domingo, 2 de outubro de 2022


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AFA-2022/2023-PROVA (Versão A) - QUESTÃO Nº 03.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. 

(DICKENS, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. Penguin Books, 1994.)

The extract above 

a) develops the idea that nothing is as it seems.

b) presents an account of a series of recent contentions.

c) suggests that there is room for debate on the level of comparisons presented.

d) establishes an analogy between the past and the time in which a story takes place. 

Resposta :  C



* IT WAS THE ... = Foi a ... = Era a...

1) It was the best of times – Foi o melhor dos tempos.

2) It was the worst of times – Foi o pior dos tempos.

3) It was the age of wisdom – Foi a era da sabedoria.

4) It was the age of foolishness  – Foi a era da tolice.

5) It was the epoch of belief – Foi a época da crença.

6) It was the epoch of incredulity – Foi a época da incredulidade.

7) It was the season of Light – Era a estação da Luz.

8) It was the season of Darkness –  Era a estação das trevas.

9) it was the spring of hope – Foi a a primavera da esperança. 

10) it was the winter of despair – Foi o inverno do desespero.

WE HAD ... = Tínhamos ... 

1) We had everything before us  – Tínhamos tudo diante de nós.

2) We had nothing before us –  Não tínhamos nada diante de nós.

WE WERE ALL GOING TO... = Todos íamos para...... 

1) We were all going direct to Heaven – Todos íamos direto para o céu,

2) We were all going the other way – Todos íamos para o outro lado.


1) IN SHORT – Em suma, Resumindo.

2) SO FAR LIKE – Tão parecido com.

3) NOISIEST AUTHORITIES – autoridades mais barulhentas.

4) FOR  – a maior empresa de navegação da Rússia.

5) the Russian seizure – a tomada russa.


1) For good or for evil = Por bem ou por mal.

* "For good or for evil" e "For better or for worse" são expressões equivalentes.


1) global shipping = worldwide shipping  o transporte marítimo mundial.

2) to dock - atracar.

3) from calling on its ports – de escalar em seus portos

4) to make its next port call – fazer sua próxima escala.

5) the crude oil tanker – o navio petroleiro.

6) oil terminal – terminal petrolífero.

7) cargo vessels – embarcações cargueiras. 


The extract above (O resumo acima)

a) develops the idea that nothing is as it seems.

(DESENVOLVE A IDEIA DE QUE nada é o que parece.) 

-INCORRETA porque desenvolve uma ideia de analogia entre dois tempos e não a ideia de que nada é o que parece.

b) presents an account of a series of recent contentions.

(APRESENTA UM RELATO DE uma série de contendas recentes.)

-INCORRETA porque o texto não menciona "a series of recent contentions".

c) suggests that there is room for debate on the level of comparisons presented.

(SUGERE QUE há espaço para debate sobre o nível de comparações apresentado.)

-INCORRETA porque o texto sugere QUE NÃO HÁ ESPAÇO DE DEBATE indicada pela expressão "", conforme o trecho:

"[...] in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. "

em suma , o período era tão parecido com o atual, que algumas de suas autoridades mais barulhentas insistiam em que fosse recebido, para o bem ou para o mal, apenas no grau superlativo de comparação.

d) establishes an analogy between the past and the time in which a story takes place.

(ESTABELECE UMA ANALOGIA ENTRE o passado e o tempo em que uma história se passa.)

CORRETA porque o autor sugere que o período passado foi muito parecido com o presente, conforme o trecho:

 "[...] in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. "

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