only I is correct.
(B) Only II is correct.
(C) Only III is correct.
(D) Only I and II are correct.
(E) All three assertions are correct.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
No que diz respeito a Passage 2, analise as afirmações abaixo:
*Afirmativa (I): uma orientação crítica pode incluir uma visão transformadora.
👲 A passagem 2 diz que uma "critical persperctive"(perspectiva crítica) pode ser vista como um termo guarda-chuva, ou seja, um termo bem amplo que subsume(inclui) a   "transformative perspective"(perspectiva transformativa).
*Afirmativa (II): as perspectivas críticas e transformadoras na ESOL são indistinguíveis.
👱 O texto afirma que elas são diferentes de uma maneira decisiva.
[...] they are different in a crucial way."
(elas são diferentes de uma maneira decisiva).
**Afirmativa (III): As perspectivas transformativas são mais amplas do que as orientações críticas.
👲 Questão PEGADINHA, pois o texto afirma o contrário.
👉 Question  39 :
Passage 4 suggests that a transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education requires that teachers become more
(A) fluent in the target language.
(B) self-reflexive of their practice.
(C) resistant to challenging concepts.
(D) determined to fight against change.
(E) involved in raising funds for the school.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
Passage 4 sugere que uma perspectiva transformadora para a formação de professores da ESOL exige que os professores se tornem ...
*O item (A) incorreto: mais
fluente na língua alvo.
👱 O texto não faz menção disso. 
*O item (B) CORRETO: mais auto-reflexivos de sua prática. 
*O item (C) incorreto: mais resistente a conceitos desafiadores.
👱 O texto não faz menção disso. 
*O item (D) incorreto: mais determinado a lutar contra a mudança.
👱 O texto não faz menção disso.
*O item (E) incorreto: mais envolvido EM LEVANTAR  fundos para a escola.
👱 O texto não faz menção disso.
👉 Question  40 :
According to Jordão (2013), critical pedagogy differs from structuralist pedagogies because, among other reasons, it
(A) aims at pre-set results.
(B) invests in memorization.
(C) promotes situated learning.
(D) measures proficiency levels.
(E) prioritizes content acquisition.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
(A) aims at pre-set results.
(B) invests in memorization.
(C) promotes situated learning.
(D) measures proficiency levels.
(E) prioritizes content acquisition.
👉 Question  41 :
Critical literacy supporters tend to see the discourse of “the now ‘classic’ critical pedagogies of the 80s and 90s” (Jordão, 2013, p. 290) as being

(A) universally valid.
(B) disengaged from politics.
(C) indifferent to social concerns.
(D) insensitive to students’ voices.
(E) imported from developed countries.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
*Item (A) incorreto:
*Item (B) incorreto:
*Item (C) incorreto:
*Item (D) incorreto:
*Item (E) incorreto:
👉 Question  42 :
Critical literacy emphasizes the need to use language as a vehicle for social change.
One of the strategies a teacher may use for this purpose is
(A) reading poems out loud in the classroom.
(B) listing vocabulary in English used in Brazilian adverts.
(C) watching videos and discussing controversial themes.
(D) memorizing forms of leave-takings in the foreign language.
(E) filling out an authentic real immigration form without questioning it.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
(A) reading poems out loud in the classroom.
(B) listing vocabulary in English used in Brazilian adverts.
(C) watching videos and discussing controversial themes.
(D) memorizing forms of leave-takings in the foreign language.
(E) filling out an authentic real immigration form without questioning it.
👉 Question  43 :
The move from English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) has promoted
(A) stricter grammatical rules.
(B) the eradication of local dialects.
(C) focus on multicultural identities.
(D) the building of territorial boundaries.
(E) English native speakers’ empowerment.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
(A) stricter grammatical rules.
(B) the eradication of local dialects.
(C) focus on multicultural identities.
(D) the building of territorial boundaries.
(E) English native speakers’ empowerment.
👉 Question  44 :
Based on Siqueira (2011), analyse the statements below.

