sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022


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Mobile risk

Due to the rapid increase and development of mobile communication devices and other items of electronic equipment that emit non-ionizing radiation, there is general public awareness of the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields.

Although various authorities, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), state that no major public health risks have emerged from several decades of research, uncertainties remain. The potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields continue to await scientific clarification.

It may be argued that economic and cultural globalisation has given rise to a collective sensitivity to risk (Jaeger et al., 2001) such that different kinds of claims are admitted to the political agenda. This sensitivity is a generalized awareness of a growing capacity to interfere with nature and an awareness of the fallibility of science, the vulnerability of the human body and the fragility of the biosphere. It is accompanied by a search for epistemological security along with a decrease in public trust in experts, science and technology. Various factors point to this: scientific controversies, for example, are laid bare in the media, those in authority espouse precautionary politics and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles.

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Based on the text, judge the item below.

(   ) The word “layperson” in “and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles” can be correctly translated as leigo.

Resposta :  Correto

- Questão sobre VOCABULÁRIO:

➦ LAYPERSON (= a layman or laywoman) means:

1) someone who IS NOT AN EXPERT IN a particular subject  - alguém que NÃO É ESPECIALISTA em determinado assunto. [Cambridge Dictionary]

2) a person who DOES NOT HAVE EXPERT KNOWLEDGE  of a particular subject. - uma pessoa que NÃO TEM CONHECIMENTO ESPECIALIZADO em determinado assunto. [Oxford Dictionary]

3) A layperson is a person who IS NOT TRAINED, QUALIFIED, or EXPERIENCED in a particular subject or activity. - Um LAYPERSON  é uma pessoa que NÃO É TREINADA, QUALIFICADA ou EXPERIENTE em um determinado assunto ou atividade. [Collins Dictionary]

4) Uma boa tradução de LAYPERSON para o português é LEIGO ou LEIGA.

  • We want to make statistics easier for the layperson to grasp. - Queremos tornar as estatísticas mais fáceis de entender para o leigo. [Oxford Dictionary] 
  • How would you explain to the layperson how gene therapy works? – Como você explicaria para o leigo como funciona a terapia gênica? [Macmillan Dictionary]
  • Intended for the layperson, this book uses straightforward language to aid in identifying more than 500 medicinal plants. - Destinado ao leigo, este livro usa linguagem direta para auxiliar na identificação de mais de 500 plantas medicinais. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary] 
  • [...] Various factors point to this: scientific controversies, for example, are laid bare in the media, those in authority espouse precautionary politics and the layperson’s interpretation of risks in relation to moral justice leads to political and judicial struggles. - Vários fatores apontam para isso: as controvérsias científicas, por exemplo, são desnudadas na mídia, as autoridades defendem políticas de precaução e a interpretação do LEIGO sobre os riscos em relação à justiça moral leva a embates políticos e judiciais.
  • Contextualmente, a palavra LAYPERSON pode ser traduzida corretamente como LEIGO.

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