sábado, 17 de outubro de 2020

UFSC-2007- VESTIBULAR da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Prova de Inglês com gabarito e Questões Comentadas - https://valdenorenglish.blogspot.com/


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NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da UFSC-2007, aplicada em 12/2006.
 COPERVE - Comissão Permanente do Vestibular.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 10 Questões
 totalizando 50 ITENS do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula a questão.
 05 Textos.
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [to appear = aparecer]
 [to happen = acontecer]
 [ = ]
 [If you've never heard of = Se você nunca ouviu falar de]
 [ = ]
 [character (Kéurêk'thôr) = Caso típico de 'linguistic ambiguity'(possui mais de um significado possível)]
 [character (1) = personagem]
 [character (2) = caráter]
 [masterpiece (Mástôr'Pís) = refere-se a um quadro, livro, filme etc. que seja reverenciado por conta de sua excelente qualidade.]
 [work of art (uôrkVórtch) = obra de arte, refere-se a qualquer quadro, estátua etc. executado por um artista.]
 [novelist = romancista]
 [ties = laços]
 [lebanese (lébãNís) = libanês]
 [routinely = rotineiramente]
8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
 [dramatic portrait = retrato dramático]
 [growing metropolis = metrópole em crescimento]
 [indigenous people = povo indígena]
• [Lebanese immigrants = Imigrantes libaneses]
 [recent arriving immigrants = imigrantes recém-chegados]
 [remote jungle village = aldeia remota da selva]
 [twin brothers = irmãos gêmeos]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
 [ = ]
• [It's no wonder that = Não é à toa que]
 [over half of whom now = mais da metade das quais agora]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Business English, Finance English, Legal English and so on):
 [ = ]
 [Although = embora]
• [Brazil's greatest novelist = O maior romancista do brasil]
• [in the reader's mind = na mente do leitor]
 [The novel’s immigrants = Os imigrantes do romance]
(A) distinctive X distintivo:
 [distinctive (dêsTênktêv) = peculiar, característico, diferente. NÃO É distintivo.]
 [distintivo  = badge (Bádji)]
(B) novel X novela:
 [novel (Nóvél) = romance (livro de romance). Não é novela.]
 [novela = soap opera (sôuPópôra)]
➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
Another Amazon
Candace Slater
The Brothers (Dois Irmãos), written by the Amazonian novelist Milton Hatoum, tells of the conflicts between two deeply different twin brothers in a family of Lebanese immigrants to the Brazilian city of Manaus. A dramatic portrait of a region that is routinely defined in biological, economic, and ethnographic terms, the story happens in a growing metropolis which has ties with both the surrounding river and forest.
There are, to be sure, plenty of other realistic fictions about the Amazon. Hatoum's novel is, however, quite different from these other works in a number of ways. First, the book is one of a very small number of works by authors born in the Amazon that have obtained national and international recognition. The only real comparison in this regard is the work of Márcio Souza, also from Manaus, author of Mad Maria. Then too, in its focus not upon the forest but on the city, the novel stands apart from the great majority of other literary portraits of the region.
In this novel Manaus is not shown as a remote jungle village, but as a today's industrial metropolis of 1.5 million persons. Although indigenous people do appear in its pages, they live together with recent arriving immigrants from various other corners of the world. The central place of Manaus in the novel effectively emphasizes the urban reality of today's Amazon—a region of some 23 million people, over half of whom now live in big and little cities.
Disponível em: <http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/eh/10.4/forum.html> (Adapted) Acesso em: 15 jun. 2006.
👉 Questão  11 :
Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the information in the text.
01. Milton Hatoum belongs to a family of Lebanese writers.
02. The story focuses on the biological aspects of the Amazon.
04. The city described in the novel is different from the reality.
08. Some of the characters in the novel are indigenous people.
16. The novel’s immigrants come from many different countries.
32. Approximately twenty-three million people live in the Amazon today.

R E S P O S T A :   08+16+32 = (56)