I. ELF has derived from “native” speakers and is a unique variety of English.
II. Most interactions in ELF today are between “non-native” speakers.
III. ELF has become a diverse, multiple and nomad language.
IV. It is possible to codify a general variety of ELF.
Choose the correct answer:
(A) Only I is correct.
(B) Only II is correct.
(C) Only I and II are correct.
(D) Only II and III are correct.
(E) Only  III and IV are correct.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
I. ELF has derived from “native” speakers and is a unique variety of English.
II. Most interactions in ELF today are between “non-native” speakers.
III. ELF has become a diverse, multiple and nomad language.
IV. It is possible to codify a general variety of ELF.
👉 Question  45 :
Consider the following statement: “the teaching of a foreign language […] tends to place ‘non-natives’ locally involved in the process of teaching/learning in a subordinate position when confronted with the authority attributed to the ‘natives’ in what is considered ‘their own language’” (our translation) (Jordão, 2013, p. 280).
Here, the writer is attributing this view to
(A) notions of global English.
(B) different situated practices.
(C) definitions of World Englishes.
(D) early communicative approaches.
(E) concepts of English as a lingua franca.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
(A) notions of global English.
(B) different situated practices.
(C) definitions of World Englishes.
(D) early communicative approaches.
(E) concepts of English as a lingua franca.
👉 Question  46 :
It is currently assumed that the teaching/learning of English as a Foreign Language in Brazilian public schools has not been successful (Jordão, 2013, p. 286-287).
Read the statements below and mark them as TRUE (T) or  FALSE (F).
(  ) Teachers’ lack of qualification may contribute to this perception.
(  ) This is because local cultures and discursive practices are disregarded.
(  ) To solve this problem, basic rules of grammar and vocabulary should be taught.
The statements are, respectively:
(A) F, F and T.
(B) T, T and F.
(C) F, T and F.
(D) T, F and T.
(E) F, T and T.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
(  ) Teachers’ lack of qualification may contribute to this perception.
(  ) This is because local cultures and discursive practices are disregarded.
(  ) To solve this problem, basic rules of grammar and vocabulary should be taught.
👉 Question  47 :
In a classroom situation in which the student asks the teacher if British or American pronunciation should be preferred, the most adequate answer the teacher should give, from a postcolonial orientation, is:
(A) There are no rules any longer as to how to pronounce words.
(B) British pronunciation is preferable as it has set the basis for English speaking.
(C) American pronunciation should be used as most global transactions rely on it.
(D) Pronunciation deserves attention but the focus should be on acknowledging linguistic varieties.
(E) Both British and American pronunciations are valid and will be used as models, showing where they differ.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
(A) There are no rules any longer as to how to pronounce words.
(B) British pronunciation is preferable as it has set the basis for English speaking.
(C) American pronunciation should be used as most global transactions rely on it.
(D) Pronunciation deserves attention but the focus should be on acknowledging linguistic varieties.
(E) Both British and American pronunciations are valid and will be used as models, showing where they differ.
👉 Question  48 :
The statement that best addresses a poststructuralist view of teaching English as an International Language in Brazilian public schools is:
(A) Teaching English in public schools has deteriorated beyond the point of repair.
(B) “Native” speakers of English should be invited to help design more up-to-date materials.
(C) Easy solutions cannot be found as practice is situated, contextual and collaborative.
(D) Pre-established rules should be set so that students learn the culture of the target language.
(E) New books and materials should be developed by a group of international teachers and experts.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
(A) Teaching English in public schools has deteriorated beyond the point of repair.
(B) “Native” speakers of English should be invited to help design more up-to-date materials.
(C) Easy solutions cannot be found as practice is situated, contextual and collaborative.
(D) Pre-established rules should be set so that students learn the culture of the target language.
(E) New books and materials should be developed by a group of international teachers and experts.
👉 Question  49 :
The following exercise, posted on the Internet, asks students to listen, repeat the words and memorize them.
This exercise illustrates
(A) social exchanges.
(B) dialogic teaching.
(C) digital critical literacy.
(D) situational approaches.
(E) dissociation from interaction.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E :
(A) social exchanges.
(B) dialogic teaching.
(C) digital critical literacy.
(D) situational approaches.
(E) dissociation from interaction.
👉 Question  50 :
New critical literacy assessment is discussed by Duboc (2016). The only statement that does not reflect this view of  assessment is:

