sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2024

UFGD–MS–2023–Vestibular–Língua Inglesa–Universidade Federal da Garnde Dourados–Prova com Gabarito.

 05 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.

How do we know the world is getting warmer?
Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.

The average temperature at the Earth's surface has risen about 1.1C since 1850. Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century.

These conclusions come from analyses of millions of measurements gathered in different parts of the world. The temperature readings are collected by weather stations on land, on ships and by satellites.

Multiple independent teams of scientists have reached the same result – a spike in temperatures coinciding with the onset of the industrial era. Scientists can reconstruct temperature fluctuations even further back in time. Tree rings, ice cores, lake sediments and corals all record a signature of the past climate.

This provides much-needed context to the current phase of warming. In fact, scientists estimate the Earth hasn't been this hot for about 125,000 years.

How do we know humans are responsible for global warming?

Greenhouse gases - which trap the Sun's heat - are the crucial link between temperature rise and human activities. The most important is carbon dioxide (CO2), because of its abundance in the atmosphere.

We can also tell it's CO2 trapping the Sun's energy. Satellites show less heat from the Earth escaping into space at precisely the wavelengths at which CO2 absorbs radiated energy.

Burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees lead to the release of this greenhouse gas. Both activities exploded after the 19th Century, so it's unsurprising that atmospheric CO2 increased over the same period.

There's a way we can show definitively where this extra CO2 came from. The carbon produced by burning fossil fuels has a distinctive chemical signature.
Available in: Access in: 17 Aug. 2022.
According to the text, which of the statements show the correct answer for the question: “How do you know the world is getting warmer?”
(A) Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
(B) The temperature readings are collected by weather stations on land, on ships and by satellites. Multiple independent teams of scientists have reached the same result.
(C) There's a way we can show definitively where this extra CO2 came from.
(D) In fact, scientists estimate the Earth hasn't been this hot for about 125,000 years.
(E) Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
According to the text, which of the statements show the correct answer for the question: “How do you know the world is getting warmer?”
De acordo com o texto, quais das afirmações apresentam a resposta correta para a pergunta: “Como você sabe que o mundo está esquentando?”
(A) Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Nosso planeta vem aquecendo rapidamente desde o início da Revolução Industrial.
(B) The temperature readings are collected by weather stations on land, on ships and by satellites. Multiple independent teams of scientists have reached the same resultAs leituras de temperatura são coletadas por estações meteorológicas em terra, em navios e por satélites. Várias equipes independentes de cientistas chegaram ao mesmo resultado.
(C) There's a way we can show definitively where this extra CO2 came from. Há uma maneira de mostrarmos definitivamente de onde veio esse CO2 extra.
(D) In fact, scientists estimate the Earth hasn't been this hot for about 125,000 years. Na verdade, os cientistas estimam que a Terra não estava tão quente há cerca de 125.000 anos.
(E) Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century. Além disso, cada uma das últimas quatro décadas foi mais quente do que qualquer outra que a precedeu, desde meados do século XIX.
How do we know the world is getting warmer?
Como sabemos que o mundo está esquentando?
Our planet has been warming rapidly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
Nosso planeta vem aquecendo rapidamente desde o início da Revolução Industrial.

