sábado, 19 de novembro de 2022


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There is a plenitude of researchers focusing on the (institutional) emergence of UNESCO's intangible heritage concept (2003) that resulted from international negotiation. This new key concept within the basket of global heritage conventions is, however, pre-structured by different patrimonial forerunners. If we want to understand the complex nature of today’s heritage, we have to take into account that the cultural life of heritage bureaucracies is shaped by national traditions devoted to the interpretation of history in general. One of these national traditions is the protection of historical monuments that also shaped the semantic field of heritage.


M. Tauschek. The bureaucratic texture of national patrimonial policies. OpenEdition Books, Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2013 (adapted).


Judge the following items, concerning the vocabulary used in text.

(  ) The expression “resulted from” (ℓ.3) could be replaced by arose out of, without changing the meaning of the text.

Resposta :  Correto

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ TO ARISE OUT OF something tem os seguintes significados:

1) TO GET UP OF something ou TO STAND UP FROM something - levantar-se de algo, como por exemplo:

  • My teenage son doesn't arise out of his bed until one in the afternoon. - Meu filho adolescente só se levanta da cama à uma da tarde. [The Free Dictionary]

2) TO EMERGE FROM a bleak situation - Sair de uma situação desoladora., como por exemplo:

  • Thanks to scholarships, I was able to arise out of poverty and go to a top college. - Graças às bolsas de estudo, consegui sair da pobreza e ir para uma faculdade de primeira linha[The Free Dictionary]

3) TO RESULT FROM something - Resultar de algo, como por exemplo:

  • Many issues arose out of the passing of that bill. - Muitos problemas resultaram da aprovação desse projeto de lei. [The Free Dictionary]


  • [...] There is a plenitude of researchers focusing on the (institutional) emergence of UNESCO's intangible heritage concept (2003) that resulted from international negotiation. - Há uma plenitude de pesquisadores que se debruçam sobre a emergência (institucional) do conceito de patrimônio imaterial da UNESCO (2003) que resultou da negociação internacional.
  • Contextualmente, RESULTED FROM pode ser substituída por AROSE OUT OF, sem alterar o sentido do texto.
  • TO ARISE OUT OF (arise out of / arose out of / arisen out of).
  • TO RESULT FROM (result from / resulted from / resulted from).

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