(A) Feedback is much more relevant than grading.
(B) Assessment should consider several viewpoints.
(C) Evaluation must be adapted to objective parameters.
(D) Self-evaluation can be an adequate tool for assessing.
(E) Assessment tools should be collaborative and mediated.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C :
(A) Feedback is much more relevant than grading.
(B) Assessment should consider several viewpoints.
(C) Evaluation must be adapted to objective parameters.
(D) Self-evaluation can be an adequate tool for assessing.
(E) Assessment tools should be collaborative and mediated.
👉 Question  51 :
The assessment tool that is in line with a critical literacy posture is
(A) graded tests.
(B) dialogue journals.
(C) prescribed checklists.
(D) standardized questionnaires.
(E) copying texts from the Internet.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
*Item (A) incorreto:
*Item (B) CORRETO:
*Item (C) incorreto:
*Item (D) incorreto:
*Item (E) incorreto:

❑ I expect you all to be independent, innovative, critical thinkers who will do exactly as I say!
➭ Espero que sejam todos independentes, inovadores, pensadores críticos e que façam exatamente o que eu disser!
Este cartoon é sobre o aprendizado crítico onde o professor declara que ele espera que todos os seus alunos sejam independentes, inovadores e pensadores críticos. No entanto, no final da fala, o professor declara que ele espera que todos façam exatamente o que ele disser, o que demonstra um discurso contraditório e bem dominador.

👉 Question  52 :
As regards critical learning, the function of this cartoon is to
(A) ridicule the layout of desks.
(B) show that old habits die hard.
(C) support the teacher's attitude.
(D) criticize the students' passivity.
(E) illustrate how teaching can be fun.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B :
No que diz respeito ao aprendizado crítico, a função desse cartoon é ...
(A) ridicule the layout of desks. (ridicularizar o layout das mesas.)
(B) show that old habits die hard. (mostrar que os velhos hábitos extingui-se com dificuldade.)
(C) support the teacher's attitude. (apoiar a atitude do professor.)
(D) criticize the students' passivity. (criticar a passividade dos alunos.)
(E) illustrate how teaching can be fun. (ilustrar como o ensino pode ser divertido.)

👉 Question  53 :
From the point of view of more recent pedagogies, the teacher's statement is rather

(A) humble.
(B) yielding.
(C) coherent.
(D) groundless.
(E) domineering.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  E :
Do ponto de vista das pedagogias mais recentes, a declaração do professor é bastante ...
(A) humble. (humilde/modesta)
(B) yielding. (dócil/complacente)
(C) coherent. (coerente)
(D) groundless. (sem fundamento/gratuíto)
(E) domineering. (dominador/tirânico)

👉 Question  54 :
Duboc (2016, p. 65) mentions three generations of evaluation practices.
Match the frameworks and the focus of their methods:
1. Behaviorism
2. Constructivism
3. Sociocultural theories
(   ) Learner-centered methods
(   ) Language-centered methods
(   ) Learning-centered methods
Indicate the option that shows the correct matching, from top to bottom.
(A) 2, 1 and 3.
(B) 3, 2 and 1.
(C) 1, 2 and 3.
(D) 2, 3 and 1.
(E) 1, 3 and 2.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
Duboc menciona três gerações de práticas de avaliação.
* (1) Behaviorism → Métodos centrados no linguagem.
* (2) Constructivism(Construtivismo) → Métodos centrados no aluno/aprendiz.
* (3) Sociocultural theories(Teorias socioculturais) → Métodos centrados na aprendizagem.

