domingo, 11 de junho de 2023

PUC/RS – 2023 – VESTIBULAR – 1º SEMESTRE – MEDICINA – LÍNGUA INGLESA – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PROVA COM GABARITO.



 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – Asylum-seeker smuggling is a symptom, not a root cause | |

01-D,  02-A,  03-C,  04-A,  05-B
06-A,  07-D,  08-B,  09-C,  10-D

 TEXT 1: 


Asylum-seeker smuggling is a symptom, not a root cause
(O contrabando de requerentes de asilo é um sintoma, não a causa principal)

Earlier this month, the Patels – a family of four from India – died of cold exposure trying to walk south through the Canada-U.S. border, near Emerson, Man.
(No início deste mês, os Patels - uma família de quatro pessoas da Índia - morreram de exposição ao frio ao tentar atravessar a fronteira entre o Canadá e os EUA, perto de Emerson, Man.)

Canadian politicians and news media, rather than look at how policies incentivize such irregular migration and produce such tragedies, have been quick to parrot rhetoric from other rich countries, speculating about the responsibility of criminal smugglers and wider networks of nefarious actors. “It is so tragic to see a family perish like this, victims of human traffickers, misinformation and people who have taken advantage of their desire to build a better world,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.
(Os políticos canadenses e os meios de comunicação social, em vez de analisarem a forma como as políticas incentivam esta migração irregular e produzem estas tragédias, têm sido rápidos a repetir a retórica de outros países ricos, especulando sobre a responsabilidade dos traficantes criminosos e de redes mais vastas de agentes nefastos. "É muito trágico ver uma família perecer desta forma, vítima de traficantes de seres humanos, de desinformação e de pessoas que se aproveitaram do seu desejo de construir um mundo melhor", afirmou o Primeiro-Ministro Justin Trudeau.)

The U.S., which for decades has forced irregular migrants to make deadly desert crossings, has criminalized humanitarian groups as smugglers. But while the man arrested in the Patels’ case allegedly sought to profit from their desperation, he did not cause it.
(Os EUA, que durante décadas forçaram os migrantes irregulares a fazer travessias mortais no deserto, criminalizaram os grupos humanitários como contrabandistas. Mas embora o homem preso no caso dos Patels tenha alegadamente tentado lucrar com o desespero deles, não foi ele que o provocou.)

What the political rhetoric around irregular migration misses is that human smuggling is a symptom of the friction between the desire to migrate or find protection, and the absence of safe and legal pathways to do so. Prohibition in the face of high demand only fosters illicit markets, and cracking down on small-time criminals addresses symptoms, not the causes.
(O que a retórica política em torno da migração irregular não vê é que o contrabando de seres humanos é um sintoma da fricção entre o desejo de migrar ou encontrar proteção e a ausência de vias seguras e legais para o fazer. A proibição face a uma procura elevada apenas fomenta os mercados ilícitos, e a repressão dos pequenos criminosos incide sobre os sintomas e não sobre as causas.)

______ 2004, Canada and the U.S. have returned asylum seekers to each other ______ a Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA), which applies only to official ports ______ entry, leading to what is often called a “loophole” in the agreement. In fact, governmental discussions in 2001 recognized that sealing the border would mean more smuggling and a larger undocumented population.
(______ 2004, o Canadá e os EUA devolveram os requerentes de asilo um ao outro ______ um Acordo de Segurança para Terceiros Países (STCA), que se aplica apenas aos portos oficiais ______ de entrada, levando ao que é frequentemente chamado de "BRECHA NA LEI" no acordo. De fato, as discussões governamentais em 2001 reconheceram que selar a fronteira significaria mais contrabando e uma maior população sem documentos.)

Many asylum seekers have crossed between border points to avoid being returned to the U.S., where they would likely face imprisonment and deportation. The route the Patels were using developed precisely because the STCA incentivized irregular crossings.
(Muitos requerentes de asilo atravessaram entre pontos de fronteira para evitar serem devolvidos aos EUA, onde provavelmente enfrentariam prisão e deportação. A rota que os Patels estavam a utilizar desenvolveu-se precisamente porque o STCA incentivava as travessias irregulares.)