• Selecione a (s) proposição (ões) CORRETA (s) de acordo com as informações do texto.
01. Milton Hatoum belongs to a family of Lebanese writers.
• Milton Hatoum pertence a uma família de escritores libaneses.
02. The story focuses on the biological aspects of the Amazon.
• A história enfoca os aspectos biológicos da Amazônia.
04. The city described in the novel is different from the reality.
• A cidade descrita no romance é diferente da realidade.
08. Some of the characters in the novel are indigenous people.
• Alguns personagens do romance são indígenas.
16. The novel’s immigrants come from many different countries.
• Os imigrantes do romance vêm de muitos países diferentes.
32. Approximately twenty-three million people live in the Amazon today.
• Aproximadamente vinte e três milhões de pessoas vivem na Amazônia hoje.
👉 Questão  12 :
According to the text, select the CORRECT answer(s) to the following question: Why is the novel Two Brothers different from other realistic fictions about the Amazon?
01. Its author writes about national and international themes.
02. The book is special because there aren’t many fictional works about the Amazon.
04. It’s a successful novel whose author is a native of the Amazon.
08. The story is similar to Márcio Souza’s Mad Maria.
16. In the novel, more attention is given to the city than to the forest.
32. It’s much better than the other literary portraits of the region.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+16 = (20) 
01. Its author writes about national and international themes.
02. The book is special because there aren’t many fictional works about the Amazon.
04. It’s a successful novel whose author is a native of the Amazon.
08. The story is similar to Márcio Souza’s Mad Maria.
16. In the novel, more attention is given to the city than to the forest.
32. It’s much better than the other literary portraits of the region.
👉 Questão  13 :
According to the text, select the proposition(s) in which all the expressions are related to Manaus.
01. surrounded by the forest – big population – urban development
02. metropolitan area – Lebanese families – half of the Amazon’s population
04. far from the jungle – developed by indigenous people – successful city
08. Lebanese immigrants – large busy city – connected to the river
16. environmental facts – indians and immigrants – jungle reality
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08 = (09) 
01. surrounded by the forest – big population – urban development
02. metropolitan area – Lebanese families – half of the Amazon’s population
04. far from the jungle – developed by indigenous people – successful city
08. Lebanese immigrants – large busy city – connected to the river
16. environmental facts – indians and immigrants – jungle reality
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908)
Machado de Assis was born in Rio de Janeiro, the son of a house painter and a Portuguese woman. Machado received little formal education. He learned French from a neighboring baker. Machado worked as a printer's apprentice at the National Press, and later he was a salesman and a proof-reader in a bookshop. During these years he started to write stories, poems, and novels. He began to gain fame as a poet in his mid-twenties, and by the late 1860s he had become a successful Brazilian man of letters.
He is widely regarded as Brazil's greatest novelist. Machado wrote nine novels, eight short-story collections, four volumes of poetry, 13 plays, and numerous critical essays. He often satirized middle-class values and behavior. Machado de Assis was an astute observer of the human mind and he revealed its dark sides. He shared with many authors of his period a reformist concern, but his view was colored with irony and skepticism.
His most famous novel, Dom Casmurro, is marvelously humorous, and sinister. Machado creates provoking unresolvable doubts in the reader's mind. It's no wonder that he is considered Brazil's greatest novelist and Capitu his most fascinating heroine; like the Mona Lisa, much lies hidden behind a superb portrait. If you've never heard of Machado de Assis, do yourself a favor and seek him out. He's well worth the effort.
Disponível em: <http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/machado.htm> (Adapted)
<http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/266/Dom%20Casmurro.htm> (Adapted) Acesso em: 15 jun. 2006.
👉 Questão  14 :
Select the proposition(s) in which both statements are CORRECT, according to the text.
Machado became a recognized author in the second half of the 19th century.
Machado became a recognized poet when he was 20 years old.
Machado’s first occupation was in a bookshop.
Machado’s texts instigate the readers and it is not surprising that they are considered great.
Machado had a critical attitude and his writings revealed that. The novelist’s mother was not born in Brazil.
Machado didn’t stay very long at school.
Machado differed from the other authors of his time by his critical sense of humor.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+08 = (12) 
Machado became a recognized author in the second half of the 19th century.
Machado became a recognized poet when he was 20 years old.
Machado’s first occupation was in a bookshop.
Machado’s texts instigate the readers and it is not surprising that they are considered great.
Machado had a critical attitude and his writings revealed that. The novelist’s mother was not born in Brazil.
Machado didn’t stay very long at school.
Machado differed from the other authors of his time by his critical sense of humor.
👉 Questão  15 :
Select the proposition(s) that is (are) CORRECT, according to the text.
01. Capitu is more fascinating than Mona Lisa.
02. Machado is considered the best Brazilian writer of novels.
04. Machado wrote fewer plays than novels.
08. Dom Casmurro is Machado’s most humorous novel.
16. Machado wrote more short-stories and poems than novels.
32. Both Capitu and Mona Lisa are mysterious characters.
64. There are many lies behind the Mona Lisa’s portrait.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+16+32 = (50) 
01. Capitu is more fascinating than Mona Lisa.
02. Machado is considered the best Brazilian writer of novels.
04. Machado wrote fewer plays than novels.
08. Dom Casmurro is Machado’s most humorous novel.
16. Machado wrote more short-stories and poems than novels.
32. Both Capitu and Mona Lisa are mysterious characters.
64. There are many lies behind the Mona Lisa’s portrait.
👉 Questão  16 :
The following are comments about Machado and his literature. Select the proposition(s) in which both (a) and (b) can MEANINGFULLY COMPLETE the beginning of the sentence. 01. Machado de Assis is Brazil's greatest novelist,
(a) and ranks high among the most appealing writers in the world.
