terça-feira, 10 de junho de 2014



➭ 20 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1) – Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English |
➭ Text (2) – Journal of Sport Management |
➭ Text (3) – Report Writing for Management |
Text 1

Combinations of words in a language can be ranged on a cline from the totally free – see a man / car / book – to the totally fixed – not see the wood for the trees. This latter one is not only fixed in form, it also has nothing whatever to do with wood or trees. Between these two extremes, there is a whole range of nouns that take the verb see in a way that is neither totally predictable nor totally opaque as to meaning. These run from the fairly 'weak' collocation see a film (which elementary students learn as a 'chunk' without pausing to reflect that this is not quite the literal meaning of see) through the 'medium strength' see a doctor to the 'stronger' collocations of see danger / reason / point. It is combinations such as these – particularly in the 'medium strength' area – that are vital to communicative competence in English.
(Source: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English, 2003. p.vii)

👉  Questão   31 
The main topic of the text is the importance of
A) the combination of verbs followed by nouns.
B) putting the right words together to be understood.
C) free and fixed combinations of meanings.
D) teaching different words of language to learners.
E) predictable and opaque forms of words.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  31(B) 
*O tema principal do texto é a importância de...
*Item (A) ERRADO: da combinação de verbos seguido de substantivos.
*Item (B) CORRETO: de juntar as palavras certas para serem entendidas.
*Item (C) ERRADOde combinações de significados livres e fixas.
*Item (D) ERRADOde ensinar diferentes palavras de linguagem para alunos.
*Item (E) ERRADOde formas previsíveis e opacas de palavras.

👉  Questão   32 
According to the author, when students learn chunks of language, they
A) do not pay too much attention to meanings of individual words.
B) practice each word separately and they put it into phrases.
C) are led to believe that 'see a movie' is the same as 'see a book'.
D) learn a full sentence and then break it down for each word.
E) concentrate on the meaning of each word, then use it in sentences.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  32(A) 
De acordo com o autor, quando os alunos aprendem os chunks of language, eles...
*Item (A) CORRETO: eles não prestam muita atenção aos significados de palavras individuais.
*Item (B) ERRADO: eles praticam cada palavra separadamente e as colocam em frases.
*Item (C) ERRADOeles são conduzidos a acreditar que "ver um filme" é o mesmo que "ver um livro".
*Item (D) ERRADO: eles aprendem uma frase completa e depois quebram para cada palavra.
*Item (E) ERRADOeles se concentram no significado de cada palavra, depois usam-na em frases.

👉  Questão   33 
The expression 'can be ranged on a cline’, (line 01) can be translated as
A) se classifica.
B) pode constar.
C) se divide.
D) pode variar.
E) se inclina.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  33(D) 
A expressão 'pode ser variada em um cline', pode ser traduzida como "pode variar".

👉  Questão   34 
In the combination examples in the text, the verb to see has all the meanings below, EXCEPT
A) explain.
B) perceive.
C) understand.
D) visit.
E) distinguish.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  34(A) 
Nos exemplos de combinação no texto, o verbo "to see" tem todos os significados abaixo, exceto...
* Item (A): explicar.
* Item (B): perceber.
* Item (C): entender.
* Item (D): visitar.
* Item (E): distinguir/diferenciar.

👉  Questão   35 
The word whatever, as used in line 03, means
A) anything or everything.
B) what happens is not important.
C) one is annoyed.
D) something one does not know.
E) not at all.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  35(E) 
"[...] This latter one is not only fixed in form, it also has nothing whatever to do with wood or trees."
(Este último não é apenas de forma fixa, também não tem nada a ver com madeira ou árvores.)
*Item (A): qualquer coisa ou tudo.
*Item (B): O que acontece não é importante.
*Item (C): alguém está irritado.
*Item (D): algo que não se sabe.
*Item (E): de modo nenhum.

👉  Questão   36 
For a speaker to understand and be understood without any problems, the most important aspect is
A) native-like pronunciation.
B) perfect writing skills.
C) communicative competence.
D) broad world knowledge.
E) accurate reading ability.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  36(C) 
*Item (A): Pronúncia nativa.
*Item (B): habilidades perfeitas de escrita.
*Item (C): competência comunicativa.
*Item (D): amplo conhecimento mundial.
*Item (E): Capacidade de leitura precisa.

Answer questions 37 to 42 based on Text 2.

Text 2

The works of Kuhn (1996) and other scholars -a- the social construction of knowledge suggest that great insight can be gained -b- an academic field of study -c- investigating interaction patterns between and among scholars. Using a social network perspective, the intent of this study was to empirically explore the social interaction patterns among scholars in the field of sport management. A network model of coauthorship was generated using several rounds of sampling of scholars in the field and archival data collection from relevant journals. The derived network structure was then explored both visually and quantitatively for meaningful patterns. The results of the study essentially tell a story of the evolution and current state of the field’s collaboration structure. Drawing on propositions from the literature on the sociology of scientific knowledge generation, the findings are discussed relative to what the obtained network structure might hold for sport management scholarship.
(Source: Quatman, C. & Chelladurai, P. (2008), The Social Construction of Knowledge in the Field of Sport Management: A Social Network Perspective. Journal of Sport Management, 22, p. 651.)

