sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013

ADJECTIVES & Adjetivos - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Questões de vestibulares.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Veremos aqui detalhes técnicos FUNDAMENTAIS para resolução rápida de questões de vestibulares e concursos que envolvem ADJETIVOS:

Adquira "100 QUESTÕES COMENTADAS-ADJECTIVES" com preço promocional, basta visitar o site:

1) ADJETIVO CURTO(Adjetivo monossilábico e adjetivo dissilábico terminado em Y):
-Adjetivo monossilábico:(old, young, high, long, late, light, great, nice, weak).
- Adjetivo dissilábico terminado em Y:(healthy, pretty, crazy, funny, sunny, rainy, foggy, windy, busy).
- Adicione -ER para o comparativo e -EST para o superlativo.

2) ADJETIVO LONGO: demais adjetivos(duas ou mais sílabas).

3) A divisão silábica em inglês é não é igual a divisão silábica em português.

4) Faz-se o comparativo através da inclusão do termo MORE antes de cada adjetivo, e o superlativo, pela inclusão da palavra MOST.

5) O tamanho(curto, longo) do adjetivo só interessa para o comparativo de superioridade.

6) Adjetivo com "ST" no final configura caso típico de "superlativo". 
👲 NÃO PERCA TEMPO, viu adjetivo com ST, marque logo como SUPERLATIVO.

7) Diferença entre comparativo e superlativo:
*No comparativo (A compara com B) , compara-se uma pessoa com outra pessoa, algo com outra coisa, grupo com outro grupo, etc.
*No Superlativo (A compara com BC) , compara-se uma pessoa com um grupo, algo com várias coisas, um grupo com outros grupos, etc.

Veja agora questões sobre ADJECTIVES de diversos vestibulares e exames aqui do Brasil.

12 – (EPCAR-2019) Mark the sentence from the text that is an example of comparative form.
(A) Owned or controlled by an 'employer'.
(B) Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
(C) [...] people are much more vulnerable to slavery [...]
(D) [...] that need to be taken to end slavery across the world.

Resposta:  C

13 – (EEAR-CFS-2018) "[...] It's never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career. And becoming healthier doesn't mean you have to make major changes."

The adjective "healthier", underlined in the text, is a ________.
(A) superlative
(B) comparative of equality
(C) comparative of inferiority
(D) comparative of superiority

Resposta:  D

14 – (IOBV-CFO/PMSC-2017) Choose the alternative that contains the correct answer following the comparative form:

A) Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.
B) My house is more big then yours.
C) This top model is beautifuler than that one.
D) Which is the very dangerous animal in the world?

E) A holiday in the sea is gooder than in the mountain.

Resposta:  A

15 – (EPCAR-2017) "[...] The New Yorker's Tad Friend claims that many people in Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea that we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are taking that obsession a stage further:"

The expression "further" introduces an idea of
(A) exemplification.
(B) contrast.
(C) conclusion.
(D) comparison.

Resposta:  D

16 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-2016) Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below:

No language is easy to learn well,though languages with are related to our first language are ______. Learning a completely different writting system is a huge chalenge, but that does not necessarily make a language _______ another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is ______ language in the world.

(Adapted from    

(A) easier / more difficult / harder 
(B) the easier / more difficult / harder 
(C) as easier as / the most difficult/ the hardest 
(D) easier / more difficult than / the hardest 
(E) the easiest / more difficult than / the harder

Resposta:  D

17 – (EEAR-CFS-BCT-2015) "[...] Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the largest ever floating Christmas "tree" on the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night."

O vocábulo "largest" was used in the text as a:
(A) superlative.
(B) comparative of equality.
(C) comparative of inferiority.
(D) comparative of superiority.

Resposta:  A

18 – (EEAR-CFS-2011)

Evan: Hey, Chloe. What are you doing?
Chloe: I'm drawing a picture for the story I wrote in school today.
Evan: Oh, yeah? 
Terrific. Can I see it? It's very pretty. I like the colors.
Chloe: Thanks, Dad.

O vocábulo "terrific", is opposite to
(A) great.
(B) awful.
(C) excellent.
(D) wonderful.

Resposta:  B

19 – (UVA-CE-2014) Mark the alternative which has the wrong usage of fewer or less.

(A) The fewer exercises you do the less you leam.
(B) Less people will consume less water.
(C) It took them less time to do the exercise; fewer minutes than me.
(D) There are fewer houses without microwave ovens than in the 80s.

Resposta:  B


20 – (UVA-CE-2003) "The more we get together, _______ we will be."
(A) the happier
(B) happier
(C) more happy
(D) happy

Resposta:  A

- TÓPICO: ADJETIVO (Parallel Increase: the + comparativo 1...the + comparativo 2):

*Alternativa (A): the happier
*Alternativa (B): happier
*Alternativa (C): more happy
*Alternativa (D): happy
 IDEIA CONTEXTUAL do AUMENTO PARALELO "mais juntos mais felizes".
"The more we get together, the happier we will be."
(Quanto mais estivermos juntos, mais felizes seremos.)



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