The average temperature at the Earth's surface has risen about 1.1C since 1850.
A temperatura média na superfície da Terra aumentou cerca de 1,1ºC desde 1850.
Furthermore, each of the last four decades has been warmer than any that preceded it, since the middle of the 19th Century.
Além disso, cada uma das últimas 4 décadas esteve mais quente do que qualquer outra que a precedeu, desde meados do século XIX.
• the middle of (os meados de).
• has been (esteve)(Present Perfect).
These conclusions come from analyses of millions of measurements gathered in different parts of the world.
Estas conclusões provêm de análises de milhões de medições recolhidas em diferentes partes do mundo.
The temperature readings are collected by weather stations on land, on ships and by satellites.
As leituras de temperatura são coletadas por estações meteorológicas em terra, em navios e por satélites.
• weather station (estação meteorológica, estação climática).
Multiple independent teams of scientists have reached the same result – a spike in temperatures coinciding with the onset of the industrial era.
Várias equipas independentes de cientistas chegaram ao mesmo resultado – um aumento nas temperaturas que coincide com o início da era industrial. 
Scientists can reconstruct temperature fluctuations even further back in time. Tree rings, ice cores, lake sediments and corals all record a signature of the past climate.
Os cientistas podem reconstruir as flutuações de temperatura ainda mais atrás no tempo. Anéis de árvores, núcleos de gelo, sedimentos lacustres e corais registram uma assinatura do clima passado.
This provides much-needed context to the current phase of warming. In fact, scientists estimate the Earth hasn't been this hot for about 125,000 years.
Isto fornece o contexto muito necessário para a atual fase de aquecimento. Na verdade, os cientistas estimam que a Terra não estava tão quente há cerca de 125 mil anos.
How do we know humans are responsible for global warming?
Como sabemos que os humanos são responsáveis pelo aquecimento global?
Greenhouse gases - which trap the Sun's heat - are the crucial link between temperature rise and human activities. 
Os gases de efeito estufa – que retêm o calor do Sol – são o elo crucial entre o aumento da temperatura e as atividades humanas.
The most important is carbon dioxide (CO2), because of its abundance in the atmosphere.
O mais importante é o dióxido de carbono (CO2), devido à sua abundância na atmosfera.
We can also tell it's CO2 trapping the Sun's energy.
Também podemos dizer que é o CO2 que retém a energia do Sol. 
Satellites show less heat from the Earth escaping into space at precisely the wavelengths at which CO2 absorbs radiated energy.
Os satélites mostram menos calor da Terra escapando para o espaço precisamente nos comprimentos de onda em que o CO2 absorve a energia irradiada.
Burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees lead to the release of this greenhouse gas.
A queima de combustíveis fósseis e o corte de árvores levam à liberação desse gás de efeito estufa.
Both activities exploded after the 19th Century, so it's unsurprising that atmospheric CO2 increased over the same period.
Ambas as atividades explodiram após o século XIX, por isso não é surpreendente que o CO2 atmosférico tenha aumentado durante o mesmo período.
There's a way we can show definitively where this extra CO2 came from.
Há uma maneira de mostrarmos definitivamente de onde veio esse CO2 extra.
The carbon produced by burning fossil fuels has a distinctive chemical signature.
O carbono produzido pela queima de combustíveis fósseis tem uma assinatura química distinta.
Available in: Access in: 17 Aug. 2022.

What is an effective way of getting people to cut down on meat?

A meat tax, or “sin taxes” would be most effective yet almost all government subsidies promote meat consumption. In the UK, the best (1) of how this might work is the tax on the soft drinks industry. It mainly (2) manufacturers reformulating products, and didn’t put the burden on the consumer. A meat tax would mainly incentivise manufacturers to put (3) meat in products (eg, a sausage might have 60% meat instead of 70%) but there is no government appetite for it.

There are many reasons for this, including lobbying from interest groups saying it would (4) the domestic farming sector. Neoliberal governments also have a tendency to believe the market will internalise health and environmental costs if better information is provided, and the government does not want to appear to be a “nanny state”, says Dominic Moran, professor of agricultural and resource economics from the University of Edinburgh. There is also concern the burden of taxes falls disproportionately on lower income groups. “But this isn’t (5) ,” says Moran.