Exploring Identity-based Challenges to English Teachers’ Professional Growth
Explorando os desafios baseados na identidade para o crescimento profissional dos professores de inglês
Heather Camp
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Research on pre-service teacher education indicates that identity construction is an important facet of becoming a teacher.
A pesquisa sobre a formação inicial de professores indica que a construção da identidade é uma faceta importante para se tornar um professor.
To establish oneself as a teaching professional, a person must craft a teacher identity out of the personal and professional discourses that surround him/her.
Para se estabelecer como profissional docente, o indivíduo deve construir uma identidade docente a partir dos discursos pessoais e profissionais que o cercam.
This idea is consistent with contemporary theories of identity construction, which posit that the self is discursively constructed, made and remade by the various discourses that encompass the person.
Essa ideia é consistente com as teorias contemporâneas de construção da identidade, que postulam que o self é construído discursivamente, feito e refeito pelos vários discursos que envolvem a pessoa.
Such discourses -“pattern[s] of thinking, speaking, behaving, and interacting that [are] socially, culturally, and historically constructed and sanctioned by a specific group or groups of people” (Miller Marsh 456) -- are constantly intermingling, wrangling for ideological power and dynamically shaping one another.
Esses discursos - "padrões de pensamento, de fala, de comportamento e de interação que são social, cultural e historicamente construídos e sancionados por um grupo ou grupos específicos de pessoas" (Miller Marsh 456) - estão constantemente a misturar-se, a disputar o poder ideológico e a moldar-se dinamicamente uns aos outros.
To construct an identity, an individual must integrate these diverse discourses, weaving them together to form a dynamic but cohesive sense of self.
Para construir uma identidade, um indivíduo deve integrar esses diversos discursos, entrelaçando-os para formar um senso dinâmico, mas coeso, de si mesmo.
On one hand, this twining process has the potential to promote psychological development, leading to the attainment of “an expanded, integrated self, more diverse and richer in the possibilities for action that these multiple identities afford” (Brown 676).
Por um lado, esse processo de entrelaçamento tem o potencial de promover o desenvolvimento psicológico, levando à obtenção de “um eu expandido e integrado, mais diversificado e mais rico nas possibilidades de ação que essas múltiplas identidades oferecem” (Brown 676).
Yet, it also may produce identity destabilization and fragmentation, leading to uncertainty, distress and stymied psychological growth.
No entanto, também pode produzir desestabilização e fragmentação da identidade, levando à incerteza, angústia e crescimento psicológico bloqueado.
New teachers are confronted with the task of adopting new discourses, and of forging relationships between old and new strands of their identities.
Novos professores são confrontados com a tarefa de adotar novos discursos e de forjar relações entre velhas e novas vertentes de suas identidades.
Succeeding at this process facilitates the development of a secure and satisfying professional sense-ofself: research indicates that the attainment of an integrated identity helps teachers transition into and find satisfaction within the teaching profession, teach effectively, and nurture students’ self-development.
Ter sucesso nesse processo facilita o desenvolvimento de um senso profissional seguro e satisfatório: a pesquisa indica que a obtenção de uma identidade integrada ajuda os professores a fazer a transição e encontrar satisfação na profissão docente, ensinar com eficácia e estimular o autodesenvolvimento dos alunos.
Further, it suggests that attaining a cohesive identity better prepares teachers to champion educational reform.
Além disso, sugere que alcançar uma identidade coesa prepara melhor os professores para defender a reforma educacional.
Yet, research also suggests that accessing this array of rewards can be difficult.
No entanto, a pesquisa também sugere que o acesso a essa gama de recompensas pode ser difícil.
As teachers seek to integrate their teacherly roles with other discourses that contribute to their sense of self, they may encounter identity conflicts that work against a sense of identity cohesiveness.
À medida que os professores buscam integrar seus papéis de professores com outros discursos que contribuem para seu senso de identidade, eles podem encontrar conflitos de identidade que trabalham contra um senso de coesão de identidade.
Encountering such conflicts can lead to emotional turmoil and stunted professional growth, even leading some student teachers (and practicing teachers) to leave the teaching profession altogether.
O encontro de tais conflitos pode levar a turbulência emocional e crescimento profissional atrofiado, levando até mesmo alguns professores em formação (e professores em exercício) a abandonar completamente a profissão docente.
Growing awareness of the importance of professional identity construction and the psychological labor it demands has led to an upsurge in scholarship on pre-service teacher identity formation. […]
A crescente consciência da importância da construção da identidade profissional e do trabalho psicológico que ela exige levou a um aumento nos estudos sobre a formação inicial da identidade do professor. […]
This scholarship has drawn attention to the complexity of identity construction for pre-service teachers and offered educators insights into how they might support these students through this important work.
Esta bolsa chamou a atenção para a complexidade da construção da identidade de professores em formação inicial e ofereceu aos educadores percepções sobre como eles podem apoiar esses alunos por meio desse importante trabalho.
Adapted from http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1030&context=wte
👉  Questão   55 
Text 4 focuses on identity construction. Read the statements and mark them as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
(  ) Professional identity results from a specific discursive model;
(  ) Developing an identity is not a simple and effortless endeavor;
(  ) Professional identities, including those of new English teachers, are in a constant flux.
The statements are, respectively:
(A) F, F and T.
(B) T, T and F.
(C) F, T and F.
(D) T, F and T.
(E) F, T and T.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E :
( F ) Professional identity results from a specific discursive model;
( T ) Developing an identity is not a simple and effortless endeavor;
( T ) Professional identities, including those of new English teachers, are in a constant flux.
👉  Questão   56 
The phrase "stunted professional growth" implies that professional growth may be