(b) one of the most distinctive novels of the turn of the century. 02. Machado offers the pleasures of a 19th-century writer
(a) who is more modern than some of our so-called moderns.
(b) and ranks high among the most appealing writers in the world.
04. Like Mozart in music, Machado was able to achieve
(a) who is more modern than some of our so-called moderns.
(b) great effects with the minimum of resources.
08. It took many years for the critics and the public to recognize Dom Casmurro as
(a) what today almost every critic considers to be Assis's masterpiece.
(b) one of the most distinctive novels of the turn of the century. 
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+08 = (10) 
01. Machado de Assis is Brazil's greatest novelist,
(a) and ranks high among the most appealing writers in the world.
(b) one of the most distinctive novels of the turn of the century. 02. Machado offers the pleasures of a 19th-century writer
(a) who is more modern than some of our so-called moderns.
(b) and ranks high among the most appealing writers in the world.
04. Like Mozart in music, Machado was able to achieve
(a) who is more modern than some of our so-called moderns.
(b) great effects with the minimum of resources.
08. It took many years for the critics and the public to recognize Dom Casmurro as
(a) what today almost every critic considers to be Assis's masterpiece.
(b) one of the most distinctive novels of the turn of the century.
The Da Vinci Code – from book to film
The Da Vinci Code reached number one in the New York Times Best Seller list the week it was published in 2003, and has sold over 40 million copies worldwide.
The author, Dan Brown, recently won a court case in which he was accused of plagiarism. Two historians, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, accused Brown of using ideas from their 1982 book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail. In fact, this is the second time Brown has been accused of plagiarism: he won a similar battle against the American Lewis Perdue, author of the 1983 novel, The Da Vinci Legacy.
The controversy has increased sales of all the books involved, and has provided excellent publicity for the film version of The Da Vinci Code, an intriguing thriller combining religious symbolism, murder and secret societies.
From: SPEAK UP. São Paulo. Editora Peixes, no 230, p. 6-7. Jul. 2006. (Adapted)
👉 Questão  17 :
Select the question(s) that CAN BE ANSWERED according to the information in the text.
01. How many copies of the book have been bought? 02. Who did Brown accuse of plagiarism?
04. How many times has Brown been accused of illegal copying?
08. When was Brown accused by Perdue?
16. Where are the three accusers from?
32. What type of movie is The Da Vinci Code?
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+32 = (37) 
01. How many copies of the book have been bought? 02. Who did Brown accuse of plagiarism?
04. How many times has Brown been accused of illegal copying?
08. When was Brown accused by Perdue?
16. Where are the three accusers from?
32. What type of movie is The Da Vinci Code?
👉 Questão  18 :
Select the proposition(s) that can MEANINGFULLY COMPLETE the last paragraph of the text.
01. The publisher of both books said they will lose the case.
02. The film was shown at this year’s Cannes Festival, where it received its international release.
04. Previous books have explored the theme of the holy union of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.
08. His wife carries out research for him, suggests ideas and reads his first drafts.
16. The director Ron Howard worked with Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou in this celebrated production.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+16 = (18) 
01. The publisher of both books said they will lose the case.
02. The film was shown at this year’s Cannes Festival, where it received its international release.
04. Previous books have explored the theme of the holy union of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.
08. His wife carries out research for him, suggests ideas and reads his first drafts.
16. The director Ron Howard worked with Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou in this celebrated production.
Before she was famous…
J K Rowling was born near Bristol in 1965. She always wanted to be a writer, and her first book was called Rabbit, which she wrote when she was six years old. She grew up in a town in the south-west of England, and when she left school, she went to Exeter University. After that, she moved to London and worked for Amnesty International.
She first had the idea for a Harry Potter book in 1990 when she was on a long train journey. But in the same year, she went to Oporto in Portugal and worked as an English teacher. When she was there, she met a Portuguese journalist – they got married and had a baby. Unfortunately, the marriage wasn’t a long one and she left with her baby daughter, in 1993. She came back to Britain and lived in a small flat in Edinburgh. She was unemployed and didn’t have much money, but she continued writing. She also did a teaching course and then became a French teacher in a school in Edinburgh. In 1997, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published.
Rowling’s first three books sold over 35 million copies in three years, and in 2001 Chris Columbus made the first Harry Potter film. J K Rowling still lives in Edinburgh.
From: Natural English – Elementary. Oxford:
Ruth Gairns & Stuart Redman, 2006, p. 56.
👉 Questão  19 :
What do the dates in the text refer to?
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
01. 1965 – J K Rowling wrote her first book.
02. 1990 – J K Rowling worked as a teacher in Portugal.
04. 1993 – J K Rowling returned to Britain.
08. 1997 – Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone got a lot of publicity.
16. 2001 – Rowling’s first three books were filmed.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+04 = (06) 
01. 1965 – J K Rowling wrote her first book.
02. 1990 – J K Rowling worked as a teacher in Portugal.
04. 1993 – J K Rowling returned to Britain.
08. 1997 – Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone got a lot of publicity.
16. 2001 – Rowling’s first three books were filmed.
👉 Questão  20 :
Select the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the following sentence.
The text above gives information about J K Rowling’s _______.
01. childhood
02. education
04. parents
08. present husband
16. hobbies
32. previous occupations
64. future plans
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02+32 = (35) 
The text above gives information about J K Rowling’s _______.
01. childhood
02. education
04. parents
08. present husband
16. hobbies
32. previous occupations
64. future plans

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