sexta-feira, 28 de abril de 2017

FUMARC-2014-CBM/MG-Aspirante do Corpo de Bombeiro-Concurso Público do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar/MG - Prova de Inglês com gabarito e questões comentadas -

Hey, what's up dear friends!
Welcome back to another post!
PROVA de INGLÊS da FUMARC-2014-CBM/MG-Aspirante do Corpo de Bombeiro, aplicada em 16/02/2014.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 05 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 04 alternativas cada, tudo em inglês).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [to arrange = organizar]
• [to choose = escolher]
• [to deal = lidar, tratar]
• [to find = encontrar]
• [to judge = julgar]
• [to pick you up = levantar/erguer alguém]
• [sort out your wardrobe = arrumar/organizar seu guarda-roupa]
• [look after your diary = cuidar da sua agenda diária]
• [you can find = você pode encontrar]
• [we can begin to see that = podemos começar a ver que]
• [clothes = roupas]
• [geek = é usada para se referir a pessoas OBCECADAS por tecnologia, eletrônica, games e outros.]
• [psychotherapist = psicoterapeuta]
• [wardrobe = guarda-roupa]
• [nervous (Nôrvês) = nervoso]
• [closely = de perto]
8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [dinner party = banquete]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [ = ]
• [make a decision = tomar uma decisão]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English and so on):
• [ = ]
• [but rose high up = mas subiu alto]
• [ = ]
(A) actually X atualmente.
• [actually (Ák'shuLí) = na verdade. NÃO É atualmente.]
• [atualmente = currently (Kórênt'Lí)]
Vamos à Prova:
• TEXTORead the text below and choose the best answer.

Life coaching - you know what your problem is?
Derek Workman        
These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The significant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.
Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.
👉 Questão  46 
The main purpose of Life Coach is to
(A) avoid people telling you what to do, who you should be, trying to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are.
(B) choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough.
(C) encourage people to find the answers to all life’s problems from within, not from without.
(D) pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.

R E S P O S T A :   C

• O principal objetivo do Life Coach é ...
(A) avoid people telling you what to do, who you should be, trying to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are.
• evitar que as pessoas lhe digam o que fazer, quem você deveria ser, tentando mudar você porque somos todos perfeitos como somos.
(B) choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough.
• escolher suas roupas para você, ou arrumar seu guarda-roupa, se você já tiver o suficiente.
(C) encourage people to find the answers to all life’s problems from within, not from without.
• encorajar as pessoas a encontrar as respostas para todos os problemas da vida de dentro, não de fora.
• Informação (C) de acordo com o trecho:
• "[...] To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make"
• Pra nos ajudar a fazer isso, é o papel da Life Coach - alguém que NÃO NOS JULGARÁ, que NÃO NOS DIRÁ o que fazer e está lá para NOS APOIAR nessas decisões de vida nervosa que todos nós devemos tomar.
 [the Life Coach = o Treinador da Vida]
(D) pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
• buscá-lo, ajudá-lo e dar a sua vida um novo começo.
👉 Questão  47 
All the statements below are characteristics of Life Coach, EXCEPT:
(A) Don't tell you what to do and who you should be.
(B) To arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary.
(C) To chat with the clients on a regular basis telephone.
(D) To encourage you to find answers to all life's problems.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
Todas as declarações abaixo são características do Life Coach, EXCETO:
*Alternativa (A): Não te dizer o que fazer e quem você deveria ser.
*Alternativa (B): organizar seus jantares e outra pessoa que vai cuidar do seu diário.
*Alternativa (C): conversar com os clientes em um telefone de base regular.
*Alternativa (D): Encorajá-lo a encontrar respostas para todos os problemas da vida.
👉 Questão  48 
In "[…] chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone.", THEM refers to
(A) a Life Coach.
(B) Europa, America, India and Australia.
(C) the clients.
(D) the corporate ladder.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
Em "[...] conversando com eles regularmente por telefone.", ELES se refere a
*Alternativa (A): um treinador de vida.
*Alternativa (B): Europa, América, Índia e Austrália.
*Alternativa (C): os clientes.
*Alternativa (D): a escada corporativa.
👉 Questão  49 
The clients of Life Coach are people who want

(A) someone else to look after their diary.
(B) to find a psychotherapist.
(C) to find someone to help them deal with their problems.
(D) to make some change in their life.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
Os clientes da Life Coach são pessoas que querem
*Alternativa (A): alguém para cuidar do seu diário.
*Alternativa (B): para encontrar um psicoterapeuta.
*Alternativa (C): para encontrar alguém para ajudá-los a lidar com seus problemas.
*Alternativa (D): para fazer alguma mudança em sua vida.
👉 Questão  50 
In "[…] we don't actually need all these people to look after us.", actually MEANS:
(A) really.
(B) nowadays.
(C) likely.
(D) firmly.

R E S P O S T A :   B

• Em "[…] we don't actually need all these people to look after us."(na verdade não precisamos de todas essas pessoas para cuidar de nós.)actually significa:
(A) really.
• Olha o falso cognato "ACTUALLY"...cuidado com os famigerados falsos cognatos. Eles são verdadeiras armadilhas na hora da prova. Eles se parecem com o português, mas não têm o mesmo significado.
• [actually na verdade = realmente = de fato] 
(B) nowadays.
• hoje em dia.
(C) likely.
• provável.
(D) firmly.
• com firmeza.

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