(A) impeded.
(B) extended.
(C) promoted.
(D) developed.
(E) strengthened.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
A expressão "crescimento profissional atrofiado" implica que o crescimento profissional pode ser ...
(A) impeded.
(B) extended.
(C) promoted.
(D) developed.
(E) strengthened.
👉  Questão   57 
A poststructuralist view of language teaching/learning tends to support the notion that identities are
(A) rooted.
(B) hybrid.
(C) universal.
(D) monolithic.
(E) homogeneous.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
(A) rooted.
(B) hybrid.
(C) universal.
(D) monolithic.
(E) homogeneous.
👉  Questão   58 
In the context of Text 4, the fragment “Yet, research also  suggests that accessing this array of rewards can be difficult.” introduces (an)
(A) unexpected turn.
(B) wishful thinking.
(C) emphatic promise.
(D) typical illustration.
(E) vehement rejection.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A :
(A) unexpected turn.
(B) wishful thinking.
(C) emphatic promise.
(D) typical illustration.
(E) vehement rejection.
👉  Questão   59 
Bohn (2013, p. 83 and 90) argues that in Brazil teacher identity has been strongly influenced by
(A) market rules.
(B) media discourse.
(C) religious doctrines.
(D) foreign transactions.
(E) scientific investigation.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B :
(A) market rules.
(B) media discourse.
(C) religious doctrines.
(D) foreign transactions.
(E) scientific investigation.
👉  Questão   60 
From a Foucaultian perspective, classroom practice should consider as a key element
(A) centralized measures.
(B) pre-established models.
(C) standardized parameters.
(D) individual responsibilities.
(E) economy-focused premises.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D :
De uma perspectiva foucaultiana, a prática da sala de aula deve considerar como um elemento-chave ...
(A) centralized measures.
(B) pre-established models.
(C) standardized parameters.
(D) individual responsibilities.
(E) economy-focused premises.

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