👉  Questão   37 
The prepositions that can fill in the blanks -a- (line 01), -b- (line 02) and -c- (line 02) in the text are, respectively,
A) on – in – from.
B) about – in – of.
C) of – about – on.
D) on – about – by.
E) in – by – on.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  37(D) 

👉  Questão   38 
This paragraph introduces an article which is most likely aimed at discussing
A) how sharing findings can enrich the work of scholars on sport management.
B) social interactive patterns in scientific written production in general.
C) how to deal with sport for the improvement of scientific knowledge.
D) the history of the evolution of sport from ancient times to this day.
E) the creation of literature on the generation of scientific knowledge.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  38(A) 
Para responder à questão 39, leia os itens abaixo:
I. Jornais.
II. Academias.
III. Pesquisadores.
IV. Periódicos.
V. Estudantes.

👉  Questão   39 
O estudo apresentado no texto foi criado com base em
A) I – II.
B) I – V.
C) II – IV.
D) II – V.
E) III – IV.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  39(E) 

👉  Questão   40 
All of the statements below are true according to the text, EXCEPT:
A) The study investigated patterns of scientific networking.
B) Co-authorship involves two or more than two scientific authors.
C) Kuhn et al conducted significant studies on sport management.
D) Working with partners deepens and broadens scientific expertise.
E) Scientific literature deals with the sociology of the generation of knowledge.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  40(C) 

👉  Questão   41 
The verb “hold”, as used in line 10, can be understood as
A) defend.
B) support.
C) retain.
D) inform.
E) allow.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  41(C) 

👉  Questão   42 
A melhor tradução para o termo “scholarship” (linha 10), neste caso, é
A) aproveitamento.
B) cultura.
C) bolsa de estudos.
D) ensino.
E) intercâmbio.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  42(B) 

Answer questions 43 to 50 based on Text 3.

Text 3

A frustrated executive of a large corporation recently remarked that he is convinced that reports are devices by which the informed ensure that the uninformed remain that way. This reaction, in perhaps less cynical paraphrases, has been voiced by countless people at all levels of management in both industry and government. It is important not so much because it epitomizes widespread discontent, but perhaps it strikes at the core of the systems by which information is developed, decisions are made, and organizations are managed.
As corporations grow and government agencies multiply, the need for effective management information and control systems becomes more critical, and reports are the essence of such systems. Unfortunately, many reports are less than ideal. At best, they are compilations of discursive discourses in ponderous prose. At worst, they are compilations of indigestible data that confuse and overwhelm the reader. As a result, important actions are delayed or never taken; or even more serious, the actions taken are based on misunderstanding.
(Source: GALLAGHER, W. J. (1969), Report Writing for Management. Addison Wesley, Massachussetts, USA, p.1.

👉  Questão   43 
The opening statement of the text is
A) inaccurate.
B) patronizing.
C) enlightening.
D) simplistic.
E) ironical.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  43(E) 

👉  Questão   44 
According to the text,
A) it seems not too many people have criticized business writings.
B) the author disapproves of so many government
C) control systems should be more and more critical.
D) reports cannot often be understood.
E) the author is a frustrated executive.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  44(D) 
To answer question 45, read again the sentence from the text (lines 01 and 02):
A frustrated executive of a large corporation recently remarked that (i) he is convinced that (ii) reports are devices by which (iii) the informed ensure that (iv) the uninformed remain that (v) way.

👉  Questão   45 
The words highlighted in the sentence which can be omitted are
A) i, ii, iii.
B) i, ii, iv.
C) ii, iii, iv.
D) ii, iv, v.
E) iii, iv, v.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  45(B) 

👉  Questão   46 
The verb used with the noun "action" in the text is "to take" – actions never taken / the actions taken. When learning a foreign language, it is important to learn how words go together, so one does not use "to do" or "to make" in this case, for example. This is
A) collocation.
B) denomination.
C) verbalization.
D) verb phrase.
E) noun phrase.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  46(A) 

👉  Questão   47 
In line 04 in the text, we read "(…) epitomizes widespread discontent". To epitomize means
A) to be the best possible example of a particular type of thing.
B) to want something very much and in a way that is
hard to control.
C) to influence or control how something is done.
D) to become less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears.
E) to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  47(A) 

👉  Questão   48 
The only verb that really adds a syllable in the past tense, which can consequently be separated at the end of a line, is
A) frustrated (line 01).
B) remarked (line 01).
C) convinced (line 01).
D) voiced (line 03).
E) developed (line 05).
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  48(A) 

👉  Questão   49 
A melhor tradução para "it strikes at the core" (linhas 04 e 05) é
A) morde a isca.
B) chega ao coração.
C) encontra o centro.
D) atinge em cheio.
E) ataca o cerne.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  49(D) 

👉  Questão   50 
All of the words below have both a prefix and a suffix, EXCEPT:
A) Uninformed (line 02).
B) Countless (line 03).
C) Unfortunately (line 09).
D) Indigestible (line 10).
E) Misunderstanding (line 12).
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  50(B) 

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