If you make it easier for companies to advertise products that are better for the environment, you expose fewer people to products which are bad for the environment. Good in theory, but it would be really hard to work out what should be regulated because (6) tobacco, eating meat is not all bad for people, it’s just the quantity it is being eaten in. It would also be hard to know what needs to be regulated – would it just be (7) red meat, or chicken too? What about organic?
Available in: AndroidApp_Other. Access in: 16 Aug. 2022 (adapted).
No texto apresentado, foram omitidos sete termos cujas grafias estão contidas nas alternativas a seguir. Assinale a que completa, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas numeradas nele.
(A) 1. evident; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitability; 6. unlike; 7. processed
(B) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitably; 6. unlike; 7. unprocessed
(C) 1. evidently; 2. involved; 3. lost; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. like; 7. processed
(D) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. lost; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. unlike; 7. processed
(E) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. unlike; 7. processed
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
(A) 1. evident; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitability; 6. unlike; 7. processed
(B) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitably; 6. unlike; 7. unprocessed
(C) 1. evidently; 2. involved; 3. lost; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. like; 7. processed
(D) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. lost; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. unlike; 7. processed
(E) 1. evidence; 2. involved; 3. less; 4. damage; 5. inevitable; 6. unlike; 7. processed
What is an effective way of getting people to cut down on meat?
Qual é uma forma eficaz de fazer com que as pessoas reduzam o consumo de carne?
A meat tax, or “sin taxes” would be most effective yet almost all government subsidies promote meat consumption.
Um imposto sobre a carne, ou “impostos sobre o pecado”, seria mais eficaz, mas quase todos os subsídios governamentais promovem o consumo de carne.
In the UK, the best (1) of how this might work is the tax on the soft drinks industry. It mainly (2) manufacturers reformulating products, and didn’t put the burden on the consumer.
No Reino Unido, a melhor (1) forma de isto funcionar é o imposto sobre a indústria dos refrigerantes. Principalmente (2) os fabricantes reformularam os produtos e não colocaram ônus sobre o consumidor.
A meat tax would mainly incentivise manufacturers to put (3) meat in products (eg, a sausage might have 60% meat instead of 70%) but there is no government appetite for it.
Um imposto sobre a carne incentivaria principalmente os fabricantes a colocar (3) carne nos produtos (por exemplo, uma salsicha pode ter 60% de carne em vez de 70%), mas não há apetite do governo por ela.
There are many reasons for this, including lobbying from interest groups saying it would (4) the domestic farming sector.
Há muitas razões para isto, incluindo o lobby de grupos de interesse que afirmam que isso (4) afectaria o sector agrícola nacional.
Neoliberal governments also have a tendency to believe the market will internalise health and environmental costs if better information is provided, and the government does not want to appear to be a “nanny state”, says Dominic Moran, professor of agricultural and resource economics from the University of Edinburgh.
Os governos neoliberais também tendem a acreditar que o mercado irá internalizar os custos de saúde e ambientais se for fornecida melhor informação, e o governo não quer parecer um “Estado babá”, diz Dominic Moran, professor de economia agrícola e de recursos do Universidade de Edimburgo.
There is also concern the burden of taxes falls disproportionately on lower income groups. “But this isn’t (5) ,” says Moran.
Há também a preocupação de que a carga fiscal recaia desproporcionalmente sobre os grupos de rendimentos mais baixos. “Mas isso não é (5)”, diz Moran.
If you make it easier for companies to advertise products that are better for the environment, you expose fewer people to products which are bad for the environment.
Se facilitarmos às empresas a publicidade de produtos que são melhores para o ambiente, exporemos menos pessoas a produtos que são prejudiciais para o ambiente.
Good in theory, but it would be really hard to work out what should be regulated because (6) tobacco, eating meat is not all bad for people, it’s just the quantity it is being eaten in.
Bom na teoria, mas seria muito difícil definir o que deveria ser regulamentado porque (6) o tabaco e o consumo de carne não são de todo maus para as pessoas, é apenas a quantidade em que é consumido.
It would also be hard to know what needs to be regulated – would it just be (7) red meat, or chicken too? What about organic?
Também seria difícil saber o que precisa ser regulamentado – seria apenas (7) carne vermelha ou frango também? E quanto aos orgânicos?

Why does Nature Loss Matter?
Nature is our life-support system. From the fresh air we (1) breathe to the clean water we (2) drink, nature (3) provides the essentials we all rely on for our survival and well-being. And it also holds the key to our (4) prosperity, with millions of livelihoods and much of our economic activity also depending on the natural world. These immense (5) benefits to humanity, estimated to be worth around US$ 125 trillion a year, are only possible if we maintain a rich (6) diversity of wildlife.
Available in: Access in: 16 Aug. 2022.

De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que indica a classificação correta das palavras destacadas.
(A) The bold words (1) breathe, (2) drink, (3) provides are verb, noun and adjective respectively.
(B) The bold words (4) prosperity, (5) benefits, (6) diversity are noun, noun and adjective respectively.
(C) The bold words (1) breathe and (2) drink are verbs; but (3) provides and (4) prosperity are nouns.
(D) The bold words (5) benefits and (4) prosperity are nouns, but (3) provides and (2) drink are verbs.
(E) The bold words (6) diversity and (4) prosperity are adjectives, but (3) provides and (1) breathe are verbs.
      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que indica a classificação correta das palavras destacadas.
(A) The bold words (1) breathe, (2) drink, (3) provides are verb, noun and adjective respectively.
(B) The bold words (4) prosperity, (5) benefits, (6) diversity are noun, noun and adjective respectively.
(C) The bold words (1) breathe and (2) drink are verbs; but (3) provides and (4) prosperity are nouns.
(D) The bold words (5) benefits and (4) prosperity are nouns, but (3) provides and (2) drink are verbs.
(E) The bold words (6) diversity and (4) prosperity are adjectives, but (3) provides and (1) breathe are verbs.
Why does Nature Loss Matter?
Por que perda da natureza é importante?
Nature is our life-support system.
A natureza é o nosso sistema de suporte à vida.
From the fresh air we (1) breathe to the clean water we (2) drink, nature (3) provides the essentials we all rely on for our survival and well-being.
Do ar fresco que (1) respiramos à água limpa que (2) bebemos, a natureza (3) fornece os elementos essenciais de que todos dependemos para a nossa sobrevivência e bem-estar.
And it also holds the key to our (4) prosperity, with millions of livelihoods and much of our economic activity also depending on the natural world.
E também contém a chave para a nossa (4) prosperidade, com milhões de meios de subsistência e grande parte da nossa atividade econômica também dependendo do mundo natural.
These immense (5) benefits to humanity, estimated to be worth around US$ 125 trillion a year, are only possible if we maintain a rich (6) diversity of wildlife.
Estes imensos (5) benefícios para a humanidade, estimados em cerca de 125 biliões de dólares por ano, só serão possíveis se mantivermos uma rica (6) diversidade de vida selvagem.