Canada is at a crossroads. It can choose hard line policies to the benefit of the Canadian security establishment and create more smugglers, even as its politicians heap blame on them when tragedy strikes. Or it can choose to manage the border by investing in a timelier, fairer asylum system and rethinking how it responds to demand for migration.
(O Canadá encontra-se numa encruzilhada. Pode optar por políticas de linha dura em benefício do sistema de segurança canadiano e criar mais contrabandistas, enquanto os seus políticos os culpam quando ocorre uma tragédia. Ou pode optar por gerir a fronteira, investindo num sistema de asilo mais atempado e mais justo e repensando a forma como responde à procura de migração.)



Circle the alternative that brings the right prepositions to fill in the blanks in paragrah 5.

(A) In – within – after
(B) From – for – since
(C) After – about – on
(D) Since – under – of 


The paragraph below was taken out of Text 1.

“Just three months earlier, the U.K.’s Interior Minister blamed smugglers for the death of 31 people when a boat capsized, and vowed to pass laws to make it illegal to claim asylum.”

After which paragraph in the text can it be placed back?

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5


The word “loophole” (line 31), in this context, denotes

(A) a grant
(B) a prohibition
(C) an opportunity
(D) an obstruction

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
The word “LOOPHOLE” (BRECHA NA LEI), in this context, denotes
(A) a grant (uma subvenção, um subsídio)
(B) a prohibition (uma proibição)
(C) an opportunity (uma oportunidade)
(D) an obstruction (uma obstrução)


The question that does NOT find an answer in Text 1 is

(A) Would a reformed Safe Third Country Agreement limit asylum access?
(B) Are people like the man arrested in the Patels’ case the reason why migrants enter the US?
(C) Are Canada and other rich countries taking advantage of irregular migration by apportioning responsibility to criminal smugglers?
(D) If the politicians took into account the reasons why people migrate, would the causes of human smuggling be effectively addressed? 


Consider the following sentences from text 1 and answer T (true) or F (false).

(  ) The last sentence in Text 1 (lines 44 to 46) presents two examples of adjectives in the comparative degree.

(  ) “avoid being returned” (line 36) is about an action that will/would happen while “remember being arrested” is about an action that has already happened.

(  ) The two instances of the word “such” (lines 05 and 06) have the same idea as “such” in “I cannot imagine anyone living on such a small salary”.

The alternative that presents the correct top-down sequence of answers to the sentences above is

(A) T – F – F
(B) T – T – F
(C) F – T – T
(D) F – F – T


The verb forms “fosters” (line 24) and “cracking down” (line 25), and the adjective “small-time” (line 25), in the context, mean, respectively,

(A) fuel – repress – petty
(B) halt – uphold – major
(C) nurture – restrain – recent
(D) boost – threaten – ingenious


Choose the alternative that best expresses the idea presented in this excerpt (lines 40 to 43).

“It can choose hard line policies to the benefit of the Canadian security establishment and create more smugglers, even as its politicians heap blame on them when tragedy strikes.”

(A) The Canadian security establishment is thought to have chosen hard line policies against smugglers in order to avoid tragedies.
(B) Every time a tragedy happens, politicians will insist on saying it is the smugglers’ fault, even if the hard line policies are discontinued.
(C) Keeping these tough policies will lower smuggling although politicians will carry on blaming the traffickers for the ensuing suffering.
(D) Politicians will still go on blaming smugglers for the striking tragedies, even if hard line policies against trafficking are implemented.




Celebrating its 6th anniversary
(Comemorando seu 6º aniversário)

The #IBelong Campaign marked its 6th year anniversary in November. On this occasion, several activities took place in the region _________ awareness about statelessness, the importance of _________ and the role of the UNHCR, governments and civil society in _________ an end to statelessness in the region.
(A campanha #IBelong completou 6 anos em novembro. Nesta ocasião, várias atividades aconteceram na região _________ conscientização sobre apatridia, a importância de _________ e o papel do ACNUR, governos e sociedade civil em _________ o fim da apatridia na região.)



The words that fill in the blanks correctly in Text 2 are, respectively,

(A) raise – belong – bring
(B) raising – belonging – bringing
(C) to raise – to belong – to bring
(D) raised – belonged – brought 


The alternative that presents three verbs that can relate to the message of Text 2 is

(A) thwart – rebuff – scorn
(B) recognize – loathe – flout
(C) harbor – shelter – bolster
(D) assist – spurn – relinquish


Statelessness” and “awareness” are nouns formed from adjectives by adding a suffix.

The nouns below that are formed from adjectives are

(A) doubtful – painful
(B) leadership – similarity
(C) population – enjoyment
(D) silence – responsibility

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