Available in: Access in: 28 Aug. 2022.
Com base no cartum apresentado, é correto afirmar que
(A) o efeito de humor se dá a partir das palavras “have” e “work”, pois se parte do pressuposto de que cachorros não trabalham.
(B) o efeito de humor se marca pelas palavras “have” e “unemployed”, pois é pelo jogo com tais palavras que se dá a ambiguidade. 
(C) a palavra “work” apresenta duplo sentido, portanto é responsável pelo efeito de humor no texto.
(D) a palavra “unemployed” carrega duplo sentido, isso ocorre devido ao prefixo “un”, o que promove o efeito de humor no texto.
(E) o efeito de humor ocorre devido ao duplo sentido das palavras “work”, “unemployed” and “jokes”.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Com base no cartum apresentado, é correto afirmar que
(A) o efeito de humor se dá a partir das palavras “have” e “work”, pois se parte do pressuposto de que cachorros não trabalham.
(B) o efeito de humor se marca pelas palavras “have” e “unemployed”, pois é pelo jogo com tais palavras que se dá a ambiguidade. 
(C) a palavra “work” apresenta duplo sentido, portanto é responsável pelo efeito de humor no texto.
(D) a palavra “unemployed” carrega duplo sentido, isso ocorre devido ao prefixo “un”, o que promove o efeito de humor no texto.
(E) o efeito de humor ocorre devido ao duplo sentido das palavras “work”, “unemployed” and “jokes”.
- I have a few jokes about unemployment dogs ... but none of them work.
►  O verbo polissêmico "WORK que poderá ser traduzido como TRABALHAR se o sujeito for animado mas será provavelmente FUNCIONAR se o sujeito for inanimado: compare The man works (O homem trabalha) com The machine works (A máquina funciona).  
A polissemia é a propriedade da palavra de apresentar significados distintos que só podem ser explicados dentro de um contexto.
►No cartoon o efeito de humor se marca pela sutuação polissêmica dada pelo por "WORK, gerando ambiguidades, veja:
I have a few jokes about unemployment dogs ... but none of them work.
►Tenho algumas piadas sobre cães desempregados... mas nenhum delas funciona. (CONTEXTO 1 - sujeito "jokes").
►Tenho algumas piadas sobre cães desempregados... mas nenhum deles trabalha(CONTEXTO 2- sujeito " dogs").

Read the following statements and choose the sentence that shows an example of passive voice.
(A) In the movie, sharks are portrayed as vengeful creatures who recognize and try to kill individual people.
(B) Now, as Sam mentioned, "Jaws" made many people nervous about swimming in the sea.
(C) George Burgess has spent 40 years studying the cause of shark attacks in his job.
(D) Movie posters appeared in cinemas all over the USA with the now notorious words.
(E) The shark in Jaws had a grudge.
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
Read the following statements and choose the sentence that shows an example of passive voice.
(A) In the movie, sharks are portrayed as vengeful creatures who recognize and try to kill individual people. 
(B) Now, as Sam mentioned, "Jaws" made many people nervous about swimming in the sea. (Past Simple na voz ativa)
(C) George Burgess has spent 40 years studying the cause of shark attacks in his job. (Present Perfect na voz ativa)
(D) Movie posters appeared in cinemas all over the USA with the now notorious words. (Past Simple na voz ativa)
(E) The shark in Jaws had a grudge. (Past Simple na voz ativa)

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